Hello everyone, I'm so sorry it has taken me so long to update but here is the final installment of this story. I will try to follow up with an epilogue as soon as possible, but my life has been very hectic for the past few months and will still be hectic for the next few coming months. Anyway I hope you enjoy. Please comment, follow and favorite.

"Well, Miss. Everdeen, it seems that you have exceeded everyone's expectations again" Coin hissed from behind her desk. Though it was apparent in her eyes she was anything but pleased. "Killing Snow and surviving a bullet wound that would have killed another in a matter of minutes. You truly are one of a kind". The last part was said through gritted teeth. Katniss internally smirked. She'd realised only recently how much she enjoyed being a thorn in Coin's side. She didn't move as she felt one of the two men that had been standing next to Coin, move past her. She didn't even flinch when she heard the definite sound of the door being locked. Katniss clenched her fists as the guard moved back to his previous position next to Coin.

"What can I say? I'm full of surprises, wouldn't you agree?" Katniss remarked, examining her fingernails. She had been released from the hospital for a full hour before Coin sent for her. "But that's not what you wanted to talk about was it". Coin looked murderous as she stared at Katniss over her clasped hands. Katniss met her gaze unwavering. "If it's about that man who attacked me while I was unconscious, you don't need to worry, I don't expect everyone to like me. By the way I was touched to hear you were so concerned about my health". The last part was said through heavily gritted teeth. Coin's nostrils flared.

"It seems Miss. Everdeen that your mission has been completed, you made the world a safer place for your sister, now though I don't really have a use for you. Therefore I believe it is time for you to disappear" Coin ground out. Katniss was almost certain that if she kept grinding her teeth like that, then Coin would not have teeth for much longer.

"Okay then, I'll just go, I was in the middle of lunch with my boyfriend and sister, and I would like to finish" Katniss said in a sickly sweet tone. Coin's eyebrow twitched. Katniss smirked. Oh, how she loved this.

"I'm afraid Miss. Everdeen that, that is not an option". Katniss raised an eyebrow as both of Coins goons moved next to her and gripped her elbows. Coin rose to her feet and moved around her desk till she stood directly in front of her. Now that she was closer Katniss could see that Coin wasn't in the best of health. Her usually pin straight hair was slightly frizzy and her eyes were heavily bloodshot.

"Oh and where am I to go then?" Coin looked demented as she unstrapped her gun from her thigh holster.

"You are going on a mission to…to infiltrate an underground group of Capital people… who are looking to follow Snow's example of enslavement. But…but they shot you before you could reach… fully infiltrate them. And… and … and now, you are with your father". Coin looked like she should be in a psych ward.

'This girl is off her rocker' Katniss thought as Coin raised the gun to point it at Katniss' chest. Katniss acted quickly. She swept the gun from Coin's hand, sending it sliding across the floor, then, using the men who gripped her, jumped up and slammed her feet into Coin's chest, sending her flying over her desk. Katniss proceeded to reverse the grip each man had on her arms, before kicking each off and away. While the men were staggering back to their feet, Katniss reached into her pocket and pulled out the weapon Cato gave her before she arrived. Cato called it a yawara. It was a simple length of wood, just an inch or two longer than her palm, the very ends of the stick bulged out slightly, giving it an almost dumb-bell shape. She quickly spun and using the yawara, hit both men just behind their jaw, knocking them out cold. She spun again intending to knock out Coin as well.

Katniss gasped and spun away as she felt a sharp pain flare up across her cheek. She came face to face with Coin, who was holding a switch blade in her hand a small amount of blood running along the edge. Katniss ignored the pain in her cheek and fingered the yawara in her hand.

"That's a bit unfair" Katniss said good-naturedly, smiling. It looked a slight bit disturbing as blood dripped down off her chin. "You've got a gun and a knife, whilst I have a piece of wood. Nope not fair at all". Coin lunged for her with a deranged screech, swiping for Katniss wildly. "Uh oh, if you're trying to kill me then, I think, screaming isn't going to make it easy". Katniss leaped up over Coin's desk, putting it between them. Every second that past them demented gleam in Coin's eyes seemed to worsen.

"The room is sound proof" Coin hissed. She grabbed a paperweight from her desk and lobbed it at Katniss, whom easily side stepped to avoid it.

"Now that's just childish" Katniss tsked. "Why do you hate me so much?"

