"Stay close to me Tris," Tobias whispered as we neared the fence.

Tonight was the night the gate would open. We had no idea what was on the other side so a select few had been chosen to assess the damage.

Naturally, Tobias didn't want me to go, but he had no choice. He knew I would find a more dangerous route to get there if I was banished from our group.

Uriah and Zeke sat across from us with Christina at their side. Caleb sat near the front of the truck, his expression sour.

I had tried to rebuild our relationship, I really had. But the underlying hurt and betrayal I felt every time I saw him refused to go away.

Tobias noticed my gaze and put his arm around me, pulling me closer towards him and kissing me on my forehead. I relaxed into him and closed my eyes, trying to lose myself in the gentle humming of the engine.

It had been a crazy few weeks. As soon as the video of my great-great grandmother was played, all hell broke loose. After a few days of rioting and disrupt things came together. The remaining leaders of the fractions joined together and came up with a plan.

Evelyn was excluded due to her secret deal with the fractionless. She wasn't happy, but there was nothing she could do from a jail cell.

Caleb and I were included in the leaders group, something I wasn't too thrilled about. Not that I wasn't glad of having a say, it was working with my brother that I had a problem with. But everyone seemed to have forgotten that he betrayed his own sister and became Jeanine's lap dog. All anyone saw when they looked at us was Prior.

I wasn't Tris anymore, I wasn't the first jumper, I was not the girl who fell for her instructor, or the girl who betrayed her fraction and helped her boyfriends worst enemy. I was the Prior girl and for some reason, everyone thought I had all the answers. I didn't.

I opened my eyes and held my breath as the gate was opened but as we travelled, it seemed the outside of the fence was the same as our side. Woody, dried mud dirt tracks, and little sign of life. I wondered if the people here had all died, hopeless without the use of fractions.

"What do you think we'll find here?" I looked up to Tobias, my short hair falling into my eyes. It had been a tabooed question. But now we were here, it suddenly became more real.

Tobias lightly brushed my hair from my face and tucked it behind my ears.
"I don't know. I don't think they'd be all that different from us. Confused, desparate, lost."

"Or maybe they would be better off than us. They could live is peace," I said quietly.

"I hope so," he murmured, burying his face into my hair. "It would certainly make our lives easier."

We stayed silent for a while. I got the feeling he was trying to go to sleep. After about an hour his chest began to rise more steady and slowly as his breath tickled my hair. I wanted to move but that would only wake him. He needed his sleep.

We rode for another hour before the truck came to an abrupt stop. I lurched forward into Uriah's lap, taking Tobias with me. He scrambled up, his eyes suddenly alert.

"Wow Tris, if you wanted some Uriah time all you had to do is ask," Uriah laughed.
Blushing, I scrambled out of my friends lap while Zeke hit him.

"Not the time," he hissed, taking out his gun.
I looked to Tobias to see his reaction but he was already stood at the door in soldier mode, his gun in his hands.

"Stay here," he instructed to us, slowly opening out the door and creeping out.

I didn't like him going alone, anything could be out there.
I took out my own gun, tingles running throughout my finger tips. I was better now, but still not cured. Will's face appeared in my mind but I pushed it away. I had bigger things to deal with.

I walked over to the door that Tobias had just exited through and poked my head out.

"Tris, what are you doing?" Christina hissed. "Four told us to stay put."

"He doesn't control us," I said, clipping the safety off my gun.

"He kind of does, he's our leader," Uriah said dumbly.

I rolled my eyes and jumped out of the van. I being rash, I knew that. But I had to do something. We were on unknown territory and Tobias was on his own. He always had my back, now I had his.

I crept around the corner and saw him in deep conversation with the driver and his guard. There was a small flicker of light in the distance, presumably the reason why we stopped.

My feet crunched under the gravel, causing Tobias to spin around to face me, his gun in my face. He lowered it immediately, but his expression was still murderous.

"Damn it Tris. I thought I told you to stay in the van. I though we were over this. Do you have no regard for-"

The sound of machine guns being fired echoed around us. Tobias pushed me up against the van, his body shielding mine like that day on the bridge.
I could hear the bullets bouncing off the metal shattering the windscreen, the loud groans from the front seat. They had been shot and We were next.

