Stiles's POV

"What the fuck Stiles?!" yelled his dad. He couldn't believe it! His dad never swore, especially not in front of kids. Speaking of which his dad just swore in front of his kid. Upset or not no one was allowed to do that. ( Well except himself but that was on accident) He stood up from his chair and yelled at his dad. " Language Dad! I don't care that you are upset right now! You don't swear in front of Bryce!" His dad just gave him a dumbfounded look, seeming to stop himself from shouting some more. The rage seemed to slip out of him and be replaced with confusion and sadness. I just stood there trying to keep myself stern he just looked so deflated now.

After a minute he began to talk." Listen Stiles you're just so young and you apparently have a kid. He looks what three? You would have been so young when you had him! And about that don't try to lie and say you didn't give birth to that kid. I know you. I know that you never really loved that Lydia aren't that good at keeping secrets. Well at least I didn't think you were… How did you hide all this Stiles. Just why? I thought you trusted me? " Dad said. He said it all so earnestly and I could tell he was having a hard time not showing how angry, worried, and disappointed he was on his face. I could hear it all in his voice though and it overwhelmed me. "Dad…" I said. I couldn't come up with anymore words and we just stood in silence.

Kevin made himself known with a cough. It startled me and I seemed to break free from the bubble surrounding me and dad. I looked around to see Peter and Bryce gone. I noticed that a packets of cookies left on the counter earlier that day were missing. Peter must have bribed him with cookies. I couldn't help chuckle. It got me a twin looks of disbelief from the only other people in the room. Kevin gave me a raised eyebrow as if to say "really Stiles during a serious conversation" I just gave him a squinted stare to say " shut up you".

Not waiting for any sort of reply I turned to my father that seemed to be gaining back his momentum after being ignored. Before any yelling could start again I said " Dad please calm down I will explain everything to you okay. Just can you please put your hand gun on the table first? " Dad looked at me innocently. I couldn't help but snort, yeah no, that wasn't going to work. I haven't been defeated by Scott's or Bryce's puppy looks I wasn't about to let my dad;s catch me off guard. " I know you carry a gun dad. Just please." I said. He sighed reached for the gun on his belt and with a little hesitation put it on the table. Happy with that I gave him a little smile. He didn't give one back which automatically made me grimace. My dad always gave me at least a little half hearted smile."What can you expect Stiles his underage son has been lying to him, has some sort of secret life that he doesn't know anything about and that same kid has his own frigging kid" I thought to myself. I ushered dad into the living room. It was farther away from the gun just in case dad decided to lunge for it.

Stiles's POV End


Instead of bull shitting around Stiles decided to just get it over with it. Just after his dad sat down on the bright yellow couch that was smack dab in the middle of the room room, he really had to talk to Kevin about him buying a new one ( just so ugly), he spit it out. "That was Bryce, Kevin and I's son. Yes, I did give birth to him. He wasn't expected and it wasn' the best situation but it is all worked out now. I love him and Kevin is a great friend! Bryce is my baby, okay, and nothing you say will change that!" Stiles practically screamed. There was complete silence in which everyone stared at Stiles as if he had just thrown a grenade or something. Both Kevin and John's faces look stunned. Stiles just sat in the lazy boy chair across from the couch biting his lip, worried for his dad's next actions and glad for the sturdy dark wood coffee table between them.

A shriek of joy filled toddler laughter broke the silence. "Bryce must be having fun" thought Stiles. He then lost himself in all the cute things his kid did like all the time. ADD...

Kevin's POV

"Geeze Stiles" Kevin muttered, stood up, and started slowly backing away towards the kitchen. While Stiles remained in his head for a while. During that time Kevin noticed John who he had been sitting next to during the big announcement was turning a fierce purple from rage. That or he was about to have some sort of episode. Kevin pretty sure he was going to be murdered and while Stiles's little word explosion didn't give him a head start he could start running now. "I might live.", thought Kevin.

Anyone who knows John Stilinski would laugh at though. Especially Stiles, hower Stiles is not actually a psychic ( and was still thinking about his baby) so for a moment Kevin still had hope.

Next thing he knew he was being punched in the face.