A/N Just some domestic mother/daughter F/f discipline, don't like don't read.

Takes place around The Substitute when Rachel takes over Glee when Will is sick and Santana attacks her. The timeline is my own.


Maribel Lopez was furious. She stalked down the halls of McKinley High as her expensive high heels clicked a staccato rhythm. "I have warned that girl so many times about her temper, I have had enough." The pretty petite Latina woman sighed to herself, "Her father has always spoiled her!" This time she knew what she had to do.

She walked into Principal Figgins' office and was met by a glaring Sue Sylvester and a seriously guilty looking daughter. Narrowing her eyes at Santana, she watched as the girl sunk further down in her seat and she was glad at least she could still intimidate the young girl.

The tall blonde cheerleading coach, who quite frankly Maribel had absolutely no use for, turned to speak to the older brunette but the mother put her hand up to stop her before she started, "Coach Sylvester, I appreciate you looking out for Santana's interests in all this but I'm her mother and I've got it handled." The coach was trapped and she knew it, she had to leave the office. Maribel watched her go gladly.

Maribel turned with her hands on her hips and quickly asked her daughter in Spanish if she had done what she was accused of. The teen looked down at her knees and rubbed her hands over them. That was all the answer the mother needed, she understood her daughter's mannerisms and saw right away that she was indeed guilty.

She turned to the Principal, another person she had absolutely no use for. She was not stupid, the older Latina had heard rumors of what went on at McKinley High and how Sue was behind the bullying and how Figgins turned a blind eye to it all. It disgusted her and the fact that she had just recently found out her child was one of the perpetrators absolutely horrified her. She was a decent loving mother and wife and her child's temper had always upset her but understood it was part of her personality but she had thought she was getting better at controlling it.

"What is the punishment from the school Principal Figgins?" She asked directly getting a blank stare in reply.

"You are not going to argue that she was provoked or was just defending herself as Coach Sylvester just told me?" He was nearly stuttering, he didn't want to provoke Sue if at all possible and having her co-head cheerleader suspended was going to cause Sue to make his life even more miserable and he wanted to avoid it.

"Mrs. Lopez, while we here at McKinley High have a zero tolerance policy regarding fighting I have met Rachel Berry privately and well, I hate to say it as an educator, she can be very annoying."

Maribel looked at him like you might look at an insect and he adjusted his collar and felt very warm all of a sudden, "I think a two day suspension will be sufficient. As I explained in the last letter I sent home regarding this….."

The older woman frowned deeply as she interrupted the man, "What letter? I never received a letter?" She glanced at her daughter quickly and saw Santana looked like she was going to be sick, "Do you have a copy of this letter handy?"

Santana started to squirm in her seat, "Oh my god, I am so screwed. Please don't have a copy; please don't have a copy…."

"I'll just pull it from her file." He moved to get up but Maribel Lopez stopped him, "That won't be necessary, but thank you and yes I believe two days will be sufficient." She walked over to her daughter and grabbed her by the upper arm gently but firmly, "Mija, we need to go now."

Santana tried to disengage her arm from her mother's grasp, she didn't need to be marched out of McKinley High being led by her parent like a naughty little girl, it was embarrassing but her mother was having none of it. She knew it was embarrassing her proud daughter and thought perhaps that was exactly what she needed.

The teen prayed no one would see her but just as they turned the corner to head outside, she saw Quinn leaning up against her locker with Brittany and off to the side; Finn and Rachel. She tried one more time to get free of her mother but the older woman just held on tighter. Santana felt her face get hot as she saw the knowing smirk on Q's face. She had been sleeping over once when Santana was 10 and got spanked. She knew the look on Maribel's face and knew what Santana would face when she got home. Brittany just looked at her sympathetically, she knew as well. Finn just glared at her and stupid Berry just looked like a wounded deer.


The ride home was in total silence and that worried Santana more than a lecture or yelling. It meant her mother was very angry and trying to calm down. That meant she was in huge trouble.

Santana was furious, this was all stupid Berry's fault with all her self-centered, self-righteous bullshit; me, me, me. She really hated the girl sometimes, even if she could sing. She unbuckled her seatbelt and jumped out of the car as soon as her mother parked. Slamming the car door, she went into the house and was about to head up the stairs but was stopped by her mother's steely voice, "Where do you think you are going young lady? I'll see you in the kitchen now."

