To dragoncreators: Honestly dude I forgot about anything but basic type advantages/disadvantagesfrom my childhood and went with things that feels more badass to me whenever I do a battling scene. For example: I picture aura spheres as awesome omnipotent exploding balls of death, because Lucarios are my favorite Pokemon and are clearly superiors badasses, so I practically use them everywhere despite type disadvantage and or advantages.

And about the history/time changing thing people have been telling me about. Honestly so much time passes between each chapter while I write them and having other things to do outside of writing fanfiction, I try my best to keep a fluid continuity and unless I'm purposely changing time I just can't remember/keep track of every minor plot detail.

Note that during this chapter I will constantly be changing some minor plot points on purpose because I can.


I think it's time I make more use out of this rated M tag.

Enjoy the chapter guys! I'm going to add some dimension to the 1 dimensional characters I created and temporarily forgot about. Forewarning: A lot of things will be happening this chapter.

Quick Reference:

U.R: Could mean either the United Regions consisting of Kanto, Jotoh, Hoenn, and Sinnoh or Unova Region depending on the context.

Before you start reading listen to ("Namonaki Oka (A Hill with No Name)"- Yoshida Brothers) to set the mood.

Chapter 56


(Caesar Upnik)

There was a knock at the metal door leading to his quarters. Caesar Upnik, international terrorist, deep cover spy, and the man who gave the all clear for 13 cruise missiles to rain fiery hell down upon a sea shore city of about 8 million innocent civilians rose from his medium sized bed. Of course the Captain had to be given better accommodations then the common jarhead or sailor.

A young woman around the age of 24 opened the large metal doors leading to his quarters. She was dressed in standard Navy Working Uniforms, had dirty blonde hair, and a medium-to-strong British accent, "Captain, you are needed on the bridge." She said.

"Alright, Sarah I'll be right up in a few." He yawned rubbing his eyes. With a nod the Lieutenant left him to his own accord.

Getting up from his bed the 'Captain' strolled over to his personal bathroom. It was quite small compared to something in the civilian market but it was his own in a ship of thousands of people. Turning on the sink he started applying shaving cream to his face taking very little notice of the body bag hanging limply from the shower curtains.

"Sorry it had to turn out this way, mate." Caesar said walking up to the body whose head was the only thing that wasn't enshrouded by the body bag, "But you got a damn fine ship here, the apex of Unovian technological innovation. And my superiors couldn't let an opportunity like… well like this, go to waste. You were just in the right place at the wrong time." He smirked playfully slapping the former captain's face.

"Anyways, you should be thanking me, mate. I'm sure running a ship like this can be quite stressful, so consider it a permanent vacation." Caesar coned a hand at his ears waiting for a response. An eerie silence fell.

"This guy must be real fun at parties," Caesar thought to himself.

Wiping off his now clean shaven face Caesar put 2 metallic rods on his face that bent to the curve of his lower jaw bones.

Pressing a series of buttons a holographic image started projecting itself on his face. After a few seconds Captain Isaac Miller grinned in admiration at his reflection. He was now an older looking man in his 50s with dark but greying hair.

"Oh wait looks like I'm out of alignment." He noted rubbing a patch of contrastingly colored skin on his cheek.

After poking it for a bit the patch of skin synchronized with the rest of the fairer skinned Captains face, "Perfect!" He winked. Afterwards the Captain put on his dress blues and stopped by the bathroom one more time.

"Show time, mate. Wish me luck!" He patted his double's forehead with that Isaac left his cozy quarters. Navigating through the winding steel maze of the U.R.N Ursa Major the Captain eventually made his way to the bridge.

"Captain on deck!" An officer shouted saluting his C.O.

"At ease Officer," Isaac said heading up to the war map which was a rectangular frame with a hollow inside taking the relative shape and size of a pool table. 4 projectors on each corner of the frame automatically turned on at his presence and started projecting a 3Dimensional map of the Ursas' current position

"You are being hailed by Admiral Tungsten, sir," Sarah notified from her post.

"On screen," Isaac ordered an air of authority surrounding him,

A pop up screen appeared and after a few short seconds the holographic projection of Admiral Tungsten appeared. He had an intimidating yet commanding demeanor, giving off the vibe of a calm collected leader character who would not hesitate to beat your ass in and hang you up buck naked on a flagpole if you pissed him off enough. Think of Liam Neeson.

"Good morning, Captain Miller. I'm afraid we have no time for small talk. As of 0600 hours last night the United Regions has declared war on us."

"What?" Isaac raised in eyebrow, some might say he was underreacting. Or maybe the news was just too absurd to believe, "I know tensions have been high between us but what provoked them to do such a thing?"

"The official story is that they discovered a supposed 'Unovian Black-Op' on their soil- Take this conversation to your personal headset." Tungsten redirected pressing a button a crossed out microphone appeared at his holographic chest.

Pressing another button on his side of the call Miller equipped a headset and strolled off to a meeting room on the bridge, "Did Potus authorize it? I can't imagine why he did." Isaac pressed a button on the underside of the table. Plates covered the windows and doors, slight interference could be heard through the headset.

Setting up a secure channel the room was completely sound and intrusion proof. A sort of dead zone aura was also erected around the room.

"No, it was not authorized," Tungsten said grimly, "Central Intelligence say it was actually an operation conducted by the criminal syndicate Team Plasma. The President is due in for a meeting with the Queen in a few days to negotiate a possible peace treaty."

"What are our orders, sir?"

"For now I want the Ursa and that small strike fleet of destroyers accompanying you on perimeter patrol around the neutral zone between the ocean off of Kanto and us." Tungsten ordered, "You will guard that area. No one will cross into Unova territory and no one will get out."

"With respect, sir if the United Regions really are to declare war on us we should make the first strike while we still have the element of surprise." Isaac concurred.

"You will guard our borders, Captain." Tungsten growled, "Under no circumstances will you open fire on a United Regions warship. Doing so will be the definite act of war."

Isaac bit his tongue, "Aye aya, sir! One thing though." The Captain asked pressing a series of buttons.

"What is it?" Tungsten replied.

"What about this unidentified bogey that sunk the U.R.N Bailey?" Isaac pulled up a video taken by a crew member of the Destroyer. Said video displayed a titanic shadowy claw crashing into the Destroyers bridge completely ripping the interior to pieces pulling the camera out as it tore apart the bridge.

The video proceeded to show various helmet cams of fighter pilots encircling the massive creature assaulting the flying Destroyer. All but one of those pilots were blown out of the sky like flies by the creature's massive tale. The creature remained surprisingly hidden from view having chosen the dead of night to attack and systematically destroy the flying warship.

"Our scanners place the bogey at the bottom of the transcontinental trench." Isaac said, "Right where we're set to patrol. I don't know about you sir but I don't want to lose a multibillion poke' Mag-Lev Super Carrier and the fleet of destroyers escorting it."

"Hmm," The Admiral mused stroking his beard, "That will be certainly… problematic for the fleet. But until we can identify the creature and its motives we can't be certain."

"I could dock my battle group just off our shores. Let the United Regions come to us, right into that things jaws." Isaac suggested.

"No, Captain we will not do anything to further this 'war' until we get everything sorted. This is the last time I will say it." Tungsten growled, "I know those eggheads across the pond are arrogant but I doubt they want to go to war over a minor misunderstanding."

"Minor misunderstanding sir?" Isaac pushed his luck.

Tungsten's face hardened, "Position your battle group just off shore, stay up in the clouds. I'll requisition a portion of the 7th fleet to assist you. All other assets will be sent to bolster our defenses on our border with the Sinnoh Region." He scowled, "Those are you orders."

"Aye aye, Sir!"

"And Miller-" Tungsten added.

"Yes sir?"

"What you just did was unacceptable conduct. When I say drop it you drop it. You and I are going to have a little talk about that later." Tungsten growled aggravated, "Tungsten out." He shut off his feed with a barely audible slam on his side of the feed.

"That went well," Isaac mumbled to himself a little too happily ripping his headset off and placing it on the table. Producing an entirely separate holo-projector from his pockets, throwing it on the floor Isaac deployed the holographic projection of a shadowy figure. Aside from a few details of his suit the only discernible feature of the figure was a stylized P on his chest

Folding his arms, "I think it's safe to say our little strike on Sinnoh was a success, Commander." Isaac said, "We've definitely stirred the hornet's nest on both sides. I've just pissed off a commanding Admiral so much as to warrant a private meeting with me, I think it's just about time I get a promotion,"

"Very good Operative Upnik. You never cease to impress me," The figure said, "Continue what you have been doing. Soon we will infiltrate every piece of Unova's infrastructure and in time both of these nations will fall at our knee and the rest of the world will follow suite. All hail, Plasma!"

The figure crossed an arm diagonally over his chest and Isaac did the same, "I will contact high command once I have the Unovian Navy at my command. Be seeing you, Commander, Hail, Plasma!"

Isaac shut off the holo-projector. Releasing the room from its lockdown state Isaac walked out taking his place on the bridge.

"Orders, Captain?" The guy steering the ship asked (I never really knew what they were called).

Isaac pressed a button, "Attention all personnel, this is your captain speaking. As you may know as of 0600 last night the United Regions have declared war on us. We have been given orders to safeguard our easternmost borders from any attacks from the Kanto Region." The loud speaker boomed, "War is upon us ladies and gentlemen. We don't know why but one thing is for certain. We must defend our home from any attack. Keep a watchful eye out and sit tight."

He ended his brief speech.

"Mister Checkohov, you have your orders."

"Roger, Sir." The ship steering guy replied pushing on the yoke. Starting from the center of the ship the Ursa sent out a pulse of blue matter that radiated out of the ship and into the environment. With a riveting whir that sent vibrations throughout the ship the Ursa Major utilizing its powerful magnetic levitation engines to lift the small city of a warship lifted itself out of the water.

"Signal the fleet,"

Hundreds of flares were launched out from each side of the bridge illuminating the night sky in a red glow. With a bellowing horn the Ursa Major ascended into the sky. The small fleet of destroyers following it dumped their flares into the air as well. With a deafening warping sound each Destroyer sent out a pulse similar to the Ursas', in a chain reaction all 5 Destroyers escorting the Ursa lifted themselves up into the air displacing metric tons of water as they went along.

"Take us up to the cloud layers," Isaac ordered sitting down in a swivel chair.

"Aye aya, sir." Performing the impossible the small fleet of warships gradually ascended into the heavens.

"So much to do, so little time…" Isaac thought to himself smirking, a knife heavy in his side pocket.


(Ash seemed like too perfect of a character to me. Let's knock him down a peg or two)

"What is this?" Ash's heart fell down to his boots, an Espeon necklace dangling from his fingers.

"No it can't be…"

Ash and Dawn were situationed on a hillside in a serene meadow just outside of Sootopolis City. The sun was starting to set over to the horizon, the inevitable death of a long joyous day.

"I'm sorry Ash…" Dawn huskily said trying to prevent herself from tearing up, "I just feel that we have grown too far apart… too much time has passed between us -3 years- and too little was done… I think it'll be better for the both of us if we split up." The blunette looked away cupping her face with her hands, "It was horrible of me to wait for you, to lead you on like this… The little girl inside me just thought that maybe… maybe I don't know- that we could have picked up from where we last left off."

"It wasn't even a real relationship to be frank…" Her voice broke, "We haven't even gone out on a date yet before you left for Unova… then when you got back… so many things happened so fast."

Her words were barely coherent.

"I still want to be your friend if I can, Ash. I really mean that! But from here on… we're… we're… we're done…" The bluenette ran off, rivers of tears running down her face.

Ash was speechless; his whole world came crashing down like a castle of glass, "Dawn wai-"

"-Hrrnnggg!" A sword was driven through his back and through the shoulder bones at his left arm, being so painful that the teen didn't even feel it at first. Dawn didn't look back.

Keeling over in pain his attacker kicked him forcing him down onto ground. Driving the sword even deeper though his body, his attacker impaled Ash's body even deeper into the ground. Ash tried to reach out for Dawn, pleading for her to help him. But when he tried to speak only silence came out of his mouth.

Walking around the mortally wounded Ash, the attacker revealed himself. Ash's eyes widened in complete horror, the person he'd though he'll never see again, the person of his nightmares; how could he ever forget the face?

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." Caesar taunted, "Too slow mate." When Ash tried to scream again the man stomped his boot into the handle of the sword, driving it even deeper into Ash's shoulders.

As the sword pierced his flesh a mind numbing ringing could be heard in the background and remained ever present.

"Shhh," He whispered sitting himself down next to the teen, "You're going to miss the fireworks!" He smiled ecstatically.

Ash's eyes widened in horror as a deafening roar racketed through the air. Directly above him 6 orbs of light streaked across the skies leaving pillars of smoke behind them. The raven haired teen laid there, helpless as to what was going to happen before his very eyes. Like javelins from Arceus himself the warheads rammed into Sootopolis City sending out a flash of light brighter than the sun itself.

A supernova of nuclear warheads engulfed the city in a melting pot of explosives, radiation, fire, and smoke. The chilling screams of 30 million burning souls could be heard all the way to the fields. The last thing Ash saw was the figure of his lost girlfriend running off into the distance before the world was engulfed in white.


"-ooooo!" Ash rolled off the bed crashing onto the cold hard floor. In his panicked haze he fumbled through the cabinet for his sidearm. Taking the pistol out Ash flipped the safety off.

"Master, what's wrong?!" Caesar kicked down the door looking at her master with dread in her eye.

"Come back to finish me you sonofabitch?" Ash shouted leaning back against the cabinet for support, aiming his side arm he brought the sights right on his tormenter's cranium. His breathing was heavy and labored he struggled to control himself.

"Ash!?" Came Dawn's shocked and fearful voice from the other side of the bed.

"What?" The raven haired teen thought looking at his supposed attacker. Shaking vision started to clear up. In the place of the man who cut his arm off was the Lucario he would trust his life with, "What the hell?"

"Oh Sierra it's just… you," Ash's heart froze as he dropped his sidearm. He could feel his girlfriend's comforting hand on his shoulders as she sat next to him.

"Oh Arceus what did I just do!?" He collapsed burying his head into the side of the bed. Beads of sweat soaked his hair and dripped down his forehead.

"Ash…" Dawn said softly stroking his hair, "What happened?"

"N-nothing… just a nightmare," Ash panted, the blunette decided against further questioning upon seeing her boyfriend's horrified expression.

Sierra sensed his distress as well, "Master if you want to talk about it in private, I'll always be here." She said telepathically.

"I'M FINE SIERRA!" He retorted powerfully shutting off their connection. Sierra winced at the sudden mental outburst. She picked up the pistol left on the ground and casually walked out leaving the couple before her alone.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Dawn asked carefully resting a hand on Ash's shoulder.

"No," He growled rolling back into the bed too scared to say anything else. He laid face down into the pillow blankets rolled over his hot sweaty body.

Dawn looked at him with worrying eyes but eventually she went back to sleep as well. Over the course of the night the blunette noticed the raven-haired teen holding her extra protectively.

