Author's Note: Oh wait, what's this, is this a Precure fanseries? Oh it is! How about that, where did that come from. Sparkle Precure has been a fan series that has been in the works for the better part of the year, and I have just now gotten around to finishing the first chapter of it. Basic introduction chapter smell all on it, mmhmm. Sorry for y'all waiting for updates for my Danny Phantom or Detective Conan fics, but seeing as how I've been meaning to write this for several months, I think it story of has priority.

Feels weird technically uploading a fanseries that only has base connections to the Precure canon on , but that's what everybody does, and since DA is a pain about file formats, I guess I'm left without a whole lot of choices, huh?

The concept of Precure does not belong to me- however, this story, and all characters within, do.

Sparkle Precure

Episode One

A Girl in Love is the Strongest! The Birth of a New Precure!

It was a clear night, with a sky empty of the moon, that made the connection between worlds possible. In a hushed, quiet voice, a young girl received her orders, her face concealed by a dark blue cloak. They spoke in hushed tones, not wanting to be overheard, and not daring a light as they ventured forth, leaving the magnificent palace behind them. Slipping past the guards on patrol was not hard when you knew the layout of the palace like the back of your hand, they found. The girl in the blue cloak paused on the outskirts, casting one last long glance back at the palace that towered behind them.

It might be the last time she saw it for quite some time.

But she had her orders, and they were orders that needed to be carried out in haste. She was to seek out and find the eight legendary warriors, the Pretty Cure, on a planet called 'Earth'. There was a threat approaching, a great threat that was approaching both them and the wonderful kingdom in which she lived.

When they reached the place of magic, the secret place that linked the two worlds, it was a silent and quick job to bring the portal to life. There was no time for words, it must be done quickly, for surely someone would have seen the light that it emitted. The blue cloaked girl paused only briefly to exchange an embrace with the other girl beside her, before she took a deep breath and jumped through, into the glimmering sea of light.

"You look like you've had a long day, Kobayashi."

"You do remember what class I have for last period, right?" The female teacher grunted, peering up at her coworker, who was offering her a cup of tea. "Thank you." She took the tea cup from him, taking a long draught from it, ignoring the fact that it was nearly boiling hot. "They're fighting again. I couldn't even finish my lesson today because of it."

She heaved a sigh, setting down the cup on her desk. "And normally, Ui-san is such a good student, but when it comes to Iemochi he just loses his head entirely. Iemochi, of course, is another case entirely. To be honest, I'm not sure I can blame Ui-san for being frustrated with her." She said, rolling her eyes, opening her desk drawer and pulling out a bottle of painkillers.

"I know, they were in my class last year." Her coworker chuckled, shaking his head. "I understand what it's like to step in the middle of that firestorm."

The two students in question, as it happened, were still at it, although the school bell had rung, signaling the end of the school day. Some of their classmates lingered, the novelty of their fighting having not quite worn off yet, but most of them got out of there as fast as they could, before one of them started throwing things, heedless of any innocent bystanders.

The two people in question were Naiya Iemochi and Hirata Ui, a pair of senior students at Shiroyama High School, both seventeen years old and both very much at each other's throats at the moment. They were nearly nose to nose, spouting off some rather choice insults, accusations of being a 'girly boy' and a 'brash witch' being cast out, among others.

The 'girly boy' in question, was Hirata Ui, and it was not entirely a nickname that didn't suit him. A bit short and rather scrawny for a boy, his shaggy mess of dark brown hair was only kept out of his mahogany eyes by two pairs of silver hair clips, so it wasn't that hard to see where the choice of nickname came from. Aside from his feminine appearance, one thing that stood out about him most were the bandages wrapped around his hands, not due to injury, but for sport. He was a member of the boxing club, in spite of his looks, and was actually known for having quite a bit of skill at it, though most didn't believe him until they saw it (or felt it, as the case may be) for themselves.

The so-called 'brash witch', was Naiya Iemochi, who was known throughout the school for being just that- a rather unpleasant and often downright mean girl who had no real friends, who bullied those weaker than her. Most often, she bullied and harassed Hirata and everyone else was just sort of glad that it wasn't them she had set her sights on. She was taller than Hirata by exactly an inch, a fact which she lorded over him for most of their high school life. Her shortly cropped hair was dyed blonde, kept clear of her dark brown eyes. She wore the school uniform without the usual striped tie, which was another thing teachers gave her no end of grief about.

