
Summary: It has been nearly half a century since the the Kishin, Asura, had been defeated. Half a century of peace and balance in Death City. But with a witch uprising growing stronger, will the new students of the DWMA be able to restore balance? Mostly SpaMano with side GerIta, USUK, and PruHun possibly others.

_Prologue_ _

Cold. Lonely.

At just eleven years old, Antonio found himself without a home, family, or even a friend. As he wandered the dark streets of Death City, he shivered, looking around hopefully. He was not aware of the fact that he was being followed. It wasn't until he was roughly shoved into an alley that he started to realize the danger he was now in.

"Tch. It's just a kid." Said a deep, rough voice.

"Look at him though. There's something different about him.." Replied another voice.

"I guess he can come with us then. Let's go, kid."

"No!" Antonio shouted, scrambling to his feet. "Mama always said not to go with strangers! I don't know you!"

This only made the men chuckle, reaching for the boy.

"Oi! You bastards leave him alone!" Screeched out another small voice.

The men and the child both froze, turning to face the newcomer.

There, with a glare more suited to someone twice his age, stood Lovino Vargas. The boy was known throughout the city for his temper and foul mouth. He had grown up on the streets and seemed to fend for himself well despite his small size.

"Scram, brat." Yelled one of the men, turning his attention back to Antonio.

"Don't fucking call me that, bastard!" Lovino yelled, his arm beginning to glow.

"W-What the hell?!" the taller man yelled, stumbling back a bit. "That kid's a weapon!"

Lovino's arm glowed brighter, then the light faded. Where the boy's arm had been, there was now a wickedly-sharp blade. The boy hesitated only for a moment before charging at the two men. Antonio shrunk back slightly before kicking one of the men in the shin. Said man swore, glaring at the tan boy. He was focused on Antonio far too much to notice Lovino running directly at him. He was knocked back by the flat of the boy's blade and hit the wall.

Even in a moment like this, Antonio could still stare in wonder as he moved to stand back-to-back with the weapon.

"How did you do that~? That was amazing~!" He grinned.

"Tch. Shut up and fight." Lovino huffed. Though he was one year younger than Antonio, he was already much more street-wise and ready to fight. "How do you feel about holding an axe?"

"An axe?" Antonio blinked. "Well..Mi padre used to have an axe..I guess I could use one.."

"Good." Lovino said before he closed his eyes, his entire body glowing much like his arm had before. The younger boy's form shifted and Antonio found himself catching a small, black and silver axe with a smooth, red handle. The weapon felt surprisingly light and balanced in his hands. Antonio stared down for a moment before a sharp voice sounded from inside his head.

'Bastard, what are you doing?! Let's get them!' This voice was unmistakably Lovino's thought it sounded vaguely metallic.

"Right!" Antonio charged at the stunned men, making a lunge at one of them.

As the blade touched the man's skin and sliced thought, he began to evaporate, leaving a glowing red soul behind. A Kishin egg. Antonio's eyes widened as he rushed to do the same to the man's partner. After a small struggle, the second man was also defeated. Lovino began to glow again. On instinct, Antonio let go. The younger boy reformed in front of Antonio again, looking slightly worn out. Antonio himself sat down against the wall, panting.

"A-Are you okay, bastard?" He asked, eyes hard as ever as he went over to the floating souls, swallowing them with a satisfied gulp.

"Yes~! Thank you~!" Antonio grinned, jumping up and hugging his savior. "If you hadn't helped, I don't know what would have become of me~."

"G-Get the hell off of me!" Lovino shoved the taller boy away. "Go back to your parents!"

Antonio looked down sadly, sitting against the wall again.

"I don't…I don't have parents..Not anymore." He sighed, looking down.

At this, Lovino's eyes widened slightly. He took a step closer to the older child, awkwardly patting his shoulder. In truth, Lovino had been abandoned by his own parents a few years before, keeping his younger brother, Feliciano instead.

"Don't worry, I…I don't have any family either."

"R-Really?! How sad! Well my name's Antonio! Maybe we could be family~!" He grinned. Lovino couldn't help but give a rare, wry smile.

"Yeah..maybe. I'm Lovino by the way." He offered his hand to help the other up.

Antonio gave his brightest smile, causing his companion to blush slightly. He took the younger boy's hand, pulling himself up. Their eyes met and both knew from that moment on, they were partners.

It was to be the beginning of their greatest adventures.