(3 Hours Later)

Unfortunately the rest of his night Ash's mind was riddled with a hellish mix of insomnia and nightmares. Eventually he just gave up. Rolling onto his back the teen let out an exhausted sigh running his fingers through his hair.

"I can't do this," He thought to himself rolling out of the bed being careful not to wake the sleeping Dawn next to him.

Strolling over to the closet Ash took out a sweatshirt, a pair of sweat pants, and his running shoes. Walking out into the living room Ash noticed Pikachu, who was sleeping on the couch.

Pikachu's ears twitched as his friend approached "Dude it's like what… 3:00 A.M? Why are you up?" Yawned the electric mouse getting up.

"I couldn't sleep, man." Ash whispered walking over to the balcony door, "Wanna go for a run?"

Contemplating the question the mouse pokemon looked over his sleeping mate and subsequently his kids who were sleeping snuggly in Ash's hat, "Eh, what the hell. I wanted to talk to you about something anyways." He hopped down from the couch.

Scurrying over to his trainer/lifelong friend Pikachu climbed onto Ash's shoulders.

Sliding open the balcony door the two were met with a blast of cool nighttime air. Stepping up onto the ledge Ash caught the eye of a few nighttime passerbyers. After scouting out the roof of the adjacent building Ash hopped back down.

"Hang on tight," Ash took a deep breath.

Taking a few steps back the teen dashed forward leaping off the ledge he flew through the air. Landing on the adjacent rooftop he tuck and rolled to reduce the force of impact, "Shit, we forgot to close the balcony door!" Pikachu cursed.

"Now, you tell me this?" Ash scolded feeling a bit winded after the jump, "Let's go back!"

"No, we already made the jump. Maybe May will close the door or something," Pikachu assured.

"This guy…"

Looking at the path ahead of him Ash started running. Never slowing. Never stopping. Jumping, sliding, and sprinting he breezed past every rooftop in his way. Leaping off a ledge Ash latched onto and proceeded to shimmy across some scaffolding apparently stumbled onto an empty construction site. Leaping off his shoulders Pikachu ran alongside his trainer. Weaving through the jungle of metal bars with relative ease the pair approached a ledge about 50 meters away leading to a crane just out of safe leaping range.

Operating in perfect unison Pikachu veered off to the side and snatched up a set of harnesses hanging loosely from some rebar in his mouth. Dashing back to his trainer Pikachu hopped into Ash's arm. Ash chucked the mouse Pokemon forward like a football with surprising velocity.

"Volt tackle!" He ordered tucking his head down reaching his full sprinting speed.

"This isn't going to work!"

"Fuck it!" Ash shouted.

Chanting his name Pikachu blazed forward with increased momentum as a cloud of electric aura engulfed him supercharging his speed. Reaching the ledge in the blink of an eye Pikachu leapt for the crane trailing the lengthy set of harnesses behind him. Weaving through the intricate metal frame of the crane Pikachu secured one end of the harness to the intricate framework of the crane arm.

"This is a very bad idea!" Ash subconsciously muttered to himself drawing closer and closer to the ledge. Either he makes it or he breaks every bone in his body crashing into a metal crane several stories up.

Exhaling sharply Ash made the leap. Time seemed to slow as he reached for the dangling pseudo rope swing his partner jumbled together.

Grabbing hold of the rope Ash bellowed a Tarzan howl as he swing along the bottom of the crane releasing his grip at the peak of his climb, "SON OF A BITCH!" Pikachu shouted at the near impossible feat before him.

Quick charging a volt tackle Pikachu leapt from his perch to join his partner. An idiotic move. Crashing into his partner Pikachu, partly due to instincts, accidently discharged all the static electricity built up in his body into his trainer's body effectively electrocuting the teen.

"Aaaagggghhhh!" Ash shouted like an insect caught in an electric fly trap. Before they knew it the pair were falling out of the sky trailing smoke trails behind them, "Aaauugghh!" Ash caught his legs on a street light flipping over violently.

Ash found himself flying headlong into a small park. Slamming against the side of the tree the teen roughly face planted the cold hard earth beneath him, "Augh! Arceus, that fucking hurt!" He moaned keeling over clenching his stomach.

"Why the hell did you do that?!" He shouted to his partner hanging from the branches above.

"It was an accident okay?! My battling instincts kicked in for a second there!" Shouted Pikachu.

"I second? You nearly killed us both!"

"We survived didn't we?!"

"No thanks to you!"

"Fuck you man, you're the one that came up with that stupid ass plan!"

"You went along with it you yellow rat! Hell it worked for the most part until you volt tackled us both out of the air!"

A tense silent fell between the two best friends. Each one just about ready to kill the other, "…. Pffffftt, HAHAHAHAHA!" Laughed Ash keeling over in sheer amusement.

"What's so funny?" Pikachu couldn't resist a smirk to form on his face.

"Just like old times, right?" Ash hollered.

Pikachu considered the thought then rolled over in laughter as well, "Hahahaha!" He fell down from his tree and onto Ash's stomach knocking the breath out of him. The two laughed their pain away for a few more minutes before Ash finally decided to get up.

His entire body was numb from adrenaline, "This is going to hurt so bad later…" He thought using a tree trunk to prop himself up.

"In hindsight, that wasn't the best idea," Pikachu chued scurrying up Ash's back. The raven haired teen nodded in agreement.

The two best friends continued down the park they found themselves in. For the past few days the group had made the journey to Sootopolis City, the sight of Ash's First Sigil and possibly May and Desmond's 2nd Gym Badge in the Hoenn region. Ash was actually planning to challenge the first Sigil bearer in 2 days, after he gets in some last minute training with his Pokemon of course.

Nighttime in Sootopolis City was a beautiful sight. The entirety of the city from its buildings to its infrastructure had been vastly improved. Massive steel skyscrapers, many still under construction, dotted the skyline seamlessly blending with the smaller stone and concrete buildings Ash had seen the last time he was here.

The steel titans dominating the skyline now illuminated the nighttime air with a dazzling glow bringing forth a feeling of warmth and belonging, "Wow, look up there!" Ash pointed out what might possibly be the most breathtaking aspect of the city. All you had to do was look up.

Hundreds of billions of stars dotted the night sky amplified by the concave nature of the extinct volcano Sootopolis City resides in. The stars were shining especially bright this night, the home of the gods themselves blessing the earthly world in its infinite brilliance.

However, like always. With such a shining display of a cities technological and social achievement there will always be a layer of filth swept under the rug no one wants to admit exists. A fact made most apparent during the twilight hours of the night. Graffiti covered the various concrete infrastructure of the city. Even after its improvement, these wereplaces seldom seen by the general public their very existence either ignored or denied. Some were relatively harmless anti-authoritarian art others were signs of very dangerous gangs and criminal syndicates.

Gangs prowled the street albeit inconspicuously. Drug deals took place in dark alleyways. People lay past out on the street from Arceus knows what and although the darker part of an otherwise shining city were very much separate from the small innocent park our two friends found themselves in. They were still very much noticeable to those with a sharp enough eye.

Walking by a small pond a pair of Whiscashes breached the surface of the water sending moustached smiles Ash and Pikachu's way. Hopping down from Ash's shoulders the yellow mouse started trotting along just a few paces in front of his friend.

Picking up a stone and skipping it across the pond, "So you said you wanted to talk to me about something?" He asked feeling a nagging pain in his entire chest area every time he exhaled.

Pikachu didn't responded spending a few tense seconds contemplating his choice of words, "… Why Sierra?" He half mumbled under his breath. The conversation was about to take a very sour turn.

"I'm sorry?" Ash was a little bit more then confused.

"It is just something I never really understood about you…" Pikachu started.

"We've been best friends for what? 8 years?" Pikachu asked with a hint of betrayal in his voice, "We fought together, we slept together, we cried together, gym leader after gym leader, leagues after leagues, hell we even battled gods together." The mouse Pokemon started off awkwardly but eventually the Hoover Dam of all floodgates was about to be released.

"Then, you go off and get your arm chopped off and decide to leave for a bit of soul searching after a, hilariously brief, period of rehabilitation where you didn't even tell your mother about your amputation." Pikachu stopped and turned around, hate in his eye, "I would have understood your actions and the pain you felt, you are my best friend. But of all the Pokemon for you to take with you on your quest off the continent, you choose the Lucario?"

"-That Lucario has a name…" Ash redirected a scowl forming on his face.

"Don't change the subject…" Pikachu growled venomously, "Did all the years we spend traveling the world together mean anything to you? While you were off gallivanting through Unova I was left back home to fix the mess you created!"

The street lights started to flicker Ash could feel a mass of static electricity building in the air around him.

"I was different back then. I acted without thinking things out, I didn't consider how my actions would have affected the people I love. It was impulsive, insensitive, and cruel of me. I'm sorry!"

"That's not an excuse!" Pikachu snarled the surrounding them polarizing on and off. Ash felt a prickle on his right hand.

"I'm not saying it is!" He shouted raising his arms in defense. The pain in his hand intensifying, "There is no excuse for what I did! I'm just trying to fix the damage I've done… why are you only bringing this up now?"

"Of the month you've had after I returned why are you only bringing this up at the door steps of our first Sigil battle? We could have talked about it; we could have tried to resolve our problems!" Ash attempted to defuse the situation.

"Because when you finally returned; for the first time in years everybody was finally happy! We got the team back together, you fixed things up with Dawn, your friends, family, and Pokemon were so happy that you were back. I didn't want to ruin it for everyone!" Pikachu chued seemingly getting even angrier, "For a time I let that go. But to go all the way to the forefront of our first Sigil battle without even bringingup what you did? That is where I draw the line."

"So what do you have to say for yourself?" Pikachu asked coldly wagging an ear.

"Pikachu…" The raven haired teen was at a loss for words, and the worst possible timing for it too.

A street light adjacent to Pikachu exploded in a shower of sparks, "Nothing? Nothing? You have nothing to say?"

"There is nothing to say, Pikachu!" Ash exclaimed, "There is nothing I can do to make up for the pain you feel. If you are looking for a heartfelt apology, you've already gotten it countless times. What more do you want from me?"

"Hopelessly clueless as ever," Pikachu thought his temper flaring for the last time. Years of denial, false, grief, and repressed emotions was about to come down upon this park and may Arceus have mercy on the poor soul that drew Pikachu's ire. With a roar Pikachu channeled arcs of electricity from the surrounding streetlights into his body.

Ash's eyes widened in shock, the pain in his wrist was immeasurable.

"PIIIIIKKKKKAAAACCCHHHUUU!" Pikachu channeled a bolt of thunder from his body arcing the high voltage stream towards his friend.

Instinctively Ash raised his arms in defense. In a burst of green aura a spirit Melloetta materialized before erecting a shield to absorb the thunderbolt. The two opposing forces met with a brilliant flash of light deflecting the now multi colored thunderbolt straight up into the sky. Several streetlights exploded in the process.

Thunder could be heard in the distance as storm cloud started to roll in.

"Always a friend to help you," Pikachu growled. Dashing forward with a volt tackle Pikachu crashed right into the spirit Meloetta spiriting it off into the trees. Rebounding he double upped into the air his tail flashed with electricity as Pikachu prepared to bring down an iron tail.

"Where's your friend now?!" His voice cracked, Ash could have sworn he spotted tears welling up in his partner's eyes, "Piikkaa!" Pikachu brought his tail down upon Ash's outstretched arm knocking the teen down to his knees.

Landing on the ground Pikachu quick charged a volt tackle and charged right up into Ash's chest sending him flying backwards right into the trunk of a tree.

Quickly getting up the dazed Ash declared, "I'm not going to fight you!-"

"-Well then you are in for a world of hurt!" The sting of betrayal runs the deepest. With a blinding flash of light electricity surrounded Pikachu's body random trails of lightning bolting off into the environment. Allocating all the built up electricity into a single dense electro ball at his tail Pikachu leapt into the air and in one fell swoop launched the deadly orb at Ash.

Intending to keep his promise Ash made know moves to retaliate offensively at the least. Diving to the side narrowly missing the electro ball Ash's head was bashed in by a rage-filled iron tail.

"Oohhh," Ash groaned his world engulfed in pain, his heart aching at the hurt in his best friend's eyes.

"This talk has been long overdue." Pikachu stated, his expression shifting from hatred to heartbroken.

From the trees an energy ball came barreling towards Pikachu impacting the electric mouse on his flank. With a battle cry the spirit Meloetta came charging forward tackling the dazed Pikachu onto the ground. Small droplets of rain started to fall down from the heavens.

With a cry Pikachu discharged a storm of electricity from his body electrocuting everything in his immediate proximity.

"AAAHHH!" Ash wailed in pain. The rain started to pick up, thunder and lightning cracked in the distance.

Channeling an iron tail Pikachu attempted to fight off his spirit attacker.

Acting against his better judgment, "Come to your senses man!" Ash blindsided Pikachu straight in the jaw sending the mouse reeling back.

With lightning quick reflexes Pikachu knocked his friend down on his ass with a punishing volt tackle to the chest. Bounding up into the air Pikachu descended down upon the teen with an iron tail to the head, bellowing a pained cry as he did so.

The world itself seemed to cry at the sight of the two lifelong friends duking it out.

Snapping apart a tree branch Ash swung the log upwards. Narrowly dodging the tree branch Pikachu dove down into the ground shooting an electro ball up into Ash's undefended chest sending the teen flying backwards his spirit friend commanding an assortment of tree branches to catch his fall.

Rain poured down upon the park. Channeling the vast amounts of electricity around him Pikachu started to levitate off the ground arcs of electricity connecting his free floating body to the ground below.

"Ah shit," Ash's eyes widened quickly diving to the side before a thunderbolt scorched the ground he was standing on just moments before.

Bobbing and weaving through the trees and undergrowth of the park Ash barely managed to dodge the barrage of thunderbolts sent his way.

"TAAKKEE IIITTT! TAAKKEEE IITTT! TTAAAKKKEE IITTT!" Pikachu wailed launching thunderbolt after thunderbolt. The heavy rain pelting down upon his face could almost be mistaken for tears, "ALWAYS AN ACE UP YOUR SLEAVE! ALWAYS A PLAN TO GET YOU OUT SCOT FREE! WHERE'S YOUR PLAN NOW HUH?! WHERE IS IT NOW?!"

Like javelins from the gods lightning bolts descended down upon the average sized park glassing the ground with each contact. Sliding over a log Ash narrowly dodged a thunderbolt aimed straight for his chest, "Pikachu, stop this!" he shouted running up a tree the spirit Meloetta following close behind.

Ash was soaked from head to toe as he dove through puddles of mud to dodge Pikachu's attacks.

Feeling a little bit cocky, "Hah, what if you did this during our battle with Wallace huh?! We'll be unbeatable- WHOA!" Ash ducked down as an electro ball whizzed by his head.

Hopping down Pikachu volt tackled towards Ash powering up an iron tail. Restraining his instincts Ash braced for impact. Like a sledge hammer the electric mouse crashed into his trainer. Rolling up into the air Pikachu doubled down delivering his iron tail right onto Ash's skull.