The other thing, was of course, being a rather mean-spirited bully.

"Well I don't know why anyone would ever even think about going with you, Hirata-chan~" She taunted, leaning back and crossing her arms in front of her chest. "Hah! It's laughable to think that the girl who shows up at the boxing club every so often would ever have eyes for you. Have you even looked at yourself in a mirror lately? The only way she could be attracted to you was if she was a lesbian who mistook you for a girl! There's no way a girl would want a man more womanly than her."

"Yeah well, then why would she keep bringing me clean sports towels all the time? And she turns red when I'm around too!" Hirata shot back, pounding his hand on the desk that split the two, the only physical barrier keeping them from actively going after each other throat's. "She even brought me lunch one afternoon!" He told her, putting his hands on his hips, a smug look, crossing his face. "What do you call that?"

"A gag worthy high school manga cliche." Naiya retorted, not looking impressed. "You're just going to find your little girly boy heart shattered into a bunch of pieces, and when it does, I'll be right there to laugh as you try to scoop up the mess." She told him, letting out a chuckle. "She's probably going to confess to you that her poor dear mother needs surgery and she doesn't have the money for it, and then she'll suck you dry for every penny like the sap you are."

"Takahashi-san is not that kind of girl!" Hirata yelled back.

"Hah, how would you know?" Naiya asked, quirking an eyebrow. "You've never even met her on anything but her own terms. Probably underneath that sugary sweet exterior, she's a horrendous bitch."

"Yeah, well, maybe that's better than a certain somebody who is all bitch, one hundred percent of the time." Hirata shot back, glowering at his longtime tormenter. Just once, just once! He would have liked to have class without her, but no- Naiya seemed to have been following him ever since the third grade. Not only were they always in the same class, but as if some gravitational force dictated it, she was always in the seat right behind him as well. He couldn't even distance himself from her.

"Oh, are you implying that's me?" Naiya asked, letting out a sharp laugh. "That's real cute, Hirata-chan. As if my heart would be so wounded by your precious little words, what a thought!" She laughed again, reaching out to mockingly pet his head, a smug look appearing on her face. "It's real hard to take a boy seriously when you can see over the top of his head."

Hirata smacked her hand off his head, stepping back and putting some distance between them. "It's just one inch." He hissed, pointing at her. "It's not a big deal."

"And it's one inch that you'll never have." Naiya smirked. "If it's not such a big deal, Hirata-chan, why do you always get so upset about it?"

"Argh!" Hirata threw up his hands, ready to tear out his hair at this point. "Look, just... no you know what? I'm done for today. I'm not taking anymore of this." He told her, grabbing his bag and slinging it over his shoulder, still glowering at Naiya, unwilling to take his eyes off of her lest she try anything. "I have club." He told her coldly, before heading for the door.

He paused just at the door, looking back at her for a long moment, a hard look in his eyes. "At least I'll know what it feels like to have someone fall in love with me. I can't imagine anyone liking a girl like you, Iemochi. They'd have to be crazy." He told her, before he slid the door shut with a loud bang behind him.

"Honey, how was sc-" Emi Iemochi could barely get the word out before her daughter stormed upstairs to her room, slamming the door shut behind her so hard that she could have sworn the whole house had just vibrated. "Ah, I see." She frowned, a worried look, though one tinged with understanding, crossed her face. "Not very well then. Dear!" She called out to her husband, sauntering into the kitchen. "Naiya's in a bad mood, dear, let's make sure to make all of her favorites! That always cheers her up."

Arata Iemochi glanced up from his newspaper, setting down a cup of coffee. "A bad day, hm? Do you think it was that Hirata boy again?" He asked, standing up, shifting his gaze off to the side, wondering if he should do something about that boy. He was a tall man, a fact made even clearer by the fact that his wife was rather petite. It was fairly clear that his daughter had taken most of her looks from him, rather than the rather maidenly Emi, who was all a mess of bright, curly hair, compared to her husband's neatly groomed appearance.

