This may be a spoiler but the music during the fight scene is En Vogue-Don't let go. I suggest you listen it adds intensity. And as for the scene after that :) the music is Mariah Carey-Til the End of Time or maybe All I've ever wanted thought that sounds like a wedding song or something... Love this chapter and I think you will love it too...extremely graphic lemons and a little violence and of course language so don't say I didn't warn you...and I will be updating my other Boondocks story soon for those of you reading it...well...enjoy...

"Jazmine have you seen my katana?"

"No. Why?" Jazmine said in an annoying way that sounded like she knew something.

"Jazmine. I'm not in the mood. Give me my shit."

"Oh, Huey. You're in a mood, aren't you?" Jazmine giggled, while Huey sat on the bed next to her and sighed. Huey had been distant for weeks now. Of course Huey isn't the perky, happy-go-lucky type, but now he is just plain mean and acts like he doesn't want Jazmine around. He seemed to always be thinking, whenever Jazmine would ask him to do something with her like going to the mall, movies, etc. or even to spend the night, he always seemed to war with himself. Sometimes he said no and sometimes he said yes. Jazmine always felt like he was picking a fight on purpose. She just didn't know why.

"Jazmine. Give it to me!"


" ."

"Well if you're going to whine like a baby, then here." She reached behind her and gave it to him.

"I really hate you sometimes, you little creature."

"Ha! But I thought you loved me baby..." Jazmine pouted playfully and giggled. Huey's eyes widened.


"Oh, Huey. I was just joking..." Jazmine waved it off. But Huey was now staring intently.

"No. You weren't."

"What?" Jazmine pretended to be confused.

"Jazmine. I know how you feel about me."

Jazmine looked like a deer caught in headlights. She just stared at his gorgeous eyes and sexy brown skin she fantasizes about being so close to. Before she knew it her lips were on his. He was a little surprised at first but eventually he kissed her back. Huey placed both his arms around Jazmine and rubbed her back. Jazmine ran a hand down Huey's chest. After a few minutes or so, they pulled back.

"Look, Jazmine. I don't think starting that kind of relationship is a good idea."

"Well if you feel that way, why did you kiss me back? And all the times you've flirted and made out with me? Why would you lead me on if you felt like that."

Huey narrowed his eyes at her and looked away from her and didn't speak.

"Maybe I should go. See you tomorrow."

After Jazmine had left, Huey sat on his bed with his hands behind her head and thought.'I don't understand it I miss her when she's gone but when she's around I want to strangle her and sometimes she can be cute but...for some reason I don't think it will work out and it's just a waste of time to try. Jazmine and I are friends and that's all we'll ever be'.

The next morning was surprisingly not awkward like Huey thought it was going to be. Jazmine purposefully hyped herself up on sugar. She bounced to the kitchen table where Huey sat at reading the newspaper and eating his cereal.

"Good morning, Huey. How is your morning so far? Mine is great. I feel wonderful."

"How much sugar have you had already?"

"What do you mean?"

"Whenever you're this happy you either have eaten a huge amount of it or you are nervous about something. You know statistics say that people who eats large amounts of sugar will be obese later on in life and tend to have lower I.Q scores."

"Wow...Huey. I feel much less happy now. Thanks."

"Ay!Why didn't you wake me up nigga!" Riley directed this at Huey. Riley came downstairs and sat at the table, probably late for summer school.

"Do I look like an alarm clock?"

"Man, whatever. What up with your big-headed all glowing and shit looking like a sexy orange."

Jazmine blushed.

"Shut up Riley. I'm not glowing."

"I mean, I know you and Huey already fucking and shit but I would have noticed you glowing before. What did ya'll did something extra gay last night like...'make love'." Riley said this last part in a dreamy girly voice.

"Riley! For the last time Jazmine and I are not having sex nor or we together in any type of way nor will we ever be."

Jazmine's face was red and she felt the urge to run and cry but she just looked forward since she sat behind Riley at the kitchen table. She prayed Riley didn't look back and say anything. But, God was obviously busy.

