The final chapter of Quiet World of White is here everyone! *Sigh*, what a thrill ride this has been right? Well first off, thank you all who have stuck beside me in this series and encouraged me to continue with it. I can't express my happiness enough with mere words, so I'll leave it at that. I have to practice with this guy's POV, so I'll let him have center stage for a little while before I switching POVs. Now on with the epic conclusion!

Please read and enjoy!

Chapter 12

(Kai's POV)

"Warning. Warning. Nanotech supply has reached below sixty percent. Commencing shut down of visionary output function to reduce depletion levels until reserve units can be applied."

The voice of Zane's CPU was the only indication we had to know our brother was still alive, but he wasn't going to be for long if we didn't act fast, I think as I watch Zane's hazel eyes dim then close completely.

There were three large, perfectly circular holes of impalement going through Zane's abdomen and a thick white substance was pouring out from the holes and staining his robes.

That substance could only be my brother's blood…

"Kuso," I curse while using my hands to apply pressure to the wound, but little good it did since Skalidor's trident went all the way through him.

Screw this, we have to move!

"Cole, we have to get Zane back to the Bounty!" I yell tersely at the wounded black ninja kneeling beside me.

I try hard not to focus on the large axe still imbedded in Cole's shoulder, his crimson blood tinting the blade cruelly.

If Cole's armor hadn't been there to shelter the blow—

"Yeah, you're right," Cole says, interrupting my morbid thoughts, "Jay, we're going to have to rely on you to save Zane, but Kai and I will help in any way we can."

I turn to Jay to see him remove his PMS from his ear and nod at Cole, his eyes grim, but focused as we all rise together.

"Jay, grab Sasha's Bo Staff then follow," Cole orders the blue ninja and Jay obeys.

Cole held Zane carefully so as not to jar his body anymore than he had to and leapt up into the nearest tree with Jay and me following.

Leaving the bloodbath behind, we made our way back to the Bounty at a rapid pace.

With the landing of each bound, bouts of sharp pain coming from my right side would cause me to grimace.

I grit my teeth and wound my arm around my middle in an attempt to cover the long blade laceration with my hand.

Damn it, I may need stitches.

Sorry-ass Fangpyre…

I look over at Jay to see how he was holding up.

Aside from a few scrapes and bruises he seemed fine, no doubt because of his unparalleled speed and keen reflexes.

We reach the boundary of dense Malcalania Forest and activate our Spinjitsu Vehicles.

"I contacted Sensei Wu and Lloyd, they should be waiting for us on the deck with Zane's schematics," Jay informs us over the communication line as we race off for home.

Otōto ni hanguappu shite kudasai…

Sure enough just as Jay said, Sensei and Lloyd were waiting for us with a first aid kit, Jay's toolbox, and Zane's blueprints. We halt beside our home and dispel our vehicles then jump up over the railings.

"By the gods, I did not want to believe it…"

Sensei looks at each of us with such a grave expression, it was difficult to bare.

Cole lays Zane down gently on the deck and the white ninja's blood begins to pool below him at a stifling rate, the quick rise and fall of his chest alerting us to his critical condition.

Lloyd rushes over to give Jay Zane's blueprints then we all crowd around to kneel beside Zane's body.

"Warning. Warning. Nanotech supply has reached below fifty percent. Commencing shut down of audible range input function to reduce depletion levels until reserve units can be applied."

"Damn it Jay, hurry up!" I yell intolerantly at him, balling my fists and turning my sights back to my pain stricken brother.

Cole had removed Zane's hood most likely for him to breathe a bit better, but we needed some nano-whatever for him to survive.

Zane gave another strangled cough and more white blood trickled from the corner of his mouth.


"We need Zane's falcon!" Jay exclaims suddenly and we all snap out attention to him in confusion.

"What? Why?" Cole asks urgently, but Jay was already standing up and looking to the sky.

"Because he has the reserve nanotech units we need for Zane, plus his internal mechanisms contains a dialysis function we can use to filter in the white blood. He won't be completely healed from it, we'll need to repair his mainframe and wiring for that, but at least he'll be out of the danger zone."

