Chapter One Hundred Forty

Rick had been hiding it well but since Kate began having contractions nearly every day, he was a nervous wreck. Rick had researched anything and everything that could go wrong for the baby or for Kate because of all the damage done to her heart and lungs when she was shot. He was grateful that Dr. Cheryl called after Kate was released from the ER. As her attending physician, she had been notified by the hospital when Kate was brought in. Due to the continuing contractions, she did not want Kate to sail or drive to Portland for her next check-up scheduled in early October. Dr. Whalen had plans to come to New York for a seminar on October 10th, she'd made arrangements with a friend to use a room at NY Presbyterian Hospital for Kate's exam.

Cheryl was discussing Kate's case with her friend Linda Neas, who was the head of the hospital's OB-GYN unit. They were both encouraged by the results of her respiration therapy. Her breathing was much improved and the last stress test on her heart was also better. Just in case Kate went into early labor, Cheryl felt more confident that Kate's heart and lungs would be able to handle it. She still felt a c-section would be best but Kate didn't want it, so they were discussing other options as Rick and Kate arrived at the clinic. The staff did all the usual preliminaries: weighing her, drew blood and got a urine sample from Kate before calling Dr. Whalen. She was handed a hospital gown and shown to an exam room. A few minutes later another nurse came in and began the ultrasound. "My doctor usually does the ultrasound." The woman continued as if she had not heard her until Kate pushed the woman's hand away. "I would prefer to wait until my doctor arrives."

Rick could tell that Kate was getting upset. "Let me go find Dr. Cheryl, be right back."

"I'll be all done long before your doctor even gets here." True to her word the nurse quickly finished and handed Kate a towel to wipe off the gel. "Everything looks normal. Don't worry your son is perfectly fine. I'll have the test results prepared for your doctor and a print out of his picture for you in just a moment."

Kate was so shocked she couldn't say a word before the woman left the room. "Son?"

It took her a few moments to process what just happened. Dr. Cheryl and her staff knew that she didn't want to know her baby's gender; apparently the staff here assumed Kate already knew. She was having a boy…a part of her was a little disappointed. She wanted to wait and be surprised with Rick when their baby was born. Knowing the peanut was a boy solved so many questions about how to decorate the nursery and what clothes to buy but a part of her was sad because she knew Rick really wanted a little girl. Kate felt guilty that she has gotten her wish to give Rick a son. Now the biggest question was could she keep the news a secret from Rick for the next six or eight weeks? Should she tell him now? What about her father or Martha or Alexis? She did not have long to ponder those questions, within a minute Kate heard a light tap on the exam room door as Dr. Cheryl Whalen walked in with Rick close behind her.

"I'm sorry, Kate. Every clinic has its own procedures. I forgot to let them know I prefer to handle the ultrasound exam myself. Don't get dressed just yet. Let me check on your test results and review the ultrasound. Then we can talk if you have any questions."

Kate barely noticed Cheryl entering or leaving the room. Her eyes were drawn to her husband. Martha had shown her Rick's baby pictures. Suddenly she wanted to speed up time so she could see and hold her son. If he was half as cute as his daddy had been and if he inherited Rick's big beautiful blue eyes…their son would be way beyond adorable.

"Kate?" Snapping back from her happy daydream, Rick was standing beside her looking worried. She had been upset when he left but now she was staring at him intensely. "Are you OK?"

She smiled at him to ease the look of concern on his face. The smile kept getting bigger as she thought about telling him the news. She lifted her hand to caress his cheek and brought his face closer for a kiss him. It started out sweet and gentle but did not end that way. "Wow, Kate! What did I do for you to kiss me like that, please tell me so I can do it again?"

She couldn't stop smiling at him. "I love you, Rick."

Before he could say or ask her anything more, Cheryl returned. "Everything looks perfect! I know that the contractions can be scary and are uncomfortable but doing the exercises they gave you will help. You are in the home stretch now Kate but our plan to have you come up to Portland for the delivery will need to be changed. I want you to limit any travel and all exercise, except for your therapy sessions. My friend Linda Neas runs the OB-GYN clinic at this hospital, this is her card. She has your complete medical history and we've discussed all your delivery options. She knows you want a vaginal birth unless there are complications. You know you can call me at any time but if you can't reach me, you can call her with questions or if any new issues come up. I'll be back in New York at the end of October, so I will see you then."