"Damn, nigga. You cold as hell. Look you got Jazz wanting to cry and shit." Riley shook his head and looked back at Jazmine at the same time Huey did. Jazmine turned around and took off running back home, crying the whole way. When she finally reached her bed she fell into a fit of tears. In her haste to get in, she didn't close the door. Her mother, Sarah, was passing with a basket of laundry, seeing as though she had no work today. She dropped her basket and ran into her daughter's room and sat on her bed.

"Oh, honey. What's wrong? Is it cramps? Did you fall? Did your father sing to you again?"

"Oh mommy." Jazmine reached for her mother's arms and was wrapped up in her flowery-scented embrace.

"What's wrong, sweetie? You can tell me."



"Have you ever been in love?"

Sarah's eyes widened. She thought she knew what she was upset about.

"Well...of course. I'm married to your father by will." Sarah chuckled nervously.

"No. I mean like someone else. Before daddy."

"Well when I was in college there was this guy named Reese. Jazmine. Is this about Huey?"

She looked up into her mother's eyes and lowered her head and shook it.

"I LOVE HIM! But he is sucha jerk! I hate him! But I love him too! But h-he-he doesn't love me back." Jazmine wailed.

"How do you know that?"

"He told Riley, just now, in front of me that we weren't together and we will never be. Oh mommy."

"Jazmine, dear. I'm sure it just came out wrong. I see the way you and Huey look at each other and the way you both interact. It's like you've known each other for thousands of years. You two will never leave each other's sides. No matter if you're together or not. Don't worry, sweetie. Love will come. It was destined." Sarah kissed her daughter's forehead and left. The tears were leaving Jazmine's face at a much slower pace.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~One week later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Boy! Come here!"

"Which one?" Huey yelled.

"Your ass! Now come here!"

Huey came downstairs sweating in his workout clothes with a what expression on his face. He sat down, he figured that was best since he had been working out a little too much lately. This was obviously to keep Jazmine out of his head.

"What did you do to that precious little girl?"

"Who Jazmine? Nothing."

"Well how come I don't see her around here no more and when I do it's either with Riley or that white girl? That girl been looking sadder than a puppy lately."

"I don't know what's wrong with her."

Grandad looked at him like he didn't believe him.

"Boy. You ain't fooling no one with your attitude and your not giving a fuck about nobody else feelings. You probably drove cutie pie away."

"All I did was say we will never be together and...other stuff." Grandad shook his head.

"Boy you meaner than a squirrel who gotta share his nuts. That little girl been sweet on you since you was kids, now you don't lead her on like that." Grandad adjusted himself and Huey sighed again.

"Let me tell you something, boy. True love, real love don't come everyday. When someone offers you their heart and soul you take it. You take it because it's sacred. All these fast ass girls and these trifling niggas we got running rampant nowadays, real love is becoming extinct. You take it when you got it. It's a rare commodity. Now, here, take this boy." Grandad threw him a box of condoms.


"What?! You need magnums or something? Boy I don't what's in the water because you kids look like you came out the womb with facial hair. Now, take them condoms boy and don't question me."

Huey knew deep down what Grandad said is true, but he doesn't want to admit it. As you know, Huey is very stubborn.

It's been weeks since Huey and Jazmine have talked to each other. Neither goes by the other's house anymore, calls or anything. They have officially have become strangers. But, to say they missed each other is an understatement. Currently, Jazmine was at her house waiting to go over the Freeman's to tutor Riley and Cindy in algebra II, since they both had summer school. She really hoped she didn't run into Huey.

Jazmine was shaken out of her daze when her phone suddenly rang.

"Ay Mariah! Get yo ass over here! We waiting for you!"

"Okay, Riley. Why are you yelling?"

"Why you not over here? Come on I'm a pimp I don't have time to waste."


Jazmine grabbed her old Algebra textbook. Tom insisted that he buy her textbook, so she could keep it and study so she can retain the material. Yeah. Her father's a weirdo. All that book does is collect dust in her closet. Jazmine gathered her things and headed across the street. When she was on the step, Jazmine said a silent thanks to Jesus that Huey didn't answer the door, but her hopes of not seeing him at all were crushed when she saw him sitting on the couch with a book. With a girl.