The two brothers continued their tussle as heavy rain poured down around them for quite some time. With each passing second Pikachu lost even more control of himself, pure rage filling up every single thunderbolt Pikachu shoots out.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" Pikachu screeched charging up one final be-all-end-all thunderbolt. His eyes were soggy and red, raindrops were pouring down his face.

Propped against a tree Ash looked pretty beat two. His clothes were mere semblances of their former selves having been burnt to a crisp. The raven haired boy was surprised his heart hadn't given out yet from all the thunderbolts that actually hit their mark.

Thunder boomed through the sky like the sound of the deepest war drums. The storm clouds above started to swirl up into a vortex just above Pikachu. Lightning arced through the skies as the fury of nature in its purest form was about to be released.

"I have to end this now before people get hurt," Ash quickly devised a plan to do exactly so.

"Pikachu, I'm so sorry for what I did. But this is not the way to settle our problems!" Ash shouted from the tree branches, "I understand-"

"NO, you do NOT understand how I'm feeling," Pikachu roared, "You never had and you never will! You have no idea what it is like to be backstabbed by your best friends of 8 years for some random ass Lucario who you met just weeks before!

He continued, "You slept with her too." The mouse paused for a few seconds letting Ash absorb his statement, "Yeah I said it. I see the way she acts around you and you to her. Even if she's a slave to your family she seems especially fond of you. What would Dawn think about what you two-"

"-AHHHHHH!" Ash bellowed charging forward nailing Pikachu square in the jaw, the artificial skin on his prosthetic arm having all but evaporated away.

The blow had a noticeable 'thud' to it possibly the sound of Pikachu's jaw breaking as his friend sent the mouse careening off into a tree. The pure rage in Ash's eyes quickly subsided to regret, "Pikachu?" He shouted rushing to help his friend.

"PPPIIIKKKAAAA….CCCCHHHHUUUU!" A single thunderbolt of theistic proportions shot out from the tree line. Flying across the park scorching the grass in it's very wake the thunderbolt struck Ash dead in the chest.

The force of 6.4 million Tasers came down upon the teen as his very body short circuited from the sheer electrical overload, the fact that he was soaked in head to toe in water didn't help. Losing complete control of his body Ash fell limp to the ground, blacking out instantly as his brain was perpetually unplugged. Perhaps from experience, I'm sure we all know how much experience Ash has with electrocution, Ash regained consciousness after a pretty brief span of 20 seconds.

"Oh… Arceus that hurt…" He moaned picking himself back up. His mind barely registered the sight of an iron tail descending down upon his head. Normally he would've raised his arms in defense, than Ash realized that he had lost all control to his left arm, the prosthetic limb giving off loose sparking in places it should not be sparking.

Doing a 360 Pikachu batted the side of Ash's head with his tail of iron with neck breaking force. Quick firing an aura sphere an electro ball point blank range Pikachu did a backflip putting a good distance between him and his trainer. Channeling tesla rays into the ground Pikachu lifted himself back into the air again his body glowing like the surface of the sun seething with electrical energy.

Chanting his name Pikachu channeled a thunderbolt, lightning tore through the sky as thunder provided an orchestral theme to the force of nature. Descending from the sky a lightning bolt struck Pikachu during his build up phase further amplifying his power to astronomical levels.


"NOOOOO!" Ash tackled the mouse out of the air right as Pikachu released his thunderbolt. Locking his arms around his partner Ash clung onto Pikachu as just body was electrocuted to no end.

Thunder boomed in the distance at the impact, lightning arced across the sky almost like a cringing heart, rain poured down like tears from the heavens as two inseparable friendships were tearing itself to pieces.

"LET ME GO!" Pikachu wailed his voice cracking as he channeled thunderbolt after thunderbolt into Ash's body. The pair crashed through the undergrowth of the park rolling down a hill riddled with bushes, tree branches, vines, and loose thorns.

"No!" Ash grunted focusing himself to push back the pain. Somewhere along the downhill roll a loose rock hit Ash's bionic in just the right way as to reactivate it, at least for the time being

"LET GO OF ME YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Raindrops streamed down Pikachu's eyes.

"I'm sorry Pikachu!" Ash shouted tumbling down the hill, "I'm sorry!"

Crashing into a pool of mud at the base of the hill Ash managed to forcefully pin Pikachu to the ground electricity flowing through his veins.

"LET ME GO!" Pikachu wailed thrashing around his body glowing with electricity desperately trying to get free, "LET ME GO! L-EE-T ME-E GO!" His words were garbled and unrecognizable through his sobbing.

"I'M SORRY PICKACHU! I'M SORRY, OKAY?!" Ash bellowed his voice breaking. Gritting his teeth as another point blank thunderbolt was sent channeling through his body.

"AHHHHHH!" Pikachu cried channeling another thunderbolt through Ash's body, "YOU SON OF A BITCH! WWWHHHYYY D-DID YOU L-LEAVE ME!"

"I WASN'T THINKING! I WAS NEVER THINKING! THERE IS NOT A DAY THAT GOES BY THAT I DON'T WISH I COULD TAKE BACK WHAT I DID!" Ash argued forcing himself to calm down, "But that is still no excuse for what you are doing! You're angry, understand! But we are not children anymore! You could've talked with me! This is not the way to do it."

You know that feeling when you get so angry you don't want to calm down? Where you just want to punch and maim and club the person who enraged you to that extent to an inch of their lives without any mercy?

Quick charging an electro ball Pikachu shot the electric ball right into Ash's gut sending flying back. Soaring through the air Ash landed on his feet before his momentum sent him tumbling head-over-heel right into a tree.

(You know that hiccupping thing you do when you are crying and trying to talk? Well until I find a suitable word for it just know that Pikachu is doing THAT)

"AAAAAHHHH!" Pikachu roared at the top of his lungs dashing forward channeling a volt tackle. A large mass of electricity formed around his body as every step he took in the pouring rain left loose sparks in the air.

Planting his foot in the ground Ash braced for the ensuing attack. His prosthetic arm discharging loose sparks trying to stay operational.

"AAAHHH!" Pikachu charged headlong into his trainers chest. In a supernova of white scorching light the electric mouse delivered his payload.

A shockwave radiated out from ground zero whipping back trees with energy equal to hurricane force winds. A lightning bolt shot straight up into the sky irradiating the clouds with its static electricity. Various street lights surrounding the park flickered as power lines sparked with a temporary overflow in electricity. If it wasn't for the steady stream of heavy rain Pikachu would have burned down the park.

When Ash regained consciousness he found Pikachu curled up on his lap sobbing into his stomach his arms were wrapped tightly around his friend. He had lost control of his left arm again and the tree that that acted as the perpetual hard place to Pikachu's rock was a mere husk of its former self.

"You son a bitch…" Pikachu sobbed weakly punching his trainer repeatedly in the gut.

"I'm sorry buddy…" Ash softly whispered. After a few minutes the electric mouse finally cried himself out.

Pikachu's body fell limp as he drifted off into unconsciousness all of his energy having been expended; the mouse had nothing left to give. Ash felt a numbing pain radiate throughout his body. He hurt so bad he didn't even feel it.

Noticing an all too familiar Lucario perched on a tree branch some 5 meters away from him, "You could have helped me out you know…" Ash slyly said looking around at the destroyed park around him.

"You two needed that moment, Pikachu especially." Sierra replied hopping down from her tree branch.

Rubbing some ash off his face Ash carefully stood cradling Pikachu in his right arm as he waited for the other one to turn back on, "About what Pikachu said… about us-"

"What about it? We had sex, I wasn't looking for a permanent mate at that time, it was fun yes but other than that it meant nothing to me. I never really understood all the secrecy with Ms. Hikari, other Pokemon do these kinds of things all the time." Sierra stated, "I can tell her if you are too embarrassed to, Master"

"No, Sierra. That won't be necessary…" Ash felt a rush of guilt permeate his gut, "It's just a social taboo- two to be accurate. Let's just drop it. Help me carry Pikachu back to the hotel."

"Oh nononono. He's your problem. I was only out here to make sure he doesn't kill you. The rest is up to you now if you excuse me it's 2 in the morning and I desperately need to get back to sleep." The Lucario yawned rubbing her eyes sleepily.

"Sierra wai-" Ash tried to call out but the Lucario had already shadow-ported away, "If you hadn't noticed my entire left arm kinda blew up…" He muttered to himself absently.

"I'll deal with her later…" Ash thought to himself, his entire body ached making it absolutely torture to even walk but he somehow managed.

Trudging out of the park the raven haired teen saw the damage his best friend had caused in his fit of, justified, rage. Whole trees were scorched to a crisp by Pikachu's thunderbolts and the very ground was charred wherever Pikachu ran with volt tackle. Several strangers arrived on the scene to see what all the commotion was about.

Ash got more than a few questioning glances from the sudden influx of people but he ignored them for the most part. What do they understand?

After an excruciatingly painful half hour Ash finally made his way back to the hotel passing one too many prostitutes on the way. What made the situation even worse was that he had forgotten the room key.

"Guess I'll be climbing then…" He muttered to himself foregoing the main entrance of the hotel for a back alley.

His prosthetic arm reactivating Ash had little difficulty climbing the side of the hotel. With Pikachu cradled in one arm Ash single handedly scaled the hotel eventually reaching the balcony of his room.

"Door's closed; guess Sierra closed it when she came back here."

Sliding open the door Ash gently set the unconscious Pikachu down upon the couch next to his mate and family draping a towel loosely over his yellow body. Too dead tired to do anything else Ash grabbed a pillow and collapsed on the floor. It didn't take long before the comforting allure of sleep to sweep over him.

"We've just grown too far apart… We rushed past so many things… I still want to be your friend… Goodbye Ash… We're done."

A mind numbing ring hung in the background

"Huh?" Ash jolted awake. The nightmare hadn't been so vivid this time around but it still sent a chill down his spine.

Rising upright Ash examined his surroundings. During the night someone had been kind enough to drape a blanket over him. His body was covered in a light veil of grime and he reeked of sweat and char. Stretching himself out Ash felt a dull pain clench every muscle in his body, the tiniest movement amplifying said sensation tenfold.

"Yeah… that's going to be sore for a while." He thought to himself looking over his prosthetic arm in a mixture of shock and awe.

He had never really paid much attention to it. Most of the time it looked and acted like an arm save for the occasional bouts of super human strength it can afford him. Now it just seems so alien to the raven haired teen. Flexing his arm around he observed the infinite maze of circuits, wires, and gears that consisted of the arm under its thick semitransparent outer shell.

He cringed a little as the memories flooded back to him; Losing the fight with Caesar, a sword being driven through his shoulder, and Dawn's fear filled cries in the distance as he blacked out into nothingness.

Ash was distracted from his self-loathing as the smell of hot sizzling bacon reached his nose.

"What?" Standing up the raven haired teen proceeded towards the kitchen where Dawn was cooking up some breakfast for herself.

"Hey," He whispered hugging his girlfriend from behind wrapping his arms around her waist.

Accepting the hug Dawn got straight to business. Spinning around in his arms Dawn said, "Before you say anything, explain… this." She tapped the chest of his charred, sweaty, sweat-shirt.

"I couldn't sleep last night so I took Pikachu out for a jog and… we kinda got struck by lightning." Ash half lied with a sly smile.

"…Could you possibly speak more bullshit please?" Dawn started cracking up a sarcastic grin forming on her face.

"It's the truth!"

"Uh-huh." Dawn returned to her cooking.

"Where are the others?" Asked Ash picking up an apple.

"May and Des went out to explore the city. Kairi… I guess went shopping with Torchic for accessories for their next contest." Dawn replied cracking an egg over a sizzling pan. The delicious smell of bacon permeated the air.

"-And Pikachu?"

"He's out on the patio. He looks pretty pissed that's why I asked about what you two did last night." Dawn said chopping up some vegetables, "You better go talk to him."

Ash was already at the patio door. Sliding it open he poked his head through to see a very angry yellow mouse sitting on a white plastic chair. Not saying a word Ash ducked back into the hotel and brought out a chair of his own. Sitting down next to his friend the two sat in complete silence for the longest of times.

"Hey Pikachu… about last night-" Ash tried to start.

"-There is nothing you can say that will make this better. No belated apology that will get me to suddenly forgive you." Pikachu growled sounding like he had been meddling those two sentences over for a while.

"I have hurt you, I know that. I would never expect you to forgive me so easily after what I did. We would not be friends of it were any other way." Ash retorted cautiously. Pikachu remained silent.

"Look, Pikachu. I understand how you may be feeling betrayed because I brought Sierra to Unova with me instead of you. Having saying that;last night in the park was not the place to bring up your grievances with me." Ash continued trying the tough love approach, "We are not children anymore… if you have a problem with me you tell me about it. None of this bullshit drama is needed."

Ash noticed his friend eyeing his prosthetic left arm now; having been hidden under a layer of skin mimicking nanites for so long the bare machine now stuck out like a turd in a punch bowl.

"I know leaving for Unova so abruptly after such a tragic a disaster such as SunnyShore was wrong of me… especially if it hurt my loved ones in the process." Ash's tone softened, "But you gotta understand when I originally set out for Unova, my plan was to go alone."

"You know Sierra, Pikachu… I may have not really known it then but if I stray too far from her sight she could have easily teleported to me anyways." Ash slouched back in his chair rubbing his chin, "Besides… she met Grimlock while we were overseas. Several lifetimes of hurt and loneliness ended because she decided to open up to him. Look man, you have a family… kids. Sierra… she's got nothing in the world. I can't even begin to imagine what her life- and by extension your life- would be like today if somehow you came along with me instead."

Ash noticed that he started rambling, "What I'm trying to say is… I can't change the past. No matter how angry you feel. All I can do now is apologize and try to make up for what I did and if you want to help me with the last part then all the power to you." He tilted his view towards his friend who was in turn looking up at the sky thinking about his family, "But don't act like you got the raw end of the deal."

With that Ash got up and went back inside to rejoin Dawn who was currently eating her breakfast. Grabbing a plate Ash proceeded to join her. Scraping some eggs and bacon onto the plate and pouring some orange juice Ash pulled out a chair and sat down.

For the moment Ash was much more interested in his food then his companion across from him. Horking down plate after plate Ash displayed capabilities of his seemingly bottomless appetite.

"Slow down there, cowboy. Leave some for me." Dawn scolded.

"Sowwy," Replied Ash with a mouthful of food. Dawn couldn't repress a giggle.

Biting into a piece of bacon, "So Ash… do you want to talk about last night?"

Instant silence fell across the table, "No Dawn…. Can we just drop this? It was just a nightmare." He curtly said.

"You know… usually I would drop it at this point. But when said nightmare made you pull a gun on your own Lucario that is the point when I start worrying." Dawn softly said her sapphire eyes shining beautifully in the morning light.

"No need to worry," He repeated her signature catchphrase with a warm albeit forced smile, "Really Dawn I'm fine."

"Okay…" She reluctantly dropped the subject a worried expression on her face.

