Chapter 1
Shira's POV.
I woke up, cold, thirsty, and in pain. I had 2 deep gashes, (minis all the other small cut all over my body) one on my front right shoulder, and another on the back of my neck. The only problem is I have no idea how I got them. The last thing I remember was a orange-golden shape standing over me then blackness. I try to collect my thoughts but the only things I can remember is my name, and I repeat it over and over In my head, trying to click something in my head to help me remember. Nothing. Not a single thing. I try getting up, just to fall on to wet grass, witch makes my cuts sting even more. That's when I start looking around. It's only morning, there's a river near me and what I saw next scared the living hell out of me. It was a toom-stone and it said
- here lies the loving Shira. R. I. P
My eyes widen.
"Am I supposed to be dead" I think to myself I try one more time to stand and I finally get up and head to get a drink. It was the best water I had ever tasted. Or so I thought. I started walking up stream slowly. It was a cold morning, early spring, I think. I walk for about 30 minutes before I had to rest. These cuts are doing a number on my energy. So to help with that I disced to get in the ice cold river. That should numb the pain I let me walk faster. When I get out I'm shivering to the core. I run in circles to try and warm up and it helps a little bit. Right as I am about to sprint off, I hear a loud 'OWWW'. I turn to face my right and I'm looking deep into the forest to see what made the noise, and I see a floppy green sloth picking its self up from the ground. Out of no where my mouth uncontrollably says 'Sid, Sid, SID'. I come running at the floppy green sloth and tackle him. And he screams like a girl. I get off him and he looks at me, but not fully, more like a nod. He looked really sad.
" Hey Sid, sorry I tackle you". I say.
"How do you now my name". He said shocked.
"It's me, Shira".
His eyes looked like they were about to pop right out of his head, then he looked angry.
"Ok, not funny saber, just because you look like her doesn't mean you are her. Please just stop, the memories still hunt me". He finished sounding sad.
" Sid one, if I would have been another saber I would have killed you by now and two, how would I now your name".
He looks up staring at me. His eyes widen once more and then hugs me way to tight.
" Shira, but h h how are you alive, y y you died a year ago".
" WHAT!".
"ya, no kidding".
"Sid, now your pulling trick on me. Stop it, your freaking me out".
" Shira I'm not tricking you. You are dead. See". He points down river by the toom-stone, witch was only about 100ft. away. I thought I walked further than that, but then again I was weak and walking very slow. But then his eyes widen again,I guess at that the body that was supposed to be there was standing right in front of him.
"But how physically posable. You should be lying right there". He says shocked.
"I told you I'm not dead".
"But you are, you and Diego were attacked by wolfs".
"Whose Diego".
"What, you don't remember him. How can you not remember him".
"Sid, I couldn't even remember you till I saw you".
"So you can't remember a thing".
" Then come on, we have to get back to the cave, fast".
"Lead the way".