Full Summary: Zetrov Industries is the largest and most influential company in Russia, and it's seeking to expand abroad. When Nikolai Udinov's business partners with the American company Oversight & Co., his daughter and heiress Alexandra finds herself the one who must seal the deal. Her job: an arranged 'fake' marriage to the son of Oversight's CEO, Sean Pierce. To find out what happens when these two individuals' paths' collide, read on.

A/N: Greetings, Nikita fans! I'm new to the fandom but a devoted fan (especially of Salex and Mikita). As I'm currently re-watching Dead Drop for the 100th time and in Nikita withdrawal till October, I'm using this story to pass the time. If you care to join me by reading, I appreciate it. Leave a review and I'll love you forever (hint).

Disclaimer: If I owned Nikita, Sean and Alex would already be together, Cassandra would never have existed, and Dillon Casey wouldn't own a shirt.

Alex POV

Moscow, Russia.

I walk crisply through the large halls of this house that is my childhood home. My father's request for my presence feels odd, considering how busy he is, managing Zetrov, although even as an oligarch and one of Russia's richest, most powerful men, he manages to show up for family dinners and Sunday brunch. We've always been close, even throughout my days studying abroad. Still, asking for me at this time on a Tuesday midmorning is just plain weird.

Layla, my father's secretary, is outside his office door, looking antsy and checking her watch. When she catches sight of me walking towards her, she smiles pleasantly.

"Ah, Miss Alexandra, your father is waiting for you inside," she says, in her thick Moscow accent.

"Thank you, Layla." I flash her my best fake smile.

Then, I open the double doors that lead to my father's office, that weird feeling still lingering in my mind.

"Alexandra, come in," he invites, gesturing to the seat in front of his desk.

I sit down. "Good morning, Papa."

"You're probably wondering why I called you here," he says, cutting straight to the chase.

"A bit, yes," I reply.

"It's to do with the future of Zetrov Industries," he begins.

"Papa, we talked about this," I interrupt. "I told you, I don't want to-"

"Not its leadership," he interjects quickly, killing the protest in my mouth.

"What, then?" I ask.

"As you know, Zetrov is seeking to expand from Russia to the Americas."

"Yeah, the partnership with Oversight & Co. I know all this, Papa," I say, almost irritably.

"Yes, Oversight. Their CEO, Madeleine Pierce is a formidable woman with a formidable reputation. She is a very particular person, and demands concrete evidence before make such a partnership."

"And? Why are you telling me this?"

"Because of the scale of Zetrov, Ms. Pierce is being very... uh... demanding. She is demanding that I... how shall I put this..? Seal the deal?"

I am seriously confused, man. "Seal the deal? Then what do you need me for?"

"Alexandra, you are the deal."

"Wait... What?"

"Ms. Pierce is proposing a union most unorthodox, but if I want to go ahead with the partnership, it is non-negotiable."


"An arranged marriage to her son, Sean."


"Not even that. It's a... a legal contract for six months. Six months, then you're both out and it's done."


"Alexandra, dear, I know it's a lot to take in, but it's just for a short time, and it'll be over before you know it, and think of how much good you'll be doing for the company-"

"The company?" I shout incredulously. "I'm twenty-six years old, Papa! I can't get fake-married to a complete stranger for six months! I can't get married to a stranger at all!"

"Please, Alexandra, if there was another way, I would take it, but this is the best option. We've been waiting for the right deal like this to come along for months, and we can't pass it up just like this. Alexandra, I am asking you to do this for me."

I look at my father closely, and there see that he is genuinely pleading with me. I sigh.

"Do I even have a choice?" I ask, one last halfhearted attempt to challenge this utterly ridiculous idea.

My father smiles weakly. "You know the answer to that, Alexandra."

I stand up quickly and make my way for the door, knowing that when it comes to business deals, my father never changes his mind. Actually, he never changes his mind, period.

"Thank you for this, Alexandra. I love you."

I sigh. "I know. Love you too, Papa," I say. To myself, I think, what the bloody hell am I doing?

Just as I turn my back, my father adds one afterthought. "By the way, you should get packing. You flight to JFK leaves tomorrow morning."

And people think that being an heiress to a multi-billion dollar corporation is easy.

A/N: So, what do you think? I'm planning on this being a multiple-chapter story, but have no plan or outline – i.e., all feedback I get I will try to incorporate.

Until next time, Salex-shippers!