"Dr Cheryl, I want you to deliver our baby. Is there any way you can stay in New York?" Both Rick and Kate looked scared at the thought of having a complete stranger deliver their peanut.

"I wish I could but I have four patients with due dates between now and Thanksgiving. One of the few advantages of being a doctor in the military is that I can order a plane to fly me here anytime. Portland is less than three hours away by jet and your NYPD friends can get me from the airport to the delivery room in no time. Here is the latest picture of your peanut…." Cheryl hoped they didn't notice her hesitation as she passed them the picture. It was obvious at least to her that their baby's gender was front and center on the image but neither of them asked questions or made any comments. "Your peanut isn't so small anymore."


Keith may have bypassed his college graduation ceremony but after 800 long hours of intensive training in Virginia, at today's ceremony he would be receiving his badge, gun and ID as a probationary FBI agent. For him the physical training had been easy. Case exercises, operational skills, behavioral science and surprisingly weapons training had been a lot harder for him…he didn't like guns, that and learning to work as part of a team. That had always been hard for him, he was a loner. Soon after the post-graduation party had begun, Director Snow asked several of the new agents to report to his office.

"Gentlemen, congratulations! I have asked you to see me for a specific reason. There have been a series of attacks, sexual assaults and rapes on the campuses of several major New York colleges. NYPD and some of the colleges have requested our assistance to find and stop this man before he attacks again or escalates to murder. You were selected because we need younger agents that can blend in while patrolling the campus grounds and walkways after dark. This is a strictly voluntary assignment."

Keith didn't even have to think about it. His was the first hand raised to volunteer. He could not bear the thought of some pervert touching Alexis…or worse. It had been five months since he left without a word. Five long months since they made love. Could he handle seeing her again? She would probably hit him if they did meet…and he deserved it. Keith glanced around to see all the other agents in the group had also volunteered. "Excellent, sorry to cut your celebration short, go grab your gear and report to dispatch at Quantico. Wheels up for New York at 1800 hours, you'll report to Agent Shaw upon landing."

Fate! Keith could not believe it. What were the chances his first assignment would take him back to New York and working with Jordan Shaw? Maybe she would take pity on him and assign him to any campus but Columbia? However, a small part of him wanted to run into Alexis know if fate would give him, give them, a second chance. He felt a nervous energy begin to grow inside him as the jet hurtled down the runway. Keith suddenly wanted that answer.

Arriving at JFK, an agent was waiting for the plane. He brought them to the main FBI office in midtown and to a conference room that held several senior agents, a few police officials and some younger agents dressed in t-shirts and jeans. "Thank you agents for volunteering...the only description we have on our suspect is that he is young, 20-25, longer dark hair, very muscular with lots of tattoos and under six feet tall. This description is a composite from the first four victims. All the assaults have been at the more "elite" universities: Cornell, Georgetown, Columbia and Berkley."

Clicking on the projector, photographs of the victims attacked got progressively more brutal. "Deborah Carter, a nursing student at Hunter College had pepper spray in her purse. She was able to surprise her attacker and escape before she was dragged into the bushes. However, she said that the man who attacked her had very short dark hair. This may have been a random attack by another perpetrator or perhaps our suspect is trying to change his appearance and the locations for his attacks. That is why we need more help, your help." Jordan Shaw picked up a list showing no recognition that they'd met before. "Agent Nichols, you recently graduated from NYU. Since you know that campus, you will be working with Agent Lee." Keith just nodded, followed the man from the room.


A few days after her appointment, Kate concerns about her labor and delivery were growing, she felt restless and edgy. Rick decided she needed a distraction. He hoped that planning a Halloween Party might help her focus on something else, at least for a little while. Martha, who had recently returned from the Hamptons was all in favor of a party but she was much too busy being courted by Martin to be much help. Alexis, so happy to be home again, quickly offered to help Kate out. During all the drama with Pi and moving out, she'd been forced to drop two classes this term and was able to do most of her course work online, at least for this semester. She wanted to stay close to Kate and was enjoying getting The Loft ready for her new baby brother or sister.

