Disclaimer: The Cullens, the Swans, and most of the characters mentioned in the story that are known from Stephanie Meyer's beloved Twilight Saga, are all hers and hers alone. I neither have nor wish to pass them off as mine. I do appreciate the fact that she did bring them to life and allows us to play with them in our imaginations. The only thing I will claim is the current storyline.

My stories are being beta'd by dowlingnana and she is doing an awesome job. Thanks so much.

"Where are you going? I've told you the truth! Please, believe me, I wished it hadn't happened, but, it did. I never wanted to cause you any hurt or pain and I'm sorry that my actions, my lack of thought, did cause that for you. But, please, Isabella, don't throw away everything that we feel for one another and the good life we could have together both now and in the future for my carelessness. I beg you!"

Bella looked at him, but, all she did was smile and said before turning to walk out the door, "I need time." And with that she left.


"If you kids don't settle down I'm going get your mother in here to handle all of you." Edward was nearly yelling because of his frustration due to three little look a likes running around in his office. "Look, Daddy, needs to get this finished so I can have a few days off with you and Mommy." He tried to explain. But, nothing seemed to work.

"Isabella, help!" He called out for his wife.

She came in with a smile on her face and watched for a few minutes as the three were racing around their father and his look of loving frustration showing due to their hyper activities in his office.

"Okay, my darlings, you need to go to the playroom to finish up this game of what appears to be tag." She told the three young ones.

"But, Mom, Dad said he wanted to spend time with us since he has been having to work so much lately." Complained the oldest of the three.

"I know, but, right now he has to get done with what he's working on so we can go and spend time with Grandpa, Grandma and you Aunts and Uncles. If you don't let him get through then we won't be able to go."

"But,-" And that didn't get very far after a quick look at their mother's face.

"Matthew Lawrence, Jolene Marie and Phillip Andrew, all three of you do as you're told immediately without any more back talk." And when Bella used that sternness in her voice they knew enough to keep quiet and do as they're told.

The three left Edward and Bella behind as they headed towards their playroom as instructed by their mother. Bella just shook her head at Edward and said, "Why can't you learn to be more commanding with them?"

"Because they are the combination of us and represent our coming together as well as acting as a reminder to me of what I came so close to losing nearly fourteen years ago." Edward paused as his mind drifted back to the day he had explained what had really happened between him and Irina. He also remembered the devastation he felt in his heart as he had watched Bella get her things and walk out the door after saying she 'needed time.'

He also remembered the absolute joy he felt and the happiness that filled his heart when he answered the phone two hours later and heard his Isabella asking why he wasn't with her at her hotel. It didn't take him long to get the necessary information, race to his car and get the hell over to where she was. It was from that moment onwards that he began to live again.

Lit scented candles covered nearly every available surface of the sitting room and the bedroom of her hotel room. She was waiting for him with nearly nothing on and not a damn thing was left for the imagination as he knew every inch of that body. They both believe that that was the night that their oldest Matt was conceived since he was born nine months later and is now twelve going on thirteen, soon to be a teenager with a lot more problems.

But, Edward shed tears of joy as that little bundle of joy was first placed into his arms. His heart swelled with so much love that he thought it was going to burst as he looked down at a mini him.

Next, came his little princess who is nine going on ten and already has a string of boys following after her. And, once again his heart was near to bursting with the increase of love for her as it made itself known. She was the perfect balance between his wife and himself. Jolene had her mother's hair and heart shaped face, but, had his eyes and tarnished highlights in her hair.

Then surprise of surprises came with Phillip and he is once again a replica of Edward and has girls noticing him even at the age of six.

Bella's new gallery in L. A. was a big hit, especially the idea of having a child's section. And, over the years she has slowly converted the other galleries to include the same.

Edward found that he enjoyed directing more than acting, although he does still take a part now and again, but, it has to exceptional before he will do it. He has won several awards for his directing of different outstanding movies and their lives have settled into a more normal one. Or, at least, as normal as a couple in Hollywood could have.

Alice and Jasper have a happy family life with two sets of twins, one set boys and the other girls.

Emmett and Rosalie are happy with their children of four boys and two girls.

And, Grandpa and Grandma can't be forgotten as they are over the moon with all of the grandchildren that fill their home.

Irina never did another quality film again because of her actions and her association with some known felons. She destroyed herself with drugs and her choice of sex partners which one of them ended up murdering her by not paying attention to how much he was choking her during the act.

Jacob Black's habits finally became public and he lost the respect his Native Americans had for him and his influence on their behalf began to wane due to his outrageous habits. He was finally killed because he wasn't able to pay back a particularly nasty loan shark.

Edward had to admit that life was good and he knew complete happiness because of his Isabella and their children. He smiled while holding out his hand towards her and all he said as she walked towards him was, "Thank you for believing in me."

A/N: We come to the end of this story and I thank each and every one of you for reading, reviewing, and favoring.

Thanks to everyone for your continued support of my story and for taking the time to review.