After a few more moments of peaceful silence Dawn spoke up, "So…. With the others gone I thought maybe we could do some shopping today." Dawn squealed, "Just you and me. We can finally fix your hideous wardrobe." Dawn eyed her boyfriend's current clothing.

"-Hey! My clothes are perfectly fine!" Ash retorted.

"A burnt ass sweat shirt and sweat pants that reek of…"-Dawn took a whiff of the air and gagged, "Oh Arceus, you smell like a dead Magikarp!" She covered her mouth trying not to throw up.

Sniffing his armpits Ash found little out of the ordinary, "What? I don't smell anything. Plus these aren't my regular cloths anyways."

"You can't go out into public everyday dressed like you're ready for a war Ash…" Dawn referred to his regular attire.

"Why the hell not?" Ash went on the defensive sounding more comical than intimidating, "If someone has a problem with what I wear, they can say it to my face."

"…" Rising from her chair Dawn had a scowl plastered on her face. Walking over to Ash's chair she pushed on the frame so he was balancing on the rear 2 legs. Pressing her forehead up against his, "Look here Ash Ketchum, despite what you may think it is not normal to walk around dressed like you're someone from October 30, 2012 with a giant AXE strapped to your waist. Now after breakfast we are going to the mall and we are going to fix your cloths."

"It's my travel wear! We're usually on the roads or in forests most of the time! I don't care about fashion like you do! Plus what was with that very specific date? That was really weird"

"Part of it is a freaking skirt. It's embarrassing both to you and to me. We are going to the mall and that is final." She was putting her foot down.

Ash knew better than to argue with his girlfriend once she has her mind set on something, "Fine-," He reluctantly agreed.

"Quick! I have to get back at her somehow," He thought over a plan for revenge.

"-But I'm taking this." He grabbed his plate which was still filled with a good amount of eggs, "And this." He added taking Dawn's plate and proceeded to fast walk away.

Hesitating for a bit he sprinted back rounding up every last plate of food he could into his arms effectively clearing the table, "And all of this!" He shouted grabbing a cup of orange juice in his mouth. Spilling some orange juice on the way Ash carried the food back to his room.

"Very mature!" Dawn pouted.

"Don't judge me!" Ash slammed the door shut behind him where he was now free to gorge himself on eggs and bacon.

(3 hours later)

(Ash PoV)

The hour was now upon us ladies and gentlemen. The time where I have to go shopping with my girlfriend has finally come. If I don't make it back tell my mother… that I love her.

"Quit being so overdramatic you big baby" Came Dawn's voice from the other side of the door.

Fuck! I must have been thinking out loud.

"You sure were genius!"

Fuck! I paused for a moment to see if I'd did it again but there was no reply from Dawn. Rising up from my bed I went on and got dressed having taken little cat nap after gorging myself on eggs and bacon. Rummaging through my backpack I slipped on my beaked hoodie. Further searching yielded a suitable pair of jeans for me to wear.

Looking at myself in the mirror I saw the most handsome motherfucker on the planet. No idea why Dawn has a problem with this.

Opening the door I walked out into the living room. Dawn took one look at me and instantly said, "No,"

"What?" I replied. Okay this is getting pretty ridiculous now.

"You are not going out dressed like that. That outfit has got to go." Placing her hands on my chest she pushed me back into our room.

Shoving me back onto the bed she started rummaging through my bag to see if she could find anything for me to wear.

"It's not just any old dinky outfit, Dawn." I adopted a softer tone, "It's one of the few things I have left of my father. I can only assume my father has been through hell and back with this thing and so have I. It's special to me" So many memories came flooding back to me…

For a second I could see a look of regret on her face which soon gave way to a more caring expression

"-Which is exactly why it deserves to be put up on a pedestal somewhere. You can already see the wear-and- tear on it, with the current rate you are running it down it will be destroyed in no time." Said Dawn throwing me a plain white t-shirt about a size too small, "Look, Ash. If this is your father's legacy wouldn't you want to preserve it for as long as possible? And to be brutally honest; it is an absolute eyesore. If your goal was to keep a low profile than this is not the way to do it, you stick out like a sore thumb."

I frowned.

"Don't give me that look. Now put this on," Dawn handed me the t-shirt, "It will have to do for now. You can keep the jeans, they're fine. Now put that shirt on, we're leaving in 5 minutes." She walked out with an excited bounce in her steps. A little too excited…

The mall was a short 10 minute walk from the hotel, nothing at all. But that was the least of my problems. For probably the next 5 hours I'll have to sit through the long torturous ordeal of cloths shopping with my girlfriend. Luckily enough for me, I hope, Pikachu decided to tag along with us if only to see me suffer.

"Here we are!" Dawn squealed, "Come on let's go!" She locked elbows with me and started pulling me along.

Pikachu sat perched on top of my head, apparently he wasn't talking to me. So be it… as long as he is able to fight in my upcoming battle with Wallace it makes no difference to me. I completely understand how he is feeling and I can't blame him quite frankly. I took Sierra, whom I have only known for a few weeks at the time, instead of my lifelong friend with me to Unova for 4 years. But the way he attacked me last night and our ensuing battle that burned down half a park was not the rightway for him to bring up his problems with me.

"-So what do you think?" Dawn slyly asked catching me off guard. Fuck, I must have been tuning her out!

"Oh uh-uhmm. I-I mean u-uh…" I must have looked like a complete idiot.

"Were you tuning me out?" She inquired with a sly smirk leaning her head in.

"Umm… no…?" Fuck! Why did I say that! Don't you just hate when this happens?

"So what was I just talking about?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

I drew a blank. She is going to kill me.

"Uh-huh. That's what I thought. If you actually were paying attention to me you would know that I was asking if you had heard about the situation with Unova." Dawn explained drawing my curiosity.

"What about Unova?"

"Apparently the United Regions declared war on Unova.

"What?!" I nearly shouted.

"Yeah, I know! A part of me thinks this is all one big April Fool's joke. But with something as serious as this…" Dawn said.

"What happened?" I asked.

"The official story is that a Unovian black op against the Queen and on a nuclear power plant was uncovered." Pikachu pitched in, "But there are still so many questions left unanswered and some people believe it wasn't even Unova that attacked us. The Queen and Potus are going are going to meet at an undisclosed location in a few days to clear everything up and possibly discuss a ceasefire before one side does something they'll both regret."

"What do you mean some people believe it wasn't even Unova that attacked us? Who else could it be? I can't be the criminal syndicates they just don't have the resources stealing from 10 year old children to pull off somethinglike this." I was completely dumbfounded. I could feel my heart speed up.

I could it be?

"Many people believe the attack was committed by the same people who attacked SunnyShore City 3 years ago; Team Plasma." Dawn explained. My head was flooded by the vivid images from my nightmare.

It can't be...

I was about to say something but Dawn cut me off before I moved to open my mouth, "We're here!" Dawn squealed lifting us from the ominous mood that quickly settled upon us.

Oh no….

"Come on, Ash!" She tugged on my arm emulating the appearance of a kid in a candy store, "It'll be fun!"

4 Hours Later

Good Arceus, how long has it been? Everything hurts. My arms hurt, my legs hurt, my chest hurts, my eyes are burning right now. This is fucking torture. How is it even possible to spend 3 hours picking out a goddamn skirt?! Taking her sweet ass time looking around we didn't even get to picking out my cloths yet! Instead I had to spend the last 3 hours carrying around countless skirts, jeans, and dresses just to PUT IT ALL BACK because they don't fucking match or some fucking bullshit like that!

"Quit your whining yah big baby!" Dawn scolded me adding another skirt to the pile she forced me to carry.

"Why does this have to be so difficult?!" I growled feeling like my arms were about to give out, "Pick a shirt, get some pants and be done with it!"

"You don't understand fashion, Ash. Unlike you I actually want to look good." Dawn retorted, "The skirt has to match my shoes and beanie. If I'm wearing a regular shirt it has to match with my pants, if I decide to wear yoga pants the shirt doesn't really matter because almost everything goes with yoga pants. But if I'm wearing blue jeans than I have to get shoes and a shirt that compliments it."

Pikachu is snickering at me as we speak.

Heaving out a sigh I struggled to collect myself, "Pick a shirt. Get some pants. Wear them. Cloths are mean to cover up your body. Why does there have to be so much unnecessary stress with shopping for them?"

"To be fair Ash; you're the only one stressing out over this. Pikachu and I are having a fantastic time." Dawn chuckled, "Right Pikachu?"

"Right!" Pikachu ran up Dawn's back and perched on her shoulders.

Fucking traitor… I'll never understand women. I can never wrap my head around how it is even possible to spend hours just picking out what cloths you want to wear.

I held my tongue for the time being, I knew I wasn't going to win this one, "This is hell…" I muttered getting a few sympathetic glances from other guys here because of their girlfriends.

After about 20 more minutes Dawn finally seemed to be satisfied with her choices. I'm not even going to bother describing the cloths she chose out, it brought me too much pain and suffering. Just know that it was enough cloths to fill shopping 2 bags. I thought it was unnecessary to buy so much but she didn't listen to me. Once we paid for her cloths however she moved onto me.

"Now let's see what we can get you…" Dawn mused walking us over to the men's section.

"Pikachu, can you be a dear and bring my bags back to the hotel room?" Dawn asked sweetly not really giving the mouse a choice. Slinging the two bags over his shoulders Dawn sent the mouse off.

At first I thought the feat would be impossible for the little mouse but then I saw Pikachu use his electricity to assist him by boosting him off the ground for jumps. I could use that later. I had thought the electric levitation he used for his fight with me last night was just a onetime thing. But if he can do this at will… possibilities…

Snapping her fingers in front my eyes, "Here, try this on."

I don't know how long it took but before I knew it I was fully dressed in a brown knee length trench coat with a white dress shirt and a scarf wrapped around my neck. Holding her hands in front of her to make a picture frame Dawn looked me over.

"Hmm…" She mused.

"I don't know Dawn. This doesn't really fit me. Like I said before; we spend most of our time on the road this would be more appropriate if we lived in the city and we don't. Plus Summer is around the corner, I am not wearing this in a hundred degree weather." I protested. I actually like the look. I just prefer practicality and utility over flashiness.

"You do have a point… this isn't really traveling wear, save for the trench coat but even that isn't really meant for the outdoors…" Dawn rubbed her chin deep in thought, "Then again I did roam the wilderness of Sinnoh in a pink miniskirt so I can take certain liberties with you."

"That is why I like my hoodie' it has served me well through the years. It is durable and reliable, plus I never did spend enough time in cities for people to really notice me for it. I don't see how there could really be anything wrong with that." I argued, "But if you insist I suppose I can just get a suitable sweatshirt, I can work with that."

"Actually I was going to put you in a miniskirt but your idea sounds much better." She sarcastically said. I scowled. She smirked. I wasn't going to win, "A simpler looks works much better for you but you still have to look more… fashionable."

"Maybe this will work." She said handing me a North Face jacketand a brown T-shirt sending me off to the dressing booth.

Unwrapping the air-restricting scarf from my neck I slid out of the trench coat and dress shirt. Slipping on the brown shirt I zipped up the North Face jacket. Stepping out I let Dawn examine me.

"Hmm… Let's unzip this…" She unzipped the jacket flaring out my collar, "This can work…" I'm really feeling like a glorified ken doll right now. I really am.

"It's too dark." She said selecting a white T-shirt with a smoky green etching of a Rayquaza on the bottom right side of the shirt.

Sliding out of the brown shirt I had I slipped the white shirt on, "Looking good so far. You need to be more colorful Ash, but it has to work with your theme of the color black."

Selecting a black hat with a white Pokeball design Dawn rustled up my hair before sticking it on my head. Spreading apart the North Face jacketshe flared out my collar, "Roll up your sleeves." She commanded.

I rolled up my sleeves to elbow length and caught a pair of black and grey fingerless gloves she threw my way. Taking one final look at me, "Perfect, let's go pay for your cloths." She tugged my arm urging my along foregoing any mirrors in our way.

Oh okay, I didn't want to see what I look like anyways…

My final look: I kept my jeans. I wore a white T-shirt with a smoky green Rayquaza etching on the bottom right side complimented with a North Face jacket. Black cap with a white Pokeball design and a pair of fingerless gloves and my look was finished.

I'm still unsure about the jacket though. I may have to switch it out to something less… dark when Dawn's not looking.

"Dawn, you do know that I can't actually be wearing the cloths when we check them out?"

(Later that night)

I had managed to get in a whole 4 hours of sleep before the nightmares became too much for me to take. I left the bed as quietly as I could trying not to wake Dawn but I think I saw her stir just before I closed the bedroom door. I now sat perched on the balcony overlooking the streets below. Tonight I have something really important I needed to do.

"I still don't understand why we have to do this, Master." Sierra whined rubbing her eyes sleepily, "Is it because Ms. Hikari said so? Regardless of what anybody thinks I don't think you should discard such an important part of yourself."

"I know Sierra… but she's right. This is all I have left of my father… it does deserve to be put up on a pedestal." Memories of my childhood antics with my father came rushing back to me and I felt my heart drop with each passing image. Fishing by the lake. Picnics by the lake. Egging the neighbor's house. Racing box carts down a hill. Enjoying some of Mom's apple pie.

"And to be honest Sierra, it's just a fancy suit pretty much." I reasoned.

"If you insist…" The Lucario reluctantly said. She looked like she wanted to say more but held her tongue.

I had my- my father's hood slung on top of my shoulder. I truly believe what Dawn had said to me that morning. This hood is all I have left of my father, something I have worn with me for years now. I want to preserve it so maybe in the far off future… maybe my son and family can appreciate it after I'm gone.

I felt an itching pain in my right hand, my mark was acting up again. I actually wonder if I can communicate with Mirclex… maybe he can shed some light on my recent night terrors considering our special relationship. The last time I saw him he gave me control over Grimlock and his brothers, I never really needed to use that ability but the fact that he even gave it to me confused me. When he visited me in my dream he said he was preparing me for something… ould this be it? My thoughts shifted to that hillside, Dawn breaking up with me, a city burning, Caesars evil cackling as he destroyed my world, Dawn breaking up with me…

I flushed my mind of said thoughts before it got to me, "I'm ready when you are." I absently said.

"Grab my hand." The Lucario extended a paw, "Brace yourselves, traveling long distances like this for the first time is bound to have some side effects."

Grabbing her paw I was suddenly shoved through a world of freezing cold pitch black. Imagine skinny dipping in Antarctica at midnight. The sensation lasted for a split second but when we came through on the other side my face went flying right into a wall. We had arrived in the basement of my home back in Pallet Town.

Coincidently it was also pitch black.

(This would be a good time to start playing "A Hill with no name" again)

"Sierra, you mind lighting this place up?" Sierra formed an aura sphere amping up the brightness of the projection to above normal levels. Splitting it into 4, she scattered them across the room.

I searched the basement for a familiar brick wall. Locating particular brick I tapped it with a series of Morse code the author feels embarrassed for even putting into the story in the first place. So embarrassed that now a year later he can't even remember what the original message of Morse code was supposed to be.

