A/N: RE-DO, I made some edits. I uploaded it before but realized my time skip bar didn't come and got a better idea for the scientist that created Len. First Rin and Len one that is not incest!

So in this story, Rin is very tsundere while Len is a major pervert towards her. Yep, you can sense the love already.

WARNING: Rated T for filthy and foul language (Especially Len here.), and for character actions (Especially Len's again.), which are censored…

Disclaimer: I do not own Vocaloid.


"Welcome home, Master!"

I stare at the boy that stood in front of me, who had a big smile on his face. He seemed to be my age, and had a striking resemblance to me. His blond hair was tied up in a small ponytail, and he had ocean blue eyes.

Hey there, I'm Rin Kagamine. I'm sixteen and living alone in a two bedroom house. I just came back from school and I find this dude standing in my living room. Just one thing is on my mind… Who the hell is this guy?!

"I'm Len! The new servant you ordered, please take care of me." The boy answered my question.

"Servant?" I thought out loud. "When did I order a servant?"

"Silly master! Don't you remember?" Len said, trying to relay my memory.

"I don't remember buying anything like that!" I tell him. He just stood there staring at me. "Stop staring at me and leave now!"

"Sorry, it's just that…this is the first time I ever met a human… that isn't a scientist…and it's just that…" the blonde-haired boy stammered. "YOU'RE SOOO CUTE!"

With that, he gave me a tackle hug and we both fell down on the ground; him being on top still hugging me. What the hell is this?! Who is this creep?!

"G-Get off of me!" I ordered. He broke away from the hug, though he still didn't get off.

"I wonder what gender you are? Ooh, let's see~" He started to lift up my skirt.

"H-HEY! STOP THAT!" I slapped his hands away from my skirt.

"No bulge, then you must be a girl, right? Either tiny, or you got a really tiny dick." He gave a devious smirk.

What's up with this guy?

"I never met a girl… I wonder what you taste like." He said as he leaned towards the side of my face and… GAVE MY EAR A LICK?!

"WHAAAA! STOP THAT!" I screamed, I could feel my face heat up even more than it already is.

"Why? You're delicious." He gave my cheek a lick, and started coming closer to my mouth. "I wonder what your lips taste like…"

Shit! I'm not going to let him steal my first kiss away! I take both of my hands and cover his mouth, and push his head away from my face.

"WHAT IS UP WITH YOU? I JUST MET YOU, AND YOU WANT TO-"I cut my sentence when I feel something moist on my palm…is he…LICKING MY HAND!?

"HEEEY! STOP LICKING ME! WHAT ARE YOU A DOG?!" I pull my hands away from him.

"Woof." He smiled at me.

"Fine, whatever. Tell me who you really are?"

"Master, remember? You purchased me! I'm your robot servant!" He exclaimed.

Oh yeah, I do remember ordering one. I needed some help around the house, and wanted to find a good servant. Hopefully one I didn't have to pay too much. A robot seemed best for the job, perfectly programmed and I didn't even have to pay him, except for when I buy him.



It was raining, as a lonely Rin sat in her room on her on her computer. Everyone thought, she had a nice life. She had no parents to tell her what to do; since they were always on business trips around the world. Also, she was swimming in money. People wondered why she lived, in a commoner's house, rather than a big mansion.

It was because, Rin wanted to isolate herself from her original mansion. She didn't want to stay somewhere her parents lived but never were there, not to mention she was surrounded by many servants which only her parents knew personally. To her they were just strangers, trying to earn money. They did not care for her in anyway.

Most importantly, she was really lonely. The servants never entertained her. Her parents were hardly home. All she wanted was a really close friend, one she could trust.

She did have a few friends in school; though she wasn't that close to them. They came to her house to study and she hung out with them at school and a few times outside, but her friends were those active friends that will be by your side to the very end. She wanted a friend that felt like family.

When she entered high school, she asked her parents that she wanted to live by herself in her own house. At first they didn't like the idea, but eventually they warmed up to it. They understood that their daughter felt awkward to live her life, with nothing but surrounded by money. She wanted to live a normal life. This was the closest to normal she could get. Though one problem, she really didn't know how to take care of her house. She just wished for one personal servant, hopefully one she didn't have to pay much but was really skillful. She wanted a personal maid, because they could at least understand the life of a girl. When she told her parents this, they warned her to choose carefully, there are some servants whose appearance may seem nice but they deceive you in the end.