"YOU KNOW WHY" Coin yelled leaping over and grabbing at Katniss. Katniss quickly ran around the desk and leaped over one the men that were coming to. He stood up at the wrong time and Coin's switch blade sliced through his throat cleanly. Katniss paused in shock, but not entirely surprised either.

"YOU WERE MEANT TO DIE" Coin screamed. "IN THAT ARENA. I HAD THAT STUPID BOWL RIGGED WITH YOUR SISTER'S NAME ON EACH LEAFLET. I KNEW YOU WOULD VOLUNTEER TO SAVE HER. YOU WERE MEANT TO DIE, THEN YOUR BASTARD OF A SISTER AND THAT WHORE OF A MOTHER WOULD DIE WITHOUT YOU". Katniss swung the yawara, knocking the blade from Coin's hand. Forgoing use of a weapon Coin lunged at Katniss, knocking them both against the wall. Katniss dropped the yawara from her hand upon impact. She struck down on Coin's back and kneed her in the stomach. Coin exhaled sharply and dropped down to her knees. In her shock she had released Katniss. Katniss swung her arm and caught Coin under the chin knocking her flat on her back. Katniss quickly leapt on top of Coin and pinned her to the floor.

"Killing my father wasn't enough" Katniss hissed. Coin struggled against the pin vehemently, but to no use. "You wanted to kill my sister and mother as well, why?"

"Your father was meant to be mine! He was never meant to be hers, you and your sister were never meant to exist. I was just making the world as it should be". Katniss lifted Coin's upper body only to slam her back down, knocking the wind out of her.

"You mean how you wanted the world to be" Katniss seethed. "You killed my father because he wrecked your perfect world. Is that why?" Coin kept her mouth shut and blinked as Katniss' blood dripped down onto her face. "Tell me!"

"Yes, I shot your father because of what he did, he betrayed me, he ruined everything! All my plans, ruined. And when I gave him the chance to fix it, to come back to where he was meant to be, he practically spat in my face. He wasn't the man I knew, he was a monster". Katniss struck her across the face, but she wasn't finished. "You want to know what I was going to do when you were out of the way. I was going to have your mother and you sister killed and mutilated. I was going to have everyone believe that the Capitol had done it and spark the war". Coin laughed manically. "I was going to bomb the Districts as well, then when the people of Panem were in deep need I would appear and be their messiah, their refuge". Katniss dragged her to her feet and slammed her into the wall. She wasn't expecting Coin to punch her in her still healing stitches. Katniss doubled over pain gripping her sided tightly and breathing heavily. She looked up when she heard the distinct sound of a gun clocking. She looked up only to see the barrel of the gun she had previously knocked from Coin's hand.

"You are just like your father, ruining everything, all of my plans, you are a monster just like he was" Coin stared at Katniss, her gun hand becoming unsteady, shaking violently.

Coin jumped as the door banged open and gasped as her arm was twisted behind her back, dropping the gun. Katniss leant in close, her lips almost touching Coin's ear.

"After everything you've done you think me a monster" Katniss scoffed. Several men came over and took Coin from her. "Look in the mirror Coin, the only monster in this room, in this world is you". Just then a man Katniss recognised as Coin's second in command, entered in to the room.

"Boggs! Arrest that girl she attacked me and started saying how she was going to lie and make false accusations against me. Your men should be restraining her not me" Coin spat out, glaring at Katniss venomously. Katniss looked at Boggs pleadingly, causing him to exhale sharply.

"Alma Coin I am arresting you for treason, attempted murder and murder" Boggs' voice rang out clearly. Coin seemed to freeze for a few seconds before she began to struggle violently, spitting and screaming, hurling curse after curse at everyone in the room as she was carried out. When she could no longer be heard, Boggs turned to Katniss. Katniss was pressing her hands against her side trying to ease the small amount of blood coming out of her now reopened bullet wound.

"Are you alright Miss Everdeen?" Boggs questioned, staring at her sliced cheek. Katniss quickly covered it with one of her hands.

"I'm fine, nothing a trip to the hospital won't fix". Katniss looked at the door and smiled as Cato walked in and pulled her to him, being careful of her wounds. She sighed happily as she rested her head against his chest. "Did it work?"

"You bet it worked" Cato mumbled into her hair.

"You're sure you want to do this?" Beetee mumbled as he continued tinkering with his latest invention. Katniss remained still as he continued to set up his miniature device.

"Yes, Coin has been allowed to do too much and ruin too many lives, she needs to be stopped" Katniss mumbled. Around them the other tributes were following Wiresses directions. Cato moved over to Katniss as Beetee accidentally snagged one of her stitches. He steadied her as she flinched and nearly fell off the stool she was balancing on. He glared at Beetee, only calming when Katniss rubbed his arm.