Tapping the brick one final time a portion of the wall emitted a feint rumble. The bricks started vibrating and moved outwards and to the side revealing an empty man sized chambers hollowed out into the wall.

"Umm…" There was supposed to be something here…

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. Your mother moved your fathers… I don't really know what to call it but your dad's Batcave up to his studies." Sierra chimed in. Mom kept that room?

"And you're only telling me this now?"

"I forgot, okay?

"Can you transport us there? It's the middle of the night, I don't want to wake my mother." I asked grabbing her paw again.

Within a few seconds we were transported to my father's studies. A room located on the 2nd of the house right next to mine as a kid. I honestly thought my Mom would have packed up all these things by now. Apparently not. Instead it had been turned into a library. Stocked book cases lined the 4 corners of the room. At the back were two windows letting in the light from the full moon with a desk, chair, and cabinet between them.

Everything had a fine layer of dust on it signaling the age of this room. I saw a picture frame of me and my Dad on the old desk. My expression softened and my curiosity grew. Picking up the picture I examined it. It displayed Dad and me out on my first fishing trip. I had caught my fish Magikarp there and was proudly showing it off while sitting on my Dad's shoulders as my Mom took the picture. Things were so much simpler back then…

It was so long ago, I don't even remember that day.

Sierra, groping around the bookshelves eventually found a secret button. Upon pressing it the cabinet split in two moving outwards and to the sides revealing a secret compartment sliding out into the now empty space. In said compartment stood an empty man shaped frame.

Setting the picture frame down I took one last look at my hoodie. It had been with me for so long and now… I was giving it back.

Mounting my father's suit back onto its frame I felt like I was giving up a part of myself and I did not like the feeling. I remember when I had first seen the suit. When I first got possession of it, it has stuck with me through the years and now… I was giving it back. Taking one final look at my Dad's uniform I found myself at a loss for words. It looked majestic under the moonlight.

"Sierra… do you know where the local cemetery is?" I asked her feeling my breath catch.

"Yes, Master."

"Good… just give me a minute." Before I knew it the Lucario had teleported away in a puff of smoke. Stroking the fabric I looked over my father's hoodie one last time. Upon doing so I noticed a familiar sword and scabbard hanging above the suit frame.

It was my Dad's old Katana

Reaching up to it I gingerly grabbed a hold of it. The scabbard was black with a crimson red outline along the edge of where the sword would be. Pulling the sword out a few inches from its scabbard I noticed how shiny and sharp it was, even after all this time. Re-sheathing the sword I positioned the scabbard in a Iaido style horizontally next to my hip. I held the scabbard curved downwards with the edge facing up, my left hand on the base of the scabbard and my right hand on the hilt of the katana.

Standing clear of any obstructions at the center of the room I took a deep breath. Closing my eyes I focused my mind. In one fluid motion I drew the Katana swiping it across a distinct metallic whistle could be heard. Repositioning with 2 hands now I swung the sword diagonally downwards an electric spark crackling across the blade and before quickly re-sheathing like nothing happened.

I'll remember you another way Dad…

I was distracted from my thoughts when I heard clapping from behind me, "Impressive, Master." Sierra said through the darkness, "You have to work on your speed and control though. You're liable to kill someone."

I smirked. This would make the perfect training tool for my Pokemon. Of course I'll have to be extra careful with it though… I guess I'll need something else to remember my father by… From father to son this sword passes hands.

Adopting a more serious tone, "Have you… have you found the cemetery?" I asked quietly.

Nodding, the Lucario said "Yes I have, Master. Along with your father's grave as well. I assumed that is what you'd be looking for."

"Good… take me there." I whispered feeling my heart speed up. Grabbing my hand the Lucario teleported me through a world of ice cold blackness before delivering us at the entrance of the cemetery.

By Arceus this has got to be one of the most cliché/scary settings I have ever found myself in. Nighttime in a cemetery with the full moon high above me, the air was cold and wet with fog and the calls of Kricketunes filled the air. I swear I heard a pack of Mightyena howl in the distance.

But I set aside whatever fears I had at the moment aside, I have much more important business to attend to. Entering the cemetery I navigated through its many aisles passing gravestone after gravestone. Being surrounded by the dead I found I wasn't in a depressing mood but a more humbled one.

Nearly every one of these gravestones had loved ones who cried, wept, and mourned for them when they had passed away. Even if I had gotten over it I remember the pain of losing my dead like it was yesterday. It was an almost surreal experience at first, too painful to believe, I can remember walking down the stairs on the morning after my father's funeral half expecting him to be sitting in his usual spot at the kitchen table reading the morning paper a cup of hot coffee in his hands. Then reality hit me.

I guess it helps knowing others have felt the same way you have.

My path was illuminated by the moonlight so I didn't have too much difficulty. Eventually after a bit of walking I reached my destination.

Here Lies the Grave of Silver Satoshi Ketchum

A husband, a friend, a father


A disheartening silence fell upon me as I stepped up to my dad's grave, "Sierra… I'll be fine. Leave us for now" I croaked feeling a wave of emotion building up in my chest. Nodding the Lucario made her exit. I waited a good 10 seconds afterwards to make completely sure I was alone. Setting the sword down I got down into a kneeling position.

I really didn't know where to start. Hell I don't even know why I'm here, "Um… hey, Dad. It's been a long time… hope… hope everything is going fine for you up there in the sky with Arceus."

What the hell am I doing?

Come to think of it… it has been a long time since I had last visited my father, here. In fact I had never visited his grave before. It was just too painful for me

"Sorry I haven't visited in such a long time…" I awkwardly said feeling a slight ache in my heart, "I have a lot of things going on in my life. I'm sure Mom has filled you in on most of the details but…"

I never really had the chance to really talk about things with my father, important things, whenever I was lost or confused I never had a father figure there to guide me through those kinds of situations. I always had myself and only myself to rely on, now I guess all these repressed emotions and memories are finally starting to come back up.

"A lot has happened in my life in the past 5 years. I got a girlfriend, lost my arm to a terrorist that scorched a city full of innocent people, and just last night my lifelong best friend tried to kill me for stabbing him in the back." I said eventually finding myself in an unnerving silence, "I don't even know where to start." What the hell am I doing?

I guess I just need someone to talk to… I caught myself thinking out loud again.

Rubbing the sweat out of my hair I continued half aware of what I was doing. Adjusting myself into a crossed leg position, "I've been having night terrors, Dad… I've barely gotten any sleep for the past two days." I started, "The nightmares… they seemed so real and considering my special relationship with the bastard son of Arceus; Mirclex I have this nagging feeling that these dreams mean something more than just a simple nightmare."

I felt myself start to ramble and made moves to avoid it, "In my dream- my vision… Dawn… Dawn broke up with me. It's a situation I have been dreading for years now." This part was especially difficult for me to get across, "I can't imagine a life without her. Yet now… I feel like I'm losing her…"

"She's waited so long for me to get back from my journey in Unova. She has stayed so loyal to be wear even I would have left me if I were in her situation. Now that I'm back home I don't feel like our relationship is really going anywhere. We went on our official first date yes but… I feel like it is starting to get to the point where anything I try to do is too little too late." A hotness started to well up in my eyes and a pain in my heart.

"I don't know how long we can keep waiting. And I know she's too kind and considerate to say anything to me, that's Dawn. But even if this is all just a fabrication of my own imagination: what does that say about me? Am I so insecure that I'm starting to have nightmares(visions) about my girlfriend breaking up with me?" I felt my voice rise to a restrained yet angry shout.

Breathing in deeply I eventually calmed myself, "My best friend hates me too… I don't blame him. I left him in the dark for 4 years while I was off prancing through Unova. We've been to hell-n-back together and I just… left him behind. Just betrayed him like that and for a Lucario I had only known for a couple of weeks at the time nonetheless." I admitted, "I left for Unova without even a single word to my friends and family, leaving it to Dawn to explain things to them. Now that am back, I hate myself for expecting things to return so easily to where I last left off. While I was gone I didn't even talk to Mom!"

Subconsciously picking up my father's katana I unsheathed the blade. Twirling it around I drove it into the ground leaning my hands and head on the hilt for balance, "I miss you, Dad… now more than ever." Taking a deep breath I calmed my nerves, "Sorry our first talk in a while had to turn out this way. I just needed someone to talk to."

Turning around I was scared half to death by Sierra's moonlit figure. She was here the entire time. Dammit Sierra!

Giving me a sympathetic look, "I hope you know, Master. There are people who care about you, people who you can talk to when you are feeling like this." She said, "You are not alone, Master" A look of worry plastered on her face.

"I know, Sierra. Thank you for caring. But, the one person I want to talk to is the one person who cannot know about... this." I motioned towards myself. Lifting my dad's sword out of the ground I re-sheathed it.

"And why not?" Sierra argued, "You don't have to keep everything bottled up inside, Master. Eventually all of this repressed emotion is going to go rushing out and the day that happens you will regret it, Master. You know it will happen!" She almost pleaded with me.

"What am I supposed to tell her! Huh? That I had a nightmare about us breaking up?! How the hell do I break that to her!" My mark burned. I sub-consciously drew my dad's katana causing the Lucario to take a step back.

"… Look. I just have a feeling that the path you are heading down is going to bite you in the ass one. I care about you, and do not wish to see you hurt." She tried to diffuse the situation, "I know what you are capable of. I just don't want to see you hurt, Master."

Taking a deep breath I forcefully calmed myself. Realizing what I had done I re-sheathed the katana, "Sorry…" I said with a hint of guilt in my voice.

"Why do you even have that?" She asked with a slightly upbeat tone trying to cheer me up, "You hung your robes (A/N: I've always called it a hoodie/suit. Now I realize I could have fucking called it a ROBE the entire time. I feel stupid) but took your fathers katana? What happened to preserving your father's memory, Master?"

"I don't know, Sierra." I sighed turning back to face my father's grave, "I don't even know what to do anymore. My excuse is that if my intention is to keep a low profile; then this sword would be much easier to conceal then my father's robes. At the very least I can use it when I train my Pokemon. I want to honor my father's memory… and if I can't do that by donning his robes, then maybe I can do it this way. Plus to be honest, robes with tailings do stick out like a sore thumb."

"I hung up the robes but the sword passes from father to son." I said kneeling down paying my final respects to my dad.

Sierra's expression softened, "He loved you very much, Master." She said sympathetically, "You may not have known him that much but I've been by his side all his life. I saw him meet your mother all the way to when you were born. He was a great man, we all lost something with his passing"

Statements like these make me realize how old Sierra actually is. She was in my life, a part of my family since before I was even born. And when I finally leave this world it will be the exact same way with my kid.

"Thanks…" I said. Closing my eyes I suppressed rushing emotions from coming out. Taking a deep breath I culled my nerves.

"Come on, we should get back to the hotel before Mistress Hikari starts worrying." Sierra said. I don't know why I flinched at the word mistress but I did.

I nodded in agreement. Getting up I grabbed Sierra's outstretched hand, "Can you leave some incense here?" I asked and with a snap of her fingers a cup of burning incense candles appeared at the base of my dad's tombstone, "Thanks, Sierra. For everything…"I have feeling our talk wasn't over but at least we ended this night on a good note.

"Anytime, Master."

Holstering my father's katana to my hip I squeezed Sierra's hand. Within a few seconds we were transported through a world of darkness and freezing cold. When we finally came out the other side we had ended up back on the balcony of the hotel room where I was facing a waiting Dawn.

Sierra, for whatever reason has teleported elsewhere mid teleportation leaving me alone on the balcony.

"Where were you?" Dawn's voice was filled with worry.

Seeing her beautiful eyes after the emotional turmoil I just went through was a sight for sore eyes. Despite whatever I may be feeling. Cupping her head with my hands I pulled her into a deep kiss. Wrapping my arms around her head I soon lost myself.

Her lips were soft and warm with a slight hint of cinnamon. It was simply… intoxicating. At first she was surprised but then she embraced me as well wrapping her arms around my neck. For that moment in time I let go of all my worldly problems. She means the whole world to me and I feel so lucky to have her, even if I feel moments like these are going to become rarer and rarer as time goes on.

Breaking our kiss I pressed my forehead exhaustedly against hers, "I love you…" I whispered running my fingers through

"What happened?" Dawn asked in a soothing tone, "And why do you have a sword strapped to your hip?"

I don't think I'm ready to tell her the whole truth, but for now Ill suffice for a partial truth, "I visited my …" I said looking away from her, "One thing lead to another but here I am."

She had a look of doubt in her eyes as if she suspected I knew more than what I was letting on. But for the moment at least, she let it go.

"And the sword…?"

"Found it on my father's suit display. I had forgone it for my axe when I first received my weapons. Now… I see no reason to leave it behind." I explained.

Pausing for a few moments, "Why were you visiting your father's grave?" She asked innocently.

Looking into those worried sapphire eyes of her I barely found the strength to talk. How could I even talk to her about my nightmare? How am I supposed to tell her that I had what might as well could be a vision about us breaking up. A breakup I fear is not so farfetched. Considering my special relationship with Mirclex I simply can' cast off my dream as just a simple nightmare… can I?

I don't think we'll break up from a fight… I fear her breaking up with me because, I feel, our relationship isn't going anywhere. Dawn waited years for me to return from Unova, years spent in the hope that we could become something… more. Returning from Unova, I had never really decided nor have thought of ever pushing our relationship to a higher level. A relationship built on the foundation of puppy love from 2, 13 year olds I might add. I know she has always wanted something more… intimate/mature/legitimate from me, I don't know what to call it. Our relationship is in a virtual deadlock, nothing ever really happens. There are little funny moments here and there like our first date but other than that, nothing. Each side content to just… stay put.

If I bring up my nightmares to her then I plant the thought in her head. If I don't; she starts worrying and speculating with a pretty high chance of arriving at the same thought anyways. I don't know what to do. I am so lost. The past 3 nights have been tearing my emotions apart from left to right. I hate feeling like this. I don't know what to do. Back when I was a kid I now understand why I avoided… love. I met, the one. Now that I'm with her I can't bear the thought of losing her.

And a part of me still thinks that this is all the work of my imagination. I mean… it was just a nightmare. A-and despite all the doubts I or she may have now that doesn't take away all the times we have spent together. Journeying through the world, discovering new things, facing new challenges, together maybe this is one of those challenges, I mean… what's a relationship without its highs and lows, right? Challenges are a part of Hoenn Grand Festival and the Valor Cup both daunting adventures we are both undertaking together. If Dawn truly loves each me than we aren't going to be breaking up over something as simple as this... right?

But… there is also a pretty high probability that I am trying to convince myself that I have nothing to worry about. We are… I am, too emotionally invested in this relationship to see it fail. I've grown so accustomed to waking up wither her at my side every day; I don't know if I could live without her. I have never felt so afraid in my entire life and all of this the product of two nights of, suspiciously vivid, nightmares.

The kind of fear I am experiencing shouldn't manifest on its own so spontaneously. Am I so insecure about the statues of my relationship with Dawn that I start questioning it's very basis after only 2 nights of these horrible nightmares? What does that say about me? What does it say about the strength of our relationship?