The teen felt an electric twinge of panic, it had been a few months since she had been spanked but every time it took place in the kitchen, over her mother's knee with her old faithful wooden spoon or her awful hairbrush. She turned with her big brown eyes wide, "Mamí?"

"I'm sorry Santana but I have talked about your temper until I am blue in the face and I have discussed your bullying behaviors at school as well and I can see that words are having absolutely no effect on you."

Maribel walked into the kitchen ahead of her daughter and started to rummage through her drawer. She knew what she was looking for, she called it Mother's little helper and her daughter hated and feared it. Finding the hated implement, she set it on the kitchen table and turned to face her pale daughter.

"So Santana, what do you have to say about your abysmal behavior today?"

The Latina teen was panicking and that was never a good thing for her self-control, "You don't understand Mamí what Rachel Berry is like, she is a completely selfish, self-centered little bitch. She tried to totally take over the whole fucking Glee club today, she actually wrote ME on the board as who got to get all the solo's." She stopped dead when she saw the look on her mother's face and realized what had come out of her mouth. Her mother didn't even let her father swear in the house and she had never heard a curse word come out of her Mamí 's either. She was dead, totally dead.

The woman sighed, "I can see that I have not been paying enough attention to what is going in your life, and I am sorry Mija, I have failed you but that will stop today." She grabbed her daughter by the arm and led her to the sink and grabbed a paper towel, wet it and put a few drops of dish soap on it.

Santana realized what was going to happen and started to pull away and beg, "I'm sorry Mamí, I just was upset, I won't swear anymore, not that awful soap, please!"

Calmly her mother said, "Open your mouth mija." Santana clamped her jaws shut, she didn't want to defy her mother but she couldn't bring herself to open her mouth. Maribel reached up casually and clamped her fingers over her daughter's nose blocking her flow of air. The teen opened her mouth to breath and the woman grabbed her tongue and ran the paper towel all over her tongue. A bunch of soap suds appeared and Santana was trying not to retch it was so awful.

"I will not have that language in my home and not coming from the mouth of one of the most beautiful young ladies I have ever seen. Now about this letter I got and I'm assuming I signed?"

"Agh Mamí please may I rinse?"

"No you may not young lady, about the letter?"

"It was no big deal, honest?" She was trying not to throw up.

"First cursing and now you are lying to my face. I am so disappointed." She reached up and re-soaped the teen's tongue and then inside her mouth until tears ran down the beautiful tan cheeks of her daughter, "the letter Santana?"

"It was a warning that if I threatened Rachel again I would be suspended." She cried, "please Mamí may I rinse now?"

Her mother turned and filled a cup halfway with warm water and handed it to her, "One time only."

Santana tried to get as much water into her mouth without gagging as possible. It only made it worse, the warmth of the water made the soap bubble more and trying to swish it around made more bubbles.

Maribel turned and pulled out the kitchen chair and moved it into the middle of the floor. She sat down and pulled her daughter over her lap. As soon as the teen hit her mother's toned thighs, the air rushed out of her mouth. She was looking at the floor trying to remember the last time she had been in this position. It was humiliating beyond belief.

"Santana, why are you being spanked today?" Maribel said in her firm no-nonsense tone. Evidently Santana didn't answer quickly enough because she felt a firm slap hit her upper thighs, bare just below her flimsy Cheerios skirt.

She jumped in alarm; "I verbally and physically attacked Rachel in the choir room after I've been warned about bullying. I also have been warned about fighting ever again and losing my temper."

"This had better never happen again mija, I'm very disappointed." She started to hand spank her daughter over her uniform. The woman had an iron hand and Santana knew she was in for quite a session. Her Mamí didn't spank often but when she did, it was for a serious offense and it was a serious spanking she would feel for days.

She was hitting her backside in a steady rhythm, alternating sides until she could feel the heat through her uniform. Maribel grasped the spanks and her panties with her fingers and pulled them quickly down to below her daughter's knees.

" Mamí? No please not bare!" Santana quickly threw both hands back to cover her vulnerable backside. "Please let me keep my panties on Mamí, I am sorry I won't lose my temper again."

