Disclaimer: Unfortunately I do not own the characters of the Anime/Manga of Fairy Tail; Mashime Hiro owns all rights. What I do own is the plot line and certain events that take place.

Genre: Drama, Humor, Friendship, Family and Romance

Rated T for Language and hinted Themes

This story contains major OOCness from characters that you may not be fond of. You have been warned.

A/N: Ha ha... forgot this chapter was ready to be posted. I need to stop being lazy...

This wasn't right.

No way was this right in any given situation!

It was unacceptable, ungrateful – unbelievable!

Did he not know she was going to argue back? That she would give him a piece of her mind and state the hard cold truth of what might happen if he were to put her through this? Did he not understand her way of thinking? Did he not see what she saw in those people? Does he honestly think she can put up with them?

Of course he does! A voice in her head told her smugly, He has power over you whether you like it or not. You're still underage and you live under his roof.

The blonde huffed, crossing her arms over her chest and abruptly whipping her head to the side averting her gaze to a painting on the wall.

When she had arrived home, she had seen no signs of her father being present and was relevantly happy that he wasn't. But ever since that morning with the interview that took place five hours ago, she had a feeling today was going to be dreadful.

And she was correct.

"But father, you know very well that –" Her father cut her off with a wave of his hand and his loud voice.

"I understand very well my daughter –"

As if! She bit back inwardly, keeping her face to a fine composure; leaving not one hint that she was bad mouthing her father.

"– But I do not want to hear you talk back to me when you know that with this, I can win the voting." He told her, his voice firm with determination.

Lucy's eyes flickered back to her father's, her own brown orbs narrowing threateningly. "Father I understand where we –", she watched her father's eyes flicker with a unknown emotion, " – you stand in the voting and that if I agree to this, it'd help you by a fold worth – but you must understand that it may just back fire." She then studied her father, his expression blank.

Did he even think about that? Lucy was a smart girl, given that certain people doubt that because of the stereotypes for blondes. She loathed those people the most. And if she were to proceed with her father's little 'deal', she would have to face them head on and she knew that was never a good thing.

She admits that she does have anger issues, like any normal person and she admits she does, in fact, get frustrated easier than those said normal people. And of course, not to mention that she'll bite back at someone that insults her or simply someone she doesn't like.

She knew her personality wasn't something to be proud of. That it was a terrible one to have especially with the voting going on and whatnots. But saying that she didn't care what others thought of her would be lying. She cared what they thought but then she didn't. She's not neither self-conscious nor too self-absorbed; she was the right mix. She was a young lady with a strong opinion on the world and its people. Sure she would brag and gloat about herself to those around her but she knew when to back down, but of course she would never go down without a fight. She was not one to take lightly, not after that faithful encounter.

Lucy shook her head of those thoughts, ridding her mind of such foul memories. But she suddenly stopped as a grin tugged its way into play.

She looked to her father, seeming to notice he was in a daze from her question earlier. Did he truly not think of that? Did he really not know his daughter?

"Father, on second thought, I'll go along with your plan." Her grin spread as her father gave her a confused face, "I'll attain the public school as the daughter that cares for those poor people," She waved her hand off to the side in a disgraceful manner, "while you're out raising your votes. I'll try to be civil, Father, and if they were to stumble upon my ungratefulness, I'll make sure they won't speak a word about it." She brought her hand that was off to the side to rest underneath her chin, her eyes glimmering with amusement.

Her father looked dazed by her answer for a split second but quickly recovered his composure. He nodded, "Very well then, Lucy." He spoke, his eyes searching through his daughters playful ones.

Was he having second thoughts due to her tone of voice?

No, no. Everything was fine. She always talked to him like that… but when did it start?

Her grin grew with her nod as she readied herself up from the dining chair. "I take it that I'll be heading off to that school for the last…" she trailed off as her eyes skimmed to the ticking clock, "three hours of school?" She raised a perfect eyebrow in question.

Her father blinked at her then released a deep, inaudible chuckle. That's right...she didn't know anything about this public school. Oh well, she was in for a deep surprise when she arrives.