"Okay, so nanotech units equal white blood?" Cole asks for clarification.

"And Zane's falcon equals Zane's survival?" I ask as well for the same reason.

"Yes and yes," Jay replies shortly while still scanning the heavens.

"But, we haven't seen him in days!" Lloyd shouts nervously from beside Cole.

"Zane, can you call him up?!" I ask frantically to the distressed white ninja in front of me.

"Kai, don't you remember. He can't hear us anymore," Cole reminds me swiftly.

I slam my fist down on the deck in furious frustration.

One damn problem after anot—

*Quack Quack Quack!*

I look behind me to see Howard and Lilia rise from their nest in the corner.

I remember seeing Sasha let them out this morning…

They waddle quickly towards us and begin to flap their wings with purpose. Soon they are airborne and flying away in an unknown direction.

What the…

"WHERE THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU GUYS ARE GOIN'!" I scream angrily at the retreating tail feathers of Sasha's ridiculous pets.

"Warning. Warning. Nanotech supply has reached below forty percent. Commencing shut down of humorous input and output function to reduce depletion levels until reserve units can be applied."

"Heh, you'd think that would be the first thing to shut down," Jay jokes with tactless sarcasm and walks over to kneel beside me.

His eyes give the sky one last pleading look before he focuses on Zane.

"Guys…if the falcon doesn't show up soon…then Zane will—"

"Shut up Jay…" I growl out threateningly and reach into my belt to remove a kunai.

"Kai, what are you doing!"



"Kai wait what—"

"Anata no subete o damare!" I yell interrupting Jay and jerking my hand back from his grasp.

"You guys are acting like Zane's already gone, but I'm not gonna read him his last rites yet!"

With my outburst I position the blade over my dying brother and carefully slash through his robes down the middle to reveal his torso and bloodied abdomen.

I then turn my glare sharply to the lightning ninja beside me.

"Do something Jay, anything to give us more time."

My brother's blue eyes flash with lightning as he returns my glare, but I also see worry and remorse.

He zeroes in on Zane's upper body and he reaches out to press the imperceptible keys hidden along Zane's left side.

Once the door to his innards is open, we all take in the extent of the damage done to his system.

Multiple wires and circuits were severed by Skalidor's trident and sparks would randomly fly along the tips of the cut wires. His motherboard was where the trident pierced through and behind it was the cavity in which the white blood was flowing from.

Jay took a deep breath and got out his tools.

"Okay, its best if I start from the back and work my way to the front," he mumbled getting to work on Zane's circuitry.

"Jay, how do you know what to do? Did Zane share this knowledge with you?" Sensei Wu asks with intrigue.

Jay nodded and replied without taking his eyes off his treatment to Zane.

"After we all found out that Zane was a nindroid, I became very curious about his anatomy and physiology. I wanted to know what made him tick, so I just asked him and he was more than happy to share when he learned all he could about himself."

Jay's fingers flowed over Zane's framework with expertise and finesse as he continued to explain what he knew about our nindroid brother.

"The more I listened the more I realized Zane's father was a bioengineering genius. You see, his father wanted Zane to have relatively the same functions as a human body and gave him artificial organs, we can't see them because they are behind his motherboard here, but believe me they're there. It's the reason why he has to eat and sleep like the rest of us not to mention, he brushes his teeth and combs his hair. I was really surprise to find out he had actual human hair, however he lacks the ability to grow his hair out, so there's no anagen, catagen, or telogen cycle his hair will remain the same length and color forever. Cole, pinch that wire tight with the pliers while I fix the breakage over here and Kai, clean up the spilt white blood carefully around this area, so as not to cause corrosion."

Cole and I are released from our flabbergasted stupor and quickly do as instructed by the blue genius and Jay continues to work and talk diligently.

