Disclaimer- I do not own Fairy Tail. All I own is this idea.

Levy slowly opened her eyes, to find her face pressed into the desk, textbook open in front of her, and a pencil digging into her face. She gingerly lifted her face from the desk, and sat back in her chair. A sharp pain filled her, and she quickly stood up, looking back at her seat. She saw something blue on her black desk chair, but from this distance, she couldn't make it out.

Sighing, she looked around her desk until she noticed a scarlet blur. Gingerly, she picked it up, and settled her glasses on her face. On her chair was her pencil sharpener.

~How did that get there?~ Levy thought, picking it up and setting it on her desk. She straightened it up, and looked around her room for anything else she may have put somewhere stupid while she studied last night.

Her room had pale gold walls, and lots of hand drawn pictures on them. Her made bed sat in the corner under the one window, with a small dresser next to it. On the dresser were all of her drawing supplies, her headbands, and all of the jewelry she never wore. In the corner was a pile of all of the shoes she owned. There we're only three pairs not in the messy heap. A pair of black lacey flats, a pair of black Chuck Taylor's, and a pair of six-inch black strapy heals that Lucy had given her for her last birthday that she had never worn. Her plain brown door was closed, and next to it was her desk. On the next wall was her small closet that wouldn't close, she had so many clothes. On the door of the closet was her full-length mirror. She had two bookcases in the corner, and in the tiny gap between them she kept her hamper.

Levy walked over to the mirror to look at the damage sleeping at her desk had caused. She had a handprint on her cheek, as well as the imprint of her pencil. The faint traces of mascara and eyeliner she had been wearing yesterday had spread and run, making her look like a zombie. Her white tank top had twisted, and was pulled to the left. Her blue pajama pants were also twisted, and one leg had pulled up to the knee. Her waist-length golden-brown wavy hair was sticking up in all directions, and sweat had caused it to stick to her face.

~Damn. That's not going to be fixed by a brush.~ Levy thought with a scowl, ~I have so much to do already today. What time is it anyway?~

Levy glanced at the clock hanging on the wall above her bed and sighed. ~Apparently not. I'm going to have to call Jet and Droy to say I'm sorry.~

She walked over to her dresser and picked up her cell phone after hurriedly pulling her hair into a ponytail.

Levy hit speed dial one, and let the phone ring. At the second ring, she heard her friend Jet pick up, "Hello, Jet speaking."

"Hey, Jet, it's Levy," she said.

"Levy!? Where were you this morning? Did you forget you were supposed to meet Droy and me for breakfast today?" Levy heard the worry in Jet's voice.

"No, I fell asleep studying last night," Levy said, slightly embarrassed.

"Last night, what was the time when you last checked the clock?" Jet asked, as Levy knew he would.

"Two-forty-six," Levy mumbled embarrassedly.

"God damn it, Levy!" Jet yelled, "You've got to stop doing this! You're already father in school then you should be! Just study like a normal person! And stop taking so many courses! Aren't you taking like nine or something?"

"It's only six," Levy mumbled.

"That's not the point, Levy," Jet sighed, "You're going to kill yourself like this. You need to take time to have fun, relax. You need time where it's not planned... You need to be spontaneous."

"I'll... try," Levy said, then asked, "Oh, hey, since I couldn't come over for breakfast today, do you and Droy want to come over later? Lu has something planned, but she says it won't take all day."

Jet laughed, "I've already talked to Lucy. I caked your house earlier, and she picked up. She invited us to go with you guys on her surprise."

"Oh. Okay then," Levy said, "See you later. Tell Droy I said hi, okay?"

"Yeah. Bye, Levy," Jet said, hanging up.

Levy walked back to her closet to get clothes so she could shower. Once again, her gaze was caught by her reflection.