Riley lead her towards the kitchen and they sat at the table where Cindy was sitting.

"What up, Jazzy?"

"Hey." Cindy would have asked why she looked so down but she figured she already knew.

"So...Algebra II."

"Yup. Let's get to it Mariah. They got a lot of shit I don't understand." Jazmine nodded her head.

Riley looked confused.

"Come on that was an easy one. Usually you would say something like of course you wouldn't understand you're an idiot. What's wrong witchu?"

Finally an hour into the session, Jazmine had calmed her nerves. Riley finally figured out that the Pythagorean theorem cannot measure the mass of a vagina. Jazmine had to explain to him that that doesn't make sense in any kind of way.

"Riley. You're such an idiot."

They were sitting on the porch outside the back of the house currently. Cindy was there with them but she went to the bathroom about a minute ago.

Riley had sat next to her and tried to comfort her, though he would never admit it. Though his voice took on a serious tone.

"Look my brother is a dumb ass. You clearly a ride or die, loyal, smart girl. If he don't want to be with you then he's an idiot. Plain and simple. And girls like you ain't supposed to cry over idiots. Now if you tell anybody I told you that, I'mma kill you." Jazmine smiled and hugged Riley.

"Ay, girl. Don't be squeezing the life out of me. I wants to live."

Jazmine looked up at Riley and kissed him square on the lips. It seemed like he was gonna push back at first, but then he kissed her back. He even copped a feel of her breasts that he's always talking about. No they weren't in love. No they didn't even like each other in that way. Jazmine was confused and Riley was...horny. What neither saw was Huey and Cindy looking at them through the door. Cindy had wore a smirk and a surprised expression and Huey had a blank, emotionless expression. They seemed to kiss for hours, though it was only a few minutes. Eventually after about a mere 45 seconds Huey had left, while Cindy stayed and waited until they were done making out, which was about 10 minutes later. When they emerged, Cindy stood there waiting for them with a smirk on her face.

"So...what's up with you guys?"

"Nothing. That was just a spur of the moment thing that will never happen again." Riley nodded his head in agreement.

"Okay. I'm going home. Bye guys."

As Jazmine is leaving, she notices Huey and the girl from earlier sitting on his lap, whispering things in his ear and she speeds up and bolts out the door, into her house. She ignores her father's greeting as she runs up the stairs into her room. She throws her book down on the bed and closes her door, slides down and lets a single tear escape her hurt, watery emerald eyes as she finally gives up hope on love, with the only boy she's ever felt it for.

It was a few days later and a few weeks before Jazmine had to go to that Martial arts camp. Suddenly, she wasn't feeling so good about going anymore. She thought it would be fun. She thought since she was going with a friend, Huey, they would have fun and learn, but now...not so much. Jazmine flopped on her bed with a sigh.

"I'm so pathetic...and lonely." Since Cindy had a boyfriend, Caesar, she had basically no one that she could really be with. Of course, she had other friends but Cindy and Huey were the only ones she really truly enjoyed spending a lot of time with. Jazmine's phone suddenly rang, knocking her out of her thoughts.

"God. You must be listening to me right now." She looked at her caller id and to Jazmine's surprise it said Huey with three hearts behind it.

"Oh, god. Is this a sick joke, because I never took you for the deity with a sense of humor." Jazmine debated a few more rings on whether or not she should answer. Maybe it's someone from the Freeman house calling from Huey's phone. Maybe he's calling to apologize.

'Well you'll never know if you don't answer, Jazmine.' She thought.

"Hello." Jazmine answered with confusion.

"Since I never break a promise, the offer is still up to train before camp. If you still want to take it be there tomorrow at 7, the usual place." With that he hung up. Huh? It's been a while since she's heard his voice and he calls her out of the blue to train? Will she show up? Jazmine lay back on her bed and thought it all out.

It was 6:58 and Huey was on the hill warming up before training.'I wonder if she'll show up.' Huey thought.

These past few weeks have been uneventful without Jazmine's incessant chattering, her forgetfulness, her playfulness, and her ability to understand him like no other. But Huey put emotions on the backburner at all times and this was no different. Instead he trained harder, waiting. About 5 minutes later, Jazmine showed up.