Rick had a contractor come in to re-design the bedroom. His huge walk-in closet was cut in half to create a nursery nook for the baby. So far Kate had managed to keep the secret about "her son" from everyone. The new small space was soon complete, painted green and yellow with lots of baby decorations. Kate's biggest problem was figuring out a costume she could wear for the party. Over eight months pregnant, she just seemed to get bigger and bigger. Rick said she was still his beautiful but well-rounded partner. However, when he suggested she go as The Great Pumpkin after tears and apologies, he was quickly banished to his office to work on "Man of the People." Everyone was so wrapped up with party plans and in preparing for the baby they were all blissfully unaware of the sexual predator out there hunting for his next female victim.

Keith patrolled NYU every night for the next two weeks but other than calling the cops for a few very belligerent drunks and the paramedics for one very wacked out kid on drugs, he had nothing to show for all that time. He was not alone, none of the other teams had spotted the suspect. Just before Halloween a female student was found at Empire University near death. She had been raped but this time her attacker tried to slash her throat hoping to silence her permanently. The victim barely survived, she was still unconscious and being guarded by the police. No details of the attack were released to the media. Even with all the extra manpower they were no closer to finding the man responsible. Keith began to wonder how long it would be until they were recalled to Virginia. He hated the thought that he would be forced to leave Alexis unprotected. Maybe Agent Lee would let him move to the Columbia campus…at least he would be closer to her.

True to her word, Dr. Cheryl returned to New York three weeks later, just in time to be invited to the Castle Halloween party. It was a night of many firsts: Kevin and Jenny Ryan's first night out since the birth of Sara Grace, Rick and Kate's first party as a married couple at The Loft and for the first time Lanie and Javi came to the party as a couple. Also for the first time writers did not out number other professions on the guest list. Maddie Queller was catering the party, launching a new division of Q4 food services. Much to everyone's amusement Kate decided to dress as the Great Pumpkin with a very attentive Rick dressed as Linus, he waited on her hand and foot all night.

Rick invited Mike but knowing Paula would be there he declined to come. Kate called to invite Jordan, she left a few messages but never heard back from her. Both Rick and Kate were surprised that Captain Gates showed up with her husband. She was not surprised when Victoria asked her bluntly if she would be sitting for the next captain's exam. Growing up Alexis always had a separate party for her and her friends but this year she was invited to the "grown up" party. Just after midnight, by doctor's orders Kate was carried off to bed, soon after that most of the guests began to depart, many left to go to other parties.

The next morning Rick woke alone. Kate often got up several times to use the bathroom. She also sometimes needed to stretch out her back by walking but would wake him if she started to have contractions. Still half asleep he walked through his office into the living room, heading for the kitchen. He was pleased that the room was clean and most of the furniture had been moved back into place…except for the long couch. He saw Kate kneeling on the floor in front of it; she was holding her stomach and panting. "Kate, why didn't you call me if you are having contractions?"

"Feels different, hurts more this time, none of the exercises are helping." She was pale and panting as Rick helped her to stand. "Walking seems to help. The pain is going away, finally." He put his arm around her and together they walked until the pain was all gone.

"Maybe I should call Dr. Cheryl before she leaves for Portland…just in case."

"No, I am fine now." They sat in the kitchen and he poured her some juice. "I'm hungry, how about some breakfast….." Kate never got to finish that sentence. The pain returned even stronger. Kate groaned, tried to walk but dropped to her knees again as she crushed Rick's hands and started to pant. "Maybe you're right, call her."

Rick cursed because he was still in his pajamas. His cell was in the office and the land line was just out of reach. As the pain slowly eased, he deposited Kate on the couch and ran to call the doctor. It seemed to take forever until she picked up. "Dr. Cheryl, Kate is in pain, she says it feels different this time…not like the other contractions."

"Are the pains are coming regularly? How far apart are they, ten or fifteen minutes?"

Rick watched Kate get up and walk around holding her lower back. He checked the time on the phone screen. "Last one was about 7-8 minutes ago."

