Well this is my last chapter for I'm falling for you... I'm a little sad that it has come to an end but I am excited to move on to my sequel. This chapter is the shortest chapter I have written. I am sorry about that, but if I made it any longer than I did I would have dragged it out a little too long.


Favourite quote of the day: "All our dreams can come true – if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney

Onto the FINAL chapter I suppose and as per usual Miss Effie Trinket; 'Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favour!

Chapter Eighteen

We finally reach Haymitch. He has a grim look on his face and I can tell that I am not going to like his answer. "Sweetheart, great job with playing the madly in love role."

"It wasn't enough though, was it?" I ask, prepared for the answer he is yet to confirm.

He shakes his head sadly, "I'm sorry sweetheart, I'm just not sure. That's neither good news nor bad news. We can only prepare ourselves for the worst and hope for the best."

I sigh and grip Peeta's hand tightly. "I guess so." I feel so defeated, what the hell is going to happen now?

"Let's go and all get some much deserved sleep. I'm proud of you kids, I really am." He offers us a small smile before turning on his heel and walking away. "Oh and I do mean sleep you know!" he calls from over his shoulder.

I can feel how red my face is from mere embarrassment. I'm not ready for that with Peeta. Hell I don't even know what we are! I turn to Peeta and notice he to his blushing. Good, at least I'm not the only one.

"Let's get to bed. It'll be nice getting some shut eye. You know, without having to wake up at every sound." Peeta says a little light heartedly, but I can tell he isn't feeling that way at all.

"Alright let's go to bed." I agree. Peeta leads me to the elevator and presses the button labelled '12'. We don't say a word to one another. I'm not sure why really, and I'm kind of afraid to find out.

We reach our floor and find it empty. I guess I should feel weird about Peeta and I being the only people here, but I'm not. I guess love makes you perfectly comfortable with the person you're in love with.

"You're room?" Peeta finally breaks the silence.

"My room." I agree. We open up the door to the right bedroom – the one I had been occupying before the games and walk in.

"I'll just go and get changed…" Peeta says a little awkwardly.

"Yeah sure." He walks out and I turn back around to find pyjamas. After a few minutes of solid clothe finding I finally pick out a casual, but baggy t-shirt and lacy green shorts. I climb into the soft bed and I sink into it.

I let out a sigh of pure happiness when I hear someone clearing their throat. I open my eyes and see the sparkling blue eyes belonging to Peeta Mellark staring down at me. "Hi." He whispers with a faint smile on his lips.

"Hey." I whisper back. I lace our hands together and I watch the smile on his face grow wider.

"How are you?" he asks as he joins me under the blanket.

"I'm ok. I'm glad to be back in a normal bed though." I say, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Was my chest not good enough for you?" he mocks.

I let out a small laugh, "Oh no, it was perfect. I just miss the feeling of sinking into something."

He chuckles, "I guess so. You never really appreciate what you have until it's gone."

I nod my head in understanding. "That is very true."

"We should get some sleep Katniss."

"Ok. Goodnight Peeta." I sit up and place a short but sweet kiss on his lips. When I pull away, I see him smile up at me and a twinkle in his eye.

"Goodnight Katniss. I love you." he closes his eyes and pulls me close to his body. I tuck my-self into his side as his strong arms cacoon themselves from around me, almost like he is my armour. Like he's protecting me from something.

I lay wrapped up in Peeta's arms as he falls asleep. When I hear his breath even out I know he will sleep straight till morning. "I love you too, Peeta." I whisper before closing my own eyes.

I feel something light brush against my cheeks, forehead, eyelids, nose and then my neck. I stir and open my eyes. I'm met with the warm, but tired blue of my favourite eyes in the world – Peeta. I smile at him before he brings his lips down to mine.

They feel so soft and warm against my own. I smile into the kiss and pull him closer to me. Just as I'm about to deepen the kiss there's a light wrap on the door. We jump simultaneously and our kiss is broken.

"Katniss, Peeta? The train is leaving in an hour." Effie's shrill voice rings through the door. Before I even realise what I'm doing I'm out of the bed and I fling the door open to a now shocked Effie. I wrap my arms around her neck tightly. I'm not exactly a girl who likes hugs, but I realised how much I actually missed Effie.

"It's good to see you Effie." I say before I pull away.