"Oh come off it, honey." Emi scolded him lightly, looking cross with her husband. Although Naiya got her looks from her father, it would appear that she got her ability to glower and threaten from her mother. "That boy has no idea he's doing anything wrong. He just thinks he's defending himself. Why, if anything, our daughter is to blame for it." She reminded him, heaving a sigh. "If only she could do something about that exterior personality of hers. Maybe if we'd socialized her more when she was a child, this wouldn't have happened."

"Ah, Emi, that's hardly something-" He was cut off by a loud banging noise from upstairs, and he frowned. "She's banging her head against the wall again. It must have been a very bad day indeed. Are you sure I can't just...?" He trailed off upon meeting his wife's hard stare. "Not even a little?" He asked her.

"No means no, dear." Emi said lightly. "If she bangs her head on the wall more than ten times in a row though, go up and stop her."

It was not a needed thing to do, thankfully, as Naiya groaned and slumped down against the wall after the first three head butts, a red spot appearing on her forehead where it had struck wall. "I am literally the dumbest girl in the world." She said aloud, pulling her knees up to her chest, and placing her head in them, letting out another low moan. Her school bag lay half forgotten in the middle of her room, and she could hardly even think about getting started on the homework that she had to do for tomorrow, not when her thoughts were all mixed up like this.

To be fair, it was entirely her own fault. She wasn't normally this bad either, she thought, but something about hearing that there was a girl who might have her eyes on Hirata set off a spark in her, that vicious flame some people might call 'jealousy'.

It wasn't that she hated Hirata, on the contrary, it was quite the opposite in fact. She was head over heels for the boy, and had been ever since she met him for the first time back in third grade. That feeling hadn't changed at all since then, if anything, it had only grown. The other thing, sadly, that hadn't changed, was how she treated him, in spite of her best efforts to do otherwise. It seemed like any time she tried to go out of her way to be nicer to him, instead, she would just end up saying meaner things to him than she ever had before.

"I am a terrible, stupid person." She groaned, flopping over on her side, and turning over on her back, staring up at the ceiling. "How hard can it be, really, to treat the guy you're in love with, with some basic human decency? Everybody else seems to do it just fine, so why can't I?" She asked to her ceiling, as if it somehow held the answers to her questions.

But of course it didn't, ceilings didn't talk, much less answer deep questions.

Or for treating anyone with basic human decency, she thought glumly to herself, putting her hands over her face, shutting her eyes. She wasn't very good at that either. After a few moments of silence, she kicked her feet against the floor in frustration, letting out a loud scream of annoyance. "This is stupid!" She said, bolting to her feet. "I'm stupid!" She said aloud, heading over towards her window and hoping on her bed. Shoving the window open, she took in a deep breath, and yelled out it.

"I'm a stupid, dishonest girl~!" She shouted, eliciting the usual responses from her neighbors, who despite being used to these sudden outbursts from the Iemochi girl, were nonetheless still rather annoyed by them. Sheepishly, she turned bright red, quickly shutting the window and closing her curtains, slumping down against it once she had done so.

It was a problem, a problem that Naiya had been facing for most of her life, in spite of her best efforts to fix it. Really, it had been her attempts at fixing her original shy and meek personality in the first place that had lead to this problem, and every attempt at improving herself only made it worse, made her more dishonest with her feelings. Her frontal personality was sour and rude, and drove people off without really meaning to or wanting to. Her frontal personality started meaningless fights, and picked on people she wanted to compliment. And worst of all, her frontal personality was mean and cruel to the boy she was completely and utterly in love with.

So perhaps it was hearing that there was another girl poised to take Hirata away from her that triggered today's fight. Surely a demure and lovely young girl, who made lunches, lunches! For her object of affection was way more attractive to boys than someone like Hirata, who was far more likely to punch them in the face for sneezing in her vicinity than to offer them a spare handkerchief or a tissue.

No, Naiya was not exactly the kind of girl the boys went crazy over. She had seen this 'Takahashi-san' before, and she was the kind, a cute, petite girl with curly hair, and bright eyes, everything about her screaming 'adorable' at the top of it's lungs. Meanwhile, Naiya was a rude, surly tomboy who didn't get along with people and didn't seem to even like dealing with them. She hadn't had a single friend since she had started school, everyone having been chased off by her harsh frontal personality.

