This is the last chapter, I hope everyone enjoys this.
The dinner had turned more into a party; Chris's wife Sarah had come with three kids, Steve, Tyler and Madison; Lauren and Shane had brought Riley and Ben down, plus the team along with Jack was at the restaurant; where Rossi booked a private room. JJ was watching Mariah play with her cousins and Jack from her sit; trying not to be sad that her baby wasn't a baby.
"Penny for your thoughts." Will as he walked over with a drink.
"She's having a blast." JJ told him.
"I think they all are. What about you?" he asked.
"I'm fine." She replied.
"Jen, you look sad." He told her.
"I was just thinking that she's not a baby anymore." She explained.
"This might be a good time to give you this." He explained, pulling the small box out of his pocket.
"What is this?" she asked.
"Your present but you should know that I bought this a long time ago." He told her.
"When?" she asked.
"I bought it while I was visiting Tulane, I had planned on giving it to you when I got back." He explained more.
She opened the box, seeing the small ring.
"You had been nervous about me going to college and you still being here. I wanted you to know that I was completely committed to you." He told her.
"This is beautiful." She told him as she put it on.
"I'm glad that you like it." Before he gave her a kiss.
"The kids bust us this morning, so now we are just letting everyone know." She asked teasing.
"Your daughter was heard telling your mom and sisters plus Emily and Garcia." He laughed.
"She is so your daughter." JJ laughed.
"I'll take it. I did notice that there was some presents with Luke's name on them." Will
"As you can tell David Rossi doesn't do anything small and once Mariah told him about us buying a late birthday present, Dave went and got Luke one and than Garcia heard about it and I bet you can guess what happened then. I would almost bet that there is two cakes." JJ explained.
"Mariah is okay with sharing today with Luke?" he asked.
"She told all the kids that he was their cousins and yes she is okay with sharing with Luke. Truth is she doesn't like being center of attention." She explained.
They all sang happy birthday to both Luke and Mariah after they opened their presents, then thanks to Morgan all hell broke loose.
"Mariah, watch this?" He whispered before he flung a piece of cake at Reid.
Mariah laughed and then she tossed a piece at Luke; the rest of the kids thought it was funny and started tossing at each other.
"Seriously Morgan." JJ yelled out.
"I didn't mean for it to get this bad." He told her before Emily smashed cake on his head.
All JJ and Will could do is laugh the kids, the big and small ones were having a blast.
"Now this is a party." Will laughed as he wiped icing on JJ.
Six months later
JJ came home early, she still wasn't allowed in the field due to more muscle damage then was original thought so she was still doing some rehab. Will had transferred to the police department in Washington but still another two weeks before he was going to start work. Mariah and Luke were both in school and they had moved into a nice townhouse.
"Will, I am home." She called out as she walked in the door.
"In the kitchen." He replied.
"Mommy." Mariah came out of the dining room to meet her.
"Hey baby. Are you done with your homework?" she asked as they went towards the dining room.
"No, we just started." Mariah informed her as they walked.
"Hey buddy." JJ when she seen Luke.
"Hi." He looked up from the book he was looking from.
JJ noticed that he wasn't smiling, she started to worry.
"You okay?" she asked.
"Yeah." He replied looking back down at his book.
"Princess you need to finish your homework." Will as he came in the room.
"Okay." As she sat down at the table.
"How was your day?" Will asked JJ.
"Not bad, I have rehab tomorrow so I took the day off. How are you doing?" she asked.
"Good, why don't we talk in the living room?" he asked.
"Okay." JJ as she followed him towards the living room.
They both sat on the couch.
"What's going on?" She asked.
"Luke had to tell his class about himself today." He started.
JJ knew that Mariah and Luke had some of the same classes and when they enrolled Luke in school Will made it very clear that JJ was just as much his guardian as Will was.
"Okay." JJ slightly confused.
"He told the class that we were his parents and Mariah was his sister unfortunately the teacher corrected him because she knows that we are only his guardians." Will continued.
