Sachiko- 'ello everyone :D

Soul- who are you? (,)

Sachiko- Im your stalker (,)

Soul- creeper

Sachiko- you know I was joking rite?

Maka- no he doesn't

Sachiko-Baaaakkaaa :P Tsubaki disclaimer please and a hug /(*.*)/

Tsubaki- Sachikohappychild doesn't own Soul Eater! (hugs Sachiko)

Sachiko- ~SMILE~


I sighed with relief as I plopped on my bed. I closed my eyes and grinned until I heard the most annoyingest (sp?) sound in my life.

My cell phone.

And to make it worse, it was all the way out in the Living Room. "MAKAAAA!" I yelled, "MAAAAKKAAAAAAA!"

I must of sounded like I was in panic because Maka rushed to my room, breathing hard. My meisters ash-blonde hair was messy from that oh-so sad book she is reading. When she saw the way I was peacefully laying in bed a irritated vain popped out of her head.

"What the hell do you want, Soul?" She hissed.

"Can you get my phone? PLEASE?" I begged. Another vain popped out of her head while she slammed a book on my head. "The way you called my name sounded like you were in trouble!"

I hissed in pain and before saying, "How the hell do you want me to say it?!"

I suddenly smirked and said in a soft moan, "Maka..." My meister blushed shades of red before slamming another book on my head.

"Well, why do you want me to get your phone when you have to feet of your own?" I rolled my crimson eyes, "Because," I started, "Walking to the livingroom is to much work and my feet are still sore from the mission we just went on."

This time it was Maka's turn to roll her eyes. "You do relalize that you were in weapon form the whole time, right?" I groaned. Why is she being so STUBBORNED?

Maka giggled, obviously noticing my frustarted look. "Fine fine I'll get it."

She stepped out of the room and for some reason, the warmth in the room decreased. I sat up immedantly when I felt a strange chill go down my spine. Thats never good.

When Maka returned with my cell phone in her hands, I could tell by her face something wasn't right. She was pale and her olive green eyes were full of surprise.

"You alright?" I asked.

She didn't answer, not even a nod for the fact.

I slowly reached out to grab my cell phone and looked at it. 5 MISSED CALL It read in large laters. I opened it to see what kind of idiot would call at 1 in the morning.

It was Wes.

My eyes nearly popped out of its sockets, I never gave Wes my number and even if I did, I would have changed it. Suddenly, my phone rang again but my anger took over me. What did he want now? He took almost every thing away from me when I was little, until I turned 14. My parents loved him more and they treated me like an out cast.

People at school would only be friends with me since my older brother was Wes Evans, not to mention my family was rich and famous for our jazz music. But before they knew I was part of the 'Evans' family, they treated me like dirt. Until Wes walked into the classroom, yelling my full name with anger for taking to long.

The only one that truely loved me was my grandmother. She loved me for you I am and can remember the last words she spoke to me in person, "Don't be afraid to stand out."

I threw my phone across the room causing it to hit the wall and snap in half. I was huffing in anger and my red eyes were filled with maddness. I felt a light touch on my hand which was holding the bedsheets tightly.

I looked up and realized it was Maka's. She smiled at me with gentleness as she grabbed my hand and placed it on her cheek. "Are you alright?" I smiled lightly and nodded, "Yeah. Sorry I lost my cool." She laughed and I placed my other hand on her the other side of her face. Her skin was so soft and smooth, the meister's eyes looked deeply into mine with abit of saddness.

"You know your going to have to talk to him soon... right?" I nodded and rested my body on the bed again, Maka laid beside me. "Just not now. I don't think I'm able too."

She entwined our fingers together as I rested my head at the napped on her neck. I breathed in the vanilla scent of hers and smiled. "I understand."

She knew I wasn't comable talking about my parents so she changed the subjected, which I was obviously thankful for. "Anyways, wasn't that your 5th time braking your cell pone this month?"

"Hey! It was all Black*star!" I grumbled.

She rolled her eyes, "The second time it wasn't..."

"Well that stupid lady kept calling!"

"You do realize it was the Libarian, right?"

"So! She was flirting with me and it got annoying!" Maka laughed at this, "She 57 years old and has a husband! She was calling you to tell you have a missing book you had to turn in about 2 years ago. And besides, she hates your guts! When she said your hat was cute she was saying it sarcastically!"

"I thought the hat was awesome..." I mumbled.

"I thought it was cute!" Maka giggled.

"HEY! Are you calling me cute?"

Maka laughed and gave me a friendly kiss on the forehead. "Maybe. Maybe not." I laughed.

Maka POV~ two weeks later!

I yawned as I continued to make breafist for Soul, Blair, and me.

