Three Months Later

"Spike, there's a mother with a baby in the lobby looking for you." The announcement was made by First Officer Ed Lane, Team Leader of SRU Team One. Everyone paused mid-flex. Sam stopped pumping iron, holding his position before realising he needed to release his hold or risk tearing his muscles. Jules and Leah stopped pedalling, and poor Spike dropped the 10 kgs barbell. "What mother and baby?" he said, his brain spinning in a shamble.

"What are you asking me for?" said Lane, trying to keep a smile from breaking. "Go, sort it out."

Spike lowered the barbell and for the life of him, couldn't think of any reason a mother and a child would be looking for him. Everyone followed suit intrigued to find out what it was all about.

When they reached the foyer, just off to the right of the despatcher's desk, Winnie was already huddled with the mother. Oh no, he thought. His hands felt clammy and his at-rest heart rate went up to 115 beats per minute; he knew for certain he hadn't been unfaithful to Win, and he sure as hell didn't donate his sperm for any one's benefit! But who are these people?

Win saw him first; she beamed a toothpaste-ad smile which made him feel fine. Whew! And then the woman smiled at him and the memory of that night returned. He felt slightly embarrassed, he hadn't told anyone of that night when he heroically delivered a live bundle of TNT.

She stood up, all 5'2 of her, to greet the SRU Officer. "Constable Scarlatti, I'm Amelia. I just came to say 'thank you' and to return your jacket… the one you wrapped her in." Spike took the jacket, "You didn't have to… return it I mean. But I'm glad you came, it's so good to see you're both doing well."

Winnie had the baby in her arms cooing at her, "Guess what she was named after you, Mikaela Angel White." By now, everyone had surrounded the pretty blonde, blue-eyed miracle; admiring the baby who was awake, alert and happy.

"How did you know my name?" he asked Amelia curious at how she managed to track him down.

"Your card was in the pocket of the leather jacket; and the paramedic who took us to the hospital confirmed it was actually you. He said you've been in that hospital too, a couple of times." Spike smiled shyly at that, Amelia found his embarrassment quite endearing.

Sgt Greg Parker came out to join in the commotion, "What's the excitement about?" His heart melted seeing the beautiful three-month old baby. And the story of her delivery was repeated for a second time.

The Boss looked at Spike proudly, "You surprise me. I didn't know you had it in you to deliver a baby." Spike scratched his head as he remembered how he managed the delivery; Jules picked up on the non-verbal clue. "So, how did you do it?" she wanted to know, herself, being in the family way. "Come on, spill. You never know I might go into premature labour with you and I being the only ones here and you have to deliver the baby."

He blurted out quickly, "God forbid" to everyone's hilarity.

Sam put an arm around him and said, "Dr Scarlatti has a nice ring to it but you're still not delivering my baby."

Far from being offended, he said, "Thank God," followed by an exaggerated sigh of relief.

Win asked in all seriousness, "Were you scared?"

"I didn't have time to be scared. Well, I sort of panicked a little when the baby's head came out, so to calm myself down I tried to imagine I was handling a box of TNT so I'd stop shaking." Hearing the story for the first time, they all cracked up laughing.

Amelia couldn't quite believe it so Leah explained that Spike was the resident Team One EOD personnel, "He diffuses bombs."

"Wow," she said. "You could have fooled me because I thought you were calm and collected when you were assisting in the delivery."

Spike smiled and revealed another secret, "Guess what? Mikaela and I share the same birthday." They all clapped him on the back, delighted at the wonderful turn of events.

By this time, the baby had been passed around to everyone except Spike, "Would you like a cuddle?" asked Amelia.

His smile broadened and the dimples deepened, if that was even possible, "May I?"

"Of course."

Leah handed the baby to him, he flashed an award winning smile as everyone poised their phone camera to photograph the moment, and just then, Baby Mikaela decided now was the perfect time to drop a bomb. Spike's agonised face was captured on camera for perpetuity.

The End -