"She did what?" she was now upset.
"She told him that we were not his parents but his guardians and Mariah was not his sister, of course that embarrassed him and Mariah is in the same class." He continued the story.
JJ knew this was about to get bad.
"Your daughter decided to get involved at that point and told the teacher that she had no right to tell him that he wasn't her brother because as far as they were concerned they are brother and sister. Then Mariah defined a family for the teacher and told her that she had apologize to Luke." Will
"What happened next?" she asked not sure she wanted to know.
"The teacher told Mariah to sit down and Mariah told her not until she apologized to Luke. Of course the teacher wasn't planning on apologizing she gave them both three warning to sit down before sending them to the principal's office. As your daughter walked out of the room she told the teacher to kick rocks and her Aunt Pen would make sure she could never get anything from the computer." He finished.
"She did what?" JJ almost in disbelief.
"She told her to kick rocks and then brought Garcia up." Will shaking his head.
"What did the principal say?" JJ
"About Luke he said that although the teacher was technically right, she should have never corrected him in front of other students and that he would address it with her. He understood why it was important to Luke not tell the other students about Mike and Kirsten after Luke explained that other kids had teased him about it. When he was told what Mariah said I had to explain that Garcia worked for the FBI on the Technical Department and that she meant a credit check; she has to apologize tomorrow." Will told her.
"The teacher needs to apologize to Luke." She told him.
"After the kids left the room, I explained to him that she did need to apologize to Luke. I also explained that if she thought Mariah was bad they didn't want you to come there." He laughed.
"I am proud of her for standing up for him but what do we do now." JJ
"I talked to my dad, after all this and he thought maybe we should think of adopting him." He told her.
"Is he really okay with that?" she asked.
"Yes he knows that we will never let him forget Kirsten or Mike. I have also been thinking about Mariah." He admitted.
"What about Mariah?" JJ now confused.
"I would like for my name to be on birth certificate. I'm not saying that we need to change her last name but I want to make it completely official." He explained.
"I want Luke to be just as much mine as Mariah is. Let's talk to them about." She told him.
"At dinner we can." Will smiling.
It was a short talk both kids agreed and Mariah even asked if it was okay to change her last name to LaMontagne; JJ agreed. While they explained to Luke that this would mean Will and JJ would be his parents but they were not replacing Mike or Kirsten.
Three months later
Rossi had everyone over for a nice dinner to celebrate JJ and Will adopting Luke and Mariah now officially being a LaMontagne. The whole team was there plus Sandy and Bill.
"Doesn't JJ get time off?" Emily asked.
"Probably if she wanted it." Morgan
"Why would she get time off?" Reid asked.
"Well according to the rules she would get time off for adopting." Garcia explained.
"We decided to wait." JJ told them.
"So you're not taking any time off?" Rossi asked.
"Yes, I have this week off but then I'll be back." She explained.
"They are right, you would get time off if you wanted." Hotch told her.
"We decided that she should wait." Will
"Why would you wait?" Sandy
"Until when?" Rossi
"We thought that around the end of November would be better." She told them trying not to smile.
"The end of November?" Bill repeated.
"Yes." Will
"What happens at the end of November?" Spencer asked.
Sandy realized what they were trying to tell them, she didn't ask if she was right when Luke and Mariah came back in the room.
"Did you tell them yet?" Luke asked.
"Tell us what." Bill
"Go ahead Mariah." JJ, Mariah was ready to bust.
"We are getting a baby sister." She announced.
"Nope a brother." Luke countered.
"You are getting one or the other no more arguing about it." Will looking at the kids.
"You're pregnant." Sandy looking at JJ.
"I really just felt sixteen again. Yes three months." JJ looking worried at Sandy.
"Congratulations both of you." Sandy standing up to hug both of them.
Everyone congratulate them on the new baby, plus making the other two official.
I would like to Thank Everyone who has reviewed this story.
Please Review and let me know what you think.