"I'm fine, this needs to be done" Katniss mumbled. Just then Clove and Glimmer made their way over to Cato, Beetee and her.

"You are insane, certifiably insane" Clove ranted. Katniss merely rolled her eyes, for the last three hours, every five minutes Clove would come up to Katniss and proceed to question her sanity.

"Clove no matter what you say I'm going to do this" Katniss hissed again as Beetee once again caught her stitches.

"Sorry, sorry I'm nearly done" Beetee exclaimed quickly putting together the last few components. "Right that's the end of it". Katniss pulled her shirt back down and allowed Cato to lift her down from her stool.

"And this will work?" Cato questioned refusing to let Katniss go. Peeta walked up and wrapped his arm around Clove pulling her close and kissing her forehead. Peeta looked at Katniss sadly, he still held deep feelings for her but after meeting Clove, and he now just thought of her a sister.

"Okay" Beetee pushed a few buttons on the monitor Marvel had carried in a few moments earlier. "Everything's all set and ready to go".

"Good thing to" Finnick said just as he entered the room. "Because Coin is looking for her". Katniss inhaled deeply.

"Right let's do this" Katniss mused. She walked out of the room with Cato flanking her right. Just before they were about to enter the hall, Cato grabbed her arm and pulled her into a tight embrace, pressing a small object into her hand.

"It's called a yawara" He explained as they pulled a part. "Use the bulging ends to hit any pressure points". Katniss smiled and nodded. She looked back at him as she left the room and headed to Coin's office. At the door, she paused.

"Attention all citizen's here in District 13, you may want to stop what you're doing and listen to the following conversation" Katniss grinned as she heard her own voice echoing through the halls. She mentally thanked Beetee for blocking the feed to Coin's office or else this would never work. "You may find it illuminating".

"What will happen to her?" Katniss questioned later on in the hospital. She winced and gripped Prim's hand tightly as her mother proceeded to stitch up her cheek.

"Well, with everything we recorded she's most likely going to face the death sentence" Finnick explained. He tossed a sugar cube up in the air and caught it in his mouth. "Sugar cube anyone?" He held his hand out offering the group that occupied the hospital a sugar cube. The group consisted of the surviving 74th hunger games survivors, several of the previous victors, Prim, Katniss' mother and Gale. After everyone declined his offer, Finnick shrugged and ate another before continuing to talk. "Any way, really clever idea hooking yourself up with all those gizmos". Katniss shrugged as best she could.

"I noticed that I seemed to unnerve her more and more each time she saw me" Katniss reasoned. "I guess I reminded her of my father too much". Katniss noticed her mother pause for a moment before quickly finishing off the stitches.

"There all done, try to avoid too many movements that involve opening your mouth too wide" Katniss' mother said simply and walked away to dispose of the bloodied equipment.

"No fellatio for Cato then" Marvel snickered only to grunt when Glimmer elbowed him rather hard.

"Marvel!" Katniss hissed. She had to admit she was impressed by how quickly he ran out of the hospital when the warning left her lips.

"One day I'm going to actually punch him" Cato mused watching Glimmer chase after him.

"Back to business" Joanna snapped. "People are looking for a new leader now that both Snow and Coin are out of the picture". She said this with a pointed look at Katniss.

"Ha, no chance, I'm officially retiring" Katniss snorted. "I'm just going to take a break and enjoy some quality time with my family and boyfriend". She crossed her arms and glared pointedly at Gale who scowled at the word boyfriend. "Gale, you're my best friend and I do love you, but it's the same love I have for Prim. I don't love you the way you want me to and if you continue to act like a spoilt three year old you won't be my friend at all". Gale looked down dejected before nodding. Katniss felt the bed shake as Cato and Prim chuckled.

"Remind me never to piss you off love" Cato mused into her hair, smiling happily.

"Really after everything I've done you didn't cop on before" Katniss laughed looking up at him happily. Their little bubble was broken by someone gagging. 'Joanna' Katniss thought begrudgingly. "If you don't want to watch then leave" Katniss snapped before pulling Cato in for a deep kiss. They ignored everyone as they began to file out one by one until it was just the two of them left. Katniss pulled back from Cato, smiling brightly.

"It's over" Katniss laughed delightedly. Cato smiled in response.

"It's over" Cato echoed and pulled her in for one more, deep kiss.