She sighed sadly, ~Be more spontaneous, he says. How do I do that? I've never been the spontaneous type. I've always been the good girl. I don't have a perfect body with double d's like Lucy or Mira. I'm not beautiful, yet smart, like Erza. I'm not comfortable wearing the ridiculously revealing clothing Cana wears. The closest thing I have to a 'sexy top' is this tank top. How do I be spontaneous? I can't even get a boyfriend. Argh, spontaneous! Such a stupid word!~

Quickly, she snatched the first things she touched and carted them all to the bathroom. After her shower, she dried off, and grabbed the black lacey underwear she had grabbed. She picked up the bra, absently noticing it matched, ~Hmm, they match. Apparently it's going to be a good day...~

She pulled on the black skinny jeans, the black camisole, and the blood red off-the-shoulder t-shirt. It had a skull and crossbones on it. ~I don't remember buying this. Is this the shirt Cana bought me?~

Levy walked out of the bathroom, a towel around her brown hair, and her glasses on. She walked into her room, and grabbed the red and black striped headband, and a hairbrush. She walked back to the mirror, finished drying her hair, and brushed through it. She carefully placed her headband, and looked herself up and down. ~Ugh. This is as good as it gets, I guess. B-cup breasts, small waist, but these wide hips. Why me?~

She left her bedroom, following the scent of cooking bacon. Standing at the stove was Mira. Next to her was Lu, and Erza was sitting at the table, reading the morning paper.

"Hey, guys," Levy said, "What's all this?"

"We heard you weren't having breakfast with Jet and Droy, so Mira decided to cook," Erza said, putting down her newspaper.

Mira looked over at her, beaming, "Happy birthday, Levy! I put your present from Lisanna, Elfman, and I on the table!"

Lu looked her up and down, "That's a new look for you, Levy."

"Oh, shut up," Levy said, sitting at the table, and pulled the blue envelope towards her. ~Blue. My favorite color.~

She opened the envelope, and pulled out two tickets.

"Grandeeney Porlyusica's Spa and Resort," Levy read, then freaked out, clutching Mira, "THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!"

"It was nothing," Mira beamed.

"This is why I wanted to go first..." Erza mumbled at the table.

Levy ran over and hugged Erza, beaming, "It's fine if you didn't get me something expensive, Erza. I didn't want anything anyway."

Erza blushed, put a small white box on the table, and picked her newspaper up again.

Levy picked up the jewelry box, and hesitantly opened it. Inside was a beautiful golden dragon spewing black flames. The flames were onyx, and the gold was etched with almost ridiculous detailing. Every scale, every single detail was etched on the tiny, one inch dragon. Levy stared at the little dragon in the box, a tiny smile on her face, ~I've always loved dragons...~

"If you don't like it, I can return it and get you something else," Erza said, face still hidden behind her newspaper.

Levy clutched the box to her chest, "No way! You're not taking my dragon!"

Erza lowered her paper, and looked at Levy, "Does that mean you like it?"

"No," Levy said, and Erza's face fell, "I love it."

Erza smiled again, "You do?" Levy nodded, pulling out the necklace. Erza helped her put it on.

"My gift is today," Lu said.

Levy looked at her in confusion, "We're going to a nightclub! And today, we are going shopping you get you ready!"

"Lu... That's not..." Levy said slowly.

"No," Lu said over her, "You need to do something besides study. You need to go out and have fun. So tonight, I have asked all of our friends to go with us to that new club... what's it called... umm..."

"Fairy Tail," Mira and Erza supplied at the same time.

"Right!" Lucy cheered, "And since you don't own any clubbing clothes, we are going shopping!"

"I have clubbing clothes!" Levy said, hands in her hips.

Erza hid behind her newspaper again to avoid the fight, while Mira raised an eyebrow, then returned to cooking. Lucy crossed her arms, "Name one outfit."

"Um... well, there's... um... that red... dress?" Levy said questioningly.

Lucy shook her head, "And that's why we're going shopping."

Levy grumbled for a while, then sat down, "Who's coming tonight anyway?"

"Jet and Droy, you sleepyhead," Lucy said teasingly.