She has tears brimmed in her eyes, "It's good to see you again too Katniss."

"Hi Effie." Peeta's soft voice says from behind me. I turn around with a small smile tracing my lips.

"Peeta! How are you?" Effie asks as she pulls him in for a hug.

"I'm fine now Effie." Peeta says with a light chuckle as he pat's her on the back. They pull away after a moment.

"Well you two should get showered and dressed. I expect to see you both down for breakfast in twenty minutes." She sniffles. I think we grew on Effie.

"I'll meet you back here in 15, okay?" Peeta says turning to me once Effie had left.

"Ok." I agree easily. He bends down and captures my lips with his for a brief moment before he pulls away and walks across the hall to his room.

I sigh, smile and then head to the bathroom. It will be nice to have a shower. I didn't exactly get to bathe much in the games.

I jump into the belting shower and my body instantly relaxes. I didn't have a shower back home, so this was a nice luxury.

The water was hot against my skin, it left it with a light red tinge to it.

When I got out of the shower I can smell the faint trace of strawberry from the scented shower (I still haven't figured out how to use the showers here properly). I wrap the thick towel around my-self and walk back into my room.

On my bed lies a light pink dress in the same style as I had worn last night. A note is on it. I grab it and read it; Katniss, put this on. We'll see you at breakfast. – Cinna. I smile and put the dress on.

I'm not exactly a fan of dresses but I'm getting used to wearing them. I know I'm going to have to now, since I'm a victor and always have to 'look my best'.

My hair is still waved from last night so I leave it out. I hear a light knock coming from my door. "Come in."

In steps Peeta with a smile. I look at him and my breath catches. He looks so handsome, he has on black dress pants and shoes, a blue shirt and a black suit jacket. "You look nice." I say as I step closer to him.

He smirks at me, "You don't look so bad your-self."

I blush and look down. "Thanks." I mumble. Compliments always make me feel awkward.

"Let's go to breakfast." Peeta offers his hand to me and I take it eagerly. We walk hand in hand to the dining room smiling all the way.

Breakfast had been great. We were all there; Haymitch, Effie (I think something might be going on between them), Cinna, Portia, both of our prep teams and us. It was an enjoyable breakfast, full of laughter and jokes. We seemed like a family.

It wasn't until I was on the train that I realised I was going home. I would get to see Prim again. I had missed her dearly. I would get to see Gale and Madge again. It would be nice to get back to a normal routine. But what about Peeta? Would Peeta and I still work? I still don't know what we are, I don't even know if he really does love me. Something tells me he does but hey why would a guy like Peeta like a girl like me.

"What's on your mind Kat?" Peeta asks as he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him.

I smile and shake my head, "Nothing really. I'm just really excited and nervous to see Prim, Gale, Madge and well everyone again."

Peeta tenses when I say Gale's name. I wonder why? "It will be good to see everyone."

"Yeah." I've got to ask him, I have to ask him right now. "Peeta? What's going to happen when we go back?"

"What do you mean?" he asks his voice sounding confused.

"What's going to happen with us? And everything else we'll have to deal with."

I feel him shrug. "I'm not sure Katniss, but I love you and I know that whatever happens we'll get through it together."

"Together." I agree. He kisses me lightly on the temple and I relax into him as the train speeds down the tracks. We'll be home in the morning. Who knows what we should be expecting, but like Peeta said; we will get through it together. That's what we always seem to do anyway.

Then end.

FOR NOW ANYWAY! Yes I updated earlier... I couldn't help it I figured hey I have amazing readers so why not update early for them? So yes I updated early :)

I want to say that I appreciate every single person who took their time to read my story and who followed, favourited and reviewd, that also includes Guest reviews! This has been a great experiance and I am sad that this story is over, but no fear the sequel shall commence the same day as usual updates (Sunday for people on one half of the world and Saturday for the other half) :)

I'm so excited to get started, should be a lot of fujn :) I have so many ideas that I want to use for the story! I would tell you what it's called but I still havn't decided...

Anyhoo thankyou so so much for everyone who has been with me the whole way and for the those who joined much more recently :)

So I guess I'll see you all later on this weekend. Put me on author allert if you want to read the sequel. I was going to leave a cliffy for this one but I decided against it. But yes something is bothering Peeta like I'm sure most of you figured out. You'll find out soon, I promise :)