Note: This is it, folks…the last chapter!

A warning: the epilogue will probably only make sense if you are familiar with the Lethal Weapon movies, so my apologies if you're not.

Oh, and there is one bad word because I needed it. Thanks for reading…you guys are awesome!

"What're you doing?" Chin asked Kono as she pointed her phone through the doorway.

"I couldn't pass up the opportunity."

"Opportunity for what?"

"Future blackmail," she smiled widely snapping the picture of their hugging teammates. "They look so stinkin' cute, don't they."

"Yeah...they do," Chin smiled back. "And now that you have your 'get-out-of-trouble-free' pass, let's leave them alone to work things out." The pair started walking away. "You hungry, cuz?"

"I could eat."

"Good...suddenly I have a craving for a shrimp taco."

When Steve could feel Danny begin to tremble in his arms, he quietly helped him lay back on the bed while trying to figure out how to begin. He figured he should start with the words he should have said long ago. "Danny...I'm so sorry."

Danny opened his mouth to speak, but Steve held up a hand.

"Please...just let me get this out while I have the nerve."

Too drained to argue at the moment, Danny did something out of character and shut his mouth.

"Like I said, I'm sorry, Danny." Steve pointed to the bruised jaw. "I'm sorry for hitting you...I have no right to put my hands on you like that. Especially after you were hurt saving my stubborn hide."

Rubbing at the stubble on his chin he paused and took a shaky breath. "I know I've been...well...I've been hard to be around lately." Seeing Danny's expression his lips twitched into a slight grin. " need for a face. I get it...I've been a real jerk...satisfied?"

Danny nodded and Steve continued on. "It's just that I've been holding stuff in for so long and it's been building up. And now with Wo Fat breathing down my neck and taunting me...I just…I just lost it. I lost me."

It was hard for the detective to hear the pain in his friend's voice. It was a familiar he knew all too well...and one he also had learned to keep hidden inside.

"I try to act like I have it all together, but the truth is...I," Steve's voice broke and he cleared his throat. "The truth is that I'm scared. I'm scared of losing more people that I care about. The two partners locked eyes. "I guess I've been pushing people away to avoid getting hurt again."

Steve swiped at his eyes. "You're not only my partner, man…you're my best friend…like a brother to me. I never meant to hurt you, Danny…I just hope you can forgive me."

Danny took a pass at his own eyes and swallowed hard trying to control his emotions. "You through?" he asked in a husky voice.

Steve nodded and lowered his head. The question was were they through?

"You had me at 'I'm sorry', Steve…you had me at "I'm sorry'."


Danny paused the movie and said, "That scene proves it…I'm the Riggs and you're the Murtaugh."

"No way, man," Steve objected. "I'm the Riggs and you're the Murtaugh."

"How can you say that after reviewing the evidence?"


"Yeah…evidence. Last week I pulled that same exact move Riggs did. I pulled the gun from my partners holster…while hanging half-dead in his arms might I add…aimed and made the shot."

"That all you got?"

"That's all I need, buddy."

"Well then…don't book 'em Danno, yet."

Danny winced and stifled a groan as he felt a twinge in his recently surgically repaired knee.

"You okay, Danny," Steve asked as the smile he had been wearing faded from his face.

"Yeah." Danny's voice was strained but he tried to hide it as he added, "and I'm still the Riggs."

"Are not." Steve moved to get a pillow and gently helped lift the healing limb and place it underneath.

"Thanks…but am too."

At that moment Chin and Kono walked into Steve's living room with a pizza and a couple six-packs of beer.

"It's good to see that things are finally getting back to normal between you two," quipped the lone female of the bunch.

"So what are you arguing over this time?" Chin asked passing out the beer to all but Danny.

"Hey? What about me?"

"You're still on meds…sorry, brah."

Danny sighed dramatically before answering the question. "Super-SEAL here claims that he's the Riggs and I'm the Murtaugh."

"What's a Riggs and a Murtaugh?" The three men stared a Kono as if she was from another planet. "What?"

"C'mon, cuz…Lethal Weapon?"

Kono shook her head. "Sorry…not ringing a bell."

"It's only like one of the best buddy cop films of all time," Danny answered pointing to the frozen TV screen. "Damn…now I feel old."

"What do you think, Chin? Who's who?"

"Oh no you don't…I'm not getting involved in this one."

"Look Danny…all you have in your favor is that one scene in the movie," Steve said.

"Un-uh…how about the fact that you're older."

"Am not…we're the same age."

"Yeah…but you have more gray hair than I do so that gives me the advantage."

"Yeah, but which one of us requires a cane to walk with for the second time in a year?"

"Unfair, Steven…very unfair…seeing that you are the reason for said cane."

Steve shrugged. "Fine…I'll give you the age one. What else you got?"

"Murtaugh usually drove the car. And you, my friend, have the annoying habit of driving my car."

"Anything else?"

Danny took a bite of his slice and chewed slowly while he thought. "Nah…I rest my case."

"You have no case, partner." Steve said smugly. "You are the Murtaugh because you insist on wearing ties…and Murtaugh wore ties."

"He's got you there," Chin said.

"Hey, Mr. 'I'm not getting involved'…don't get involved," Danny griped.

"And Riggs has no children…and I happen to not have a daughter as you do…and as does Murtaugh."

"A minor detail."

Steve crossed his arms. "And lastly…Murtaugh thinks that Riggs is insane…and do you or do you not tell me all the time that I'm insane?"

"I do…and you are," Danny agreed.

"And I rest my case."

"It's three to three…you each made three points…tie game," Kono pointed out. "We need a tie breaker."

Rubbing his hands together, Chin stood and announced, "I got it! Riggs could and would dislocate his own shoulder."

Danny groaned. "You call that a tie-breaker…I call that a bone-breaker. And in case you haven't noticed, I'm on the disabled list as it is."

"I'll do it," Steve said nonchalantly.

"Of course you would," the blonde mumbled and watched as his friend stood and walked over to a wall making as if he was about to ram his shoulder into it. "Hey…hey…what're you doing?"

"Proving that I'm the Riggs."

Danny threw his hands up in the air. "You'll go to any lengths to beat me, won't you?"

"Sure will."

Danny rolled his eyes. "Fine…you win. I'm the Murtaugh...but only because I'm getting too old for this shit!" He reached for his cane. "Now if one of you youngsters would help me up..."

Steve wasted no time in volunteering. "I got your back, partner…always."

The End