Ch 10

Throughout Diagon Alley missing posters fluttered in the breeze. They had two different faces on them, both too young to have such a fate, most thought. The Daily Prophet had been plastered with their faces as well, and had stayed as such for the past couple of months.

Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy hadn't been seen since their graduation from Hogwarts, their families and friends hadn't given up the search, and were still asking all they saw if they had seen their respective loved one. There was speculation that it was revenge for their part in the war, or that they were simply killed in an accident. The fact was no one knew. With the exposure of the incident in the papers, it was starting to reach outside of the isles, and slowly the story was making its way to the elopers.

"Honey, have you seen the-"

"The fluffy rug is in that bin there, no, the one by the changing table."

"Thanks Mione!"

The happy couple was busy preparing the nursery. Hermione was insistent that they shop for everything themselves, no transfiguration unless what they wanted couldn't be found. Their babies were deserving of the time and effort that went with handpicking every thing for their space. They were organizing their purchases, and the fluffy rug in question was one that they had chosen for the center of the room. While Draco worked on the decor, Hermione was sorting out the space for the assortment of plush magical creatures they had accumulated for their children. After organizing what they had already, they had quite a nice room set up for their babies. The most exciting part in their opinion was yet to come: clothes shopping. Draco wanted tastefully chosen clothes, and Hermione was dying to pick out cute onesies for the twins; not all matching, but definitely some.

She was decently large now, having reached seven months, and there was no hiding the fact she was expecting. She truly couldn't wait for Castor and Mira to arrive, and she knew Draco was just as excited and nervous as she was. Never had she felt this much anticipation, not even when waiting to abscond with Draco. While she missed her parents and friends, nothing in the world could make her give up the new life she had with Draco and their unborn twins.

"Since we've got this done, can we have an ice cream break?" Hermione asked, pouting when she saw he was thinking about saying no. Seeing her puppy eyes, Draco caved.

"Yes, alright. But only a little, we should be having healthy foods, remember?" he advised, smiling at his beautiful wife as she waddled over to the door, spelling her shoes on and summoning her purse.

"Yes, yes, I know, but ice cream! Our babies want ice cream, it's like I can read their minds."

"Uh huh." Draco sounded very unimpressed.

"Well... maybe not, but you don't know that. For all you know they are communicating that they need ice cream. Two kicks for ice cream, babies," Hermione joked.

"Dear, I think you've finally cracked," Draco said, his eyebrow quirked as she proceeded to wave him away from helping her out the door.

"I will use any means for ice cream, you know that by now."

They walked down to the street, passing their shop on the way to their favorite ice cream place. As they made their way to Scoops they failed to notice the sign that was plastered to the wall of the theater, missing their own faces smiling at them.