A/N: I'm going to apologize for this awful long wait! Thanks to: The Blue Monster Cake for reminding me this story existed.

Also, I had writer's block, but now it's gone and I can get to writing this!

Hopefully, I can get further in the story now that I reread it and know what's gonna happen! :D

Once again, I apologize! I have several other stories I haven't updated in a long time too and this one just fell in the list :(

Chapter 16

Norway's Vow

Liam woke up and rubbed his eyes. His throat was parched so he reached over to the glass filled with milk on his nightstand. He brought the glass to his lips and the milk flowed into his mouth. The milk tasted like someone farted into it. Liam spit it all back into the glass and wiped his mouth.

"That was nasty. Ugh, I'm going to get a new drink." Liam said as he got out of bed, grabbed his glass, and went downstairs. The clock in the kitchen read eight ' o clock in the morning.

He was excited it was Christmas Eve. He wondered what he got from his grandmother, America, and Martha. Liam almost dropped his glass as realization hit him. Martha! How could he have forgotten about his sister! Where was Martha and America?

It was Christmas Eve and they weren't here. Sadness filled Liam as he thought about the holidays him, Martha, and Grandma Martha spent together. Liam couldn't really remember Martha's parents. He tried to remember if Martha's mom acted weird around him. Did she seem like a killer? Did she…love him at all?

That's stupid. She is a crazy woman who went on a killing spree. She couldn't have loved me or Martha. I shouldn't think about her anyway.

Liam figured America or Martha would call him. So, he decided to wait.

*( World Academy)*

Martha was sitting in the bathtub letting her wounds soak. She was still thinking about the fight she had with Russia. She was glad things were settled (?) between them for now. Martha wanted to go home, celebrate Christmas and New Years with her family and America, and get started with the new year. Now, she was here at the World Academy which was currently located in California. (A/N: I couldn't remember if I mentioned this piece of info in an earlier chapter or not but the World Academy is held in different locations each school year and this year it's located in California, USA)

I haven't even got any Christmas presents for anyone! That's what I get for shopping late. Damn it…

"Martha?" It was Seychelles. She knocked on the door. "Are you alright in there?"

"Yes," Martha answered, "I'll be out in just a minute! Hold on." She stepped out of the bath, let the water drain out, and wrapped herself up in a towel.

Once she dried off and got dressed, Martha saw America and Seychelles chatting. They stopped talking once she entered the room.

"What?" Martha asked curiously.

"Well, we're trying to decide what to do," Seychelles answered. "Our cellphones died so we can't call your family. The planes to Oklahoma are still delayed and apparently there's another blizzard also."

America sneezed, "Yep, there's blizzards going on in different other states also. I can feel it alright."

"You know what's going on in your states?" Martha asked.

America gave her a big smile, "Yep! I am the Hero so it's only natural I know what's going on in my own country. Trust me; I suffer along with my citizens during the hot summers and freezing winters."

Martha never really thought in depth about how certain things that happened in their country affect them. She knew America would feel bad during 9/11. Did the other nations feel bad on certain days also?

"I guess we're stuck here," Martha sighed in frustration. "Damn, I can't come home for Christmas. Liam and Grandma are gonna be sad."

"We'll just have to make the best of it," Seychelles stood up. "Ok, there's still food in the kitchen. We can make a Christmas dinner."

"Is Russia still here?"

Seychelles shrugged, "I hope not."

"Well, if that commi-bastard tries hurting you again, I'll beat the shit out of him!" America clasped Martha's hands and his ocean blue eyes stared into hers with determination. "Don't worry. I'll protect you since I am the hero!"

Martha blushed and gave him a small smile, "Thanks America, but I can take care of myself."

America, Martha, and Seychelles walked to the kitchen. Martha was a bit skittish because she felt Russia was watching them. When they got there, Martha found a frozen turkey, America found some bread that wasn't stale and moldy yet and some key lime pie, and Seychelles found a can of green beans.

"Well, this isn't so bad," Seychelles admitted. "We can make this work."

The trio got to work and a few hours later, dinner was ready. They placed the food on the table and sat down.

"Merry Christmas. Um," Martha blushed. "Thanks for rescuing me. I really appreciate it. Hell, I wish I got you two some presents."

"You're very welcome, Martha," Seychelles smiled reassuringly at her. "It's not the end of the world. Let's enjoy our Christmas Eve. Hopefully, by tomorrow, we can go home."

"Well, let's eat!"

The trio ate their hearts out and enjoyed their Christmas at the World Academy. The day after Christmas Eve they were able to go home.

*( New Year's Eve)*

After the chaos that was Christmas, Martha was able to come home with America and they got their gifts and watched Christmas movies. Now, it was New Year's Eve and Grandma Martha decided to throw her own party.

Martha decided to spend the day with Steven, Jen, and Scott. Leslie was in England for Christmas and New Year's and wouldn't be back until school started up again. Even without the cold-hearted Brit, the four friends still felt they should celebrate and went to Starbucks.

"Well, guys, we almost made it," Jen announced as she sipped on her coffee. "We're almost done with our senior year! Just five more months and then we're out of here!"