"You're late." Huey said without looking back at her.


That was usually how they greeted each other, for the following days to come. It was a routine. They would insult each other and train. Insult each other, then leave. They were not used to being so hostile to one another. Deep down, they didn't want to they just felt like they needed to, that they had to. It was the only thing that made sense right now. Hating someone is easy. Love is much harder.

After Jazmine had trained, she went home and took a shower. Since Cindy, Caesar and Riley were at the Freeman's house having a movie night and they basically begged Jazmine to come, she decided that she was going over there. When she arrived, she found Cindy snuggled up with Caesar, Riley on the other side of them, Huey sitting on the couch and that girl that she saw a few weeks ago sitting on his lap. Jazmine immediately regretted coming.

"Aye! What's up, Jazmine."

"Hey Jazzy."

"What up Mariah."

"Hi, guys." Jazmine sat next to Cindy, who sat next to Caesar. Riley sat on the other side of Huey and the mystery girl.

"Oh, Jazzy. This is my friend J. Her name is Jane, but she hates that name so we call her J. J this is Jazmine, sometimes called jazz, or Jazzy."

Jazmine smiled a fake smile at the girl.

"Oh, hi, Jazmine. I've heard so much about you." The girl seemed sweet. Too sweet. And plus she was sitting on Huey's lap. Something he would never let Jazmine do.

'I wanna go home already. Please don't let anyone pick a scary movie.' Jazmine thought.

Caesar spoke up. "Hey I got an idea. Let's watch a scary movie."

'If I ever went on a killing rampage, Caesar will be first.' Jazmine thought.

20 minutes into the movie, J has held Huey's hand, put her head into his chest and put her arms around his neck. Jazmine wasn't even watching the movie she was watching the clock. Caesar and Cindy were being so annoying, between making out and yelling profanities they also kept moving up on top of her when they were making out. Riley chewed loudly and Huey...did nothing but hold onto J. It was disgusting. Jazmine suddenly felt a bubbling sensation in her stomach. She stood and walked towards the hallway. Cindy looked concerned.

"Jazz. You alright?"

Everyone suddenly looked at her.

"Uh..." Jazmine ran to the bathroom and threw up violently into the toilet and a little on the sink. She heard Cindy on the outside of the door.

"Jazmine? You alright, girly." Jazmine opened the door and walked out the bathroom.

"Yeah. I must be getting sick or something."

"Okay. Let me walk you home so you don't pass out."

Cindy announced to everyone that Jazmine was feeling sick and she was leaving. As she was walking out, she saw Huey turn his head towards her and she could have sworn that he looked concerned, but then again she was sick and her vision was blurry.

For the rest of the week, Jazmine was sick with a bug that made her vomit, have diarrhea, and dehydration. Her mother was taking care of her.

"Hey, sweetie. How you feeling?"


"Well. Let me make you some soup."

"Oh, mommy. I can't eat anything right now."

"I know, sweetie. You can just sip some of the juice. I'll get you a gatorade too."

"No. I like Powerade better."

"Whatever you want sweetie."

Jazmine's phone started to ring and she wanted to answer, but it was on the other side of the room by her window.

"Why did I leave it there?" Jazmine walked over to her window and grabbed her phone.

Get well sweetie XOXOXO and all that other girly shit—Cindy

Oh Cindy.

Jazmine happened to look out her window and noticed a lot of people on the Freeman's lawn. There was a big pool and teenagers were spraying each other with water guns and stuff. She figured that Riley was taking advantage of the fact that grandad took a trip with her father, to throw a party.

Oh Riley. Jazmine was about to turn away until she noticed Huey sitting on his porch with no shirt on and swimming trunks.

Wow. He looked amazing. Jazmine almost wished she wasn't sick so she could go, there were a lot of people inside and outside, most of which she didn't even know there. She almost felt hurt that Riley didn't invite her, but then realized that he knew she was sick. Oh well. Taking advantage of the opportunity that she didn't have to throw up at the moment, she lay down, grabbed her ipod and listened to an upbeat Michael Jackson song and tried to cheer herself up.