"Tobias, we have to move," I said, pulling him towards the back of the truck.

The others began to pile out, firing blindly into the distance. We couldn't see our enemy; this could only end badly.

"We need to leave," I shouted over the roar of the gunshots.

"We can't!" Tobias said, shooting into the trees beside us. "By the time we get into the truck, we'll all be shot."

One of the older dauntless fell to the floor, blood pouring from his chest. Zeke fell back too. I small scream escaped from my throat but he stood back up, his bullet proof vest poking out through his shirt.

I saw movement in the trees. Both Tobias and I fired towards it. The figure slumped to the ground but there were still a lot of them out there.

"This is useless," I cried, refilling my gun for what felt the tenth time.

"I know, you're right," Tobias sighed. "If we carry on we'll die. And I swore to protect you." He gave me a hard kiss before dramatically holding his gun in the air.

"Stop! We surrender!" He shouted loudly, throwing his gun to the floor. I threw mine beside his and soon enough the others followed. Some didn't seem happy but it was this or death.

I held my breath as the people in the bushes slowly walked out their guns still aimed at us. They were dressed in camouflage and I was quite surprised at how different they all were from each other. They were young and old, tall and small, one of the boys were only a little taller than me. There were women too.
In fact, their leader who stood in front of us was a women.

"Hands on your heads," she commanded brandishing her gun at us.
I complied immediately, sneaking a glance at Tobias beside me. He too was looking at me with a worried expression on his face. Had we made the right decision. Maybe we should have just stayed in the fence. At least we weren't prisoners. Well, sort of.

"Identify yourselves, who do you work for?" The woman asked.

Tobias took a minuscule step forward before thinking better of himself. "My name is Four, we are from the other side of the fence. We came to help."

She narrowed her eyes at us. "Fence? What fence? Are you with the Capitol or are you rebels?" She hadn't heard of the fence. Maybe it was called something different here.

"Who are you?" Tobias asked sharply in return.
The woman brandished her gun again. "I am asking the questions here, not you."

"Well I think I have the right to know who fired unprovoked on my men." His voice was even, but his tone was hard.

"I think you know who we are, now I won't ask you again." She took a step forward and put her gun against Tobias throat. A small squeak escaped my mouth but thankfully, no one heard it.
"Are you a rebel or are you with the Capitol?"

"We don't know what the Capitol is. As I said before, we're not from here," Tobias said, trying to remain calm. Though it was a hard job considering she had a gun to his neck.

"Don't play dumb," she sneered, shoving the barrel harder against his neck.

"It's true," I butted in. I couldn't just stand quietly while Tobias' life was on the line. "We're from the other side of a fence. A community gated off from you. We found out about this place and we came to help."

I don't know if it was my panicked tone or if my story was viable, but she removed the gun from Tobias neck, though it was still pointed at us.

"Who is your leader?" she asked, looking around at us.

"I am the highest ranking among our group," Tobias said smoothly.

"Your name," she demanded.


"That's not a name, it's a number."
If we were not being held at gunpoint I would have laughed.

"I find that insulting," he said, but everyone could tell he wasn't. "What is yours?"

She seemed reluctant to give it but after a few moments she gave in. "I am Commander Paylor, a leader for the rebel army."

"Is there a war, what happened?" Zeke asked.

"Quiet," she snapped. One of the men behind her trained his gun on him.

"Gather them up," Commander Paylor announced. "We'll take them to thirteen for questioning."

"But... They could be Capitol spies," the man who was guarding Zeke protested.

Paylor glared at him. "Are you questioning my orders Thom?"

He shook his head wildly and helped usher us back into the van.

I kept close to Tobias as we moved. Once inside, some of their soldiers got in with us. We remained in silence as we rode but nothing needed to be said.
We had made a huge mistake coming here. And the only thing that mattered was getting back to our dysfunctional prision.

This idea was in my head and I had to get it all out. I had a look on here and was surprised that this hadn't been done before. I may do a few more chapters. It depends if I have any inspiration and feedback. Please be honest. I wrote this really quickly and if it sucks, please let me know.