A/N: This will be the last chapter...and since I have severe writer's block for this one, I decided to give this beyond short, really bad ending to this fic. Besides...it's Tuesday as I publish this, which means 3 more weeks until the Mark of Athena. Yeah yeah, fanfiction's a wide wide world, and I'll bet pretty much nobody's gonna see me go crazy, But like if you know me and are reading this...watch me go into school the morning after I finish it, slam my books onto my desk, and start ranting about how much I hated it. Or, if you don't know me, just imagine. Blackish brownish hair, if you need help. No worries, I could never actually hate the Mark if Athena itself, it's just the stupid JASPER that's going to be in it! *sighs* ...one can only hope.

It had been a few weeks since that midnight where all was said, but the impressions were still there. They would never leave. Ever.

Immediately after, the next day, a messenger had come up to Jason telling him that Piper was arriving in two days. When she came, Jason broke the news to her. Piper had stared at him in dumb shock at first, then she had cried, then she composed herself and seemed happy for Jason. And finally, she left. The camp wasn't surprised at all. It had seemed inevitable, from the start when Jason had tried to break through her wall, something nobody had ever dared try. But in the end, he had succeeded. Jason and Reyna had found fire, once lost, charged by lightning, lit by the moon, and caressed by rain. It had started with the ashes that were kindled once more, led to the flames that burn like before, and ended with the hearts set ablaze forevermore.

"I wonder how much time we'll have to enjoy this," Jason said one day, as he and Reyna were sitting on the sand by the ocean.

"Not long," said Reyna, smiling a little ruefully. "Trouble finds us everywhere." Jason laughed slightly, leaning over to give Reyna a kiss. She returned it. "Sometimes I still can't really wrap my head around this. Sometimes I still think you're faking it, you really love Piper, and you're just putting on a show with me."

"No," Jason said. "I never truly loved Piper. I thought I did, but I didn't. She seemed right, and Piper certainly wanted me to love her. She was quite upset after my initial relationship with her was a trick of the Mist. But in the end, I realized I didn't love her, and never could. Because I had loved you three years ago, and I could never, I would never change that. I wish I could have realized it sooner. I wish I hadn't thought Piper was the one for me, because then we would have had more time together." Reyna shook her head.

"I think you needed the time. I think we needed the time. And now that over the course of that time, we've finally found each other, we can use this time to it's fullest."

They watched the sunset that evening, and saw the stars glittering with the moon that night. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, months into years. But in the end, none of it really mattered but the strength of their love. Jason and Reyna.

"Til death do us part…"

That's it. DONE! Reviews? What do you think I should write next? It may be a while before you guys hear from me again...since I'm still pretty much clueless on an idea for my next fic, but you can vote on my poll for what you want me to write next, tell me in a review/pm, or just author alert me if you really don't care :). However, I will be posting(somewhat)frequently on my deviantart account, and I'll be posting really short pieces of writing, plus the occasional journal entry. I'm still hazelmallorn. Just add my username in front of the usual deviantart address...ya know. It won't let me put the link here. If I ever stop writing on my deviantart, that means I'm working bigtime on a fanfic. You all were amazing reviewers and have awesome opinions about Jeyna. If I can, I'll PM you guys when it's out. Now there's one thing to do...

Wait for the Mark of Athena...

And hope for Jeyna!