'Ugh. I hate being sick.' Jazmine thought. Pretty soon though, she was off into a deep sleep.

~~~~~~~One week later~~~~~~~~~

Despite the fact that Jazmine was feeling much better, she wasn't in the best mood.

Jazmine showed up today very angry. It was something about that day, something in the air that made Jazmine nervous and defensive. Huey was calm. He probably felt nothing. Jazmine hated him for that. For never feeling anything, when she felt everything. At the same time, she was happy that she could see him at all. They got into their stances and Jazmine charged angrily at Huey. He dodged it and she almost fell but did a somersault and popped right back up and raised her leg up to kick Huey in his chest, but he grabbed her leg and pushed her roughly back about 7 feet. She was on the ground panting heavily.

"You can't let your emotions cloud your judgment, Jazmine. Get up. No time for resting."

"Jerk," she said as she got up and attempted to punch him in the face, but rather punched his shoulder. Huey grabbed her fist into his much bigger one and used it to hit Jazmine in her face and make her fall.

"Get up, Jazmine. I'm only doing this to make you stronger."

Jazmine, with a menacing expression, quickly got up and charged at Huey once again. He bent backwards on his hands and kicked her in her shoulder. She, once again, fell. Huey stood over her. He looked worried for a second, then his expression was back to cold.

"Get up. Stop being weak. Use your emotions, don't let them use you."

Jazmine was tired of his cold attitude tonight. All of a sudden she felt a raindrop, and then after a second or too, several. Next thing you know it was pouring down raining. Huey looked up, from where he stood over Jazmine, to see the dark clouds and the rain that poured from them. Jazmine took this opportunity to swipe her leg under Huey's and make him fall.

"Ungh," he grunted and then a menacing smirk came across his face. He quickly hopped up and faced Jazmine. They both circled the other and taunted each other through the pouring rain.

"Fighting dirty, Jazmine? I kind of expected more of you. Kinda." Jazmine wasn't affected by his words. She knew that he didn't mean it and he was just trying to get into her head.

"Being an asshole. Kinda expected more of you. Not."

"Come on, baby. You're being irrational. Your anger won't help you against me." Jazmine was surprised by his deep, seductive tone. He was playing with her emotions, whether he wanted to admit it or not.

"I hate you so much right now." Huey knew that he was crossing into dangerous territory, but he was determined to help Jazmine become a great fighter and overcome her emotions, so he didn't think when he blurted out his next words.

"But I thought you loved me baby."

Jazmine froze and through her fierce expression, Huey could see her eyes water. He half expected her to give up and run home crying like when they were younger. He underestimated her. Then in an instant, Jazmine charged at him, once again, with a battle warrior cry that people could probably hear miles away. Jazmine punched him once in his shoulder blade which made Huey wince, but then she tried to swiftly kick him. He blocked her with his hands. Jazmine stumbled back. Huey came at her, she jumped up in the air and kicked him as hard as she could in the head.

"You needed that." She said breathlessly. Huey said nothing, he just stared at her with a smoldering expression, which in another situation would have turned her on, but now only made her more determined. They danced around their area in a makeshift circle bouncing on the soles of their feet in their respective fighting stances.

"You know, Jazmine. Your anger is pretty amusing."

"Fuck you."

"I'm doing this to help you, Jazmine."

That got her angry.

"Huey. That's your problem. You always think you know what's best for me. You, my father, my mother, god damnmit! Let me make my own decisions, my own mistakes. Let us make our own mistakes. I know you're holding back because you think I'm too weak. Not just because I'm a female, but because you always think you know what's best for me, since I'm weak, pathetic Jazmine without a backbone! And you know what? For all the years you've treated me like shit, for the months I've spent trying to figure out why you hate me, for all the times you've led me on, and for the one time you broke my heart...fuck you. "