No one dares to interrupt him…

"His integumentary system is very complex and difficult to explain, so I won't go into much detail, but Zane has the same multiple layers of ectodermal tissues we have, but it serves more to camouflage than to actually protect. For you see, his skin merely covers the real protectorate and that is the titanium alloy his body is made up of though I do find it strange that Zane is made of titanium and his falcon is made of gundanium. Okay, good job guys I've repaired his framework and wiring, but I was only able to limit the amount of blood flow escaping from his abdominal cavity, we need—"

"Framework operation restored now awaiting filtering process of nanotech units and application of reinforced junatanium to safeguard mainframe."

"Junatanium!? Are you kidding me?! We don't have any of that, you have any idea how expensive that stuff is you stupid computer and I know we need nanotech, but we need to have the FREAKIN' FALCON—"


"ZANE?!" We all shout in surprise and lean over to the whispering white ninja, so we could make out what he was saying.


"Hayate? Who's—"

*Sharp cry of bird of prey*

*Quack Quack Quack!*

Everyone snaps their heads up consecutively in astonishment of the return of Zane's falcon and my eyes widen even more at seeing Howard and Lilia flanking him on both sides.

"They…they went to find him," I say in awe.

Howard, Lilia…thank you.

You are allowed to wake me up with your glorious quacking any day from now on.

"That must be Hayate!" Lloyd exclaims excitedly getting up and jumping up and down waving his arms about, "Down here guys! We need you Hayate!"

Hayate glides down swiftly beside Zane's head and gives a troubled cry. Howard and Lilia land beside me and I give each of them a pet along their back feathers in expression of my gratitude.

"Thanks guys," I whisper softly to them.

*Quack Quack*

Lilia followed Howard as they went back to their nest to rest, but they kept a watchful eye on the situation.

I turn back to others to continue to observe the progress of Zane's treatment.

"Come on Hayate, climb aboard," Jay instructs while holding his arm out for Hayate to hop onto.

Once he does the blue bomber opens the dark purple avian's chest cavity and presses a few switches.

Soon, a single tube is connected from Hayate to Zane and by Jay's thumb up I know we are in the clear.

"Reserve nanotech units filter process successful. Returning operation capabilities to previous functions: visionary output, audible range input, and humorous input and output. Warning, leakage of nanotech units detected in lower right quadrant reinforced junatanium needed to safeguard mainframe."

"Sigh, I have no idea what to do about that," Jay laments with frustration.

"You have done enough brother."

Zane sat up slowly and wiped his mouth with the back of his gloved hand. His hazel eyes looked to each of us in gratitude.

"Thank you, my family, but now we must focus on more pressing matters."

"Agreed," Cole gritted out painfully and reached behind him to grasp the handle of the axe. In one swift motion he pulls it out and hurls it over the side of the ship.

Sensei Wu immediately stands up, walks over to the onyx ninja and begins to treat his wound.

"You will need stitches Cole, but all I can do for you is disinfect and bandage it until we can get to Twilight."

"It will have to do, but I can still fight Sensei," Cole replies fiercely, "I have to rescue Sasha and the other kunoichi."

"And so you will," Came Sensei's calm reply, "and so will Kai after I have treated his wound as well."

How did he…never mind.

"How could the battle have gone so badly?" Lloyd questions while shaking his head.

"Because it was a diversion from the start," Zane replies while removing the tube and closing the door to his innards, "a ploy to lure us into an ambush, so they could abduct the kunoichi."

"Yeah, but what the hell for? What are they hoping to accomplish besides pissing us off!?" Jay yells vehemently and stands up.

"Do not let your anger mislead you, use it instead for determination and resolve to save the kunoichi from the Serpentine," Sensei advises while patting Cole on the back and making his way towards me.

Oh I'm determined all right…

Determined and resolved to burn the flesh from their bones!

"There's no time to speculate on why they did it," Cole says standing up and rotating his shoulder with a slight wince, "we need to find out where they are."

"Jay, we can use the PMS right? Don't try to call them that might cause unwanted trouble just see if you can pinpoint their location," I say looking up at him while Sensei finishes with putting a clean bandage over the cut and wrapping gauze around my middle.

"Already on it," the Ninja of Lightning confirms hastily.