And she had tried!

She had tried so hard to fix the problem, to make things work, to make friends, to tell Hirata her true feelings about him. And now she was in her senior year of high school, and was running out of chances.

Heaving a sigh, Naiya turned around, pulling open her curtains and opening her window once more. She perched her elbows against the window frame, and then plopped her chin in them, watching as the sun began to set in the distance. Well, if nothing else, the fates had granted her the perfect view of a sunset over her hometown, Shiroyama City. Even the cranes that now dotted the background, signaling some new construction project was going on, couldn't ruin the view that she had from her window. Watching the sunset helped calm her down, at least a little.

It was a peaceful, quiet moment of tranquility when she could forget everything, forget all of her problems, and just admire the beauty of nature.

"Hm?" Naiya blinked, lifting her head a little, and frowning. "Is that a shooting star? Before nightfall?" She asked out loud. No, but it was, a bright streak of light shooting across the sky, noticeable even in the daylight. Naiya's eyes brightened upon spotting it, and she quickly shut them, clasping her hands together in front of her. "Oh shooting star, please do something to fix this awful, twisted frontal personality of mine! I wish I could be a more honest person!" She wished.

Wait, was that screaming?

Peeking an eye open, the other quickly shot open to join it when Naiya realized that what she was wishing on was not a shooting star- but rather a flying, falling object from the sky, that at the moment appeared to be headed straight towards her face. Thinking quickly, Naiya flattened herself against her bed, the faux shooting star passing just by her and coming to a halt on her door, creating a loud bang. Downstairs, her parents shrugged it off as their daughter banging her head against the wall again, and went back about their business.

More than a little bit frazzled, Naiya simply lay there for a moment, as if trying to process exactly what was going on. Had something just flown into her window from the sky? Something that was screaming, she thought. Pushing herself up, first casting a wary eye towards the sky for any more incoming projectiles, she turned her attention towards whatever it was that had flown into her room.

"No, that landing was no good either!" The small creature whined, shaking it's head. It appeared to be largely undamaged from it's high speed collision with her door, and it also was apparently a platypus.

A platypus that could talk.

A platypus that could talk and was completely white.

And wore a string of pearls around it's neck.

Seeing that someone was in the room, and looking quite wide eyed and more than a little frightened at the sight of her, the small white platypus started. "Oh, sorry about that! My landings are a little bit rusty since I'm not quite used to this body yet!" It confessed to her.

"Y-you're a platypus." Naiya pointed out, her own words sounding rather dumb to her ears.

"Well, yes." The platypus said. "At the moment, at least. My name is Pearl! And seeing that you can see me, you must be the person that I've been seeking out! Or one of them, at least." It all but chirped, seeming excited at this news as it closed the distance between the two of them. "Please do not be alarmed or afraid, I don't mean to harm you!"

"Okay, Pearl." Naiya said slowly, in such a state of shock that she apparently forgot to put up her front entirely. "Who- I mean, what are you, and why are you in my room? And what do you want from me?"

"I have come from a distant, magical kingdom!" Pearl told her, jumping up to settle upon a chair. "I am on a quest to find and awaken the legendary warriors, the Pretty Cure so that they can battle against a great evil that seeks to harm the Earth!" She declared. "And you, young girl, whose name I have not quite gotten yet..."

"Naiya Iemochi." She supplied meekly.

"Naiya!" Pearl chirped, an expression that must have been a grin appearing on the platypus' face. "You are one of those brave, chosen warriors, who will fight for love and justice against the darkness!" She told her, looking proud. "It is a great honor!"

"Oh." Naiya said shortly. "Oh, okay, I think I realize what's going on here." She said after a moment. "Right. This is a figment of my imagination, and I am talking to it. And it's a platypus. I am talking to an imaginary talking platypus. Okay."

"I assure you, I am not imaginary!" Pearl protested.

"Nope, no, nope, that's exactly what a figment of my imagination would say if I accused it of being a figment of my imagination." Naiya said, getting off her bed, and lifting up the covers, flopping down underneath it. "And I am going to go to bed and sleep off this strangeness until this talking figment of my imagination goes away and I am no longer a crazy person."