Jazmine charged at Huey and quickly attacked. She sent a swift kick into his stomach, then turned a quick 180 degrees and sent a punch right into his jewels, he bore a menacing expression that was mixed between pain and determination then kicked jazmine hard, watched her fall then pop right back up and block his punch that he was sending into her. Jazmine then backed all the way up into the outer edge of their circle, ran and kicked Huey so far that he flew into a nearby tree. He had turned at the last minute, otherwise he would have moved and let her fall. He was down on the ground for all of two seconds, sat up and was knocked back down by an assault of angry punches that Jazmine sent through her tears. She continued to punch and kick Huey. He just lay there frozen. He let her get a few more hits in, then hit her with a quick karate chop. She fell. She got up and they continued into a bunch of blocked punches and a few hits. All was quiet. All you could hear was a bunch of grunts, a couple of sniffles and the sound of flesh being hit. After a few minutes, they both stopped to catch their breath.

"You're bringing your A-game now. Nice. I was gonna feel bad beating up a girl."

"Once again. Fuck. You."

"You know you keep saying that. I might take you up on that offer." Jazmine wasn't sure whether he did this purposefully or not, but he was looking at her seductively. For a second she felt...tingly. But after a few more blocked hits Jazmine kicked him hard in his chest so hard he fell. Huey wasn't expecting that. Jazmine sat on top of him and pulled his hair really hard, because she knows how much he hates it. She smacked him a few times and banged his head on the ground. Huey cried out in pain.

"Damn, Jazmine! You trying to fucking kill me?"

"Shut up! I hate you!"

"Hate is a strong word."

"And you're...dumb."


"I can't believe I ever trusted you!" Where did that come from?


"No! Don't Jazmine me. You—you-you made me think that we could-" Jazmine sighed and looked away like she didn't want Huey to see her cry.

"Jazmine don't cry."

"Shut UP! Every time I cry it's because of you! Stop telling me not to cry when you're the one that makes me! I thought you were my best friend. How could you be so mean, so cruel to me. All I ever did was love you even when you put me down. I'm the only person that listens to you. Really listens. I mean...I don't know if I can do this anymore. I love you unconditionally. But you don't even care. It's like being in love with a fucking brick wall!"

"Let's just continue with the training." Huey sighed.

"Fuck you. I don't want to continue. I want to go home." Jazmine walked over to where her stuff was.

Huey grabbed her around her waist.

"Don't touch me! Go touch your girlfriend J!"

Huey backed away and didn't say anything. Jazmine turned around.

"Oh. So I'm right?" Everything that Jazmine was holding in was exploding right now. "She is your girlfriend? That's nice. That's really nice. She can sit on your lap and snuggle with you in front of everyone, but I'm only good enough behind closed doors."

"She's not my girlfriend."

"I don't care."

"Well it seems like you do."

" .Asshole."



"I love you. These past few weeks have been unbearable without and I...miss you. A lot. I don't want to see you cry." He couldn't take it anymore. He tried to make it seem like he didn't care, but he couldn't do it anymore. He hadn't seen nor been talking to his best friend. He missed her bad. He doesn't want to see her cry anymore. If they broke up somewhere down the line then so be it. They could still be friends, but he could not let himself and his fears be the reason she hated him. Grandad said that Hate is easy and love is hard.

'And I'm Huey Freeman and I never take the easy way out'. He thought.

But, he didn't anticipate Jazmine not immediately running into his arms. This was gonna be harder than he thought.

"You love me?!" She said this incredulously. "You must not know what love is. Love ain't making me cry! Love ain't-"

Or maybe not.

She was cut off with Huey's lips on hers and him grabbing her around the waist and lifting her with her legs around his waist. They stood there in the light rain and passionately kissed. After about 10 or 20 minutes of making out they sat down under a tree. For a while they didn't speak. 'Damn that was hella cliché.' Huey thought.

Jazmine was the first to break the silence.

"So, you love me? In what way?"

"Jazmine, listen. I, Huey Freeman, was scared. I thought that if we got into a relationship and broke up then we would lose our friendship...and I care about you too much to risk that. I know that that outcome is likely because I'm not the most sensitive person. I figured I couldn't show how much I care for you like you'd want me to. I thought I would screw up some kind of way, we'd break up and you'd hate me, because I could never hate you, and then we'd go on to different colleges and never see each other ever again. But tonight seeing the pain you were in made me feel...guilty. I love you too much to ever see you in pain. Over the years I figured that I was just toughening you up. I never realized how much I hurt you. I caused that? That was never my intention and I hope that you'll forgive and we can start a relationship together because...I need you. I love you. I'm in love with you. What do you say?"

