Hello. This is something I've cooked up recently, don't know what to call it as of yet, but I'll think of something. I do not own any of the characters that belong to marvel, just my ideas and my so far one character. Thanks for checking it out.


Clouds of smoke hang in the air. The sun never shines anymore. The world is filled with chaos, no redemption for the wicked. It was a cruel world, where one's fate is decided by birth. Humans no longer exist, only mutants and sentinels. It's a struggle, fighting is the only way to survive. No one lives forever, they're lucky to live five minutes in this hell hole.

Together, they flee for their lives. The sentinels are relentless, but the three are not ready to quit anytime soon. She looks to the two men who saved her, raised her, and never once abandoned her. The attack came, knocking her off course. She recovers quickly, seeing the two men, her father and uncle, run to her rescue. Her father attacks, looking over at his companion.

"We don't have much time, we have to get there now!" her uncle yells. Her father nods, unleashing one more attack. She grabs the two of them, taking off into the air towards their destination. She utilizes one of her many mutant powers to speed things up.

They arrive shortly, although the journey didn't feel that way. The sentinels are far behind, but she knows they'll continue their pursuit. The door is sealed, they were safe-for now. The lab always gives her the creeps. It is the only haven in this cruel and unforgiving world, and the sense that they will soon be discovered rises high. She walked passed the last line of defense, sighing sadly to herself.

"You're late," said Forge. He was hard at work with his computer, not even bothering to look at them.

"Got caught up in some new world paradise," her uncle growled.

"Is she ready?"

"Ask her."

"Ready for what? What are you talking about?" she asked suspiciously, narrowing her eyes dangerously.

"To go back in time and stop this chaos from happening," explained Forge.

"What's the objective?" asked her uncle.

"Stop any mention of this mutant paradise and free world."

"Don't your records show what could have caused this?"

"No. Whatever caused this covered their tracks. They don't want us to meddle with it."

"How long do I have to be there?" she asked, looking at her father. He smiles warmly at her, in that comforting way he always did.

"As long as it takes," Forge looks at her sadly.


"No?" the three men repeated.

"I won't do it. I can't leave all of you!"

"Look kid, I'm not to keen on it myself, but you're our only chance. We need you," her uncle speaks in a tone only reserved for certain people.

"Why me? Why can't someone else go?"

"Because you are the only one with the tools necessary to stop this," said Forge.

"No! You all need me here!" she shouted, refusing to cry.

She felt a hand on her shoulder, "C'mon petite, you can dis for us. Dis world, it ain't right. No place for you to grow up. Do dis for me, non?" he tells her softly. She looks up into his eyes.

"We have to move! Now!" exclaims Forge.

"Remember what I tell you. Find de prof., he take you in. De X-men be your best chance, peitite. Be strong for me."

She nods, letting only one tear fall, "Okay..."

"We'll be here when you get back, kid," her uncle speaks to her.


Her father kisses her forehead, hugging her a last time, "J'taime."

"I love you too, pere," she whispers. She knew her words reached him. They break apart from the hug, and she walks towards Forge.

"After you locate the X-men, find me and explain the situation," he tells her. She nodded at him as he places a small pearl in her hands, "This will help you exist in that time period. Don't lose it, or you will instantly return here. Good luck."

"Wait petite!" she looks into the eyes of her father. She catches the object he throws at her, before jumping into the time portal, red on black the last thing she sees.


"Remy, Ah've tole ye, it can't happen!" Rogue screamed at Gambit for the umpteenth time. He was pushing for a relationship, a kiss, a small touch, always something she couldn't do. It was'nt that she didn't want to be with him, but with her inability to touch, it just wouldn't work. He was always trying anyway, and it was extremely flattering, but how could a womanizer be happy with her?

"Gambit don' mind, chere. Jus' a chance?" he wouldn't let her get away. He just couldn't.

"It won't work! Why can' you understand that?" her voice thick with her southern brogue in anger.

"Chere, y'don' know 'till we try," he raised an eyebrow suggestively to her. She slams her fists down on her bed and takes off out the window. Gambit sighs, defeated for now. He won't give up on her, he can't. Something always pulls him back to her. He rarely hears no, and when he does, he usually accepts it. But for some reason, with Rogue, he won't take no.

They have this conversation frequently, at least, once a week. It's not like she doesn't know how serious he is, she's absorbed him quite a few times. Leaving her room, he thinks of what he can do to occupy his time. With Wolverine and Storm off on a mission, and Rogue gone every now and then, he didn't know what to do with himself.

-X-men, make your way to the war room- he heard the voice of Professor Xavier in his head. Smiling at his prayers being answered, he made his way down the familiar hallway to the war room.

"What's up Professor?" asked Jubilation. Gambit sometimes thought the young mutant seemed way too enthusiastic sometimes.

"Cerebro has just detected two completely different masses of energy. They arrived at the same time but on opposite ends of the world. The field created around them was like nothing of this world. It's truly fascinating," explained Beast.

"Whatever it is, they are confirmed life forms. Once is a mutant, the other I can't get a grasp on. I'll need some time to confirm," said Xavier.

"Do you want us to check it out?" asked Cyclops.

"Yes. Rogue, Gambit, Beast and Emma, you four take the Blackbird and go look in on the disturbance in Japan. The rest of you, take any vehicle in the garage and find that mutant. We must determine if theses are hostile threats. Your coordinates will be given momentarily. Dismissed."

"Looks like we together again, chere," said Gambit, walking beside Rogue.

"Just watch your back, Cajun. Ah ain't doin it for ya," she replied, smiling.

"No worries, chere. Gambit always watch your backside," he smirked at her. She rolled her emerald eyes and continued walking.


She didn't know where she had landed. She could see the clear blue of the sky though, and that seemed promising. She smiled, having never seen such beauty before. She didn't hear the screams of war, just the sound of cars and people. She had really made it! But where was she? How could she know? Making sure no one was looking, she flew into the air and on top of the nearest building.

This place, this time... It was a free world! If only her father and uncle were hear to see this... She narrowed her eyes at a van that stopped in front of the building across the street. Whoever was inside, they were looking for her. Who could know of her in this time period? Probing their minds, gently, she only learned they were full of good intentions. There was a telepath with them, and she didn't want their minds connecting.

It appeared she wasn't as stealthy as she thought. Four mutants appeared before her in the blink of an eye. She gazed intently at them, prepared for a fight if needed.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"Do not fear us, child," the girl with long red hair spoke, "We've only come to see if you need any help."

"What is your purpose here in this world?"

"What do you mean?"

"What's the status of mutant and human?"

"They are struggling to accept us. But-"

"So it's still war. At least there are less casualties. Now tell me, where can I find Charles Xavier?"

The red head and the guy with the visor looked at each other. She could tell they were mentally communicating.

"We can take you to him. What's your name?" asked the guy with the visor.

"Soleanna Marie LeBeau."


and that's it. please let me know what you think, thanks for reading :), other chapters will be longer