"Sorry about…telling you to shut up Sensei. I was a little…angry," I say apologetically.

"Kai, I have grown use to your emotional outbursts, but do not let it happen again or—"

"Or face disastrous consequences," I finish with a smirk.

Sensei pats my back and I stand up with my brothers.

A harsh winter gale blows over us and sweeps the long tails of our hoods to the east.

Multiple resounding beeps come from Jay's PMS and we all look at him expectantly.

"They're…underground near Ouroboros, have been for the past hour," Jay reports looking up from the PMS.

I could feel the fire inside me ignite in anticipation of the upcoming battle.

I'm so ready…

"Alright let's go," Cole says turning around and walking towards the mainland and the rest of us follow wordlessly.

"Sensei and I will have the Bounty ready for a quick get-a-way, so just give the word," Lloyd calls after us and I give a two-finger signal to let him know we heard him.

"I only have one request brothers," Zane's voice is low and ominous as he addresses us and we stop to look at him.

The slash I made down the center of his robes left his upper body slightly exposed to the elements, but he gave no notice to the continuing harsh winter winds.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he was the one causing them.

"If Skalidor survived…"

Zane's hand rises up and a large amount of white ice cold energy gathers in his palm.

"He's mine..."

(Ayane's POV)

Complete and utter darkness…

I had been chained and shackled to a wall in a dark damp room waiting for…whatever they were planning to do to me.

I have no idea where Nya and Sasha were, but I did get a glimpse of them struggling against their abductors and I had called out to them.

And they had replied, each of us calling out each other's name in desperation and reassurance of our well-being.

My sisters are okay, but…Zane…

A strangled gasp of despair escapes my throat, but I fight back the tears that threatened to fall.

The sight of that giant grotesque black cobra plunging his trident through Zane's back will forever be etched in my mind.

Zane…no…why didn't you let go…?

His pure hazel eyes displayed unwavering devotion and love…for me.

Numerous emotions bombard my psyche and my body begins to shake uncontrollably because of it.

Sadness, pain, grief, desolation…

"As Amaterasu as my witness," I whisper to the darkness surrounding me, "I will slay each and every one of these god-forsaken snakes and rescue my sisters."

Anger, loathing, hatred, rage…


I look up and search the room anxiously, but all I see is darkness.

D-Divinity? How…

We are forever connected Ayane even if we're miles apart, your thoughts and feelings are sent right to me. Listen to me young huntress, you must NEVER lose yourself to the darkness it is not your way.

But, Divinity…Zane…

Retribution will come for the Serpentine general, but not by your hand. Focus on finding me and your sisters and getting out alive.

I take a deep shuddering breath and release it.

Yes Divinity, you're right. I'm sorry.

Stay alert young huntress, Serpentine are coming your way.

Just then two deep contemptible hisses echo throughout the room and torches become lit along the walls.

I blink my eyes slowly to adjust to the sudden light and see two giant Serpentine a mere few feet away from me.

One was a large purple and black one with an insanely long neck and glowing hot pink eyes and the other…the same large black spiked reptile that killed Zane…

I bow my head slightly and glare murderously at the cobra from behind my bangs, but I keep my mouth shut and don't give away my obvious scorn with words.

"You smell like you've been cooked Skalidor," the purple one comments with a low hiss, "if the battle was that deadly, you should've taken a few more troops with you."

I then take notice of the charred patches of darker scales along his side and face, a small smile crease my lips from behind my mask as I see the wounded snake before me.

"These wounds are nothing Pythor, a mere tribute to my victory. Not only was I able to complete my mission, but I was able to kill the white ninja as well," Skalidor hisses with triumph.

My breath quickens in grief as negative emotions threaten to overtake me again, but I close my eyes and remember Divinity's words.

Retribution will come…

Pythor's bright pink eyes widen and he gives a great laugh in content at Skalidor's news.

"Well done Skalidor, perhaps you should be my right-hand hmm?"

Skalidor straightens up and hits his broad chest in a respectful salute to Pythor.

"It would be a great honor to serve you as your first general my king and I promise you would here only good news from here on out if you were to grant me the privilege."