"… Ash?" Dawn whispered worriedly. So deep in my thought I had drifted off. Fuck, "What's been going on with you lately? Why are you so adamant on keeping this away from me?"

I looked at her and found absolutely no strength to tell her and it made my heart ache. Picking her up by the legs I carried her bridal style to the living room where I just collapsed on the couch with her on top of me.

"I went back to my house in Kanto to… hang up my father's robes." I sighed heavily, "You were right… I didn't want to destroy one of the few last things I have left of my Dad. It is better left on the display, to be preserved for as long as it can be."

Positioning herself so that she straddled my hip Dawn laid herself down on top of me cupping her arms around my head and pressing her forehead up against mine. The warmth of her soft body on top of mine was comforting nonetheless.

"You didn't answer my last question, Ash…" She said, "What has been going on with you lately? Was it something I did? Is it about those nightmares you've been having for the past few nights?

Heaving a heavy sigh I said, "I don't want to talk about it, Dawn… Really I'm fine. No need to worry." I quoted her famous catchphrase.

She frowned, "That's when I worry most, Ash…" She whispered running her fingers through my hair, "I'm here for you, Ash… That's why we're together. If you ever need to talk about anything I will always be here for you. Don't bottle up all your emotions inside."

I thought long and hard about what she said in the span of a few seconds. Raising up to a sitting position I easily towered a full head above her, "While I was away in Unova… I was gone upwards of 4 years and you… waited so long for me back home. I half expected you to have moved on while I was gone I certainly wouldn't have blamed you. I wouldn't have blamed you. I left everyone in the dark and expected you and Pikachu to sort things out on your own." I started feeling a weight lift off my chest, "After everything I did… Why did you stay?" There was no teasing, no humor, I assumed the most serious tone I could.

Leaning her head back in thought down she hmmed, "Because I love you, Ash…" She said softly, "We're in this endeavor together. I'll always be here for you when you need me." She said kissing my lips, "Is that what's this all about?"

Sighing, "More or less…" I admitted looking away in shame.

"Ash..." She moved my head so that my eyes met hers.

"I want this to work out, Dawn. I want us to last." I felt my arms branching around her waists. With the butterflies in my stomach and ache in my heart I carried on, "I'm sorry if I haven't been the best boyfriend. I know our relationship hasn't been going, well anywhere really, we've just been… sitting in our current state for the past 4 years." I tried to explain, Arceus I must have sounded so stupid and silly doing so.

Her face flashed as if she had just figured out what was wrong with me, "Well, you are not quite correct on that last part. We've taken our relationship pretty far actually, Ash." She lazily eased her forehead against mine trying to ease my nerves, "We've had sex, we're always on the move so we don't really live together, but we do sleep together, battle together, and train together, the next best thing. We share everything we have and the rest is just love… The next stage in our relationship as you say would be marriage, and I'm fairly certain we are not ready for that just yet." She slyly winked.

"Yeah you're right." I admitted feeling extremely stupid now, "I'm worrying over nothing…. I love you, Dawn." Icooed kissing her.

"I… love you… too." She mumbled in between kisses, "You know… if your dad's suit was that special to you… I suppose it's not my business… to tell you to change it out."

"Nononono, it's fine. I want to preserve whatever I have left of my father. The blades are made from metal nigh indestructible but his robes… When I'm gone I want my kids to be able to enjoy them. A priceless family heirloom you could say," At this point I just don't want her to express any negative emotions towards me. She's right. But I'll do anything to make her happy, she's my entire world…

"If that's what you think…" I saw a strange look in her eyes, I couldn't quite put my fingers on it but it was there. Nah, I must have imagined it. The past 2 nights have been rough on me…

"Where's… Pikachu?" I asked breaking our kiss with a gasp.

"Really? We're in the middle of doing this and you want to know where Pikachu is?" Dawn whined, I noticed that my shirt had somehow mysteriously disappeared.

"Sorry," I fucking hate myself for doing this, "I just remembered that I have to talk to him about something as well."

"He's out on the rooftops somewhere. I saw him go out from the balcony." Dawn whined sounding a bit disappointed, "While you go out there and talk with him I'll just be waiting here." She flopped back down on the couch her silky hair spilling over her face.

Pulling a blanket over herself she yawned sounding emulating a child not getting her way.

Sorry. Getting up I whispered, "I'll be back." before kissing my girlfriend on the forehead. Throwing on a shirt I trudged back to the balcony.

Opening the door and closing it behind me I breathed a sigh of relief having just dodged a bullet. The brisk cold night air felt so soothing against my face.

I noticed Sierra leaning cross armed against the door frame. She had been waiting for me, "So, you managed to find a way to talk about your problem without even telling her about the real thing."

"Save it, Sierra." I said, "You have no idea what I'm going thr-" I bit my tongue immediately regretted my words.

Her ears twitched, "You know what? You're right, Master. I have never experienced what you are currently experiencing right now. To be honest, you have always confused me." She spoke in a sort of passive-aggressive tone making her agitation quite apparent, "In the face of unspeakable horrors you react quite well, underreact even. But after only 2 nights of these nightmares you start losing your mind!"

"You're not going to listen to me. You made that clear. What I will offer you though, is my advice" Sierra started, "My love life has always been an emotional roller coaster but from the lifetimes I have been alive I have learned one thing…. Cherish every moment you spend with the person you love as if it were the very last time you will ever see them again. Because you will never know when at any moment they can be taken from you, whether it is by the actions of others or your own."

She had no intentions of arguing with me as just a few seconds later she dramatically teleported away in a puff of thick black smoke. Coughing I swatted the smoke away I thought real hard about what she said. For the time being I shoved the thought to the back of my head as I spotted a feint silhouette of a yellow mouse perched on a smokestack overlooking the streets below Leaping off from the balcony I landed on the roof of the adjacent building below me. Running up a small wall I made my way towards my friend noticing his ears twitching as I approached.

"Hey," I greeted, "You ready for tomorrow?"

I heard him take a deep breath, "Yeah man, I'm ready." He stretched/yawned.

An awkward silence passed over us, I knew he was still reeling in from what I said this morning.

"-You know you make it really hard to hate you, you know?" He blurted sarcastically. I couldn't repress a chuckle from bursting past my lips.

"I can't help it dude. It's just my personality." I laughed rubbing the back of my head, "There's a reason we've been friends so long I guess… that's assuming you still don't hate me."

In a guilty tone, "I don't hate you man… I just feel… betrayed. I'm angry at you because you left me back at home and yet now I feel like an incredible jerk for wanting to come with you, regarding what you said about Sierra this morning."

I could have guilt tripped him about this but I pressed a different subject, "Why did you wait so long to tell me this? You had whole months after I came home from Unova."

"I don't know." Was his pre-recorded answer, "We've both made a lot of bad decisions the past couple of years. And even if I did have a reason; I wouldn't be sharing it with you."

I found myself agreeing him. His opinions of me are his own, they most certainly weren't unwarranted.

Standing up I walked over to the center of the roof where we were at. Subconscious reaching for my hip I found out that I had left my father's katana back at the hotel.

"Fuck," I cursed myself.


"I took my father's sword from when I returned my father's robes to its pedestal. I think I left it back at the hotel room." I explained.

"Wait… you returned your fathers robes? But then took his sword?"

"I know, I confuse myself sometimes as well. All you need to know is that I own a sword right now." I said, "Just have to get back to the hotel room to get it… I want to try something with it."

"Why don't you go get Sierra to get it for you," Pikachu remarked in a passive aggressive tone.

For a few seconds I was actually going to do that but then, "Actually… I have something different in mind."

Channeling my energy I willed my spirit friend the Meloetta to appear at my side. My mark burning, the spirit appeared at my side in a cooling swampy green mist. I want you to grab my sword back at the hotel. I willed my Meloetta friend to do my bidding and that exactly was what she did.

Floating off in the direction of the hotel she emerged from the floor of the roof not 3 seconds later holding my father's katana in her hands.

"Thank you," I thanked her.

Waving me goodbye she dissolved away into a green mist.

"Hmm…" I mused looking over the katana. Securing the blade to my hip I drew the blade out in one fluid motion.

"What' are you trying to do?" Pikachu narrowed his brow.

Looking at the etchings on the side of the blade I said, "I don't feel that our fight last night was very official. How do you feel about a rematch?" I reheated the blade to preserve its edge.

"You do know that the outcome of this fight won't change my thoughts about you, right?" Pikachu skeptically said.

"I know," I replied, "That will take time, however long it may take. I just want an actual battle between us. Plus you can consider this extra training for our fight with Wallace tomorrow. I want to try something with you."

He still looked doubtful but I was sure he was aching to have another crack at me after his… depressing defeat last night. To be fair our fight last night ended more in a draw.

Leaving his little perch Pikachu went to face me, his tail started glowing as he channeled a continuous iron tail. We circled each other in a clockwise fashion. My left hand was on the base of the scabbard; my right hand was at the hilt of the katana ready to draw it in a moment's notice. Pikachu periodically scraped his tail along the ground as he walked creating showers of sparks, I threat display I presume.

But I wasn't running.

"During out fight and a little bit during our shopping trip this morning I noticed you using your electricity to lift yourself off the ground." I said, "Can you… repeat that process? I have a feeling that it will come in handy in our fight tomorrow and any fight really."

Pikahcu hmmed, "I need an external energy source to harness my electricity like that. During out fight I was struck by lightning. At the mall this morning static electricity was all I needed."

"We'll be battling in an official arena. There will be enough electrical sources for you to draw power from." I said narrowing my brow waiting for any sudden movements, "I want to see it in action though."

"So be it." Draining electricity from nearby streetlights Pikachu channeled a great burst of electricity outward. Exhaling a shuddering breath Pikachu channeled arcs of electricity out of his body and into the ground.

I could feel the powerful static force in the air.

Slowly Pikachu lifted himself in the air supported by arcs of electricity. Impressive. Within the next few seconds we stopped circling each other. Staring one another head on I was the one to make the first move.

Leaning forward I leapt off into a full sprint. Dropping from the air Pikachu charged towards with a volt tackle carrying an iron tail in two. Shifting my momentum to a slide I rolled forward before lunging into the air katana drawn over my head ready to deliver a downward swing. Pikachu slid onto his belly propelling himself along with his electricity.

As we met at the center he twirled around corkscrewing upwards swinging his iron tail. Cold steel met iron tail as our weapons clashed together.

(Later that night)


It took me quite some time to fall asleep but eventually I got to it. Dawn's head lay rested on my head, I don't know what thoughts may be going through her head if any. I have been acting quite abnormal as of late and probably shouldn't be getting so spooked over just a series of little nightmares. And… like I suspected; my nightmares started coming back to me in the depths of my sleep.

I was standing on the hillside again, Dawn was running away from me tears streaming down her eye. I noticed that Caesar wasn't there to stab me in the back this time around. My heart was beating out of my chest throughout this nightmare but I tried to steel my nerves. It's just a nightmare. It's just a nightmare. Everyone has nightmares.

I lost control of my body as my environment dissolved away into oily shadows. Suddenly being transported through what looked like a time lapse I was caught off guard by the scene before me. Days, weeks, and months passed before my eyes. I was shown accounts from both Dawn's perspective and my own of our lives… without the other…

'I hope we can still be friends'

I nearly lost it when a scene metalized in front of me it showed Dawn crying into the arms of… Paul? His brutish paws ran up and down her back stroking her hair. By far the greatest punch in the guts I have ever experienced I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry, but most importantly I wanted to leap out from my vanatage point and STANGLE. HIM. TO. DEATH!

I-I lost Dawn t-to… Paul?My greatest enemies and one of my most cruelest rival?


The image lasted 5 seconds but it was enough to rock me to my core as the nightmare swept me away to a different place. The next things I knew I found myself on my knees under a blinding white light. Arms, head and body were bound by a machine hanging above me. I noticed that now I had full control of my body, sort of.

Where the hell am I?

I was stuck in that hellish dream like sensation where I could not control my body nor experience my senses while at the same time still be able to do exactly that. A sort of limbo like state. All of a sudden the glaring white light was taken off of me allowing me to observe my surroundings once my eyes adjusted.

The first thing I noticed was that my arms weren't my own but instead were replaced by yellow furry paws… NO. God Arceus don't let this be true. My mind raced into an uncontrollable panic.

Hearing a door slide open a figure walked by in the peripheral of my vision. The figure was dressed in a lab coat with a clipboard in his hands. Another figure clad in military fatigues followed close.

'You were right Mister Upnik. She came to protect him.'


'We have been tracking this one for quite some time, Doctor. Her energy readings show unfathomable untapped power. Powers equal to some of the God Pokemon themselves.'

The military figure pressed a command into a smartphone. The wall behind him opened up revealing a figure in armor bound to a cradle of some sorts with its arms spread to form a cross. There was a full face helmet on its face but the visor on it was deactivated revealing horrified eyes looking at me.

'Sierra!' I heard a scream sounding an awful lot like… myvoice?

'Spare, me." The military figure said.

'We will find a way to crack that shell of yours open soon enough… What did your superiors call your unit? Sturm Wache? The Sturm Gott? Or something like that, our code breakers have ent been able to full decrypt ze messages sent between your nation but we woont need that soon enough' The Doctor said, "But first… let's see what is inside this specimens head…'

The figure stepped up to me head stroking my face. I wanted to bite his hands off but even my mouth was locked shut.

'I have spent years looking for you little jackal. Legends of the Golden Lucario, perhaps even Dialga himself in a mortal form spanning centuries through time. My colleagues called me fool. But I knew you existed.' The Doctor spoke with a thick German accent. He picked up a small surgical saw.

'Now let's see what's in that head of yours.'

When the pain that surpassed being burned alive in the pits of hell itself finally hit me I found that the deafening scream that should have followed came from the figure bound to the wall. I didn't even know what was going on anymore… When crimson blood filled the entirety of my vision my viewpoint shifted to the figure bound to the wall that croaked my own voice.

Its body felt weird, oddly heavy. Not from all the armor it was clad in but from the inside. Like it's very bone was much heavier than a normal human being. I couldn't move even if I tried.

The Doctor did his work. My mind stuck at whatever horrible future this was felt guilty enough not to look at what was left of his handiwork.

A mind numbing ring hung in the background

'Now... ' The Doctor inserted a vial of…. blood… into a wrist comp mounted on his arms. Pressing a few commands the bracer on the military figure lighted up. His wolfish smile sending shivers down my spine.

Bracing his left arm against my neck he stared right into my eyes. He shared the same face of the man who has been tormenting my dreams for the past few nights 'Let's see what's inside that shell of yours.' An orange energy blade burned into existence.


What followed was an epilepsy inducing slideshow of everything that has ever tormented me in this nightmare and I could only assume everything that will torment me. Dawn leaving. A bound Lucario with blood running down her face. Dawn and Paul. The image of me bound to a chair facing an array of needles prepared to skewer multiple parts of my body. Dawn and Paul. Grimlock and his brothers facing down an impossible army of tanks and soldiers. Nets flying in the air. Dawn and Paul. An EMP discharge. My greatest enemy staring me down as I lay helpless in a metal tomb, an orange blade in his hands. Paul and Dawn… together?