"Indeed you are." He nodded, "It's just to get you… comfortable with the campus and all. You might not be in any of your classes today but the interview may come short, I'm not quite sure." He spoke calmly, choosing his words carefully.

Lucy sat back down. Campus? Interview? Why did those words bring forth mixed feelings? She narrowed her eyes at her father. He was hiding something, something he knew she wouldn't like.

"Is there anything I should know before I leave?" She asked politely but her tone leaned more towards demanding.

Her father blinked at her. Should he tell her now or let her find out when she gets there? It wouldn't hurt to tell her half, no? Yes, half of it would be fine. He just hoped she wouldn't blow when she found out the other half.

He nodded, "There is, Lucy. You see, at Tailed Academy the students are required to dorm there and it is indeed a co-ed school along with the dorms following." He spoke slowly, watching his daughters reaction.

Her composure didn't falter, but on the inside she stiffened.

She was going to dorm with those people? Either be it male or female? Or worse, having a little annoying brat of a freshman dorm with her? No, no! She was not going to do this!

But you already agreed, Lucy. A voice told her and she scowled at that voice. It always made sense at the worse times.

But she had to do it, she told herself. She had to prove that she could put up with those low lives even if she and they didn't mix well. Heck, she wouldn't be surprise if she blows up at her roommate! She'll make sure to set some ground rules before things get too out of hand. But then again, would they know who she was? If so, wouldn't they act differently towards her? Would they want to be friends with her?

The blonde found herself grinning nastily. Of course they'll throw themselves to me, she thought, why wouldn't they?

But no, that's not why she had agreed to go. No, she only agreed because she had to prove herself to a certain someone, someone she hasn't seen since…

She shook her head and answered her father, "I see, dorms. I think… no, I know I can handle that father. The task will be easy, you can count on me." She placed her fake smile on.

"Very well then. The car is up front with some of your belongings with it. You'll be staying for the rest of the school year Lucy, don't make me disappointed and regret my decision." He said, rising up from his chair.

Lucy followed suit, "Of course not, sir. Farewell Father, I'll be taking my leave." She bowed and quickly left the room without waiting for a response. She couldn't handle that silence in the room with that clock ticking so loudly. It made her remember that day, that day when…

Don't remember Lucy! Don't let that selfless jerk control your life! She shouted to herself with a stern nod. That's right. She couldn't let him have an upper hand when she hasn't even seen him for over five years! It wasn't like she'll run into him at that school. He was a rich fool like herself, so why did she have a foreboding feeling that she'll see his face once she arrives?

The blonde made her way over to the car, bowing to get in as the driver shut the door with a slam. She snapped at him with a harsh glare that he couldn't see.

She was now placed back into silence as the car roared to life and took off smoothly. The girl couldn't help but recall the sentence that boy had left her with…

"You're just like everyone else Lucy, but she isn't."


"Hey! If it isn't my favorite retard!" Natsu heard a voice sound behind him, the teens tone low and firm.

The rosy haired teen resisted the urge to smack the life out of the other but everyone knew Natsu wasn't one to resist.

Before the other could react, Natsu acted upon his instincts and hopped on his left foot to take a swing at the black haired teen's jaw.

The teen stumbled back from the impact but caught his footage. He rubbed his chin as he gawked at Natsu. "What the hell was that for idiot?" he shouted, throwing a punch towards Natsu's jaw and successfully hitting him.

Natsu took one step back, clenching and unclenching his mouth till it somewhat felt better. "I've told you before Gray! Don't call me that!" he yelled as he lunged forward, bringing himself and Gray down to meet the ground while throwing punches at one another. It was amazing how they didn't end up biting each other with how immature they acted and fought like little children.

"Great, they're at it again," Rogue commented as he watched his brother and his friend in some messed up hug as they rolled around.

"Did you expect anything different over the break, Rogue?" a strawberry blonde boy asked in a reply, "I mean it's like their own special way of greeting each other I think." He shrugged.

Rogue gave him a skeptical look, "Is that what you think, Loke?"

