Disclaimer - Unfortunately, I am yet to own CSI, so for now I'm just borrowing it. For purely selfish purposes.

A/N: Well, here's the third and final chapter of this sequel. Thank you for reading and reviewing this and Only Because It's You. I will be back soon with… something, I'm sure. Until then, enjoy this. Oh and remember to smile =)

Chapter 3

"I guess we should go downstairs and tell them the truth," Sara stated, standing up and flattening out the creases in her clothes.

"Are you sure?" Nick asked. "You don't have to do it yet."

"No, I should get it over and done with now, and hopefully your mum won't hate me too much," Sara smiled in spite of herself. "Best to do it before everyone gets too excited."

"She won't hate you," Nick insisted.

Sara just nodded and took his outstretched hand. Nick began walking out the room but Sara pulled him back in. And pulled him into a kiss.

"What was that for?" he asked, resting his hands on her hips.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier," Sara smiled up at him. "You know I didn't mean it, right?"

"Yeah, I know," Nick nodded. "Come on, time waster, the sooner we sort this out the way the sooner you can apologise properly."

Sara pursed her lips and let Nick almost drag her out the bedroom and down the stairs.

"Is it true?" Angie blurted out as she bounded up to them. "Are you pregnant?"

"Mum, who did you tell?" Nick asked, slightly panicked.

"Oh, you know, just the whole family," she grinned. "This is amazing news, Nicky. You didn't expect me to keep it to myself, did you?"

"Nicky, don't avoid my question. Is Sara pregnant?" Angie asked again.

"Well, actually…," Sara started.

"Yep," Nick grinned. "Sara's pregnant. With my baby, may I add."

If Sara hadn't of been so shocked that Nick had decided to continue with the lie she would have hit him for that comment.

"I knew it!" Angie announced. "I knew you'd get her pregnant. I told you, didn't I? Didn't I?"

"Yes, you did," Nick chuckled. "You should've put a bet on it."

"I should have," she exclaimed. "But congratulations. I'm so happy for you, Sara."

Sara just nodded.

"It's the shock," Nick whispered playfully. "She still can't quite believe it herself."

Sara playfully thumped Nick on the arm.

"Sara, that's just amazing," Emily, one of Nick's sisters, added. "It's about time Nicky settled down."

"Yeah, we're all really pleased for you two," Annie, another one of Nick's sisters, joined in.

"Thank you," Sara just about managed. "We're, uh, we're really, really, um, happy."

"Well, that's good," Jackie, yet another of Nick's sisters, stated.

Sara nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. "Happy is good. Got it."

"Overwhelmed," Nick stated, wrapping an arm around Sara's shoulders and pulling her close.

"I've never had much of a family," she explained, sniffling.

"Your hormones won't be helping either," Emily added.

"I guess not," Sara sighed.

Nick decided to leave Sara with his sisters when questions like 'Did you plan the pregnancy?', 'Did this just happen?' and 'When are you due?' started coming up. That was more of a women's thing. So he walked away and left Sara in the capable hands of his sisters', and hoped that Sara would formulate intellectual and believable lies to keep them convinced.

"I'm really pleased for you, man," Andrew, Nick's only brother, smiled as he came up to him as he walked outside. "Dad was happy too but he had to go to work."

"Thanks, Andy," Nick smiled back, shaking his hand.

"You want to come and have a game with us?" Andy asked, tossing a football back and forwards between his hands.

"Nah, you're alright. I'll just stand here and watch," Nick shook his head.

"Alright then," he shrugged. "Thought it might have been good practice for you. This'll be you one day."

Nick let out a sigh and stared out in to the back garden, watching his brother and brother-in-laws kick a football around with the majority of his nieces and nephews. Andy was right, he would need practice, that would be him one day. But sadly not any time soon, much to the contrary of what they all thought. How was he gonna get out of this one? Why had he even kept the lie going? The same reason Sara had started it, he figured. The look of pure joy and happiness in his sister's eyes as she asked him if Sara was pregnant had kept the lie going. So technically he could blame Angie for this.

