Normal POV

Dick didn't know what to say. He just wanted his old, demonic brother back. When he looked into Damian's eyes, all he could see were empty blue irises that held no glint of the anger that he was used to. There was no emotion in them at all. What happened to have caused something like this? Who took his little brother and replaced him with this polite copy? Jason and Tim had better hope they didn't have a hand in this...

"Well,'ve been acting weird lately..." Dick stammered, the tension in the room was making it hard for him to think. " you're not yourself."

"How so?" Damian asked politely. He didn't raise an eyebrow like he would normally do but at the same time, there was a tension in the way Damian held himself that told Dick the younger boy was stalling.

"You've been acting...well, nice," Dick answered lamely. He knew how stupid that sounded, like one of those childish 'you're nice because you don't yell at me or make me feel bad.' But how could he explain how un-Damian-like Damian was acting; that he hasn't once resorted to brandishing his knives or spitting threats like they were going out of style. He was even polite!

But instead of explaining, Damian just turned and walked away. "Next time, call me when you have something useful to say." He said in a tone that was almost normal.

"Wait, Damian! We're not done talking!" Dick called after him but he kept walking.

Dick sighed and trudged back upstairs. Following after Damian was only going to be a waste of time; the younger boy was as good as he was at hiding when he didn't want to be found. At the top of the stairs, he found Jason and Tim wrestling in the middle of the hallway. Dick just rolled his eyes and took a seat at one of the hall chairs; his two younger brothers were too engrossed in their wrestling match that any attempt Dick would make to stop them would only result in bruises.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before Jason spotted him and sat up. "What's wrong, golden boy? Didn't get anything from demon spawn?" he sneered.

"What do you think?" Dick snapped.

Despite his teasing, Jason flinched at Dick's harsh tone, drawing a laugh from Tim.

"Shut up." Jason snarled at Tim.

Tim smothered his grin and asked Dick, "What did Damian say?"

Dick sighed and told them his conversation with Damian.

"So basically," Tim said in a voice that pretty much meant 'how stupid can you get?', "you told him that he just did what we've been telling him to be ever since he got here: be nice."

"Obviously, I didn't think that through." Dick grumbled.

"And that's why you came back with nothing, Capt. Obvious." Jason retorted.

The more the three of them discussed the mystery that was Damian's sudden change of attitude, the more convinced they were that coaxing the truth out of Damian would get them nothing. They resolved to do some investigating instead tomorrow, starting with: Damian's room.

Damian POV

This was getting harder and harder, Damian thought to himself as he slunk back to his room. And what would I tell them, when they find out?

There was no question that his 'family' will find out what he'd been hiding. They were, each of them, a detective in their own right and trained by the best. But the situation was worsening by the day and he knew he should tell someone soon before things got out of hand. If only he could tell without anyone getting hurt.

He silently crept back to room only to see another letter lying on top of his bed. He froze in fear he was not ready for this. Slowly he opened the letter and started to read:

He opened the door to his room and froze at the spot of white lying on top of his bed. It was another letter.

His hand shook as he slowly reached out to open the letter and read:

Dear Damian,

Hope you have made your choice, you only have a week left.


Your Dearest

A lump swelled in his throat. It couldn't be that soon!

A/N So so so sorry for the wait! I had this written for a month I just never got the time to update it. Once again i am really sorry but I hope you liked the chapter and I plan to update soon, also I want to know your guess for who you think the letters are from, if it obvious already, so please PM me your guesses! Also I give a huge thanks to my beta reader Bluejay who made this all possible :) Thank you for reading and please review!