"Let me talk to her, please?" Rick handed her the phone. "Kate, where is the pain?"

"My lower back, when the pains come it feels better to kneel, my legs feel so wobbly." Kate soon let go of the phone and dropped to her knees groaning loudly. "Oh God, I have to pee." The carpet under her was quickly very wet. "I think my water just broke."

"Kate, you still have almost a month to go. You can't be in labor, it's too soon." Rick forgot all about the phone until she pointed to it.

"Rick, listen to me. Kate is in labor! I know the baby is early but you need to calm down. First help her change and drive to the hospital. I'm at the airport now but I will meet you there as quickly as I can."

"OK!" Rick tried to hang up the phone but missed the coffee table entirely dropping the receiver on the floor. He was focused on helping Kate get up, convincing her not to worry about the carpet as he tried to stay calm. They walked into the bedroom and he couldn't believe it when she went into the bathroom for a quick shower. Rick dressed and tried not to panic when her shower came to an abrupt stop. She yelled out his name as another pain hit. Rick dried her off, helped her to dress and packed a bag for the hospital.

As they were leaving Kate stopped him. "Shouldn't we tell Martha and Alexis?"

"Let's just get you to the hospital. I will let them know what's going on later, OK?" The pains were coming 5-6 minutes apart as they finally made it into the SUV. He handed Kate the car phone to call her dad as he pulled into the early morning traffic. Rick sighed in relief as he pulled into the emergency entrance of the hospital. The SUV had barely stopped moving before he ran into lobby. "Help, my wife is having a baby."

With barely concealed amusement a nurse followed him out to the car. Quickly checking on Kate, she signaled for a wheelchair and not a gurney. "First babies take a long time. Why don't you check your wife in, we will contact her doctor and take her upstairs."

"I already called Dr. Cheryl Whalen, she was at the airport but should be here very soon."

Cursing heavy rush hour traffic, more than an hour later Cheryl finally arrived to find Kate walking up and down the hallway in Maternity with Rick. Her friend Linda greeted her with a rapid update. "Contractions are 4 minutes apart; she is just over 5 centimeters effaced. She is too far along now to consider a c-section."

"Has she had any issues with breathing?"

"Not so far. We had her on a heart monitor earlier and everything looked normal."

"Looks like Kate gets her wish but the baby is three weeks early, better have a team from NICU on standby."

Dr. Whalen walked closer but Kate suddenly stopped walking and grabbed both of Rick's hands. "Breathe Kate, don't hold your breath. That's it, short, fast breaths until the pain goes away." When the contraction was over, they turned to see Cheryl walking to them.

"That was one hell of a party last night. Seems like your baby just can't wait to arrive and join the fun. Rick, why don't you let your family know what's going on. I will walk Kate back to her room and see how Mom and baby are doing?" Cheryl smiled as Rick nodded and walked away flexing his fingers trying to get some feeling back into his hands. He had to go outside to get any phone reception. There was no answer on his daughter's phone, so he left a message for Alexis to call him. Martha's phone was turned off or dead but he left another message for Jim Beckett and did reach Lanie. Rick quickly returned to the maternity floor and found Cheryl waiting outside Kate's room. "Your baby is in a hurry. Kate is almost fully dilated now and will be transitioning to hard labor. Your job will be to keep her as relaxed as possible and breathing normally. When she holds her breath, her heart has to work a lot harder." Rick nodded and walked into the room with her to find Kate on her hand and knees in bed. He saw a cup of ice chips on the tray table beside a pan holding wet towels. "Does that position make you back feel better?" Kate just nodded. "Your baby is pushing into the birth canal now. The contractions will come faster and harder. You will feel pressure but try not to push, not yet. We can help you move into another position if you get tired."

Three very long hours later, Kate was wheeled into delivery, Rick still at her side helping her breathe. "Please, I am so tired. I just want this to be over. I want my baby...I need to push, please let me push now."

"OK Kate, push now. Yes that's good. Take deep breaths and push on the next contraction. I can see your baby's head."

Rick wiped Kate's forehead and kissed her whispering his love and encouragement, praying that this would soon be over. He also made a vow that he would never put her through this again. "I love you, Kate. One more push, you can do it, it will all be over." He could no longer feel his hands, Kate had them both in a death grip but he didn't care.