"Naiya!" Pearl whined. "Come on, listen to me, this is important! The fate of the world lies in the balance!" She told her. "Also I don't think that's how insanity even works." She couldn't help but point out.

"Nope, not having it, going to sleep." Naiya said, covering her face with her sheets, and rolling away from Pearl. "There are no flying, talking platypus in my room because magical platypus do not exist! And they most certainly do not wear pearls!" She said.

Pearl grumbled, but seemed to realize that there was no dealing with her for the moment. "Alright, I see what you're trying to do." Pearl said. "But I'll be back, because I am not a figment of your imagination! Give it a few days and you'll find out the truth the hard way. But, because I am nice person, I will leave you this special item, and I advise you to keep it with you at all times, in the event that danger should arise!"

After a few moments of silence, Naiya turned back over and peeked out of the covers, only to see that Pearl was gone. "See?" Naiya said, getting up. "I knew that was a figment of my imagination." She said, sounding rather triumphant, before frowning again. "No wait, that's not exactly a good thing. And why the hell did I, of all things, imagine up a talking platypus? What's the sense in that? At least it was a stylish platypus."

Naiya paused mid-rant however, upon seeing an item on her desk that had surely not been there before. Briefly, she thought one of her parents might have left it there for her, but no, they would have given her something like this directly. Frowning, she picked it up, finding it to be a necklace of some sort. It was a gold, four pointed star shaped pendent, with what appeared to be some kind of- she sucked in her breath, taking a closer look at the gem set in the center of the star. "Is that a diamond?" She asked, holding it up to the light.

Well, if all of her figments of imagination dropped cool stuff like this, then maybe they weren't so bad after all.

Then again, Naiya thought, as she felt the cool metal in her hands, maybe the fact that my so-called figment of imagination dropped some serious and quite real booty is in fact an indication that it might have not been a figment of my imagination?

Well, thinking it over last night hadn't done Naiya much good, and the strange creature had not reappeared, even after she had called out for it. She was starting to think that she was crazy, this theory only hampered by the fact that she had shown the necklace to her mother, who had taken it in her own hands and admired it, before handing it back to Naiya, which meant the necklace at least, was very real indeed. She was half tempted to take it somewhere to have the possible diamond in it evaluated, to find out if it was really real and not just some kind of crystal instead.

Whatever the case, she had decided to wear it to school that day, tucked inside of her school uniform. If someone caught a glimpse of it, she thought, they might get the wrong idea, and she would hate to find out what stupid things she would blather out to cover up the truth. Not that she would even tell anyone about this truth, this being one thing she probably shouldn't be honest about. After all, if you claimed you had gotten a necklace with a real diamond in it from a magical talking platypus that had all but fallen from the sky, people would think you were crazy.

"Well, it is kind of pretty." She mumbled to herself as she weaved through the narrow streets of the back alley that connected her neighborhood to the local shopping center. A short cut to school, since she had spent so much time pondering over her strange encounter last night that she hadn't drifted off to sleep until late, and as a consequence, had overslept a little that morning.

Well, with her reputation, what harm could one tardy on her record possibly do to her?

"Ugh." Naiya grimaced, stepping out into the shopping center. She noticed something quite odd as she did so, and frowned, unable to place it for a moment. Quickly though, she realized what it was- the usually bustling shopping center was eerily quiet, as if there was nobody there. Frowning, she turned to look towards the shops, finding the shutters all drawn- and it didn't take her very long to realize why.

Honestly, Naiya wasn't exactly sure how she had missed the giant monster in the first place. She must have been more lost in thought than she had realized.

It was somewhat snake like in appearance, a long, coiled thing, with white scales and two rings of dark blue around it's head and the bottom of it's tail. There appeared to be some kind of indention in it's head, though she couldn't quite make out what it was. But a closer look at the so called 'scales' actually revealed them to be some kind of fluffy fabric, and Naiya tilted her head, eyes narrowing. "Wait, is that a giant sports towel?" She asked.

"It's a Dark Gem Monster!" A familiar voice spoke up, and as if from nowhere, Pearl walked out from the back alley that Naiya had just been inside of. "It's created by Dark Gem Jewelry, by the Loveless!" The talking platypus informed her.

