{YAY EPILOGUE! I got carried away with this because I am in love with Daddy!Klaine. Reviews Welcome!}

"Okay, now make sure you pull all the way through when you take a stroke, then at the very end, snap your hand back and out." Blaine demonstrated the pull to a group of teenagers, all who watched him carefully.

Ever since his professional career ended abruptly in 2012, Blaine had created a life in the UK. Within a few months after his announced retirement, he was offered a job as a coach at a well known aquatic center in the city. He snapped up the job immediately.

A couple years later he opened his own pool and was now coaching the most talented swimmers in the area. He'd hired a few of his old teammates in the past few years, as well as many other talented swimmers and coaches. In a few years time, Blaine's center would become the place for aspiring Olympiads. Blaine attributed its existence to Kurt. It never would have become a reality if it wasn't for Kurt's insistence.

Kurt. That was another thing altogether. While Blaine had left swimming for the man, it wasn't as if they could immediately start living together. However, every morning, without fail, Blaine would come into The Espresso Room for his morning coffee, and to visit Kurt. Kurt would make sure to have Blaine's cup ready each morning just a few minutes before hand.

Gradually, Blaine began to stay longer, and then they began to meet outside of each other's work hours. Kurt would take Blaine to all of his favorite places in the city, and Blaine fell in love with the sights and sounds of London. Even better, he fell even further in love with Kurt.

Then there was that time that Kurt kissed him: suddenly, and without warning. It wasn't romantic in the traditional sense of the word. It happened late one evening as they were about to go their separate ways; Blaine to the small apartment he had found when he first decided to stay in London, and Kurt to his house. The stars weren't visible in the night sky, and they weren't standing in a pool of light from a street lamp. There was no background music or beautiful body of water beside them, but it was perfect in every way. Soft. Tentative. Full of love.

At that moment Blaine Anderson knew he was going to marry Kurt Hummel.

And he did. Two years later, on the anniversary of the day they first met, Blaine knelt down in front of Kurt and offered him a ring and his heart. They were married within the year.

Seven years later, nothing could have been better.

"Coach?" one of the swimmers asked, "what interval are we doing these on?"

"I think we'll go on the minute. Don't push this set, focus on the technique."

Blaine sat on his stool and watched the swimmers. His eyes kept wandering over to the smaller pool on the other side of the deck. There, his son six year old son, Nathan, was taking his first swimming lesson with one of the best instructors at the aquatic center. Blaine had wanted to teach him by himself, but Nathan was adamant about going through the process like everyone else. Starting with level one, and moving up until he was in his dad's group.

Blaine could see Nathan blowing bubbles in the water and trying to float on his back. Eventually, he focused back on his group and finished up the practice.

"Daddy! Daddy! Look!" Nathan took a deep breath and went underwater. He resurfaced about five feet from where he had gone under.

"Did you see that? I swam!"

Blaine laughed from the side of the pool and motioned for him to come closer to the edge. "I did, you are going to be quite the little swimmer."

Nathan made his way over to Blaine, and was lifted out of the water. Blaine swung him up and gave him a hug while he was still dripping wet. The little boy squirmed in his dad's arms.

"Daaaad, put me down." He whined.

Chuckling, Blaine set him down and handed him a towel. "Come on, dry off. I think you deserve a treat. Maybe…hot chocolate?"

A grin broke out on Nathan's face and he got dressed as fast as possible. Blaine watched him bounce around the pool deck. When he and Kurt had first decided they wanted a surrogate child, they couldn't agree as to who should be the biological father. Blaine wanted Kurt to have the honor, but Kurt insisted that Blaine's gene pool was more talented. Blaine had scoffed at this, because in his mind, Kurt was the perfect human being.

After months of discussion, Kurt finally caved. Nathan looked so much like his dad. His eyes were the same shade of blue, and his nose was the same distinct shape as Kurt's. Somehow, though, Nathan had picked up Blaine's sense of excitement. It was something Blaine had forgotten he had while he spent his years training heavily for his career. Once he stepped away from the pressure and began to teach, it all came back.

Minutes later, Nathan and Blaine were heading out. The little boy could hardly stop talking about his first lesson. Of course he'd been in the water before, but now he was going to be "just like his daddy" and learn how to swim just as fast as he did. Blaine smiled fondly at the little boy while the two walked down the street.

After Nathan finally quieted down, Blaine spoke up. "You know what Nate? I think— that if you want to— you can swim even faster than me."

Nathan's eyes widened, "Really? But you're the fastest in the world."

"I'm only the fastest until someone beats me," Blaine responded. Nathan grew silent as he thought about that. Blaine glanced down, "that is, only if you want to. I won't make force you to do it if you want t do something else."

"Nope," Nathan replied, "I want to swim fast."

"Then you will." Blaine scooped up Nathan, and held him as they crossed the street. "We're going to stop by Nana's house and pick up Macy real quick, okay?"

"Kay," Nathan said, resting his head on Blaine's shoulder.

When Blaine finally arrived at his mother-in-laws house, Nathan was sound asleep. He knocked gently and greeted Carole. He stepped inside, and set Nathan down on the couch as Carole brought Macy over. She was only eight months old, and she spent weekday afternoons with Carole when Blaine was coaching.

Blaine picked her up and started cooing at the little girl, "look at you, every time I see you, you just get more beautiful. Oh yes you do. Aren't you the prettiest in the world?" She grabbed his finger as he leaned down to kiss her on the nose. She smiled up at him and Blaine felt his heart melt a little.