On November 1, 2014 at 5:01PM, Kate pushed her son into the world. "He's not crying! What's wrong?"

"I just need to suction out his nose and throat." Cheryl quickly did that and the room was filled with cries from a very unhappy little boy. "Here you go, Kate, you can hold your son now."

A suddenly energized Kate sat up to take the still crying infant into her arms. "Shhhh, no don't cry, it's all right. I've got you, mama's here. He's so small, he felt so much bigger inside me. Rick, isn't he beautiful? Our peanut is here and it's a boy. You have a son."

"A boy? I have a son! Oh Kate, I love you. He's so beautiful, your dad is going to be so happy. Welcome to the world James Alexander Rogers." Rick leaned down to kiss him.

As Rick and Kate bonded with their baby, Cheryl cut the cord and delivered the placenta. When she was finished she stood up. "I hate to ask but I need to borrow your son back for just a minute. I need to weigh him and check him over quickly because he is three weeks early. I promise I will give him right back."

Kate reluctantly returned him to her. "Your son is 19 inches long and weighs 6 pounds and one ounce. His lungs are fine but his had a bit of jaundice but that's not uncommon. We will just get him cleaned up a little and you all should rest." After her exam, Cheryl wrapped the baby in a blue blanket and put on a tiny blue hat. "Hello Handsome." The baby yawned widely as she returned the baby to Kate. "We will need to put him under UV lights for a while, it will help the jaundice but otherwise he is perfect, small but perfect. Let's get you settled in your room. You need to spend some time getting to know each other."

Once they were alone and could stop staring at their sleeping son, Kate turned to Rick. "I know you wanted a little girl...maybe next time."

Rick shook his head, leaned down, he kissed her forehead and then her lips. "Thank you for my son, Kate. You are amazing. Let me try to reach your Dad again, tell him his grandson is here. Oh, I must have shut off my phone. There are six messages from Mother and Alexis. Why don't you take a nap too before everyone shows up? I have to go outside to make calls, I'll be right back. I love you." With a final kiss for her and his son, Rick left them to rest. Once outside he called Alexis, Jim, Martha and then Lanie.

Alexis was so excited she ran out of the Columbia Library and ran through the dimly lit paths to find a cab. Suddenly, two arms reached out and pulled her off the pathway. She tried to fight at first until she saw the face of the man holding her. "Keith, What are you doing here?"

"Alexis, are you crazy? There are warnings posted all over the campus about a sexual predator raping women at several New York colleges. I'm on a special task force with the FBI trying to find the man that's attacking co-eds. Running on these dark walkways, why don't you just where a shirt that says "VICTIM HERE."

"I don't live on campus anymore, I never saw any notices. "I just got a call from my dad. Kate had the baby. I have a new little brother, James Alexander Rogers."

"Well if I was the lunatic we're looking for you would be the late Alexis Rogers right now! Let me walk you the rest of the way and I'll put you in a cab."

They walked in silence until he whistled to stop a passing cab. Alexis stole a few glances at him as they walked. He looked older somehow but her heart still beat faster seeing him again. Before getting in the cab she quickly put her arms around his neck and kissed him. "Thank you, Keith. You are always there for me. I'm living back at The Loft, call me."

Keith watched the cab pull away into the night, he was stunned. His hand moved to the spot on his cheek where she kissed him. It wasn't the reaction he expected from her but then Alexis was not like anyone he'd met before. She said to call her and that's just what he would do. Maybe he could go over to see her…them…the new baby. He did want to thank Rick and Mike while he was still here. Keith knew he might not be back again for some time...maybe he could ask to be assigned to the New York FBI office. It didn't hurt to ask.

Alexis tiptoed into Kate's room with a vase of blue and white carnations that read, IT'S A BOY! She was asleep in the bed and her dad was sleeping in the chair beside her but his eyes snapped open when the room door closed. He quickly pulled her into a hug, took the flowers putting them on the nightstand and guided her out of the room. "Want to see your little brother? He was a little early so they have him under UV lights for jaundice." He stopped in front of a huge window behind the glass there were 15 small beds each holding a baby. He pointed to the baby up front with what looked like sunglasses on.

