So... let's talk. School is a lot tougher than I thought it would be and I haven't had the motivation to do any creative writing when I'm finished with my work because I just want to get the hell away from my computer monitor. So here's an update, it isn't edited and some of the conversation is choppy, but it's the best I can do right now. Please don't hate me. I'll try and update every other week from now on, and once classes finish in December you should have a weekly update till they start up again after the holidays.

I'm not abandoning this project, but it is taking a back seat to a lot of other things. If I miss an update, I'll do my best to get it up asap, but please cut me some slack. The next 3 chapters still have to be written, but I have a few later on that are almost complete.

*I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh or it's characters*

Atem held Mana's hand tightly as they walked through the desert. The mist was so thick that he couldn't see her at all. "How much farther do you think we need to travel?" He asked.

"I don't know." Her tired voice replied. Suddenly her hand left his own as she fell beside him.

"Mana!" he yelled, unable to see what had happened to her.

"I'm fine; my foot caught on a stone…there's a road here!" The pharaoh jumped as her hand brushed his leg. "There you are!" she laughed as he took her hand and hoisted her up. They moved onto the stone road and continued walking. Slowly the mist began to clear and Atem could see a huge structure looming in front of them.

"I know this place…" A shiver ran down his spine. They were standing in front of an ancient Egyptian temple that belonged to the god Horus, the protector of the pharaoh. So these trials will be presented by the gods of Egypt themselves.

As they approached the entrance to the temple a figure emerged from inside. Horus stood almost twice as tall as Atem; his muscle-bound body clothed from his waist down, and a headdress surrounded his hawk-like face. "You shall go no further Atem." The god's voice echoed through the air though his beak did not move. "Your time in the mortal realm has past, and I must enforce the order of the universe."

Atem stood his ground. "I cannot accept that Horus."

"You dare speak to a god so informally?" The god removed his headdress and the bird face that was attached to reveal a human face with unnerving amber eyes. "So be it. Your first trial is upon you. In order for you to pass you must best me in hand to hand combat. The fight will end when one of us can no longer rise."

"Very well." Atem planted his feet firmly on the stone. "Mana stay back." He commanded as Horus took a step towards him.

"Hey Yug, it's Joey. How ya feeling man?" Yugi groaned inwardly at the pity in his friend's voice. It was that awkward unsure tone that he had heard so many times already in the past two weeks; it was driving him insane. He knew it wasn't Joey's fault, no one knew how to act after a death. He just wished everyone would act normal.

"I'm fine Joey," he lied, "the funeral was two weeks ago. I think I might fly out this weekend; I'm trying to avoid the media storm over here right now. Have you seen it?"

"Yeah man, those guys are brutal. I'm glad they're on yer side… if this doesn't let up soon DCG is gonna be out of the industry. Not that I feel sorry for 'em. They deserve everything they get." Joey paused for a moment, Yugi opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off. "How's Kaiba holding up?" The question caught him off guard, Joey wasn't normally one to care about the CEO.

Yugi knew why he was asking; some journalist had managed to get a photo of Kisa, the girl they saved, leaving the hospital accompanied by Kaiba. The headline to accompany the photo read: Seto Kaiba; the Knight in Shining Armor. It was now a full blown rumor that the two were a couple.

"He's flustered," Yugi admitted, "the media attention on them is a problem. DCG is most likely going to hang onto this rumor and build their court case around the fact that Kaiba already knew her and that it was all a ploy to ruin their company's name. It's unfounded of course, Kisa is from out of town, and had no previous ties to Kaiba. He checked into it himself just to be sure, but the media is vicious, if they ran with that story it could ruin all of us."

"Plus he's sweet on her ain't he?"

Yugi winced, "You didn't hear it from me."

Joey chuckled, "Relax, I ain't gonna yank his chain over it. Rich boy's got enough to worry about right now, and I quit picking fights with him years ago."

"Good. How's Téa doing?" there was a long silence on the other side of the line. "Joey? You still there?"

"Yea, sorry Yug. I don't really know what to tell ya. She's…going through some pretty heavy stuff right now, but it ain't my place to say."

"Alright that's fair. I'll talk to her when I get there on Saturday."

"Yeah alright, hang in there till then."

"Pharaoh!" Mana's voice echoed in the entranceway to Horus' temple as Atem fell to the ground once more. He winced as his knee scraped across the stone of the road, gouging open his skin. "This isn't fair!"

Mana was right; what chance did a mortal have against a god? Horus stood twice the pharaoh's height and his strength was phenomenal. This could be it for me. Atem thought grimly as the god who had protected him in life lifted him in the air once more. Horus held him by his left wrist and ankle, Atem's body facing away from the god; he began to spin clockwise, intending to throw the pharaoh like a sack of grain.

Closing his eyes Atem braced himself for the fall he knew would end his existence. Once Horus let go of him the back of his head would connect with the stone road. All of the force of that throw would impact the back of his skull. He was defeated.

"Don't give up!" He heard Mana cry. Mana…what will happen to her if I fail? The pharaoh's mind went back to what Mahad had said before beginning this ritual: "You will also be tested in these trials." Atem smiled; perhaps he wasn't meant to face the god alone.

Grabbing onto the god's right wrist with his free hand; Atem held on as tight as he could when the god released him. The force of the throw sent Atem flying, but his grip did not lessen. With his hand still firmly grasping the god's wrist Atem's feet continued to move behind Horus as his upper body remained in place. The pharaoh grinned as he pulled his right leg in and his left hit the god on the left side of his waist.

Atem's right leg wrapped around the right side of the god's waist as he pulled the Horus' arm back and up. Planted himself securely on his back, Atem pinned the god's right arm behind its owner's back with his left hand. "Mana!" He yelled, "I need your help!" Before he was finished speaking a powerful blast of magic hit the god square in the chest. Atem made a fist with his free hand and punched Horus across the back of the head. This brought forth a chuckle from the god.

"Did you really think that punch would hurt me? I admit the girl's magic is powerful, but your physical strength pales in comparison to mine." Horus laughed, pulling his right arm easily out of the pharaoh's grip.

Atem smiled as he felt the effects of a new spell from Mana entering his body. "But what happens if she uses her magic to strengthen my attack?" This time when his fist connected with the god's head Horus fell to his knees. A second punch had the god lying face-down on the ground.

"I didn't think a god could go unconscious." Mana admitted, walking past Horus to the pharaoh. "I guess we head into the temple now." Atem nodded, stepping over the defeated god. With his friend by his side, what could possibly stand in their way?

Is it bad? I thought it was pretty bad. Not sure the fight description is overly understandable. Let me know if you could follow it. Sorry again for bailing for a month guys :( I'll do my best to check in on time.