But no matter how hard he tried not to think about it, how hard he tried to convince himself it wasn't true, that Sara wasn't pregnant with his baby, he couldn't stop wishing it were true. And Sara being pregnant seemed to have a nice ring to it, especially if he added 'with my baby' at the end of it. Nick found himself wanting a baby with Sara, not in the future, not after they were married, now. Which would probably make the whole thing a whole lot more confusing. Besides, Nick had no idea how Sara felt about this, whether she did want a baby with him but just not yet or whether she didn't want a baby with him ever. He knew it was a bit soon, but he loved Sara and she loved him, and if they were going to spend the rest of their lives together then why waste time. He knew he'd love their baby whenever one came, sooner rather than later would be great, the icing on top of the cake. So at least Nick knew where he stood in all of this. At least that was something.

"That'll be you soon," Jillian stated as she stood next to her son.

"Huh?" Nick snapped out of his thoughts.

"I said that'll be you soon," Jillian smiled.

"Yeah, I know. Andy said the same thing," Nick smiled back.

"I'm so proud of you," Jillian stated. "You've finally grown up, finally met the right girl, finally settling down. And now all my babies have babies of there own, or at least they will soon."

Nick nodded in agreement. "Better late than never, eh?"

"You're gonna be a great dad," Jillian insisted. "I know you might feel differently right now, but trust your mother every once in a while. She happens to be an excellent judge of character."

"And is speaking in third person," Nick commented.

Jillian chuckled.

"Did I miss the joke?" Sara asked as she joined them.

"No," Jillian shook her head. "I'll leave Nicky to tell you."

"So, what was so funny?"

"My mum is apparently an amazing judge of character," Nick stated. "And I should be scared of fatherhood."

Sara sighed. "So it's not just me then? No offence to any of your sisters but if they tell me that child birth may be extremely painful but it's so incredibly rewarding or that I shouldn't be worried about motherhood and making mistakes again than I might have to scream. I wasn't worried until they said anything."

Nick tried to stifle a laugh. "Sorry about them. They're just excited."

"Over a lie," she reminded him. "Which was gonna be resolved, which I was gonna put right. But no, now I'm pregnant. Thanks to you."

"I'm sorry, but what could I do? Angie wanted you to be pregnant. I had to say you were," Nick explained.

"Yeah, I know the feeling," Sara raised an eyebrow. "What are we gonna do? What are we gonna tell them?"

"We don't need to tell them anything. We could just head upstairs…," Nick raised his eyes suggestively and smirked.

"You know as well as I do that the dates wouldn't match. That even if we were to do that they'd work out that something wasn't right. They'd work out we lied," Sara insisted.

"Well they're gonna find out we lied eventually, why not get something out of it?" he shrugged.

Sara shook her head. "Maybe I should just go home and we should stick to being friends."

"Why?" Nick asked, hurt that she was basically dumping him.

"Because, Nick, ever since we've been together you've done nothing but lie to your family. This is all my fault. It's my fault that you keep having to lie to you family, and I'm sorry. You managed to talk your way out of it last time, sort of, but we can't get out of this one," Sara insisted. "I'll go home and you tell your mum that I was hit by a bus or something."

"Sara, that's a bit over the top, don't you think?" he raised his eyebrows.

"Maybe, but what other choice do we have?"

"You said that you just thought that you weren't pregnant, but maybe you are. You haven't done a pregnancy test yet, have you?" Nick asked, remembering what Sara had said earlier.

"No, but I didn't think…," Sara shrugged.

"I bet there's loads of women who thought they weren't pregnant until they took a test," Nick insisted. "It can't hurt, can it? For peace of mind? And if nothing else we can just tell everyone that it was a false positive, and hope they're not too disappointed."

"But what if… what if I am, pregnant? What then?" Sara asked hesitantly.

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," he smiled, hoping he looked reassuring and calm. In reality, he was anything but. This was a life changing prospect. Were they ready for that yet?

Sara just nodded. She hoped when Nick said 'we'll cross that bridge when we come to it' he merely meant 'we can do this; we can be parents', and not something else entirely. Sara knew that if she was pregnant that that would be okay, she wouldn't want to change that, even if it led to her going it alone. She most definitely wouldn't want to, for want of a better word, dispose of their mistake. Perhaps the more she thought about it, the more she hoped she would be pregnant.

