I've had this in my head for quite a while.I've not seen this take on the time traveling fic.I love the Varia and just think they are crazy.

I don't own Katkeyo hitman reborn Amano Akira does.

Chapter one.

"Trash!" said the young boy with black hair and scar's on his face.

Giotto blinked in confusion.

"VOII, you maggots," shouted a long hair silver boy

Asari laughed a nervous laugh,

"Ushishishi,bow to the Prince," said a boy with a tiara on his head.

G twitched his eyes in annoyance.

"Boss." said a boy with black spiky hair to the scar face kid,

Lampo looked on bored.

"Mouuuuu look at the hot men,"squealed a strange looking boy with sunglasses on.

Knuckles shook his head

"Shissou why are you a melon now i thought you prefered pinapples!" said a frog hat wearing boy,

Daemon glared at the boy ready to kill.

Alaude stood there highly amused at what the frog boy just said.

Giotto couldn't believe what was happening, five minutes ago he was having a meeting with his guardians when suddenly pink smoke appeared in the room and there stood 6 children.

"Um who are you and where did you come from?" Asked Giotto to the children.

"VOIIIIIII WE ARE THE VARIA YOU DUMBASS!"shouted the silver hair child,

"What's Varia?" asked Lampo looking at Alaude,

"Never heard of it,"Alaude said back,

"Shishishi, of course you haven't we don't exist yet,"said the tiara boy,

The first generation looked confused,"what do you mean."demanded Alaude,

"Shishishi, we're from the future, about 400 years from now in the time of the tenth Vongola,"

The first generation just stood there in shock,"Um that's quite an imagination you have there,"laughed Asari

"Tch,as if we would believe you,now tell the truth,"demanded G,

"VOIIIII WE ARE TELLING THE TRUTH"shouted the silver hair boy while swinging his sword around,

"Mou~Squalo watch where your swinging your sword you nearly chopped of my hair"squealled the mohawk boy.

"Children shouldn't lie"Knuckles said in a disapproving tone.

That comment had all the Varia stop what they were doing-except Xanxus he wasn't doing anything.

Children...what children.

Looking at each other...





"Shishishi,who dares do this to the Prince"

"Mou,Fran stop the illusion"

"It's not an illusion Mohawkey"


Meanwhile Lampo noticed a strange box on the floor with the Vongola crest on it,picking it up,"What's this?"

"Don't touch it idiot,it could be a threat"

"opps,"Lampo sheepishly said after pressing a button on the box.

The first generation looked at the box as voices started coming out of it.

hahahahahahahahahahaha,you've angered me for the last time,hope you like the punishment,

Judaime,you've gone crazy calm down,

Maa maa Tsuna maybe you want to tone down your diabolical laugh,

No, shut up you two your taking up my recording time,anyway,hahaha Varia,i've had enough of your constant repair bills so i had Verde assist me in this punishment-hope you like being children coz you ain't gonna be adults again untill you repent-mwah hahaha


Oi baseball idiot why did you knock Judaime unconcious

His diabolical laugh was annoying me,plus I think he's truly ,Tsuna's gone abit crazy-with all the paperwork stress-and you guys didn't help with your last repair bill. So have fun being children.

"Sawada Tsunayoshi"glared the scared kid while pulling out his two X guns,locking his eyes onto Primo"Die trash" and he fired his two guns charged with his flames of wrath at Primo.

Lol run for your life Primo-poor first generation they have no idea what has landed into their laps.

the next chapter shall deal with how they ended up in the past as that wasn't in Tsuna grand scheme of things.

ALso i know Tsuna may have seem ooc here but the huge stress of paperwork has made him snap.