Jazmine looked shocked. She was speechless.



"You're still a jerk."

"Do you forgive me. What do you say?"

"Kiss me." Huey obeyed. Things started to get heated after a few minutes. Jazmine was moaning his name. Huey slipped his hand underneath Jazmine's shirt and felt up her back until he reached her bra. He unclasped it and it fell off. Jazmine then tugged on the bottom of Huey's shirt and pulled it off. Huey did the same to her. After staring at Jazmine bare chested for a few seconds, Huey laid Jazmine on top of his clothpiece and moved in between her legs. He kissed her down to her lips, chin, neck and shoulders, while she moaned in pleasure. He then moved down to her chest and sucked on each nipple, lick by lick until he nearly took her whole breast in his mouth and sucked. Jazmine's moans were becoming even louder and higher in pitch. He then reached down and pulled the rest of her clothes off.

Panties. included.

Jazmine then made a motion as if to say 'you too'. Huey then took all of his clothes off also. They laid there for a second just staring at each other.

"You sure you want to do this?"


Huey then returned to kissing her. Jazmine suddenly gripped her hand around his erection.

"Ooh huey. You're so hard." Jazmine moaned and blushed.

Huey took out her hair tie and let her hair spill out all around her head.

"I know I don't tell you this enough but you're beautiful."

She looked up at him with seductive eyes. Much different than her goofy, innocent look.

"Aah, Huey. That feeeels sooo goood."

Huey made short moaning noises. He found that he enjoyed this particular activity. He was getting close to Jazmine in a way no one could. He also couldn't help but enjoy the taste of her. He had to admit though he was suffering a bit with his erection nearly stabbing the cloth. Jazmine on the other hand was in complete, joyful, joyful hallelujah heaven. Huey continued to suck and lick every part of her trying not to think of his hard dick.

"Aah! Aah! Huey I think I'm about to c-Aah!" Jazmine's thighs shook around his head as he continued to lick and suck. After he finished he came back up and kissed her. Jazmine wrapped and squeezed her legs around his waist.

"Damn. Not yet."

His voice was deep, smooth and raspy. That turned Jazmine on and made her giggle. Huey looked around and reached over and dug in his pants.

"What are you looking for?"

"I don't have a condom with me."

"With you? Since when do you carry condoms?"


"Oh. Well it's okay. I'm on the pill."

"Jazmine. What have I told you about things like that."

"I know it's 99.9% pregnant proof and the white man conspires to make black people blah blah blah. I'm not ovulating and I take my pill everyday so lighten up." Huey stared at her for a minute deliberating, then Jazmine pushed herself into him making him say okay.

He sucked her nipples once again. He put his hands around her waist and told her to spread her legs. She obliged. He looked at her as if to say 'you ready'. She shook her head affirmatively. He pushed himself into her. She looked as if she was in pain. Huey went really slow in and out of her. After a few minutes it didn't hurt as bad. Pretty soon it barely hurt and Jazmine wanted him to go faster and faster. Huey was grunting in pleasure, while Jazmine was full out moaning. Jazmine's nails was digging into Huey's back, while he grabbed her waist as he moved in and out of her. Huey had masturbated in the shower before but this was a whole new feeling. The emotional feelings he had for Jazmine combined with her moans and her wetness was enough to send him over the edge. At the same time, Jazmine came too. He knew this because he grunted an expletive while she grabbed his back and squeezed him and screamed out loud his name. After they caught their breaths, they began to put on their clothes.

"Wanna spend the night?" Huey turned to her and asked.


"You know all that shit was hella cliché, right?"


Awwwww...This Chapter was a rollercoaster of emotions...right...right! review chapters will be pretty uneventful and mostly fluff...but later chapters will be full of ACTION! Oh yeah...J will make recurring appearances and have a certain role...just cause H&J are together now doesn't mean everything is roses and rainbows and's still gonna be some drama...but for now REVIEW!