The teen gave him a side way glance, "I suppose so." He looked back to the two fools on the ground then roamed to the crowd that had formed, "I mean, don't you think Gray would feel embarrassed to be friend with… Natsu and while Natsu may just feel the same."

Rogue narrowed his eyes at the two, thinking back on their friendship and Loke's words. It made sense, of some sort. That is, if it was in their personality to act that way towards the other. "I understand what you're saying." The two nodded in agreement but said nothing more once the sight of flowing scarlet caught their attention. The two boys on the ground where about to get scolded by the worse possible person in the staff of Tailed Academy.

The adult took two steps – no, stomps – towards the boys, bringing her fists to her hips and spoke with a stern voice that could scare a wild bear that had gone chaotic.

"Mr. Fullbuster and Mr. Dragneel!" Just hearing their surnames seeping out from her lips made them shoot up and salute her, "You two meet me in my office. Now!" She pointed to the two boys then behind her, which was obviously not where her office was located but it was the general direction.

The teen boys quickly rushed past her, their heads dropped while they muttered insolent swears at one another.

The women then turned to the coward that had surprisingly stayed large. Usually everyone would scatter at the sight of Miss. Scarlet. She then gave them all a strong glare with her stone brown eyes, successfully making them flee back to lunch but stopped both Loke and Rogue.

"Yes Miss. Scarlet?" Rogue asked politely with a small smile while Loke stood there, stiff.

She smiled back, which only caused poor Loke to begin to fidget. "I was wondering if one of you would like to show the new transfer student around the school campus and to their dorm." She spoke, eyeing the two boys'.

Loke's eyes skimmed behind his sunglasses as he tried to decipher an escape route. He had his fair share of errands he ran for Miss. Scarlet and not one of them ended well. What made him even more self-conscious was that he is one of the trouble makers, along with Gray and Natsu. So why did she want him to show a student around?

It doesn't matter; I'm getting myself out of here. Loke thought as he opened his mouth and made a quick excuse that he needed to go retake a quiz even if the teacher he stated wasn't the right subject. All that counted was that he was out of there and the fact that he left poor Rogue by himself.

The black haired teen watched Loke dash out of the courtyard like his life depended on it and maybe it did, he didn't know. His gaze then fell back to Miss. Scarlet, "I suppose since Loke has somewhere to go, it leaves me to help you out Miss. Scarlet."

The red head let out a small sigh, "Indeed it does Mr. Cheney. Come, come." She waved her finger and started off towards her office.

A minute or more later, they've arrived at the main office.

"The student is in there, waiting." She pointed to the closed door, "Treat them well Mr. Cheney. I would prefer it if you can show them around tomorrow and the such if you're willing." She continued, making her way to her office door, hearing the two boys that rested inside speaking in low whispers.

Rogue nodded, understanding her words perfectly and what she expected of him. "Of course Miss. Scarlet." He then turned on his heel and walked towards the door, his ears picking up the scared Natsu and Gray once the red haired women told them to shut their mouths.

With a turn of the door knob, he walked through the frame and froze when his eye's landed on the back of a familiar head of blonde hair.

A/N: Word count: 2,437... Shorter then the first chapter :( But I didn't expect anythng less since I wrote thru writer's block. Not to mention this was yet anything another badly written chapter - I'm dragging things out again, I need to stop doing that.

Anyways, thank you for all your reviews guys! I love you all. The biggest question of all was why does Natsu have a hate towards Lucy? Meh, how did I know that was going to bring a reaction from readers? 'Cause not most stories follow that line. This ain't gunna be a regular cliché story, I tell you what! I also hope this chapter cleared a few things but still keep you guessing :)

Please review my lovely readers! Even if it's, yes, a simple "Update soon" or "Great first chapter". I want to know how my readers feel for this story and that box down there is the answer. Heck, feel free to review a lengthy review! I love to read those; they always bring a bright smile to my face when I see one. Don't forget to at least state how you felt about the first chapter or answer any of my questions :) Stay awesome you gals (guys).