"Hmm, we shall talk about it later. First, we must discuss the plan with the kunoichi," Pythor says while turning his repulsive pink stare on me, "So this one is yours then?"

My eyes widen in fear…

"Yes, she is the one I've chosen to be my mate," Skalidor replied with a pleasured hiss.

"NO!" I shout and struggle with renewed vigor against my shackles.

Both snakes laugh with rambunctious glee and Skalidor slithers closer to me.

He grabs my head with his large clawed hand forces me to look him in the eye.

"I think you will enjoy being a snake my dear. I promise to be a much more suitable and…generous mate than that pitiful white ninja whose name is never worth mentioning."

I can't stop the sorrow and angry tears from falling this time and he let's go of my head to let me grieve from behind the curtains of my hair as it falls.

"Yes well, let's get on with it then," I hear Pythor say nonchalantly and I hear more slithering as he nears me as well.

A sharp needle is jammed into the right side of my neck and I give a hiss of pain at the sudden unwelcome burning sensation.

"The blood of the other kunoichi has already been drawn, she is the last and upon your order the water kunoichi has been placed in Genetic Mutation Tank," Skalidor informs with a boastful voice.


"Excellent, I want my beautiful queen as soon as possible," Pythor hissed with anticipation as he removed the needle from my neck.

He then turns around and slithers away and Skalidor follows.

"Might I ask who has claimed the wind kunoichi Pythor?" Skalidor asks with keen interest and I lift my head weakly to peer at their withdrawing coils.


"Hmm? Oh Skales won the bout at the coliseum while you were away on your mission, so he has claimed her, but you shall have the honor of placing your chosen mate in the GMT next Skalidor."

"Thank you very—"

"My king, General Skalidor! It's the ninja, they have come!"

I shake my head rapidly from side to side to clear it and focus on the new snake that entered the room.

"What?! They found us, but how?!" Skalidor roars madly.

"Never mind how Skalidor!" Pythor growls at his general then whirls on the messenger snake, "Have all of our forces guard the kunoichi and especially my queen!"

"Yes my king!" The messenger snake replies and makes a quick exit.

"Handle the troops as you see fit sire, I will guard my kunoichi myself," Skalidor says with confidence and the large wicked trident from before materializes in his claws.

"Very well…"

And with that Pythor leaves me alone with this miserable creature.

The proud black cobra slithers his way back to me and glares wordlessly in my eyes and I return it ten-fold.

"I will not allow them to take you from me," he hisses dangerously.

"I am afraid you do not have a choice…"

Skalidor's coils whirl around as he faces the voice.

That voice…

A deep dangerous edge was added to the always calm and sophisticated tone.

"Zane!" I cry in complete and utter relieved happiness.

(Zane's POV)

"Ayane…" I breathe out in relief quickly taking in her unharmed, but disheveled state.

The lower half of her face was still covered by her mask, however her eyes were wet and I knew she had been crying.

Skalidor moves slightly and I quickly refocus my attention on the Serpentine general, instead of advancing though he retreats back to where Ayane is shackled to the wall.

"Do you not know it's impolite to interrupt a conversation white ninja," he hissed lowly and turned his head slightly and bent down to Ayane's level, "especially between two future mates," and he lowered Ayane's mask with a clawed finger and licked her cheek.

Ayane closed her eyes in repulsion and turned her head to the side, but the black cobra general just laughed throatily.

My eyes widened at what I just witnessed and I could feel my element inside me react violently.


Is this what Kai feels so often?

I grit my teeth behind the mask of my hood and try to quell the wrath within me.

No, he is trying to bait me to attack recklessly and I cannot afford to make any mistakes.

My brothers and I had incapacitated numerous Serpentine using stealth tactics as we traversed the underground labyrinth, unfortunately due to my weakened state I had lost my footing and tripped the alarm.

We pushed through the massive waves of Serpentine using everything we had and I let my senses guide me here.

