Chapter 4

The afternoon was warm, and Alejandro had decided he had done all he could with the stubborn youngsters. He took siesta at the appropriate time, resting on his back in the shade of his favourite tree. He was beginning to lose patience, and needed space to think and doze.

Diego ventured out into the hallway. Victoria was down the hall just a little way away. He leant against a wall to think. What did he think? His pride still hurt. His face…well. His pride still hurt. The face was fine. He reached up to feel where she had hit him. All better, apparently. Like it hadn't happened. His heart hurt. The rage in her eyes as she had hit him had hurt him the most.

Diego started to use his logic and reason – the time for emotions was over. She wouldn't have reacted like that if she felt nothing for him. He would have received an icy stare, and she would have turned and strode out the door. She would have never let him see her again. The Escalante temper was legendary. The de la Vega temper was as well. Diego grinned despite himself. What a pair they made! What would their children be like! Children…

He glanced towards the door where Victoria was probably fuming about him. He wanted children, he wanted her. Would she forgive him? Was she still angry? He didn't know if he was brave enough to approach her. She was worse than the Spanish army!

Victoria was sitting on the edge of her bed. She had hit him. On his handsome face. It had felt good at the time. Now she was ashamed of herself. He had done so much for the whole town. He had done so much for her. She put a finger to her lips. He had kissed her, tenderly, and passionately. It had made her imagine a life together with an unknown man. Children running at their feet. Peace in California. A strong and tender man by her side, guiding her, watching her, loving her.

Did he still love her? Alejandro had assured her that Diego worshipped the ground she walked on. That he was heartbroken. Ill with grief that she had rejected him so fiercely.

She hadn't rejected him, she'd never do that. She loved him, she wanted him. Diego de la Vega, the wealthy, self-centred caballero. Not so self-centred, not as cowardly as he had seemed. Cowardly? Maybe, but not as much as he had seemed. She smiled slowly. Zorro was more a coward than Diego. Even though she now knew they were the same man. Zorro, the big hero, had hidden behind a mask. Diego had been brave enough to face the taunts of the whole town, to voice his opinions openly. Not his full opinion, but he still stood for what was right. In the open. Unarmed.

She went to the door of her room, and placed her hand on the door knob. Was she brave enough for the life of Zorro's wife, of Diego's wife? Could she bear the terror of losing him? That was the question she needed to answer for herself. She paused, and felt her heart thudding.

She was an Escalante; the woman had always been tough stock. The man she loved – how could she live another day without him in her arms? Could she bear it if another woman even looked at him? How could she live if he married another, as he surely must. An heir for the de la Vega family was vital. Marriage therefore would be vital. If she didn't marry him, he would be forced to look elsewhere. Someone else to kiss and hold him? Over her dead body!

She turned the knob and strode out of the room with such purpose, that Diego backed up when he saw her.

"Please, I am unarmed, senorita," he said, with a hint of hysterical laughter in his voice. "The sword is in the cave."

Victoria backed him against the wall, and threw her arms around him. Her mouth was on his before he could get a word out. Diego gratefully surrendered to the kiss, and wrapped his arms protectively around her.

Diego took a breath and remembered his father's words. He smiled at the memory. "I am so sorry, my dearest dearest Victoria. I was so afraid of what you would do, what you would say. I couldn't tell you…." He was kissing her again, savouring her closeness, wondering how he ever considered a life without her. His hand was smoothing her hair, caressing her back, pulling her closer to him.

"Ahem…" The pair sprung apart, guiltily.

Alejandro faced them. Siesta was over and he was back home. Momentary rage flickered in his eyes, but softened away as he saw how the couple was acting towards each other.

"Not the way a de la Vega courts his fiancée Diego. Have some decorum and apologise for your forwardness…"

Diego looked sheepishly at Victoria and winked. "Please accept my apologies, Senorita Escalante. I trust I haven't offended you by my indiscretion. Please forgive me."

"Much better," Alejandro said before moving towards the library. "I must hire a chaperone as soon as possible…" The door of the library swung closed behind him.

Victoria started to laugh, and Diego looked curious.

"Perfect Diego. You take the blame for my rashness… Perfect gentleman."

"Of course. I'm a de la Vega. Besides I could have screamed for help, I'm sure."

She whacked him in the shoulder. He responded by holding where she had struck him. "Ow. I am not the strongest man in town, you know. I will be covered in bruises before too long."

"I'm sorry," Victoria said, suddenly ashamed of herself. "I'm sorry for being so angry. You were the last person I expected, but when I thought about it, you were the only one it could have been. I should not have hurt you like that. I would never reject you. I love you."

"Are you sure?" His eyes bored into her, and she nodded. "I myself have never been so sure of anything in my life. I could not live without you."

Diego backed her against the wall, and began to kiss her. Gently, tenderly. The passion was just starting to intensify, when there was a crash.

Shards of a vase were near their feet. Diego glanced up and saw his furious father standing in the doorway to the library.

"That is not how a de la Vega behaves!"

"Yes father. I'm so sorry…Victoria….Father, I'm sorry," Diego faltered, blushing.

Alejandro reached out and pulled Victoria away from arms reach. He glared at Diego. All patience was gone, all tolerance had run out. Diego had pushed his luck far enough, and he knew it.

"Go home, Victoria. Juan will see you safely home. I have to have a few words to my son…"