"Oh my gosh, he is so tiny. Is he OK?"

"He is fine but early, they want to keep him here an extra's late, you should go home. Tomorrow you should be able to hold him and welcome him to the family."

"You look tired, Dad. I'll let you go back to sleep and see you both in the morning. I had to sneak in, visiting hours are over."

Rick walked back into Kate's room as quietly as he could but Kate woke up. "Is he OK?"

"He's fine, Alexis came by. She brought the flowers. How are you feeling?" Rick leaned over to kiss her.

"Tired but happy." She pulled him down for another kiss. "So Rick, now that we are married and the baby is here…tell me what comes after always."

"Forever, Kate. James Alexander is our piece of immortality. So our love is forever."


The next day was a busy one. Kate had her first lesson breast feeding her son. Rick got to hold and burp his son for the first time. More flowers and balloons arrived with the gang from the 12th. Lanie and Kevin both dope slapped Javi for teasing Rick and Kate about their son already working on his tan. Once "Jamie" was finished with his UV treatments, Jim Beckett got to hold his new grandson as did Martha.

Alexis came by later in the afternoon carrying many shopping bags. She cleaned out baby stores looking for the perfect outfit for her little brother to come home in. Kate waited anxiously to talk to Alexis about Keith's sudden return to her life. In between people coming and going, she finally got her chance. "So what is going on between you two?"

Alexis smiled shyly. "Nothing, I thanked him for all his help with AVA and making it safe for you to come home. We talked about how he left and why. He is trying to get stationed here in the New York FBI office."

Rick smiled and captured a picture of Alexis holding Jamie. "So, you two have worked everything out?"

Alexis returned her brother to Kate. "No but we are talking again, if he gets to stay...we'll see what happens."

Rick pulled her into a hug. "Is that enough, Pumpkin?"

"It's enough for now." Rick smiled remembering that was his answer to Alexis when she asked him that same question about Kate. THE END


It was a very full SUV that pulled into the garage next to The Loft two days later. Rick drove with Martha sitting beside him. Kate and Alexis watched over a sleepy Jamie nestled in his car seat. Rick carried the baby in as everyone else had arms filled with gifts and flowers. Her son apparently pleased with his new room quickly went to sleep in his crib. Alexis offered to put away all the gifts as Kate enjoyed taking a nice, long shower. She was thrilled to be able to fit back into her yoga pants again. As Kate showered and changed, Rick made them all lunch. He snapped on the TV, every station had stories about the FBI and NYPD catching a serial rapist. His DNA was found under the nails of his last victim, leading the authorities to the man suspected in several campus assaults.

Once the man was in custody, Jordan was finally able to stop by The Loft to see Rick and Kate. Holding their baby she smiled at Rick. "Just like Nikki Heat, this little one is part you and part Kate. You do make beautiful babies." Handing her son back to Kate, Jordan smiled. "Oh, by the way, Keith Nichols has graduated from FBI training. He worked on the team that helped capture that sexual predator stalking colleges here in New York. He has been assigned to my office. Alexis called me to ask about him. Can you let her know?"

As Jordan Shaw left The Loft, she was pleased that she finally had been able to do something nice for Rick's daughter. She smiled thinking about Castle's family, how they met and everything that had happened since. An oriental saying popped into her mind. "May you live in interesting times!" She was never sure if the saying was a curse or a warning. Knowing Rick and Kate, she had a feeling their paths would cross again and it would be "interesting".

A/N After nearly 1000 days and 333,000 words my story is complete. I want to thank all those people who stayed with me all the way. When I started this story three years ago I never expected it to be such a long journey but it has been "interesting". During that time I survived three blizzards, the loss of my two brothers (one from a heart attack and the other from Alzheimer's) and being unemployed for nine long months. I think writing this helped keep me sane. On a more positive note, I re-connected with my godson who I haven't seen in twenty years. I found a new job as a contract employee for the state, which allowed me the opportunity to travel again. Thanks again to all those who read this, left reviews, comments and encouragement along the way. Barbara