To this confrontation with Skalidor…

"I must say I thought I'd rid myself of you in the previous battle white ninja, fortunately that mistake can be easily rectified given your terrible wounds," Skalidor taunts flicking his forked tongue out and advancing towards me.

I grasp my Shurikens of Ice tightly and settle in my battle stance.

"You look a little worst for wares yourself Skalidor, perhaps I can relieve you of your pain…permanently," I bite out with the frost of Shiva herself.

"Hmph, we shall see…DIE!"

Skalidor charges and thrusts his trident at my chest, but I side-step the attack and swing my shurikens in a quick downward arc hoping to slash his unguarded right.

Moving quicker than I anticipated, my attack only grazes him as he releases the hold of his trident with his right claw and turns swiftly to counter with his long muscled tail.

Unable to dodge, I have no choice, but to defend the attack with my shurikens. My body is lifted off the ground from the impact and I am thrown against the stone wall.


A scream of pain escapes me before I can stop it as my back circuits cry out in protest from the brutal attack.

"Zane, in front of you!"

I take heed to Ayane's warning and gather my bearings quickly in preparation to evade the next attack. When it comes, I turn gracefully in my side-step and use my spinning momentum to release a powerful roundhouse kick to Skalidor's head.

"Arrrgh! You wretched cretin!"

Using his discombobulated state to my advantage, I follow-up with a cross slash with my shurikens slicing through his chest.

His dark green blood flows heavily.

Skalidor growls and his pupils dilate intensely as he grips his trident firmly.

In retaliation to my attack, he expertly twirls his weapon knocking one of my shurikens from my hand and performs a heavy horizontal slash that connects and cuts deeply through my exposed chest.

The pain is excruciating, nevertheless I reel in my agony with discipline and stagger away from my opponent.

When my back hits the wall parallel to Ayane, I place my hand over the new wound on my chest in a futile attempt to stifle the flow of my white blood.


In my peripheral I see Ayane struggle against her shackles to try and reach me.


I push myself off the wall and focus once more on my adversary.

"You fight well white ninja, but now it ends," the wounded snake sneers in contempt and slithers rapidly towards me.

I close my eyes and feel the ice inside me shoot outward.

Yes Skalidor, now it ends…

I open my eyes and see everything in crystal clarity I grasp the blade of the offending trident with my free hand and strike the weapon with my shuriken with the other.

The weapon freezes and falls to the ground.

I close the distance between myself and Skalidor and take hold of the Serpentine general's temple.

I command my element to come forth in its most fearsome form and in a flash of brilliant white light, Skalidor's entire body transmogrifies into a pure ice statue.

You showed no mercy to me, so I shall respond in kind.

I back away and raise my right leg straight up high and bring it down with enough force on the Serpentine's head it shatters his entire body into broken shards of ice.


"Vengeance is a dish best served cold…"

I glance briefly at the shattered shards of my fallen enemy before stumbling over to Ayane's restrained form.


I kneel in front of her and gasp in fatigue, but I have enough power left to summon a single shard of ice chiseled to a fine lock pick and remove Ayane's shackles with trembling hands.

Once she is free she embraces me tightly and I fall against her in exhaustion unable to even lift my arms to return her affection.


"Shhh, hold on Zane. I will help you," the delicate sure whisper of her voice chimes in my ears and it seems like ages since I heard her speak softly.

She attempts to turn me around and I struggle to assist her, soon I am slouched and leaning against her soft mounds.

"Sigh, if only I were lucid enough to appreciate this position, not to mention if the atmosphere was a bit more romantic," I let out in mild delirium.

My hood is pushed back and I feel her soft lips press gently on the side of my temple.

A small chuckle reverberates from her chest.

"Your disorientation albeit comical I need you more aware, so we can leave this horrid place," she whispers once more and her heavenly hands glide over my torn torso plus my damaged abdomen.

"Hmm yes, so we may reach Twilight and I can show you some of the most exquisite sites then perhaps afterwards you can express your gratitude with the kiss that originated from one side of your family."

Her hands stay in position, but her body stiffens at my words and I can just imagine that gorgeous blush on her sun-kissed cheeks.

