Thanks again for the reviews everyone! I'm glad I can provide Clovniss feels for you all, and kill you in a good way from them. Someone asked if I was going to end up having two winners or one - you're just going to have to wait and see...
I was going to extend this chapter, but realised it wouldn't fit right with it, and yes it's gone back to the Clove/Katniss sides of the story, I'm pretty sure I'll just change back and forth from that each chapter, depending if it fits. This chapter is more bloody I guess, hoping to ease you guys into the next chapter which will be a LOT more... gory. I'll put up some warnings for it though when it's done.
Thanks again everyone, and please KEEP REVIEWING!


She had been running for what seemed like hours, but Clove took no notice of time. All she saw was the blurry outlines of trees and bushes that flew past her.

The aching in her legs reminded her that this was real; the throbbing pain kept her alive and surged her onwards to get as far away from this mess as possible.

Mind blank, legs running, eyes directly ahead. She didn't stop, not even when her eyesight began to darken, feeling as though her exhaustion would make her collapse. Still, she kept running.

A flash of a memory of Katniss' hair whipped past Clove's blinking eyes, causing her to stumble slightly in her sprinting. This is what caused the small rock directly ahead of her to go unnoticed.

Her foot caught and she tripped, landing on her side and rolling down a short yet steep hill, until a large thud and a sharp stab of pain in her ribs let her know she had smashed into a large boulder.

Eyes opening dizzily, she adjusted to her surroundings and the new source of pain. Clove sat up slowly, leaning her back against the boulder and lifted her shirt slightly.

Looking down she saw bruising already beginning to form, but felt around the hurt area and realised not too much damage had been done. Nothing was broken, just slightly battered.

Her eyes then focused on a peculiar mark just above her hipbone, small half moon shaped curves dented into the skin. "Katniss..." Clove whispered, closing her eyes at the blissful memory of the fire girl digging her nails so painfully pleasurable into her sensitive skin.

Cursing herself for letting these thoughts enter her mind, Clove began haphazardly beating her fists into the ground. She felt small stabs and gashes graze her knuckles, but didn't flinch at the pain.

She kept her fists pounding with eyes squeezed shut, relishing in the release of her anger until she tasted something slightly metallic on her lips.

Bringing her destructive fists to an abrupt halt, she opened her eyes and flicked her tongue out to taste her lips, realising it was blood.

She must've been biting down to suppress her screams of fury. Breathing deeply, Clove managed to calm herself, until she looked down to her hands.

Bloody and bruised, torn and shaking, there wasn't a clean patch of skin anywhere. Her knuckles had turned to what looked to be burned raw, with blood spilling out of them and trickling down to her fingertips.

Clove was entranced at the sight, how so much of this crimson liquid could only cause so little pain, and how much she craved more of the searing sensations.

She clenched her fist yet again and brought it slowly up to her mouth, letting her throbbing knuckles linger tentatively over her lips.

Eyes closed again, she inhaled as well as tasted, and for a brief moment imagined what Katniss' blood would smell like.

Would it be that sickeningly sweet honey scent that seemed to exude from her? Or would it be the grotesque yet captivating metallic scent, mixed with a burning smell that Clove had noticed that Katniss seemed to subtly emit?

Clove opened her eyes, and slapped herself; her cheeks, her arms, her legs - anything of her own body she could reach to reprimand herself for letting Katniss get into her thoughts again.

Laying her hands in her lap, Clove focussed her eyes directly ahead of her, landing her gaze on a small broken branch that had fallen to the ground and snapped into several pieces.

It had to stop; all of it. All of the stupid thoughts and memories, all of the needless emotions that that one girl seemed to erupt inside of her.

But Clove was now transfixed on the thought of the crimson pumping inside Katniss, the liquid that allowed her to continue breathing.

And how she deserved nothing more than to be the same, if not worse, battered and broken mess that she had unknowingly turned Clove into.


Katniss sat in silence atop the branch, frozen in confusion as to what had just occurred. Dare she run after Clove again and possibly risk her life? Or should she merely sit here, waiting for Clove to come looking for her?