"Okay that was just a lot of really unhelpful terms I am not familiar with." Naiya pointed out. "I am not sure if that suffices as an explanation."

The time for questions was over before it had even really begun, however, when the snake-like giant sports towel monster thing spotted them, and hissed, making a strange sound. Panicking a little, Naiya scooped up Pearl and made a break for it.

"What are you doing, Naiya?!" Pearl protested. "You have to go back and fight it!" She told her. "You're a legendary Precure!" The tiny platypus said. "Only you have the power to face it!"

"Un-unh, forget it." Naiya shook her head. "I'm not fighting that thing. The only thing I would do is die. Die real good." Naiya said. "Running is better, running is good."

"But if it's not purified by a Precure, then the person inside will fall into darkness!" Pearl protested, her words causing Naiya to skid to a halt.

"Wait, what person?" Naiya asked, daring to turn back around and look behind her. This of course, showed that the monster was hot on her tail, and she yelped.

"Dark Gem Monsters are born from people who have been taken over by Dark Gem Jewelry!" Pearl told her. "Only the Precure have the power to fight them and to save the person buried inside of the monster without hurting them!" She told the young girl.

"But I don't have any of those powers!" Naiya protested, holding out the platypus and giving it a shake. "I'm just a normal seventeen year old high school student! I don't know magic!"

"Use the pendent that I gave you!" Pearl instructed her. "Clasp it between your hands and shout out 'Precure! Sparkle and Shine!'"

"What like seriously, ah shit it's almost here!" She hissed, eyes bulging as she turned tail and started to run away again. "And that thing's huge, in case you haven't noticed! What can this pendent possibly do that will help me fight that damn thing!?"

"You'll understand when you do it! Or do you just plan on running away from this thing all the way across town!?" Pearl shouted at her, clearly growing a little bit frustrated.

"Alright fine!" Naiya skidded to a stop, setting Pearl down next to her, and grabbed the pendent in between her hands. Facing down the rampaging faux snake monster that was closing in on them once more, she took in a deep breath, closing her eyes, before letting it out.

"Precure!" She called out, her eyes snapping open as white energy began to build around her. "Sparkle and Shine!" She yelled towards the sky, the clouds above her breaking apart to let down a beam of white light, which engulfed her body, and momentarily blinded Pearl and the monster alike.

After a moment, the light faded away, leaving what at first appeared to be a new person in Naiya's place. She had snow white hair, which was worn in a 'crown' of looped buns on the top of her head, from which four thin ponytails hung down, reaching her knees. Her eyes were pink rose, which matched the bow in the center of her chest, with diamond encased in an oval brooch in the center. This motif was mirrored in a pink rose sash she wore around her waist, which slanted downwards towards her left, and tied off into a bow with longer tails. A similar oval brooch with a diamond center was fixed to the lowest part of the sash, just before the bow.

She wore a white, high necked dress, with sleeves cut off so that they hung low and showed her shoulders. The sleeves were cut in a petal shape, and in addition to them, she wore white cloth bracers on her wrists and lower arms. The white dress split away after the sash, to reveal a pink rose pleated miniskirt, though the white dress continued to cover her behind, and hung down as if it were a cape over the back of her legs. She wore pink rose tights, and a pair of white high heel shoes, with six straps going up her legs.

And then she kind of gawked, looking over her hands and the outfit she was wearing, turning around once. "What the hell's this!?" She said, looking rather flustered.

"You should already know!" Pearl told her, eyes bright and excited at the sight before her. Finally, she had found what she had been looking for, one of the legendary Precure! With this, she could begin to accomplish the mission her princess sent her on in the first place. "Just bring forth the words from my heart!"

"My heart...?" She blinked, before seeming to come to some sort of realization. Taking in and letting out another deep breath, she turned, once more to stare down the faux snake monster, gathering her courage. The monster had frozen for a moment, as if it could not process the sight in front of it.

"A sparkling promise of the future!" She spoke clearly, her words ringing out in the air. "Cure Diamond, Shine On!"

More information, and character references if anyone wants them can be found on the fancure wiki, if anyone needs it, just drop me a line because you know and links.