Them or us

Disclaimer: I don't own anything from the Hellboy universe. Louise Moran is my own creation as is the story, but rest is not mine. Purely fan based art. Oh, and Del Toro make a Hellboy III.


There is a mist in the air so thick that even the brightness of the full moon barely penetrates it. It lingers in the air like dust and it is painful to breathe as if the inside of his lungs are being scraped. The old ruins around him are covered in withered vegetation that gives of a smell of rot and death. It is a smell so unbearable that it forces him to breathe through his mouth which makes the pain in his lungs double. The ground is wet and sticky everything turned to mud. The dirt-syrup clinging to his ankles and for each step he takes he sinks further. His muscles are tired and acid is starting to form sending a burning agonizing pain through his body. He finally gets to the centre of the ruins and looks around at the statues. There are four of them and at first he doesn't recognize them, but there is something about them that seems familiar. He feels nervous and he usually never feels that way. Even his tail is twitching in an anxiety that threatens to consume him at any given moment. His hand rests on his gun and no sooner than when he touches it the statues start to move on their own. He shoots, but nothing happens and he is quickly out of bullets. The first statue starts speaking with a voice he knows all too well. Rasputin.

"The time will soon come child. The world will be sent into chaos and from the ashes a new Eden shall arise."

He tries so speak, but the pain in his lungs prevents him from forming the words in his mind. The next statue begins to speak. His knows this ghostly voice as well, as the statues wings unfold. His Angel of Death.

"It is your destiny to bring about the destruction of the world and she will suffer most of all."

As speech still eludes him he charges forward at the statue punching it into tiny pieces. His breath quickening and more painful as he his forced unto his knees sinking deeper into the mud. Another voice and he turns to see the broken statue of Prince Nuada.

"They will tire of you. They have already turned against you. Is it them or us?"

He feels his limbs getting cold and his lungs ripping apart from the inside. This however is nothing as his heart rips apart from the words of doom. He doesn't know why it affects him this way, they never did before. He hears the sound of screams. Her screams. Tears form in his eyes as he hears his real name beckoning to be said in the back of his mind. Whispering for him to end it all and his heart is in agreement. Nothing could be worth this torment. Lost in his hopelessness he tries to say his name, but the pain in his lungs forbids it. It is then that he hears another voice. This one however is kind and loving. It brings a peace to his heart before words have even been formed. He finally manages to speak even if it is barely above a whisper.


"In the absence of light, darkness prevails. Those pure of heart will ensure that light will be restored. It is not the nature of a man that defines him, but his actions."

The statue disappears as he sinks deeper into the mud. The more he struggles the quicker he drowns. The harder he breathes the more he is smothered. Everything turns black as he hears nothing but her screams as he slowly drowns in the mud.

- OOO -

When he sits up he is covered in cold sweat. He has been having these dreams a lot lately and it is starting to piss him off. Demons, werewolves and evil entities - that he can handle, but how do you fight a dream? Liz starts to stir beside him.

"Red, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine babe. Go back to sleep."

He kisses her cheek and she falls back asleep. He looks at the time and grumbles. It's only 5 am. He knows he won't get any more sleep and decides to get up anyway. He wonders if Abe is up yet and after that dream he could use the company. He walks out the bedroom and through the house they bought three years ago. It was an old hunting lodge in the north of New Jersey and was near some cliffs overlooking the ocean. They had restored it to accommodate some of their special needs. Thankfully the professor had left Hellboy a generous inheritance and after spending so many years in the B.P.R.D. getting pay checks, but having nothing to use it on money had not been an issue for any of them. Originally they had not wanted to be located so near B.P.R.D.'s headquarters, but they were welcome nowhere else. Johann had made sure that they could stay in New Jersey and live in peace. Even after having made himself known to the world four years ago he was still not accepted. This was so different from what he had imagined, but in the end of the day the FBI left them alone, their location was hidden so they would not get harassed by the press and after the twins were born life had become alright. He walked out the master bedroom and opened the door next to it. Trevor and Sarah were sleeping peacefully in their bunk bed. They were three years old, but grew quickly. Red didn't want them to grow up. Both his children looked fairly human only their red skin marking them for what they were. They both had black hair and were stronger than an average human child their age, but other than that they had no unique talents. Sarah was stirring, but he went and stroked her hair she became calm again. Walking out quietly and closing the door behind him he went through the house and down the stairs. The first level was the kitchen, living and dining room all in one. He went to the refrigerator for a beer and went towards the only other room on the first floor, Abe's room. Hearing music he knew that his friend was already wide awake. He entered the room. It was in two levels. Abe's new tank was placed in the corner and made entirely out of glass. You could look right through it, giving you a view of the forest through one-sided glass. Next to the surface of the tank was a platform, which served as Abe's bedroom. Red never did understand why he wanted a bed, since he mostly slept in his tank. Though he had seen him resting on it once or twice while reading. The first level was a library filled with the books that had belonged to the professor's personal library and some of his belongings. The room was painted a dusty shade of blue and the furniture made from light wood. In the middle of the room were two living chairs and a sofa in black leather and under the platform was Abe's office. After leaving the B.P.R.D. Abe had done a lot of papers on the occult and done some research for the FBI under the understanding that he was hired for one job at a time. Red was both impressed and worried about his friend. After Nuala's death Abe had become much more independent and wasn't bothered as much about what people thought of him. Though he still didn't wear his apparatus after it was referred to as a toilet seat, Red chuckled at the memory. In not using it his body had adapted to breathe air through his human respiratory system rather than his aquatic one. He still needed the water of course, but was not as reliant upon it as he had been. What did worry Red was that Abe got lost in his work and often forgot to eat, sleep or simply have fun. Liz had been the first to notice this change, but red had dismissed it believing that once he had recovered from his broken heart, he would be the same old Abe. Though he was behaving like himself that sadness had never left him as he continued to get consumed in his work. Red went to the tank were Abe was currently resting listening to the music as he looked out into the forest with a vacant gaze.