Rin was just browsing the internet at midnight. She was hoping she could find some kind of chatting room, so she could talk to someone. That's when she came across an ad that peaked her interest.

It was an advertisement about a robot servant. Rin had never heard of anything like it.

"I might as well check out their website…"Rin clicked on the ad. It led her to a website with the home page displaying in big bold letters: BUY YOURSELF YOUR OWN TRUSTED ROBOT SERVANT!

Rin spent 20 minutes browsing through the website. When she came across a comment from the creator of the product that said: 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED!

"Wonder how much it is…. WHOA! 'Currently 860, 000 yen, but prices are rising.'" Rin read out the prices and description.

"I think I have enough money for that… It'll get more expensive in the future…" Rin was now fifty-fifty with weather to buy this product or not. "You know what; I'm sick and tired of living alone, and facing so many duties to keep this house running. It can be really tiring. I will buy this robot servant thing! At least it won't stab me in the back, like some servants do…"



"Ugggh… what was I thinking… buying some stupid product from a shady website. Not to mention it was also in the middle of the night! And I thought I ordered a female…" I grumbled to myself.

I had somehow managed to get Len off of me; right now he is in the kitchen. I just slumped onto the couch, entertaining myself with whatever was on TV.

"Master, would you like a snack? You must be hungry from your long day at school." Len called from the kitchen.

"No, it's okay." I say. "Len, can you come here?"

"Sure, anything for my beloved Master!" Len skips into the living room, with that goofy grin on him.

"Do you come with a receipt or an instruction manual or something?" I ask looking at him.

"Nope, only this envelope." Len flashed a large brown envelope.

Probably, whatever is on there will give me more information. Hopefully, I can return him. Show them that they made a mistake in my order.

I take the envelope from Len, and rip it open as if my life depended on it. The only thing I find is a 'thank-you' certificate for purchasing Len and a card with contact information.

"Damn…" I muttered.

"Master, you weren't going to return me were you?" Len said in a low tone, as he took a seat beside me.

"Uhhh…" I'm lost at words here. The atmosphere here is becoming very tense. Len's eyes have become very dark and soulless; I know robots' don't have souls, but his eyes before were bright and full of life.

"Hmmm… so you were going to return me?" Len leaned closer towards me.

"I… ummm…I guess…" If you can't guess I'm really freaking out.

"Master… PLEASE DON'T RETURN ME!" Len's attitude changed. Now he was hugging my waist looking at me with puppy dog eyes. "Please… I'll be good! I will follow your every order!"

"What's up with you? You become all scary for a minute and now, you are back to being all clingy!" This guy, is just full of surprises.

"Please, don't return meeee. I can even give you more, I can go all the way!" That last sentence made me blush.

"What, you mean as in… that way…" Ugggh, dirty thoughts stay out of my head!

"Yes…" He looked at me with those precious puppy dog eyes, I can't resist him.

"Fine." I said in defeat.

"Wait, is that for staying or for getting it down, right now?"

"F-For staying!" I stammered.

"YAY!" Len jumped in excitement. "Oh, Master you're blushing… YOU LOOK SO CUUTEEE WHEN YOU BLUSH!" He started hugging me, very tightly.

"Don't worry Master, we'll also be doing be getting it down, HARD!" He whispered in my ear in a seductive tone. "Not now, but soon."

"Wh-What the hell! You can forget about that!" I push him off.

"Hehehe, Master is such a cute little tsundere~" He giggled.

"And stop calling me Master. It feels uncomfortable. My name is Rin."

"Rin? RIN! SUCH A CUTE NAME FOR A CUTE GIRL!" Once again he starts hugging me… Wait did he just call me…

"Y-You think I'm cute?" I say in a shy tone.

"Of course, the cutest! My Rinny is the cutest girl a guy can ask for!" He starts to rub his cheek against mine.

Rinny? He already chose a nickname for me. And since when did I become his?! Oh boy, I think I'm starting to regret my decision… Maybe I should return him…

A/N: I was planning to make this M rated, but I suck at writing lemons… so yeah T rated with censoring it is!

Len will call Rin a whole bunch of nicknames, later on. Next is her meeting the guy who created Len, also facing more of Len's perverted actions. Next chapter may take long to update.

Read and Review, please!