"SOUL! BLAIR! BREAKFIST IS READY!" I yelled. I heard the door creeked open and a tired looking Soul walked out with nothing but boxers and a pair of clean clothes in his hands. "I'm going to shower first." He said though a yawn. I nodded while I set Blair's breakfeast on the table. The purple cat sat on the table and slowly nudge her food with her nose.

"Is something wrong, Blair?" The black cat looked at me with desperate yellow eyes. She jumped away and returned with a letter in her mouth. I looked at the letter and realized it was already open. Blair turned in to her human form but her eyes never changed.

"It's from Wes." Was all she said and I knew exactly what she ment. I read the letter over and over with wide eyes full of surprize and sadness. The bathroom suddenly bursted open and came out a relived sigh.

"So! Maka! Where is that yumm-" he didn't finished his sentence when he realized the gloomy hemisphare coming from Maka and Blair. "Hey? What's wrong?"

Blair looked at me and Soul then her frowned increased. "I'm sorry but I gotta go." (:D - blairs reaction to get away)

I sweat~dropped. So she wanted me to handle this, not a surprize there.

Ever so slowly, I handed him the letter blair gave and trying my best to avoid his confused gaze. He looked at the letter and read it aloud:"

Dear Soul,

You remember Grandmother, right?

Well she's not feeling very good and the doctor says she might not be able to live any longer. I figured you you wouldn't anwser my calls or text messages or Listen to my voice mails. Grandmother even said 'knowing Soul, he probably threw his phone at the wall. The reason why I am so despairate to get a reply from you is because Grandmother wants to speak with you in private. Once you get this message, I'll be showing up at your house today.

I miss you and I'm sure Mother and Father does too.


Wes Evans

"Damn him." I hardly heard Soul as he continued to read the letter. Tears running down his cheeks but I notice that he was trying to hold it in. He slammed his fist into the wall causing it to have a small dent. "She's dying." His legs gave way and he fell to the ground. "Why? Why her? Why?" he ranted on and on.

I felt helpless. Like the time Soul had to save me from Crona's blow. It took him weeks to recover and months to be on shape. 5 minutes was all it took to cool him down. So I sat next to him with a small smile. And he smiled back and hugged me tightly.

His tears made my shirt damped but I didn't care.

Finally, he spoke but his voice was still wavyer than ever. "Well, at least you don't have to worry about a shower tonight."

I giggled.

Souls pov~

We arrived alittle late (20 minutes) at the school. When we entered the class room, our class-mates stared at us with a surprised look.

"So they did pass that mission..."

"Of coaruse they did! Soul's a death sythe now and Maka's half weapon!"

"They don't even have a scratch on them!"

"I wonder why they came in late..."

"Maybe they woke up late?"

"HA! Thats funny! Maka~chan has three alarm clocks!"

"Thats true!"

Usally I would have chuckled at the false rumar of Maka having three alarm clocks. HA! THREE! Thats funny, she at least has five or six...

Maka explained to Sid and Stein about the whole reason why we were late with ease and hoping she would skip the crying part as well once she explained to you friends.

Black*star casted me a confused looked at why I was to gloomy this morning but I ignored it. When she was done, she secertly entwined her fingers together when we arrived at our desks.

She wrote a letter to Tsubaki who passed it on to Blackstar, Kid, Patti, Lizz, and Crona who just past it back to Maka. I didn't need to ask what was on the letter my trust worthy meister past around. It was obviously about this morning. I squized Maka's hand abit tighter, trying to hold back tears that just wanted to be out in the open.

I'm just glad my tears didn't betray me.

When class was over and it was lunch, we all decided to eat lunch outside near a beautiful Cherry bloosm tree with Tsubakis (the flower) were all around it. I sat next to Maka, our backs leaning againest each other as always.

Black*star told his storys about how he killed kishins in his other missions, even though he tried to be serious, we always find something funny about it. I laughed abit now and then. Patti was cheering me on about being strong and Liz just smiled and said that me and her would go to a jazz concert soon.

Kidd said that if I needed a day off of school he would just tell the teachers. Chrona stayed quiet as if he know I didn't I want to talk about the hard ships I was going though at the moment and Tsubaki gave me some of her home made tea that I just loved to death.

Maka stayed quiet like Chrona but would whisper in my ear, asking how I was from time to time. I simply smiled and nodded.

When school was over, Maka and I walked towards the motorcycle after saying goodbye to all of our friends. "HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER SOUL!" Liz shouted and waved good bye.

I sat on my motorcycle and smiled at Maka while she sat down as well. Suddenly, I saw a black limo but blinked and it was gone. I shook my head furiously and looked at Maka with a confused gaze. "Did you see that?" I asked.

Maka nodded slowly, "If your talking about a Black then yea..."

We both looked around until I saw the one person I didn't want to see.

"Hello, Soul."

There, right in front of us in a black Limo, was Wes.

Sachiko: I hope you like it :D please r&r