She was, of course, the second child. This time around Kurt had convinced Blaine to be the biological father, and Macy had been the result. Her hair wasn't quite as curly as Blaine's, and her skin was a few shades darker. The only clear indication of her relation to Blaine was the color of her eyes that changed from a honey brown to a muted green with the lighting.

He picked up the carrier from where it rested near the entrance. "Thank you Carole, as usual," he said as he placed Macy inside. He set it down, kissed the top of her head and gave her a hug. "I appreciate it."

"It's no trouble at all, I love spending time with my grandkids," Carole beamed.

Blaine lifted Nathan back up and shifted him to one hip. He then grabbed the handle of Macy's carrier, and nodded at the older woman. "I'll see you Monday afternoon."

"Bye sweetie, send Kurt my love!" She waved from the doorstep.

"Will do!" Blaine called over his shoulder, and made his way down the street.

Soon, Nathan woke up from his short nap, and Blaine put him down next to him. They walked in silence with the occasional gurgle coming from Macy. She was wide awake and staring at anything that moved.

Ten minutes later, the trio arrived at a bright red door. Blaine opened it and ushered Nathan inside, and then walking in after him. The place was full. The Espresso Room had been featured in a traveler's magazine the year before, and tourists now seemed to flock to the place en masse. Kurt had hired three people to work alongside him, but even that wasn't enough some days.

Blaine made eye contact with Kurt and smiled warmly. Kurt returned the expression, before hurrying back to finish the latest order. Blaine had intended to sit down at a table and wait for a lull in the flow of customers, but Nathan wasn't having any of that.

"Dad! Dad! Guess what I did today?" Nathan scurried behind the counter and grabbed onto one of Kurt's legs. Kurt looked down and was trying to decide what he should do with his son when Blaine called him back.

"Nathan Hummel you get back here this instant." Blaine said sternly. Nathan pouted a little, but walked back around.

"Honestly Blaine, he wasn't bothering me."

"Come on now, we have to set some sort of boundaries."

Kurt rolled his eyes and grabbed an empty cup. He poured the drink and placed it on the counter for the customer, and then gestured to one of his employees to take his spot. He grabbed Blaine's medium drip off the counter, and got a cup of hot chocolate for Nathan.

"Nothing for you?" Blaine asked as he took the coffee from Kurt.

"Nope, already had mine today." Kurt leaned over and kissed Blaine on the cheek. "Now where can I find my kids?" Kurt pretended to overlook Nathan, searching around the table. "I can't see them anywhere!"

"Dad! I'm right here!" Nathan waved his hands over his head in an attempt to get his attention.

"What? Oh! Hey there!" Kurt kissed him on the head, ruffled his hair, and handed him his chocolate. "How was your first day of swimming?"

"It was awesome!" Nathan exclaimed. He gestured a bit too enthusiastically and spilled a little of his drink on the table. Kurt chuckled and pulled a rag from his back pocket to wipe up the mess.

"How far did you swim?"

"He went super far, a whole five feet," Blaine added with pride.

"I don't believe it. Maybe I'll have to come next week and see for myself."

"Can you?" Nathan looked up hopefully.

"Yeah, I think I can take an afternoon off to visit you guys." Kurt looked over at Blaine, who was a little ruffled from the walk over. Kurt fixed the collar on his husband's shirt, and then looked to the ground near Blaine's feet where Macy sat in her carrier.

She'd been entranced by a picture on the wall for the past couple minutes, but once she saw Kurt's familiar figure leaning down, she began to coo. Kurt unfastened the belt, and picked her up. She grabbed a fistful of his hair, and refused to let go.

Kurt made a face as he gently pulled her hand down. "Hi Macy, how's my perfect princess?" She responded by biting his nose, which was way too close to her mouth in the first place. He scrunched up his face and pulled back. He wiped away the moisture from his nose while Blaine laughed from his chair.

"Aww, look Dad," Blaine said, the corners of his eyes still crinkling, "she's teething."

"It'd be great if she didn't decide to teethe on my face though," Kurt responded. However, he was unable to keep the fondness from his voice.

"He's asleep," Kurt whispered as he entered the bedroom. Blaine was sitting on his side of the bed, helping Macy with her bottle. She gripped the sides tight, but still needed Blaine's help to keep it upright.

"Great," Blaine yawned. Soon, the little girl was finished with the bottle, and her eyes began to droop. Blaine hummed softly and rocked a little as he waited for her to fall asleep. He leaned back on the head board, and succeeded in falling asleep only moments after Macy drifted off herself.

Kurt tried to pick up Macy to put her in her crib, but Blaine tensed. He mumbled something incoherent and shifted a little.

"Shhh…it's just me. I'm going to put her in her bed." Blaine relaxed, and Kurt lifted Macy up. He carried her to the adjacent room and set her down on her back. He returned to see that Blaine had reallocated to his side.

Once Blaine, though half opened eyes, saw Kurt, he reached out his hands like a needy child. "Come love me," he half whined and made grabbing gestures with his hands.

"Anything for you," Kurt responded. He came closer and let Blaine pull him onto the bed. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt and set his chin on his shoulder. Kurt adjusted himself so that the two of them were in a more comfortable position and locked their legs together. They fit perfectly, as if their bodies were made for each other.

"I love you, Kurt," Blaine murmured. He snuggled his face against Kurt's neck, fully aware that he was scratching him with the day's stubble.

"I love you too Blaine," Kurt breathed. He took one of the hands Blaine held him with and brought it to his lips. He pressed a kiss onto his husband's knuckles, and then proceeded to lace his fingers with Blaine's.

"Good night"


{Hope you loved the fluff! I appreciate reviews as usual, constructive criticism only makes people better writers.}