"Mira, Natsu, Gray, and I," Erza said.

"Lisanna and Elfman," Mira said, putting the food on the table then sitting down.

Lucy sat across from Mira, "Oh, and your cousin's in town. She says she's bringing a couple drinking buddies."

"Cana's in town?" Levy asked, surprised.

"Yes," Mira beamed, "She's staying with a couple of her friends, and they're who she's bringing."

"Oh. Okay, then," Levy said with a smile.

"Gajeel, get up," a woman's voice echoed into his room.

Gajeel opened his eyes to his pitch dark room. By feel, he flipped the switch beside his bed. Light flooded the room, causing him to wince. ~Ugh, that's the last time I go drinking with Cana.~

Gajeel looked around his room for some pants. His room had dark gray walls, and one window that he had covered with layers of black fabric. He had a dresser in one corner, and tons of miscellaneous junk across it. All over the floors were clothes, dirty and clean. He grabbed a pair of pants from the floor that looked and smelled clean, and pulled them on.

"Gajeel, Juvia had been sent to tell you- What has Juvia told you about your clothes, Gajeel!" Juvia said, walking into the room and getting angry.

Gajeel felt around the nape of his neck, and found the rubber band he had put there the previous night. He pulled it out, shaking his hair, "Juvia, I don't care what my room looks like. I'm the only one who has to stay here."

Juvia stormed around, picking up the clothes. She found a relatively clean shirt and threw it at him, "Put that on. And Juvia cares. You are letting Juvia stay here until she gets back on her feet, and in return Juvia cleans. Besides, what if you bring someone home with you? They will run away at the sight of your room, and then Gajeel will still be all alone."

"Well, that won't be a problem, because I don't go out," Gajeel said, pulling the black wife beater over his head.

"Juvia thinks that you're going to kill yourself with all the work you do, Gajeel," Juvia said, picking up a pair of his pants and sighed, "Juvia just washed these."

"I'm fine, Juvia," Gajeel said, helping her pick up his clothes and put them in the laundry basket he had instead of a hamper, "Besides, I don't want to meet anyone."

Juvia shot him a dirty look, "That was seven years ago, Gajeel. You need to get over Metalic-"

"Don't say it!" Gajeel shouted.

Juvia rolled her eyes, "Fine, Juvia will not say the name. But you need to get over her. She was your high school sweetheart, Gajeel. You need to find someone and be happy."

"When I see someone I want to be with, I'll be with her, okay?" Gajeel said annoyed, "Why are you in here anyway?"

Juvia picked up the last piece of clothing and grabbed the basket, "Pantherlily asked Juvia to come tell you that breakfast is ready, and if you don't hurry Cana may eat it all."

Gajeel and Juvia left his bedroom, both going separate ways down the hallway: her to the left and the laundry room, and him to the kitchen, to the right.

"Juvia will be in the kitchen in a few minutes!" Juvia called.

"Okay," Gajeel mumbled, walking into the kitchen. At the table sat Cana, her long, dark brown, wavy hair pulled into a sloppy bun. She was wearing a black tank top, and a pair of blue plaid shorts.

At the counter, pouring eggs into the frying pan, stood his best friend, Pantherlily. Lily had dark, cocoa colored skin, and short, slightly shaggy black hair, with two bumps shaped faintly like ears. He had dark brown eyes, and his left one had a scar going through it.

Without turning around, Lily greeted him, "Good morning, Gajeel."

Cana looked up, taking a sip of her grasshopper with a smirk, "Morning, Gajeel. Did you have a good time last night?"

Gajeel glared at her, "Why are you drinking this early? And for your information, no, I did not."

"I'm drinking this early because I feel like it," Cana said, taking another drink.

Pantherlily put Gajeel's eggs in front of him, "I told you that you wouldn't have a good time, Gajeel."

"What are you, my mother?" Gajeel mumbled halfheartedly.

Pantherlily chuckled, "Thank god I'm not. I would have to cry in shame."