The warmth alighting from Ayane's hands instantly awakens my mind to alertness. I look down and not only see, but feel the repair of my skin and mainframe.


Her head was resting lovingly against mine and from my peripheral I could see the shimmering white gold of her hair as she used her powers to heal me, furthermore the light rose tint on her angelic face.

When she opens her eyes, I continue to observe her unabashed by my bewitchment of her beauty so close and more importantly…safe with me.

I turn my head slightly and catch her gaze with mine.

I know what I want to do…

No, what I need to do…

This may not be the correct time or place if the sounds of battle in the distance were any indication, but…

I lean closer and she does too, her long eyelashes flutter then the warmth of her breath touches my lips…


I abruptly pull away from Ayane and face the entrance to the damp room.

There stood six armed Serpentine rallying and pointing their weapons at Ayane and me.

Sigh, yes definitely not the correct time or place.

I move to stand, but Ayane places her hand on my shoulder and I turn to glance at her.

"This time Zane, its mine turn to protect you," she says with a stern expression and climbs to her feet gracefully.

She steps forward and her hair once more adorns it brilliant white gold hue.


The Serpentine screeched and charged Ayane.

"NINJA-GO!" Ayane shouts intensely and she becomes a dazzling white gold tornado of Light.

She easily overcomes her attackers and hurls them back from which they came.

I stand up and summon my shurikens back to me.

Ayane dispels her Spinjitsu and stop beside her.

"You are becoming stronger Ayane," I praise her whole-heartedly and place my hand on her shoulder.

She glances back at me and gives a happy, but tired smile.

Suddenly, a black and aqua streak flashes by the doorway followed by a blue, purple, and a red one.

"That most be our cue to take our leave Ayane, let us go," I say and take her hand firmly.

Together we sprint after the others and do not look back to the screams and hisses of the enraged Serpentine.

"We're almost there!" Jay shouts with enthusiasm and beyond the tunnel I see the beginnings of the setting sun.

"Where are Zane and Ayane?!" Cole yells urgently from the front.

"We are here Cole safe and sound!" I shout back to my leader, "We are behind Kai!"

Kai looks back at us and removes the PMS from his ear.

I then see the Bow of Divinity strapped securely to his back.

"Glad you guys are alright! I contacted Lloyd and Sensei they should be able to pick us up as soon as we exit Cole!"

"Alright! Please hang on Sasha!" Cole exclaims desperately and that's when I realize he was carrying a slightly aqua-scaled Sasha in his arms.

Oh no…

We shoot through the exit tunnel and immediately leap over the railing and onto the Destiny's Bounty.

Despite the use of only one engine, we rocket away from the tunnel leading to the Underground Labyrinth of the Serpentine and continue in the direction of Twilight.

Cole collapses to his knees with Sasha still in his arms and with one hand pulls his hood back.

"Sasha? Sasha come on please wake up," Cole pleads quietly and cups her aqua-scaled cheek tenderly.

Sasha's eyelashes flutter and soon she opens her eyes…

Her slitted storm grey reptilian eyes…


"Cole…I'm sssstill changing," she says weakly with a strangled hiss.

"No…no…no…we'll find a way to help you I promise just please be strong for me," Our leader chokes out with difficulty.

None of us can offer a single word of comfort to the distressed couple and sorrow and helplessness overwhelm my system.

Sasha shakes her head slowly and lifts up a clawed hand and places it on Cole's cheek.

"I…will lose…myssself soon…before that happenssss…you musssst…kill me."

Cole shook his head fervently.

"No, you know I can't Sasha. I love you."

Fresh tears fell from Sasha eyes and Cole suddenly leaned down to place his mouth by Sasha's ear.

His words were spoken too softly for me to detect, but I noticed the widened eyes of Sasha and the rapid rise and fall of her chest as her breathing became erratic.

Her body was soon encased in a brilliant aqua light and when it dimmed the Sasha we once knew had returned to us.

"Sasha? Sasha!" Cole shouted with joy and embraced the Kunoichi of Water tightly when he too noticed her normal state.