"Hey Abe." He said as he knocked on the glass.

"Oh, good morning Red. You are up early." Abe replied as he turned around and swam towards the glass.

"Yeah, tell me about it."

"Another nightmare?"

"I'm so damn tired of it. I can't get a decent night's sleep anymore." Red grumbled.

"Hmmm... the fact that they are appearing so often could be signs of a premonition. I could look into it if you like?"

"Nah... I could use another beer though." He said as he shook the now empty beer can, Abe slightly shaking his head as he responded.

"Perhaps coffee would be more appropriate at this hour?"

"I hate it when you are right. I'll go make the coffee."

"I'll join you in a few minutes."

"Alright, thank you." Red felt a little guilty since he had been laying his worries on Abe lot more than usual.

"No problem. Us freaks need to stick together." Abe replied lightly and Red sighed. Freaks... no one ever saw anything else.

- OOO -

Agent Myers sighed deeply as he walked through the corridors of the B.P.R.D. Tonight had been nothing short of a disaster. He had been reassigned to the headquarters shortly after Hellboy quit the bureau and though Manning didn't want to admit it they were suffering from it. Tonight had proven that six agents had died trying to take down a cult who had recently murdered three young women. They had managed to catch two of the members and kill several others but their leader named Darren Conner wasn't found. They found the body of one young woman, but much to their surprise they had found another one alive. When they had entered the building they found the young woman restrained by some of the cult members. When they were surprised by the agents entering, she had fought back and managed to break one of the men's jaw with her elbow. Those were now the two they had in custody. They had also brought the girl back to headquarters, but during the interview she could reveal nothing of relevance except for the fact that she had met the leader before. He knocked on the door to Manning's office fearing the worst. As he was told to enter he opened the door and went inside.

"Agent Meyers."

"Sir about tonight."

" Don't. I don't want to hear any excuses. This was a disaster, but hopefully the two men taken into custody will provide us with some information. I have put Agent Farrow in charge of the questioning, but I would like you to join it as well."

"Of course, sir. What about the girl?"

"Have someone drive her home, we have no further use for her."

"But she is in danger. She knew the leader and it is more than likely that he will come for her again."

"There is no evidence to support that. All the other kidnappings have been completely random."

"Yes, but it is different with her. She knew him from the university and had a restraining order against him, before these attacks began. "

"And therefore it is outside our jurisdiction. The police will have to handle it."

"But sir she could die..." Meyers voice becoming desperate.

"Enough, Agent! Except for this coincidence she is of no value to this investigation. She knows nothing of the ritual, the cult, why she was taken and in addition to that she has no unique skills to offer. There is no reason for us to use resources there are better spent else were. Understood?" Manning replied with a frown and stern voice.

"Understood sir." Meyers replied as he went out the door. Anger was raging through him as well as a worry for the girl. He wished Hellboy was there. He would have set Manning straight and the girl would have been protected. Right now he would have to release her without any protection whatsoever and somehow he just knew that Connor would come back for her. No, he could not live with himself in doing that. He went to the only person that might be able to help. He went Johann Krauss's office and knocked on the door.

"Agent Meyers, vhat can I do for you?" Johann said in a cheerful voice.

"I need a favour."

- OOO -

It felt as if she had been in that room for hours. As if the night hadn't been awful enough. She hated Darren. She should have known something was wrong about him from the beginning, but she convinced herself that it was better to be open-minded and not be judgemental. So she had talked to him when he had approached her. When he had shown more than common affection for her she had kindly told him she was not interested. She had tried to let Darren off easy hoping that nothing would come of it. What a fool she had been. With the knowledge that she didn't want him he had become even more determined, to the point where she had got a restraining order, for all the good it did her. He had gone missing about two months ago and she had felt relief, but tonight he had intercepted her again as she walked home from the university. Only this time he wasn't alone. She had been dragged into a car and taken to some building where he had restrained her. Shivers went down her spine when she thought of the way he had caressed her cheek and let his hand slide up between her thighs under her skirt. He had grabbed hold of her underwear and ripped them off in the most painful way, but then walked away. Thankfully the FBI had shown up and getting the opportunity to hurt one of the bastards had made her feel better. Now she was stuck in a room with nothing more than a table and a couple of chairs. She had nothing to do, but replaying those memories over and over again. She had been shocked when one of the Agents told her they found a body of another girl. What was Darren doing and what would happen to her now? There was no way she would be safe at home. The door to the room opened and one of the agents she recognized entered.