Cana choked, and burst out laughing. Gajeel shot Lily a dirty look, "Thanks, man. Thanks."

Cana struggled, but got her laughter under control, "So, Lily. You never said if you were coming tonight."

"I don't think Gajeel can take another night of trying to be your partner, so yes," Lily sighed, sitting down, "But I'm going to warn you: There is no way in hell that I'll Ever be able to keep up with you."

Cana giggled, finishing her drink, "No one can."

"No one can what?" Juvia asked, walking into the kitchen, and getting her eggs from the counter.

"Keep up with me," Cana giggled, grabbing a beer.

Juvia nodded, "Juvia agrees. Juvia doesn't understand how you are even alive with how much you drink."

"So, Juvia, you want to come with us tonight?" Cana asked, "Gajeel, Lily, and I are going to my cousin's 21st birthday party."

Juvia shook her head, "No. Thank you, but Juvia doesn't like parties."

Cana looked at her, "Are you sure? It'll be fun."

Juvia nodded, a sad smile on her face, "Juvia is sure."

~If she thinks I need to get out, then how can she possibly think she doesn't need to?~ Gajeel thought, coming up with a plan, "Then I'm not going."

"What!?" Cana and Lily yelled.

"Gajeel. Go. It will be good for you," Juvia said in an annoyed tone.

"I'll go," Gajeel smirked, "If you do."

Juvia glared at him angrily, "Fine. If it means Gajeel will go, then Juvia will go, too."

"Good," Cana smiled, "Boys, we need to leave at eight-thirty. Juvia and I are going to go start getting ready."

Gajeel looked at her like she was insane, "It's noon."

Cana laughed, dragging Juvia off, "Exactly. See you in eight hours."

Gajeel looked at Lily for an explanation. Lily shrugged, "Who knows."

Gajeel nodded, finishing his breakfast, "Girls are fucking crazy."

~She's insane.~ Levy thought, yanking her hand out of Lucy's.

"No," Levy said, crossing her arms, "I am not going inside that store."

Lucy blinked in confusion, "Why?"

Levy's eye twitched, "First you dragged me through three different stores before you found 'The Perfect Outfit'. Then, you made me go to two different jewelry stores. You made me go and buy nine inch heels, because the heels you got me last year apparently weren't good enough!"

Lucy opened her mouth, but Levy interrupted, "I'm not finished! You're making me put in my contacts tonight, and I have a salon appointment in half an hour, where they're going to polish and primp me until I look and feel nothing like myself. If I'm going to do all of this, I'm at least doing it in my own underwear!"

Lucy sighed, "Fine. What do you want to do for a half an hour?"

"I don't know," Levy admitted, "Why don't we just... go there and wait...?"

Lucy smiled, "Fine. Come on."

They got back in Lucy's car, and drove for ten minutes to the salon. They walked inside, and Levy went and sat down. She picked up one of the magazines that showed her all of her cut options. She flipped through it in boredom, while Lucy checked them in for their four-thirty appointment.

Levy continued flipping through, until one picture caught her eyes. The girl in the photo had slightly longer than shoulder-length black hair. She had a headband in the same way Levy always wore hers, but the strands on the side of her face, along with the underside of her hair, and random streaks throughout were died a pale lavender.

Levy picked up one of her waist length strands of hair, and looked back at the picture, smiling.

~Spontaneous, huh? I'll show them spontaneous. Tonight, I'll be nothing but spontaneous.~

A/N- Lol, I made Lily a person! I just love that character too much to make him a pet…

I hope to have the new chapter out by Thursday, but before that I need FEEDBACK!

1) In the next chapter, Levy seduces Gajeel. I'm not sure if I should write that lemon, or wait to write lemons for later in the story, so you guys need to tell me what you want.

2) SIDE PAIRINGS! I need to know what side pairings you guys want to read. I'm doing it based on number of votes, and if I get none, I'll just do the ones I like. And, to let you know, I like unpopular pairings, such as NaLi.

So Read and Review!