Scott nibbled on his brownie, "Yeah, we just gotta do our reports and prepare for the Around the World festival. Ugh, why can't those stupid fishies do it? They're annoying…"

"Scott, remember, we were Freshmen too," Martha laughed. "Plus, we still have till May. It's fun when someone else puts in the work."

"What country do you have, Jen?" Steven asked.

"I have Brazil. What about y'all?"

"I have Poland," Steven said.

"I have Canada," Scott said.

"Spain," Martha said.

Jen stared at Martha for a bit until her smile turned evil. Martha gulped. That smile meant two things: She was about to say something nasty or begin teasing Martha.

"Say, Martha, what about that Spanish guy that came to see you during lunch? He is sexy. Is he going to help you out at the festival?"

Martha blushed heavily, "Um, I think so?"

"What's his name?"


"How long have you been seeing Antonio?"

"A few months," Martha's eyes got big when she realized what she just implied. Steven wasn't looking at her he was focused on eating his cookie and Scott looked amused. "Hold on, he's just a friend of mine! I don't like him at all. Um, let's talk about something else."

Scott smiled, "Sure, let's talk about your Romanian fiancé."

*( A Few Hours Later)*

Martha felt like a fool by the time she got home. She was sure Steven was hurt and maybe even angry with her. Martha knew her and Spain would never be together so it was pointless to even try.

Martha walked into the front door and was tackled by a certain Italian. "Ve~ Martha, we're back! We came to spend New Year's with you," Italy chirped happily.

Italy was pulled off of her by Germany. He helped her up and Martha closed the door behind her and walked in to see Grandma Martha's party in full swing with her guest and the nations.

Did they get here through the hat or did they fly in? Martha completely forgot about it.

"Martha!" She turned around to see China and Austria coming toward her. She hugged the two nations.

"I haven't seen you guys in such a long time! Happy New Year," Martha told them.

"Happy New Year to you too, Martha. We should play the piano again sometime. I brought a few of my music books," Austria told her and the two began to chat about music.

The party was going great. Germany, Romania, Canada, and France left the house to go who knows where and Martha was worried. Japan, China, Prussia, and America began singing karaoke with the other guests. Italy was cooking pasta with Romano in the kitchen. England was drunk and Liam was trying to calm him down.

After a while, Martha had a few drinks and she was tipsy. She stumbled out into the backyard and tried to clear her head which she knew was pointless because the alcohol would be in her system for quite some time.

Strong arms wrapped around Martha's waist and squeezed her.

"It's been a while, senorita," Spain whispered huskily in her ear. Martha chuckled and kissed him on the neck.

"I've been waiting for you, you sexy Spanish boy," Martha burst into a fit of giggles and turned around hugged Spain. "I missed you. I love you. Why can't we be together?"

Spain tilted his head and kissed Martha on the lips. She smiled against his mouth and wrapped her hands in her curly, brown hair. Spain pulled back and stared at her.

"Your eyes are so pretty…" Martha said dreamily.

Fireworks popped in the air and she heard the party goers erupt in cheers. "It's the New Year," Martha smirked. "You have to kiss me now…" Martha put her hands around Spain's face and kissed him.

"I love you, Spain. Don't leave me again," Martha whispered in between their kisses.

"Ok, I won't," Spain promised as he traced her jawline with his thumb.

"Hey, you fucking git," England stumbled outside. "What the hell are YOU doing with, Martin? Eh?"

"Nothing that concerns you," Spain retorted. He scrunched his nose up, "You reek!"

"And you suck Romano's d-d-d-ick! Yeah, I said it, ya twat."

Spain tackled England the two rolled around on the grass. Martha giggled at the two and walked back inside. America was singing a Christmas song and Prussia and Japan were crying about something. Martha fell on the couch in the living room and fell asleep.

*( Norway)*

Norway entered the house and saw the nations, Martha and her grandmother asleep on the stairs, on the floor, on the couch and in the kitchen. Norway wanted to finish this up as quickly as possible.

Norway crouched down on the floor and looked at Martha as she snored. Her black hair was a mess Norway noticed. He touched Martha's heart and began to chant the magic words he knew. He stopped.

Did Norway really want to ruin this girl's life?

But, Norway had a lot at stake. Normally, he wouldn't let Russia blackmail him.

Norway finished the spell and he sighed. In the corner of the room, he spotted England. Norway went over to him and found a notepad and spells book protruding out of his coat pocket. He flipped through it until he found the spell he was looking for and wrote it down on the notepad. He took the slip of paper and put it in his pocket.

Norway exited the house and into the cool night. Russia could go fuck himself for all he cared. Yeah, what he was doing was wrong, but he would correct it.

Norway vowed if he ever came across Martha again he would present her with a choice.

A choice that could affect her life for the better or for the worse.

End Part 1

A/N: So, this story will be set up in three different parts. I just now realized this story may be quiet long now, but that's ok. We all like long stories, right?

Anyway, I'll try not to take that long guys! I'm gonna start writing the next chapter after I get back from a wedding. Bye!

Updated: 7/26/13