Escaping Earth (by RAWN)

Chapter 10: Return

"Emily!" Sonic exclaimed happily with an enthusiastic smile on his face. The vet went across the room to greet her little friend; she stopped in her tracks as she had

almost stepped on something, more specifically another anthropomorphic hedgehog. "A-another one?" she stuttered in surprise.

Shadow looked up at the human Sonic had called 'Emily'. Obviously this female was an acquaintance of his rival, but that wasn`t necessarily a good thing for him, so

he eyed her warily a brief moment before addressing her. "I take it you`re a friend of him" Shadow asked while pointing upwards at the green couch where Sonic sat

safely out of harm`s way.

"Yes. I`m Emily McKinley by the way, nice to meet you…" she paused obviously waiting for him to give her his name. "Shadow" he mumbled in reply, which made the

human smile merrily at him.

After this fleeting introduction, Emily revealed that she had managed to snatch the purple emerald and their clothes when helping the police with loading the

animals from that horrid basement a little earlier, as well as bringing the green one Jed found. Amazed and grateful about this, Sonic told her quickly about how they

had ended up in this predicament and what she could do to help them out of it. He just managed to finish telling her the last details concerning the location of a

certain gun, before Imogen entered the room with tea and biscuits and both hedgehogs fell silent. Emily took the hint and pretended to be completely unaware of the

mobians ability to understand language, and merely checked Sonic`s injured wrist and confirmed to her anxious aunt that it wasn`t broken.

After a little tea-break the old lady suggested that her dear niece should take the 'two little darlings' along with her to the zoo on account that she already had her

hands full with Baxter, saving Emily the trouble of convincing her of the very same thing.

After that, things went very smoothly. The vet and the two hedgehogs left after a short chat between the humans. Then Emily fished out the gun from the garbage

can and used it on the hedgehogs after some convincing of the 'no-it-really-won`t-hurt-us' kind from Sonic`s side. When being turned back to normal again and

having gotten their clothes back on, even Shadow thanked her courteously while Sonic gave her a hug. It was time for the two Mobians to finally return home.

"Here are the emeralds" Emily said and handed over the two precious stones to Sonic, who proceeded to give them to Shadow. The black hedgehog raised an eye

ridge questioningly at this.

"Come on! You know I`m not good at using chaos control yet, so unless you want to end up somewhere completely random; like on the top of an erupting volcano or

something, it`s better you do it. Besides, didn`t you borrow yours from Rouge? I`m sure she`ll want it back with interest" Sonic said grinningly with a wink of an

eye. Shadow wasn`t sure what to answer to this sudden charity from his rival, only giving a single nod as a reply and a 'hold on to my arm unless you want to stay'

while focusing on the emeralds energy before shouting "Chaos Control". The blue hedgehog barely had time to give Emily a last wave of his hand before both mobians

disappeared from the face of Earth.

"I`m so going to take a long vacation after this!" Dr. McKinley thought amazed.

Safe back at Mobius just outside Tails` workshop, the two rivals had some last parting words. "They`re all waiting to surprise you" Shadow informed Sonic, meaning

the surprise party Tails and Amy had planned. "Wanna join? And what about that revenge?" the blue blur asked cheerfully, though eyeing the gun warily. To his

surprise Shadow threw it on the ground and crushed it under his right hoverskate "Consider it a birthday present" he said with a hint of a smile, before leaving the

Sonic to his party.

"Thanks buddy" Sonic whispered gratefully, before preparing himself to 'be surprised' and opened the door to the workshop and celebrate his sixteenth birthday with

'most' of his friends.

The End
(Please review X3 this is the end of this series, at least for now, but don`t worry! I`m working on a new Sonic story which I`m hoping will be longer and better than what I`ve currently done ;D I`ll be posting the prologue as soon as I`ve come up with a title and written a little bit more of chapter 1...when I do; I hope you will support and help me with ideas cause I don`t know for sure how it will develop yet ^^" still early in the process)