Breathing deeply, Katniss began to climb down the tree with ease. Once she reached the bottom, she leaned against the tree and tried to delve deeper into her confusing thoughts.

Katniss was sure she hadn't imagined the flash of deep red that Clove's eyes had turned to before that last kiss upon her lips. She didn't know what it meant, but was determined to find out.

She had been captivated by Clove's eyes during their whole encounter mere minutes ago, yet just as Katniss started to see past the deep green and into Clove's thoughts; they had just as suddenly barricaded her out again.

She knew there was more to that girl than just her cruel Career nature. Katniss saw it the first time Clove had tried to kill her. Behind those eyes were simply just a lost and frightened girl, desperately seeking her way out and away from so much pain.

Katniss thought she could be the one to help her find the way out, but would Clove let her? Would she ever let her guard down enough for Katniss to be able to prove to her just how far she was willing to go?

With this thought, Katniss shook her head slightly, not entirely sure where it had come from. She knew she felt… something, for the knife girl, only whatever it was she was still unsure of.

No one had ever had an effect like this at all on Katniss before, and she knew it was something she had to pursue. Her mind, heart, and her very soul seemed to keep pushing her towards Clove.

Katniss had since given into it, and came to the conclusion that there was no point in questioning it anymore. All she had to do now was find Clove again - find her, and force her to be able to see that Katniss simply cared and understood her.

Nodding to herself, Katniss began walking swiftly in the direction that Clove had headed in. She followed footprints, broken twigs, and the subconscious magnetic pull her body was guiding her towards.

She suddenly heard a small scuffle of leaves a little way behind her, and immediately whipped her head around, seeking out the source of the noise. Could it be Clove? Or another tribute, biding their time to strike?

Barely breathing, Katniss remained alert for any other noises, slowly reaching to her bow and gripping tightly. A deep grunt in the distance caught her attention, and realising immediately it wasn't Clove, she darted around and ran, hopefully still following Clove's path.

Katniss' senses had told her there was more than one other close by to her, which could mean they were planning to gang up on her. She couldn't risk being ambushed, and the thought of finding Clove had engulfed all of her senses now once more.

Not knowing how long she had been running for, Katniss began to slow down, coming to a halt when her eyes rested onto a small branch on the ground that had broken into several pieces.

She felt the wind blow through her hair in the eery silence, and smelt a small hint of mint and rust in the air.

Before Katniss even had time to turn around, she felt someone land on top of her and knock her to the ground, arms grabbing her own to turn her roughly onto her back.

Katniss gasped air back into her lungs as her eyes opened, looking up into the face of the one she had been seeking.

Clove was straddling her forcefully, pinning down Katniss' hands by keeping her knees pressed down on them where Katniss could nearly feel the bones being crushed.

Katniss noticed the evil smirk Clove's mouth was curved into, cruelly staring down with glinting eyes that seemed to beg Katniss to attempt to decode them. They weren't deep green this time, nor were they the frightening deep red.

Clove's eyes seemed to have changed into a mixture of the two colours, a near black almost, yet glistening red and green, which caused Katniss to switch her focus from each eye; hoping to find an answer.

She watched as Clove dipped her head lower, never breaking eye contact. Just as their noses were about to touch, Katniss felt Clove's hand gripping onto her face, turning it to the side, smashing her cheek into the mud.

Katniss felt Clove's hot breath against her ear, causing goosebumps to arise along her neck.

After a few agonising moments of only the feeling of Clove's breath against her skin, Katniss then felt a sharp pinch on her earlobe as Clove roughly captured it between her teeth, almost immediately releasing it.

Katniss' eyes then widened at the words Clove whispered, her grip on her face tightening painfully.

"Looks like I'm on top again, Lover Girl. Only this time, I won't be running away."

Clove released her grip on Katniss' face, and a searing slice of pain shot through her arm.

With just enough room to look down, Katniss saw her own blood spilling out of the wound, then looked up to see Clove's eyes glued to the gash.

She was biting her lip as a small droplet of blood trickled down her chin, all the while with her sadistic smirk never wavering.