I do not own the thought of Slender. Rated M for Mature.
I don't know how this could possibly happen. Anyone else would probably think that I was insane for believing such a thing. I mean, something this scary couldn't possibly happen to someone like me, right?
I guess I should clarify the situation.
I want to tell you of a legend, a story much older than I, a story that should be adhered to by all the little girls and boys. Once upon the dark times lived a… thing. There was no proper name for this thing. It would creep around the shadows of the woods looking for its next meal. This thing was faceless, sharply dressed in a black suit, white shirt and tie, and had an elongated body with long arms and legs. It was said by the legends that only children could see this monster and that even cameras or radios would act up if anyone even tried to capture it on film. The thing's presence would cause paranoia and even insomnia due to fear. I could remember mothers and fathers begging or pleading for their children to listen…
"Never go into the woods." They said, "or he will get you."
Many would obey; for generations on end, but the oh-so-few that were brave enough to scoff at their parent's warnings and go into the woodlands were never heard from again. Families would weep for those they lost, peers would learn from the harsh example and it soon became common knowledge to stay clear of the woods and before long, the warnings died on everyone's tongue. Some people in the town even gave it a name, Slenderman, on account of the creature being so tall and thin. I didn't care if it's name was Bob-bo the flying monkey. As long as the thing stayed away from me, all would be grand, and this is where our story starts. Basically.
"Mommy! He's back, he's back!" I had been seven and running from the woods towards my house. The uncommon thing was that it had been midday at the time of my sighting, "he's trying to get me Mommy. Please don't let him get me!"
"Sweetie, you know that those things only come out in the evening. It's just your imagination." My mother had been working on cleaning the dishes at the time this had happen. She knew of the tales the town talked about. She even had friends that vanished because they disobeyed, but she believed that if she ignored it, her troubles would go away.
"No Mommy, look-look!" I pointed out our kitchen's tiny window towards the woods were I could clearly see the thing standing among the trees.
These events have been happening for quite a while. It first started out thirteen years ago with him just appearing out of the corner of my eye here or there. Then I would see him flicker into existence on the edge of the playground. With the mind-set of a seven year old, I didn't question it much but just ran away. Looking at that thing sparked this deep seeded fear from within my very soul. Everyone in my grade used to tease me about it because they thought I was next. They even made me a song,
"One, two, Slendy's coming for you. Three, Four, better run some more. Five, Six, he'll get his hunger fix. Seven, Eight, stay up late. Nine, Ten, never scream again." They would chant during recess as they circled me. I could remember the tears I shed because they were all scaring me. I could even remember the look in many of the parent's eyes as they stood off in the distance to watch.
It got to the point where it was too much and my family and I moved away from our tiny town in the country. I spent thirteen years away from that place only to return now. This is my journal of the incidents that occurred.
More to come later. Reviews are like chocolate, and I'm a chocoa-holic.