It was a great day in the Lightning Empire. The royal family has just received a new face Naruto Namikaze the crowned prince of the most powerful nation in the world. Ever since the great war between Lightning and the Earth Kingdom, the Nation has separated itself from the rest of the world the war hasn't touched them Sozin was bold for starting the war but he wasn't stupid he knew in no way could he attack with Hiruzen in power. And that fear went down into the royal Line.
The other nations tried to get them to join the war but to no avail. Why well When Sozin started his war and attacked the air nomads he didn't know that Monk Gyatso and Hiruzen strong friendship so when his army attacked the southern air temple they were met with the Emperor and his army. Let's say the fire benders lost badly to the point only one soldier was aloud to live.
When word hit Sozin he was furious and tried to lead a campaign against Lightning but he never got past the great wall of the Rikudo, Every attempt to to break through ended in failure. The air nomads that survived the attack came together and with the help of Lightning completely rebuilt their society.
Sozin died failing to aclompish his goal of destroying the air nomads but he felt happy with the thought of the Avatar not interfering with their plan for success.
But this is The story of the lightning Empire and the prince who will one day have the title of Shikokage.
10 years later
In the capitol city of Konoha, The children of the capitol were attending school. Prince Naruto was currently sitting in class with about 30 or so students in the class. They were doing a review on the history of the Empire.
"Can anyone tell me who were the 3 founders of the empire." He asked many raised their hand it was simple really.
"Sakura" he called.
"The founding fathers are Madara Uchiha, of the Uchiha clan. Kenji Uzumaki of the Uzumaki clan and Hashirama Senju of the Senju clan." She said proudly before sitting down.
Very good now can someone tell me how these 3 won our independence from the earth Kingdoms. This was a question not many wanted to answer do to how long the explination was Iruka looked around the class room before his eyes landed on the unlucky geneous "Shikamaru"
"troublesome", he mumbled much to the enjoyment of the class as they giggled at him. He stood up and began "They split the smaller military of the Lightning forces into 3 and instead of defending the homeland like any other nation would do they invaded the Earth kingdom taking out outpost after outpost even to the point of where the Avatar joined the Earth kingdom.
At one point she almost got the whole world to go against us but with the efforts of Izuna Uchiha who held the homeland front and Tobirama who held the naval fronts, against the combined efforts of the fire nation and water tribes. At one point it was all out war and it looked as if we were going to lose butthat quickly changed with the daring attack on the city of Taku by Danzo the heartless. His small army destroyed the city.
With the city destruction the other nations backed out leaving us to continue the warfront to the east. The next big blow would come when Kenji Uzumaki laid siege on Omashu. With his victory the morale of the Earth Kingdom quickly diminished. Chin the conqueror took this as a chance to join the war on our side and every city our Army left he would come in and take it becoming something of an annoyance Madara was going to deal with him but Chin went south to Kyoshi's home to try and prove his loyalty by taking on the Avatar. But the man lost the battle and it cost him his life. Madara along with Hashirama lead the siege on the capitol of the Earth kingdom but the politicians and the bulk of the Army left they snuck away and were heading for the Homeland. This is where Kenji's is renowned for his bravery and one of the most respected men in history. He held off the forces fighting for days not allowing the enemy to pass. But what this also did was help the rest of Lightning forces come to save the ones holding off the enemy.
When the rest of the reinforcements arrived The Earth Kingdom was pinched in and with the Earth king killed the day before by Kenji himself it just left Kyoshi who was killed By Hashirama, Soon after the Earth Kingdom surrendered and Lightning broke free from the protectorate set up since the beginning of the Rikudo Sennin. The big 3 all built the country which has become the most successful military, Indestrial and technological empire this world has ever seen. Hashirama went on to become the Shikokage. Madara went on to set up the military structure which to this day has secured us as a force to be reconed with. Kenji went on and retired from the military life he helped industrialize the empire from trains to the harnassing our power over electricity to to make us 100 years past our time." When he finally sat down the bell ruung to which every kid cheered and quickly left the class leaving Iruka blinking thinking what just happened.
Ok I'm back and I'm going to give you guys my 3rd story to see how far this goes this is a history lesson to let you know what's going on.