About half an hour later and Nick and Sara were sat on the bed in their bedroom, trying desperately hard not to panic or over think what could come next. Nick had slipped out a little while ago and went to the chemist to buy one of the better, more reliable, pregnancy tests. This was just as much a big deal for him as it was for Sara. And at the same time, Sara had excused herself from the living room, feeling tired and overwhelmed yet again. But thankfully no one questioned her; tiredness was apparently common during pregnancy.

Sara sucked in some air and stood, picking up the pregnancy test as she made her way to the en suite bathroom. Nick wanted to say something, something to comfort her, but nothing came out. Instead, he watched her disappear and knew that the next few minutes were going to be the longest few minutes of his life.

Minutes later, as predicted, Sara emerged from the bathroom in tears, holding the pregnancy test tightly in one hand.

"Oh, Sara," Nick sighed, hanging his head in disappointment. "It's okay. If it's what you want, 'cause you know I'd love to be a dad, we could always try for a baby."

"No…," Sara shook her head.

"No? No you don't want a baby? So you're glad you're not pregnant?" Nick asked, not believing when she was implying.

"No. Not that. We don't need to try," Sara corrected him, wiping at her cheeks.

Nick's eyes widened in anticipation as he waited with bated breath for Sara to continue.

"It's positive. I'm pregnant," Sara offered a watery smile, showing Nick the pregnancy test. "It says 4 to 5 weeks, so that means…"

"…the morning Angie left," Nick finished her sentence, almost smugly.

"Yeah," Sara nodded.

"Well, at least we didn't waste any time," he shrugged.

Sara chuckled. "Yeah, I guess."

"I never really thought of us as the planning type anyway," Nick stated.

"There's an 'us' now?"

"You bet," Nick grinned as he stood up and walked towards Sara, wrapping his arms around her waist. "You me and this little one."

Seven months later:

"Hello," Jillian answered excitedly.

"Mrs. Stokes?" Catherine asked.

"That's me?" Jillian nodded. "Now who's this?"

"Hi. My name's Catherine Willows. I work with your son, Nick, and his girlfriend, Sara," Catherine introduced herself. "We've met once, years ago."

"Oh, yes, I think I remember you. And Nick and Sara have mentioned you a few times," Jillian said. "Is everything alright?"

"Well, I've been given the lovely task of telling you and the rest of your family that Sara is in labour," Catherine smiled.

"Is she!?" Jillian screeched.

"Yeah, her waters broke a few hours ago," Catherine stated. "I meant to call sooner but…"

"But they're a month early!"

"We know. But the doctors have told us it's normal for twins to be born premature," Catherine insisted. "They wouldn't have let the pregnancy continue much longer, apparently. Most twins are born healthy even when they're early."

"Is Sara alright? How is she coping?" Jillian asked.

"Well, as you'd expect she's screaming at the tope of her lungs, wants the babies out of her, now…," Catherine stopped mid-sentence when Warrick started pointing at the window to the delivery room Sara was in. "One second," she mumbled to Jillian before covering her phone and looking expectantly at her co-worker.

"I think she's…," he whispered, still pointing.

"Is she?" Greg jumped in before Catherine could comment.

Rolling her eyes, Catherine put the phone back to her ear. "Sorry about that. We think Sara's about ready to start pushing."

"I'm gonna cry," Jillian stated.

An hour later:

"Hang on, he's coming out now," Catherine insisted just as Jillian was fit to explode with anxiety.

Nick stepped out the room smiling like he'd just won the lottery, or, maybe if this had been a few years ago, like he'd just had a very, very good night with some pretty redhead. But in fact, the love of his life had just given birth to their twins.

"Congratulations," Warrick grinned at him, giving him a manly hug.

"Thanks, man," Nick's smile widened still.

Catherine handed over her phone. "It's your mum."

"Hi, mum," Nick said into the phone cheerfully.

"So? How's Sara? How's your twins? A boy and a girl? What did you name them?" Jillian said in record speed, trying to get all her questions out at once.

"Mum, calm down. Sara's fine, well as fine as she can be having just given birth twice. And the twins are fine, happy and healthy. A boy, Aiden, and a girl, Ava," Nick smiled proudly.

Thank you for reading. This was the longest of the three chapters, with good reason. So what did you think? A little added surprise with Sara giving birth to twins, but I just couldn't decide whether they should have a daddy's girl or a mummy's boy. So they had one of each. Did you like it? Hate it? Well, you know how to tell me. Review please.