"Miss Moran, I'm agent John Meyers." He smiled gently and she tried to smile back though not quite feeling the relief.

"A pleasure. How long do you intend to keep me here?"

"Not for much longer, if you would follow me."

She got up and followed him out of the building where he led her to a black car. Anxiety filled her thoughts and she almost panicked at the thought that she was been led away.

"Are you taking me home?" She asked panic showing on her face. John rested a hand on her shoulder.

"That is my orders yes, but..."

"You can't be serious that bloody bastard is still after me!"

"I know, which is why I have made other arrangements. I have found a place where you can be in hiding for at least a few months until we catch this guy. I am going to take you home so that you can pack and then I will take you to the safehouse." He smiled gently.

"Thank you." She sighed with genuine relief.

The sun was rising as they were driving away from the university campus. John smiled as he looked over at miss Moran as she had fallen asleep on the passenger seat. She was pretty, but not as you would imagine a supermodel. She was not very tall, 64 inches at the most, her body had round curves, long hair to the middle of her back that had been died dark red and a round, kind face. John couldn't help wonder why Darren Connor wanted her so badly and feared for her safety. They arrived at the house and Moran was still asleep. He turned off the car and got out and up to the door. The door opened and a much surprised Liz opened the door.

"John? What are you doing here?"

"Hello Liz, I'm sorry to intrude, but I need to speak to you urgently."

"Alright come in."

They walked into the living room where Red and Abe were sitting drinking coffee. They looked surprised to see Myers and Red grumbled a bit.

"Meyers what are you doing here?"

"Hello Red. Abe." John smiled as he greeted them.

"Hello John. This is an early hour for a visit." Abe responded kindly.

"Yes I'm sorry, but I have a problem I hope you might help me with."

"Sit down and I'll get you a cup then you can tell us." Liz offered and John thanked her as he sat down in one of the living chairs.

"So, how did you find us?" Red said slightly accusing.

"Dr. Krauss."

"Traitorous gasbag." Red sneered.

"How have you been?" Abe asked trying to change the subject.

"Well enough, Manning would never admit it, but the bureau is feeling the pressure after you guys left." He smiled.

"If this is about us rejoining the bureau can forget it. I have had it with those guys!" Red grumbled loudly.

"Shhh... Red you will wake the kids." Liz hushed.

"It's not that. You have brought a girl with you and she is grave danger." Abe stated.

"Yes. Let me explain. The last five of months we have been investigating a cult that has been making blood sacrifices, but we don't know for what yet. The leader is called Darren Connor and a few months ago he disappeared. We found him last night and interrupted a blood ritual, but the girl was unfortunately already dead."

"If she is dead, then why have you brought her here?" Red asked a little confused.

"I didn't. We found another girl at the scene who was alive."

"Lucky you got to her in time." Liz replied.

"That's it. I don't think it was luck that she wasn't harmed. They are planning something and they want her for some reason. She filed a restraining order against Connor just before he disappeared, but last night he recaptured her. Manning however says that she was just randomly kidnapped and there is no reason to protect her."

"What an idiot." Red sighed.

"What makes her so special?" Abe asked.

"Apparently nothing. She has no special talents, no connection to anything unnatural. She is just an ordinary young woman, which makes it even more difficult to find out what they want with her."

"And you came to us because?" Red gave John a sceptical look.

"Since the FBI refuses to protect her I hoped you might help me out and let her stay here until this blows over."

Red rubbed his face with his hands and then looked at Abe and Liz.

"What do you guys think?"

"She does seem to be in dire danger and it is unlikely that Manning will change his mind." Abe offered.

"We can't let them hurt her, but I am not sure she will be comfortable around us. There really isn't anyone else?" Liz asked.

"There are the police, but they are not equipped for things like this. Please, just for a few days at least and I'll see if I can find another solution." John answered his voice full of concern.

"I hope she doesn't mind sleeping on the couch then. Not a lot of room." Red stated.

"You will take her then?" John asked hopefully.

"It sure looks like it." Liz smiled and Abe nodded.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." His voice full of relief.

"So when will you bring the girl?" Red asked.

"She is out in the car now, but she is asleep. After the night she just had I would like for her to rest a little longer."

"Wouldn't she be more comfortable inside?" Liz asked.

"It is unlikely she will fall asleep again. It might be best for her to rest at least for an hour or so." Abe added.

Ordinary freak