A/N: Here's the second chapter in its un-beta'd form. Feel free to point out any spelling or grammatical errors I may have missed.


The next morning, Tenten woke up early. She rolled over to find Neji facing away from her. Strange. Usually she would wake up to find herself still safely folded in his arms. Oh well. This would give her some more time to think about what she saw last night.

After a few moments, something occurred to her. This is the perfect blackmail material! And this is also probably the last opportunity I'll have to find out something about him he wouldn't want other people to know… Hmmm…. She smirked deviously. She knew just how to play this. Just then, Neji rolled over to face her.

"Good morning," he smiled softly. "Did you sleep well?" For a moment she was unsure if she wanted to do this right now. He was so sweet and gentle in the mornings, she hated to ruin it.

"Yea, I slept fine. You?" She stretched, languid and cat-like, then yawned.

"Very well, yes. So- Tenten?" She had him pinned to the bed, and was laying on top of him. "What are you doing?" His cheeks were pink, his eyes now wide open, and she could feel his heart racing. She grinned like a fox, shifting against him to bring her face even closer to his.

"I just thought I should let you know, for future reference," she paused, concentrating chakra in her fingertips much like he had done the night before. "You're rather loud." She ran her hand down across the bare skin of his chest.

Instantly he recognized the sensation created by the chakra. "You-" She cut him off, kissing him to keep him silent.

Though a bit preoccupied by the sudden kiss, there was one other thought running through his mind. I will get her back for this.

A/N: The poor little review button is still not feelin' the love. Come on, it's crying! Don't be so heartless, give it a click!

If you want to find out how Neji gets his revenge, you're going to have to wait until I post the one, so please be patient. I'm almost halfway done with it! I'll get it posted as soon as I can!