The scene before me suddenly became distorted as if someone was bending the fabric of my lucid reality like a piece of paper. The scenes in front of me quickly dissolved leaving me in an eerie emptiness.

"Ash!" A shadowy figure cloaked in blood red smoke tackled me from the darkness.

I had a pretty good idea who he was but my instinctual reaction was to punch him in the face. Throwing an uppercut right up its 'chin' I sent it sprawling back. Before I knew it I had an Ursaring bearing down on me licks of saliva dripping down its maw.

I stared into its furious red eyes, "There's no time for playing around, boy. I need your help." I was caught off guard when he rotated my world a whole 90 degrees putting me on my feet again.

He sounded frightened and scared something he should notbe sounding like. He was out of breath which seemed odd accounting for his supernatural presence in the world, "They are hunting me." He panted looking over his Ursaring back at a mysterious pursuer.

"What? Who?"

"I do not have time for this!" He growled, "The-the war between your two nations has gotten the council scared. My father believes it is my doing. They never really cared before about my capture but now they are closing the vice on me."

"First I tried to hide on Mount Silver but that had its own… complications." He manufactured a wall behind me to back me up into pinning his paws against my chest, "It won't be long until their hunting dogs find me. Listen, Ash. You have to help me!"

"What do you want me to do?!"

'I can feel his presence. He must be close.' Came a disembodied voice.

"They found me!" Mirclex roared, "I will find you within the next few days, Ash. You have to help me." He started dissolving away into the shadows.

"Wait. Wait. Waitwaitwait!" I grabbed a handful of fur.

"What?"He snarled growing increasingly nervous.

"The last time we met you gave me control over Grim and his brothers saying that you were preparing me for something." I blurted out praying I don't run out of time, "Why have you been sending me these awful nightmares? Are they to prepare me for whatever you have planned as well?

He took one long look at me occasionally glancing over his back, "What nightmares?"

(The next day)

(Dawn PoV)

I don't know what's been going with Ash lately and frankly… it is scaring me. He is keeping something from me, I don't believe he was telling me the entire truth last night. He asked me whyI decided to stay with him when he left for Unova. I don't know why he would ask that but it most likely had something to do with his nightmare. I had always thought that we had a mutual agreement when we got together that we would talk to each other about these kinds of things.

Then he made that statement about where we were in our relationship. I admit our relationship is a little… stranger compared to a normal couple with different circumstances and happenings but like I told Ash last night I'm actually quite comfortable where we are right now. We enjoy each-others company. We travel together. We train together. Ash even manages to keep it interesting with his constant antics. I don't want to take our relationship to the only other level because I don't believe we are ready for it.

We never had to keep a secret from each other… Ash and I. After my lost in the first contest I have been in since 4 years ago I was a little more than… distraught. But I know for a fact that it would have turned out much worse if I didn't have Ash there for me to talk to. A shoulder to lean on goes a long way in making the most of a bad situation.

Now our situation are reversed and Ash is acting like his life depends on keeping his nightmares from me. I just don't understand.

I'm looking at him right now leaning cross armed against a wall. We were in the hallway leading to the battle dome where he is to have his match with Wallace. He looks so… scared, and I'm fairly certain it is not from the pre battle butterflies.

There were dark bags under his eyes and signature constant grin and cocky disposition were not present. He had a blank expression on his face. Stoic and detached; I'm here for the sigil, nothing more he had told me on our way here.

Wrapping my arms around my boyfriend's neck I pressed my forehead against his, "Hey… how are you doing?" I asked quietly.

"I've been better," He gruffly replied. Last night, at least from my perspective, he managed to sleep through the night without waking up in a cold sweat wildly swinging at a phantom aggressor.

Absentmindedly kissing my cheek, "I'm sorry about how I've been acting the past few days." He closed his tired eyes opting to savor the moment, "I am so lucky to have you…" He hugged me.

"What's going on with you Ash? Why are you shutting me out like this?" I asked gently, "All the time we have been together we never needed to keep a secret from each other, as far as am aware. We resolved our problems by talking to each other… by helping each other. After my contest lost, I knew for a fact that I would have taken it much worse if you weren't there to help me through it… why is it any different now that you are the one experiencing a problem like this?"

He stared at me with that pained expression. What kind of nightmares can do that to him after only 4 days, heaving a heavy sigh he started to speak, "You really want to know?" He asked almost cautiously.

"Of course I do, Ash…" I said, "I will always be here for you Ash when you need me."

"I feel… conflicted. I feel like a million different emotions, most of them extremely negative, are pulling me apart in a million different directions." He started off hesitantly, "These nightmares… whether they are meaningless or not brought up… brought up a lot of repressed memories in me. Memories and thoughts I buried deep within me. Memories and thoughts I am too afraid of to even face because they are just feel so… real." He ran his hand through the locks of my hair. He had forgotten to activate the skin on his mechanical arm, something I fear will be happening quite often in the days to come.

"One step at a time, Ash. No one is rushing you." He almost seemed afraid to go on.

Sighing heavily "I'm sorry, Dawn. I know this isn't like me. It's just that these nightmares, visions, hallucination whatever the fuck they are, they make me feel so… vulnerable. I hate feeling this way. I hate feeling so helpless."

"You have nothing to be sorry for Ash…" I reassured.

"It's just that they caught me off guard that's all." He sighed, "I'm sorry if I scared you or anything." He avoided eye contact.

Suddenly an absolutely brilliant idea came to my mind, "I know what will cheer you up! After this battle; why don't we go out for a little picnic?" Ash flinched at the word picnic for some reason

"Just you and me. We can go camp out by a lake; go swimming, sightseeing, hiking. From my experience there is nothing more relaxing then a little frolic in the great outdoors." I suggested.

Ash bobbed his head as if to answer maybe but his mind was obviously elsewhere, "There's something else I need to tell you, Dawn…" He redirected.

"What is it?"

"Last night I had another nightmare… (Surprisingly enough) this time around however Mirclex visited me in my dream. He told me… He told me-" Ash fumbled with his words long enough for the universe to step in.

"May the challenger step onto the field!" The battle ref. shouted.

You couldn't have picked a worse time, mate!

Looking almost relieved Ash changed the subject, "Wish me luck, okay?" He walked off at a brisk pace not really giving me a chance respond. Pikachu came barreling down from the other side of the hallway having taken a short pre battle bathroom break.

"You ready, man?" Ash asked as the electric mouse hopped onto his shoulders. From what I discerned those two had gotten into a pretty nasty fight some nights ago when Ash's nightmares actually started.

And as far as I know those two resolved their differences for the most part. Though I did notice Pikachu express a very subtle sense of… resentment against his lifelong friend. Add that to the last of things I need to be filled in on.

I stood where I was for a few moments staring off at them. I'm going to get to the bottom of this, whatever it takes.

I made my way to the stands where the whole gang was waiting to waiting. Desmond had an extra-large bag of popcorn in his arms. The battlefield consisted of a small circular Pokeball marked island at the center of the field connected by 4 cardinal walkways surrounded by a massive pool of water.

"Really?" I motioned towards Des as he gobbled down a handful of popcorn.

"What?" He replied sheepishly, "I wanna see the spectacle. If Ash wins I'll be thoroughly entertained because I'm sure it will be a pretty intense battle. If Ash loses then I'll be thoroughly entertained because he got his ass kicked."

"Thanks for the support, asshole!" Shouted Ash from down below.

"Hey, I have the utmost faith in you!" Des re-shouted earning himself a whack on the back of the head from May and his sister.

Back on the battlefield, "Now don't you think I'm going to go easy on you just because we know each other, Ash. You will not be getting this Sigil without a fight I assure you." His voice was as smooth and dreamy as a summer breeze. I never quite outgrew my coordinating idol.

"I wouldn't want it any other way, Wallace." Ash blankly stated drawing a Pokeball from his belt.

Clearing his throat, "This will be a 6 on 6 battle between Ash of Pallet Town and Wallace of the Valor Cup Committee for the Sigil of Water. The challenger has the first move." The ref shouted loudly before blowing a whistle.

"Alright Whiscash, take center stage!" Wallace deployed a Whiscash to the field it's pokeball popping open in a radiant display of the seal placed on it.

Ash took a moment to consider his options, a good 30 seconds or so. But in an instance he quick threw a pokeball onto the field, "Infernape, get in close with flamewheel!"

"WHAT?!" Was the unanimous response from literally everyone involved in this battle. From the audience to Wallace himself everyone did a double take. Hell even Infernape had a puzzled expression plastered onto his face as he carried out his command.

"He's gone insane!" May remarked.

What the hell is he doing?

"Ash… you okay, man?" I heard Pikachu say, "I know that we've come at with some crazy strategies in the past but… this?"

"A very interesting decision Ash, I really do hope hubris hasn't overcome you after your fabled adventures in Unova." Wallace analyzed, "We shall see soon enough- Whiscash, use rain dance!" Sending a pulse of blue energy into the field rain clouds materialized at the ceiling of the stadium. Rain started pouring down upon us, it was a minor inconvenience but an inconvenience none the less.

Infernape's flame crown died down to a small blue flame half its original size. The odds were most definitely stacked against him in this battle. What is Ash planning? He has 5 other Pokemon that have such a better matchup against any of Wallace's Pokemon than what Infernape could ever hope to accomplish.

Paying no attention to the comments being made Ash pressed on, "Mach punch!" Infernape's flame wheel carried him right within punching distance of his opponent. In the blink of an eye Ash delivered a skyward uppercut right up Whiscash's chin sending the fish into the air.

Taking advantage of the situation, "Whiscash, emulate the clashing rain with water pulse!" Recovering from Infernapes dazing blow Whiscash righted himself in midair. His eyes and whiskers started glowing a hot blue as a ball of energy collected at his snout.

As Whiscash reached the top of his climb he sent a barrage of extra powerful water pulses down upon the field. They rained down like artillery fire battering whatever solid ground Infernape had to maneuver.

"Flame wheel!" Ash shouted Infernape managed to get halfway through the move before Ash said, "Cancel it and then use flame wheel in a different direction! Zig zag pattern!"

Dashing forward Infernape rolled forward assisted by his flames. Diving between two water pulses, narrowly missing them, he flamed wheeled off into a different direction always canceling the ability halfway through to change directions and then repeating the process all over again.

"Kick him as he lands, put your weight into it!" With an extraordinary amount of momentum Infernape summersaulted into the air, spinning around Infernape extended his leg driving the heel of his foot into Whiscash's face knocking the fish out, albeit temporarily. Using the recoil from the kick he did a back flip landing on his feet again letting out a simian howl.

The rain dance stopped.

"I never really grew up around Pokemon Battling but is what he's doing… legal?" Desmond asked.

"What he's doing may not be exactly… illegal. But he is certainly stretching the rules." May commented, her eyes glued to the battle.

"At first I thought Ash was insane for bringing a fire-type pokemon into an all water-type battle. But now… surprisingly enough, somehow someway, he is making it… work." Kairi sounded more dumbfounded then anything.

This is what I've always loved about Ash, his unorthodox battling style, his ability to think outside the box and beat the odds. As an up-and coming young trainer he had always relied on speed, agility, and a whole lot of luck to defeat his opponents. Now, many years later, I can only assume his new battling style is the maturation of that idea. He creates new moves and abilities on the fly catching his opponents off guard, like using only half a flame wheel turning it into a flame dash for increased mobility to dodge water type attacks even with a fire type Pokemon.

The greatest example of his on-the-fly decision making can be seen with Sierra. Even excluding her shroud blades the two have created whole new moves in the heat of battle. Moves I wouldn't be surprised to see other Pokemon using as well in the very near future. To be fair Sierra does have godlike powers but even in this battle, I'm sure Ash has an even crazier scheme up his sleeve involving Infernape.

"He's using Infernapes fire, one of the most offense orientated elements, to create a near unbeatable defense." I was reminded of the time Ash came up with his counter shield idea, a strategy I still use today.

"Don't count Wallace out just yet, Dawn." May retorted, "Hopping, dashing, and jumping around all over the place-Infernape looks like he's starting to get tired, I don't know how long he can keep up this up."

"May's right, Infernape may be dodging all of Whicash's abilities but all he needs to do is mess up once and he's out of the battle. I doubt a trainer of this Wallace's caliber will let such opportunity slip away from him."

Diving out of the way of another water pulse, "Ash, I really do not like this!" Infernape growled, "I don't even know why I'm in this battle."

"He has a point, Ash." Pikachu commented.

"Infernape! Do you trust me!?" Ash hollered.

"No, not really!" Infernape flame wheel dashed out of the way of a column of water directed straight at him.

"I would not have sent you into this battle if I didn't think you could win it! Now I've pulled victories out of my ass against even worse odds in the past! Put your trust in me and I promise I won't let you down!" Ash implored somehow maintaining his calm composure. I don't know if staking Infernapes trust in him is a really smart move, it's certainly bold nonetheless.

"Alright, Ash I'll play your game." Wallace announced, "Whiscash, use water pulse on the pool around us!" Hopping into the air Whiscash blasted a volley of water balls into the surrounding pool levitating massive columns of water into the air.

"Ah shit!" Infernape growled.

"Now Whiscash, condense the water into the thickest of fogs!" Wallace flourished his hand, "Let's see how you improvise your way out of this one, Mr. Ketchum." Wallace is not giving that Sigil up without a fight.

The fog spread throughout the battlefield somehow leaving the bleachers untouched.

"Keep an eye out, Infernape." Ash called out nervously, "Don't stand around like a sitting psyduck. Run forward and use flamethrower to create a ring around yourself like you would a flame wheel." He yelled into the fog.

What are you planning?

I saw a layer of the fog light up with burning fire. Chances are, Wallace saw it too.

"Whiscash now! Use surf!" With bright flash of aquamarine light Whiscash condensed the fog into liquid water channeling it into his increasingly growing tsunami sized wave of water. Infernape barely had time to create that flamethrower flame wheel Ash told him to do.

"No time! MACH PUNCH INTO THE GROUND." Ash reacted instinctively.

With a Simian howl Infernape drove his fist into the ground creating an outwardly shockwave of epic proportions. Fire cascaded outwards from Infernape in molten rings as the sheer heat of the defensive move flash drying all the water Whiscash commanded into water vapor.

"What the fuck…" We were left dumbfounded.

I could feel the blistering heat from here.

"He hasn't won yet, look." Kairi pointed in the direction of Infernape who laid sprawled out on the ground gasping for air his fire crown a mere ember of small blue fire, "The poor thing…"

"Whoa, didn't know I could do that!" Infernape wheezed.

"An ingenious move Ash, But was the cost worth it?" Whiscash was left un-phased by the ring of fire. All of Infernape's energy had been expended to stop one move that would have ended the battle for him. But now he's vulnerable and quite possible worse off than before.

"Infernape! You gotta get up!" Ash shouted.

"Whiscash, press on with water pulse!" Wallace shouted.

Flipping himself into the air Whiscash sent a volley of three water pulses towards his opponent.