Maribel simply grasped her hands and pulled them up to the middle of her back and held them in position. She leaned over and grabbed the wooden spoon and started to apply medium hard spanks. The loud crack of wood on bare flesh echoed around the kitchen as did the wails of the teen. Her mother was a tiny woman but stronger than she looked and she was not playing around. She had a point to make and she let her hand and the spoon make it for her. The teen was gasping for air and wriggling around her lap trying to escape the punishing spoon, " Mamí I'm sorry." The older woman grasped her daughter more firmly around the waist and looped her leg over her teenage daughter's kicking legs. She didn't wish to be kicked by flying cheerleader legs.

She upped both the tempo and the strength of the spanks until her daughter was a sobbing incoherent mess over her knees. Maribel knew Santana was reaching her limit.

She stopped and said, "Five more mija and I would like you to answer my questions?"

Pulling the spoon back over her shoulder, she swung it very hard and it cracked loudly causing Santana to jump and cry out, "Are you ever going to curse in my presence again young lady?"

"No Mamí, I won't ever swear again." She sobbed.

Another loud crack, "Are you ever going to bully another student not lucky enough to be as popular and as beautiful as you are?"

"Oh oh oh oh no no no Mamí please no more but no I won't bully anyone ever ever I promise."

"Are you ever going to hide another letter from school and forge my name to it?"

She said loudly over the loud crack of the spoon on her already beet red backside.

Crying and squirming she was trying to catch her breath to answer. This was not the worse spanking she had ever had and certainly had far worse pain at Cheerio's practice but she was so embarrassed and upset to have disappointed her mother and forced her into treating her like a small child that she was more upset that normal.

"I'm so sorry Mamí, I was awful and I'm so sorry I embarrassed you and acted so badly. I'll do better Mamí I promise, I'm sorry, so sorry." She cried like a little girl over her mother's knees.

Maribel delivered the last two spanks and not as hard as the previous three, she could see her little girl was truly sorry and had truly learned her lesson. She swallowed her own tears and rubbed the sobbing girl's back gently whispering comforting words in Spanish to her.

After Santana had started to calm down, she helped her up, "Come Mija, you need half an hour in the corner. I want you to truly think about why you were punished today, why I chose spanking as the punishment and how you can fix this."

Santana stood and wiped her face with her hands and sniffled loudly, "My panties Mamí?" She wasn't sure if she needed to stand bare in the corner like she had to when she was a little girl.

"You may put your panties back on sweetheart." She said gently. Maribel understood her daughter's pride had already been seriously wounded today.

The teen stood quietly in the corner with a million thoughts running through her head as she longed to rub away the pain. That was definitely not allowed and a one way ticket back over her mother's knee. She knew what was expected of her and she accepted her corner time as meekly as Santana Lopez was capable of.

Maribel sat in the chair timing her daughter and watching in amusement as she could see all the thoughts running through Santana's head, she had always been transparent even as a little girl, "time is up mija! Come here." She said gently.

The teen shuffled over longing to be held and reassured of her mother's love. She was not disappointed. Maribel's love and pride for her child couldn't be contained for long.

"How are you going to make this right mija?" She asked gently.

"I'm going to start a club at school to protect students against bully's and I'm going to apologize to Rachel. I think if I spend the next few days looking for a song that says I'm sorry, I might sing it to her, she gets all emotional when you sing to her." She said softly looking at the floor.

Her mother cupped her hand under her child's chin and lifted it so that she was looking into her matching brown eyes, "I think that anti-bullying club is admirable and I'm proud of you for thinking of it and the song is a wonderful idea. I love you mija and I always will but I will tan your backside until I am too old to lift that spoon if I think you are stepping out if line. Do you understand me little girl?"

" Mamí, I'm not a little girl." The teenager rolled her red and swollen eyes.

"You will always be my little girl, and don't ever forget it." She leaned over and smoothed her dark hair off her forehead and kissed her gently, "this club what are you going to call it?"

"I thought I'd call it the Bully Whips!" She smirked.

Now it was her mother's turn to roll her eyes, "Go to your room, I'll call you when dinner's ready. I love you mija!"

"I love you too Mamí."