"It was the same," Nya whispers with relief and a few tears, "It was the same as the cure for the Fangpyre bite."

"Accelerated heart rate," Jay nods with a fond smile and hugs Nya from behind.

"Sigh, what a relief," Kai sighs while removing his hood tiredly.

Sasha's face still maintained its shell-shocked expression and she questions to Cole in bewilderment.

"What the hell did you just say to me…?"

Cole just laughs joyously without replying and we join in as well for multiple reasons.

(Later that night)

(Ayane's POV)

I roll over and stare at the ceiling.

Sigh, what a day this has been.

After we had calmed down once Sasha had returned to normalcy, I took the time to heal everyone's battle wounds.

I then ordered the guys to remove their ninja suits, so that I could have time to repair them.

Nya, Sasha, and I had discussed the plot of the Serpentine and revealed to the others that they had taken samples of our blood to produce a new breed of powerful female soldiers.

We all deduced even more difficult battles were to come, but first we had to find the last Elemental Master…

The Master of Darkness…

"Ugh, I can't sleep," I grumble tiredly and sit up on my bed.

Even though my body was tired my mind wouldn't shut off for some reason, so I slipped out of bed, put on a pair of loose pajama pants over my shorts, and exit Sasha's and I shared room.

I walk down the moonlit hallway and glance through the window at the full moon shining through.

"It would be beautiful if I could see it better," I whisper out loud and make a hasty decision to exit the ship's cabin and go on the deck for a better view.

Once outside I notice I wasn't the only one who couldn't sleep.


His back was to me and he was standing in the middle of the deck dressed in a pair of belted loose white denim jeans and a form fitting white muscle shirt.

He turned when I called his name and silently held out his hand for me to take.

A blush instantly inflames my cheeks…

Sheesh Ayane, he didn't even say anything this time, I think with embarrassment as I walk over to join him and place my hand in his.

He leans down to kiss each knuckle individually and pulls me around so that he's positioned behind me.

"Good evening Ayane."

"Good evening Zane."

His strong arms embrace me from behind and I lean comfortably against his warm hard chest.

"What brings you out during this cold winter night?" He asks calmly.

"I couldn't sleep and you?" I question in reply.

"I came out here because tonight…it will happen."

Zane's tone was low and mesmerizing and I turn my body in his arms to peer up at his face.

"What do you mean?"

His pure hazel eyes glances down at me in adoration and he mutely ushers the side of his index finger under my chin and tilts my head up towards the heavens.

I stare up at the glistening starlit sky in wonderment and I'm about to question Zane when I see tiny ice crystals begin to fall and kiss my face gently.


This wasn't snow for it was too dense and pure.

This is…

"Diamond Dust…"

I focus my gaze on Zane once more when he spoke the name of this phenomenon with calm enlightenment and I watched as the shimmering ice crystals fell majestically around his face.

Giving him the ethereal appearance of a forbidden Prince of Ice and Snow…

And who was I for wanting this mystical prince for myself…

His pure hazel eyes never wavered from mine and his warm fingers ghosts over the curves of my lips yes, even the scar.

His lips touch mine and I feel like I've fallen even deeper than I thought possible.

I was a young woman of light encased by the one who was the embodiment of my Quiet World of White…

And there you have it good readers, the finale of my third book to Elements. I will take a short intermission to fulfill a very dear request, but then I will return to begin Kai and Ebony's story, Beyond the Flames. *Sigh* I feel like I'm floating right now, are you all feeling this too? Can anyone guess what Cole whispered to Sasha to get her heart rate up? I'll be waiting to read your wonderful thoughts and feedback everyone.

Please read and review!

Dialogue Translation:

Otōto ni hanguappu shite kudasai-Please hang on brother

Anata no subete o damare-All of you shut up

Credit goes to the wonderful Crystal Persian for the following ideas:

Skalidor licking Ayane's cheek

Ayane having the ability to knit and sew

Credit goes to the outstanding raidpirate52 for the following ideas:

The demise of Skalidor

The method in which Zane defeats him