"NOOOO!" Infernape roared. Instinctively backflipping into the air Infernape mustered the strength to evade his demise. Crashing ungracefully back onto the ground, skidding on his back, Infernape looked ready to pass out.

"A clever move, but it appears you are only ensuring your defeat, Ash." Wallace observed, "I hate to tell you of all people this, but you should have thought your entire plan through before you made the decision to bring a fire-type Pokemon to an all water-type battle."

"Whiscash, use surf!" Whiscash pressed riding a crushing wave of water.

"Mach punch the ground!" Ash shouted, his expression grew more and more unsure and nervous as time passed by."

Groaning in pain Infernape raised his left arm channeling energy into it before slamming it into the ground, the resultant explosion sending him flying through the air carrying smoke trails behind him. Crashing into the audience seats Infernape quickly picked himself back up adrenaline seemingly taking him over.

"Jump off the side and use flamethrower! Circle the flames around yourself like you would a flamewheel." For the first time this whole battle Infernape hesitated at his trainers command. In the end he still did what was required of him.

Jumping off the side Infernape channeled a steady stream of fire from his jaws as he flipped through the air. Falling out of view we in the audience feared the worst, he could die if he plunged into the water below. This is no longer about pushing his pokemon to the limit, Ash now runs the risk of killing Infernape.

With a surge of burning orange light Infernape came barreling upwards on a makeshift flame scooter.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Des did a spit take with the soda he was slurping.

Infernape blazed across the arena with impunity howling with excitement, "THIS IS FUCKING GREAT!" He shouted.

"The fight's not over yet!" Ash grinned, "Now get in close and use mach punch!" Revving the wheels on his flame scooter Infernape charged forward with a battle cry, an arm glowing with energy.

"You are certainly full surprises Ash I'll tell you that. Your ingenuity is unmatched!" Wallace complimented .

Coming in like a screaming eagle Infernape switched off the fire just as he reached Whiscash.

"AAAAAHHHHHHH!" Sliding across the ground the monkey spun around and delivered a crushing uppercut right up Whiscash's chin sending the fish flying into the air.

"Jump up after him! Use flamethrower into the ground!" Ash shouted. Shooting a stream of fire into the ground Infernape lifted himself up into the sky.

"Hyper beam!"

"-Shit!" Ash instantly regretted his decision.

Swirling energy gathered around Whiscash's maw. With a flash of blinding white light the Whiskers Pokemon shot out a swirling beam of pure energy right down at Infernape. Hitting him directly in the chest the hyperbeam carried Infernape all the way to the ground sending shockwaves out into the environment and cracking the floor. That didn't look too pleasant…

"Oh no!" Kairi.

"Arceus, that hurts." Infernape exhaled painfully. He tried to pry himself out of the ground.

"Water pulse!" Wallace shouted catching Ash off guard.

Falling from the air Whiscash sent a burst of 3 water pulses towards the dazed Infernape.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Was that… fear in Ash's voice?

Diving to his left Infernape narrowly dodged the first water pulse with the second one grazing his arm. The last water pulse however, went flying into his burnt chest like freight train. Crashing into the ground Infernape lay motionless, the fire on his head… a small blue ember

"Infernape!" Ash screamed helplessly, "You gotta get up man!" He called out for the second time.

Mustering whatever strength he had left Infernape wobbly picked himself back up. The poor thing could barely stand.

"Hyper beam, one last time!" Wallace commanded calmly. Whiscash had just recovered from his post hyper-beam downtime.

"Flamethrower!" Ash desperately shouted.

A swirling beam energy came from Whiscash while a column of fire shot out from Infernape's mouth. The two collided at the center of the battle field with a massive multicolored explosion.

"Keep it up!" Ash commanded.

Infernape put his entire body into that flamethrower. But in the end his strength failed him. Whiscash pressed on his hyper beam and he eventually started gaining ground on his opponent. Falling to his knees Infernape tried to beat the odds. But it was too late. In a massive explosion Infernape was sent flying through the air.

"Water pulse!" Whiscash quick fired a water pulse before his body seized up.

The singular ball of swirling water flew through the air and impacted Infernape right on the head as he went crashing down at the edge of the island. There he lay motionless. But he had not passed… yet.

"Infernape! " Ash pleaded for his friend to get up. His body soaking wet, Infernape tried to pick himself up. To obey his trainer. But like a light switch the poor thing collapsed onto the ground with an audible thump.

"Oh my Arceus!" Kairi gasped, a hand over her mouth, "What was he thinking. Infernape could have died in this battle and now is worst off then he thoughted." She whispered under her breath.

"What was he trying to prove?" Des asked innocently almost as quietly as his sister.

My gaze shifted down to Ash. He wasn't angered or saddened by his defeat. He looked… surprised. As if he had expected to win the battle. Perhaps Wallace was right, maybe Ash's hubris got the better of him in this one. The stadium was silent, and it was not because there were only 7 people in it.

Picking up Infernape Ash began walking back mumbling something to his unconscious friend. It was too silent to hear but from what lip I could read he said something along the line of, I'm sorry… I let you down…my fault."

Returning Infernape Ash just stood there, almost looking for the will to go on. Pikachu whispered some words of encouragement to his friend but I doubt Ash heard him.

"Sierra!" He called and in a puff of smoke Sierra appeared on the field, surprising everyone.

"Already bringing out the big guns." Des commented, "That's not a good thing. Was Ash that shaken by Infernape's loss? What was he expecting?"

Sierra's burned her shroud blade into existence and that was the end of the line for Whiscash. The rest of the body went on with a troubling silence, at least from us the audience. Ash made use of Pikachu, Torterra, and Staraptor during the battle but Sierra just cuts through Wallace's Pokemon like butter. Besides Pikachu as well, he didn't have to rely on much else.

I noticed a purple haired figure leave the stadium just as Pikachu was about to deliver the finishing blow to Wallace's Milotic.

It wasn't much of a surprise that Ash won his Sigil. But there was no cheer or even half a smirk coming from Ash. He just took his reward, thanked Wallace and left, wearing an emotionless mask on his face. But it was his eyes that I noticed the most. Those orbs filled with confusion and turmoil.

Something's going on with him, he saw something in his nightmares or Mirclex told him something that shook the courageous, confident, caring guy I fell in love with to his core. Whatever it takes I'm going to get to the bottom of this. Whatever it takes…

(Caesar Upnik POV)

Show time.

I was aboard the Alpha Draconis. Our glorious Admiral Tungsten has requested my appearance aboard his ship to 'reprimand me for my… misconduct in the presence of a superior officer.' He couldn't have taken the bait more perfectly.

There he is right now. walking down the hallway all high and mighty.


"Shut up, mate!" I punched him in the face using his disorientation to get him into a rear naked choke. Sliding my way into a meeting I threw the glorious admiral across a table and pressed the dead space button.

Metal plates slid over the glass one way, sound proof windows as a temporary comms jammer was set up around us. No one gets in. No one will hear anything said in this room. Looking up I was blindsided by a punch to my face sending me slamming into the wall with a metallic thunk.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!" The Admiral prepared to throw another punch. Bobbing my head to the right his fist went straight into the wall. Heel kicking him in the abdomen I grabbed his head and slammed it against the wall.

Bracing one hand to his neck I drew my knife and drove it deep through his stomach tearing muscle and cracking bones. Blood started spilling from his open wound. I maneuvered the blade through several major organs barring his lung and heart.

I crushed his neck with the side of my arm, poor bastard can't even scream. It's not like anybody would of heard him anyways.

"Hello, Admiral." I smirked. Like a fly caught in a web he was hopelessly powerless against me.

"Isaac!" He croaked, "Why are you doing this!" His voice was hoarse and raspy. I certainly wasn't giving him an easy time.

Retracting the knife through his body tore through even more of his internal organs and left an even bigger hole in his stomach, "Keep some pressure on that, mate." I threw away the holo-projectors. The look on his face after I did that was priceless.

Kicking out a chair I threw the admiral onto it. Producing a flex cuff from my pockets I quickly shifted behind him pulling it over his neck, tying his neck down to an ergonomic hole on the back of the chair I tightened the choke hold on him bending his head back uncomfortably and pointed it straight at the ceiling.

His hands were preoccupied with the hole in his stomach trying to not bleed out. Perfect.

"I'm sure you're aware that I am not who you think I am. I'm going to make this clear, mate. Potus is due to meet with the Queen of the United Regions on neutral grounds to discuss a ceasefire and clear up any rash decisions made by each of their governments." I circled him trailing my knife against his exposed neck as the admiral gasped for breath, "Now I can tell you that you will face the fires of hell itself if you don't tell me where they will be meeting, yada yada yada. It's just too boring, mate" I kicked the chair across the room slamming it roughly against the metal plated walls. The force of motion on the flexi cuff made a little cut on his neck drawing blood.

"I will kill you. You will die a very slow… painful death and I will be laughing like a kid in the candy store all the way through. You-" I did a drum roll on the table, "-Get to decide how long you will have to put up with it. Whether it be 3 days or 3 minutes I have the means of keeping you alive for as loooong as I want. Let me show you," I drew my hidden sidearm and fired it at his chest. If my aim held up it would have pierced his lung.

Sure enough within seconds Mr. Tungsten here started gasping for air as one of his own lungs started to collapse on itself. Taking a syringe full of nanobots from my uniform I set it on the table within his full view of course.

"Let's just… sit here and enjoy the moment." I pulled out a chair for myself. Sitting across from each other we must have looked like great friends having a conversation.

I watched him squirm in his seat. Any movement he made caused him to choke himself out with the binding around his neck. Add that to a shot lung well… I'll take a guess he's not having a good time right now. Too bad his suit is all bloody now, I would have loved to wear the dress blues of the great Admiral Tungsten of Unova.

After a good minute I took the syringe and simply stabbed his neck with it. I didn't dispense anything I just wanted to stab him with a needle. Repeating the process again I injected about a quarter of the syringes capacity of nano bots into him. Within a few seconds he was breathing… normally again and a significantly less amount of blood was pouring out of the whole in his stomach.

"Oh, the best part of this!" I pressed a series of command son my wrist-comp. Within a few seconds Mr. Tungsten was screaming at the top of his lungs as the nanobots coursing through his body released a chemical into his blood stream that had a similar effect to capsaicin in the chili peppers I oh so loved so much.

As the once glorious admiral screamed his heart out from the pain I couldn't help but think how… hilarious the situation was. Within a few moments I found myself laughing with equal vigor to our admiral here.

"Hey dude, do you keep alcohol in this room?" I started rummaging around the room, "I could really use a drink right now." I turned to Tungsten for an answer but I didn't speak blood curdling scream.

"Okay, okay. I don't even think alcohol is allowed on a military vessel. As you can see mate, I was never in the military." I said, "Which raises the question of how poor your security is to even allow me on this ship."

We went at it for hours like two good chumps. I told him a little about myself, about my mother and family, how I grew up. Even a little about Team Plasma. The best part, was when we had a little discussion about what insanity was. Of course Mr. Tungsten here is the rudest guest ever. He couldn't stop screaming and cursing me out alternating between the two like a drunken hyena.

I didn't learn much about him, but I think we both left with a good feeling in our hearts having learned something about the other. Of course we didn't leave the room or anything but this is all metaphorical of course. I was laughing, he was screaming. The jolly fun increased tenfold when I made an improvised blowtorch from a lighter. I brought me back to my younger days all over again. Ahhh… good times… good times.

The Admiral and I had so much fun during our play date that I didn't even notice my phone vibrating, "Quiet down, quiet down. I have a call." I scolded the rudest of Admirals punching him in the face and tightening the flexi cuff around his neck.

Gargling choking sounds wasn't much better than outright screams but I guess it'll do.

"Hello?" I pressed answer on the touch pad putting the phone on speaker.

"Caesar, we found the location of where the Queen and Potus will be meeting. It wasn't easy-"

"Waitwaitwaitwait. It wasn't easy?." It was my partner, I interrupted my partner.

An awkward silence passed over us before we both started cracking up, "BAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. OF COURSE IT WAS EASY! We have infiltrated nearly every level of this nation's government. I thought I had you there for a second."

"I had to do a double take when you said that too, mate." I motioned towards Tungsten whose face was as blue as a blueberry, 'Can you believe this guy?'

"Anyways," I chuckled, "Where are they meeting?"

"They're meeting on a Kalos aircraft carrier. Neutral territory."

"You got a name?"

"The K.N Understanding. Command wants you to lead a strike tea-"

"Hey, hey, hey. Don't want to disclose too much to Admiral Tungsten here. We've been having the greatest of times the past few hours." I stared at him straight in the eyes, well… what's left of his eyes… face, never breaking eye contact.

"Why not? You're going to kill him anyways."

"Indeed," I shut off the phone, "Well it looks like I didn't need you anyways. Sorry for the trouble mate uhm… I'll send a casserole or something for your troubles." I stripped the medals, ribbons, and commendations from his seat. Gotta perfect the disguise.

Picking up the syringe I drove the needle through his head drawing blood from the foreskin. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to pierce the skull but I used enough force. Injecting the nanobots directly into his brain it didn't take long until it was lights out for the admiral.

"-WAITWAITWAIT. I have a much better idea." I commanded the nanobots to resuscitate him. What little mircales of technology they are, "In fact I'll give you that pardon gift right now. Do you like sea food?"

It was little difficult smuggling the still alive Admiral to the deck of the Draconis which was stationed in the water, but I made the journey. As we reached the edge of the deck he tried to fight me off showing surprising strength for what I put him through. When I say surprising strength I meant surprising strength for him. It was like being hit by a balloon.

I programmed the nanobots in his body to seize up all of his muscles while at the same time forcing him to take a deep breath of air. While at the same time, did the entire body on fire from the inside thing again. With that I simply threw him overboard.

(The Ketchum Residence)

Delia was about to embark on her morning jog. Equipped in jogger's attire she bounced down the stairs. Running by her late husband's studies the single mother noticed a peculiar sight. Mounted on its cradle were her husband's robes.

"Shouldn't Ash have this?" She mumbled to herself.

Sensing her confusion Mr. Mime approached, "Is there something wrong?" The mime pokemon asked.

"I don't know. Mr. Mime did you see anybody come through the house in the past two days?" Delia strolled towards the beat-up robes trailing her hands down the sturdy fabric.

"No I have not. Odd." Mr. Mime replied.

"Odd indeed," Delia's hands absentmindedly moved down to a button. Taking one last look at the robes she pressed the button causing the wall to flip around sealing off the robes from the world until a time it would be needed again.

Note on my estimated length for this story: Writing/typing is a hobby for me. I do it when I feel like it and it is mostly for my own entertainment. I do plan on ending this story by, at most, the 100 chapter mark, that seems like a good number. Afterwards or even right after this chapter I'll start perusing other ideas that have been building up inside my imagination. Of course with the current pace I'm going that will be many years from now. My apologies of this chapter was a little sloppy, I worked on adding several themes and undertones. Don't worry though, it'll get much worse for Ash as the chapters go by because I'm such an evil person :3. Hope you liked it. Until next time!