Chapter 32: Clues to where they are!

Author & Cast:

Me:Guess whose trying to come back?~~

Fate:Otaku-kun!? It's been...Forever!

Me:I know right? Lol, Sorry for not updating for like Ions, I've been busy ever since I got into friggen Highschool *Sigh* At least now it's like summer~~

Fate:That's great! So are you still thinking of doing a Victorious Story by the way?

Me:Oh right, I need help with that. I don't know what type of thing it should be.. hmm..

Fate:Think about it later, look everyone, Look whose back *Turns to all the other characters*

Nanoha:Oh, that finally came back.


Saeko:Welcome back Otaku-kun, I shouldn't be saying this since you still might have a busy schedual and might have to stop writing for a bit.

Me:There there, btw. I'm thinking of fixing the story up a bit, like grammar and stuff like that so expect some things to be changed in the previous chapters kay everyone? Anyways, does someone wanna say the thingy?

Fate: I'll do it, Otaku-kun-


Me:Lol she cock-blocked Fate-chan.

Fate:Damnit Hayate..

Hayate:Love you~~


((Fate's POV))

We were back on the road to the school Takashi told us about. Let me refresh your minds for a bit, the car broke down for a bit but I fixed it with my great skills hehe. Anyways, yeah, that's what happened a while ago. Minutes passed by as Shizuka drove. Finally, we were there at the school.. It looked totally messed up, blood was all over on the ground, windows were broken, the front doors were broken down. It's a bad idea to still think Takashi's mom and little sister are in there, safe.

"You think your Mom and Sister are in there?"Kohta asked Takashi curiously as he stares at the school like the rest of us. Takashi looked nervous and weary, "I don't know...but we have to try right? What if they are in there.."He says with a somewhat determined tone.

"Marikawa-sensei, can you park somehwhere close by?"Saeko asked Shizuka curiously. Shizuka nodded and did as told, parking close by the school.

"Should we all go?"I asked curiously as Saya nodded, "They could be anywhere in the school. Let's all go, split into groups then search everywhere for Takashi's Mom and Sister."

"If we're all going we should make it seem like this vehicle is broken down so no survivor that is left would try to steal it." Hayate suggests. We all look at her in disbelief. "What?" She looked at us in confusion.

"That was a smart sentence from you.. we rarely get those!"I comment, only to get punched on the arm softly, "Ouch, don't abuse me."

"Oh shush up Fate-chan"Hayate pouts.

"Let's go"Saeko says, getting out of the car after Takashi and Kohta. The two boys did their best to make it seem like our ride was busted up. "Good job guys"I gave them a thumbs up. "So what're the groups?"I then asked all of them.

"Hmm, let's see.. Me, Shizuka, Saeko, Hayate, Kohta, Takashi and Fate"Saya was counting the amount of people there, "There's 7 of us here so that means 3 groups, 2 with 2 people and 1 group with 3."

"Me and Kohta"Takashi says quickly, "Apparently we're always paired together in a group thing so I might as well say it before we're left out again."He chuckled slightly as Kohta nodded in agreement.

"Okay, so then... Me and Fate-chan~"Hayate says happily but Saeko cuts in, "Yagami-san I think you should be with Takagi-san"Saeko tells her. "Eh, Why!?"Both Saya and Hayate whine to her to my amusement. "Hayate-san, you and Takagi actually know how to fight a bit. It'll take about two skilled people to watch Marikawa-sensei."Saeko points out.

"Hey! Offensive!"Shizuka moans in disbelief as she hugs me, "Saeko's being a meanie Fate-chan!" I pet her to comfort, "There There Shizuka-chan" I say, sweat dropping a bit as she purrs and nuzzles into my hand. "I love Fate-chan's hands. So comfy, so big, such long fingers that can reach into my va-" Takashi cut her off.

"You can think about those things later Sensei"He and Kohta were blushing a bit. "No need to be embarrassed Takashi-chan"I laugh at his face. "Anyways, Saeko's right Hayate. I trust you can help Saya out?"I gave her an innocent look , hoping she'd fall for it.

Hayate stared at me for a second, "Fine! But I deserve something for going with her.."Hayate pointed a accusing finger at Saya.

"I'll give you a kiss?"I tell her with a chuckle, 'this better work..'

"DEAL~~"Hayate says happily, you could already see the invisble dog ears and tail on her, wagging around excitedly. I felt Saeko and Saya's intense glares on me as Shizuka tries to already kiss my lips, "Kiss me now Fate-chan~"Shizuka says in a childish tone.

I did as asked and pecked her lip softly to satisfy her a bit. "We're going a head, we'll go search my mom's classroom"Takashi announces as he and Kohta left to go inside. We watched them leave for a few seconds.

"We're gunna go check other areas"Saya says with a grumble, annoyed that she had to go with Hayate. "If it helps bubble-butt, I can kiss you too?"I asked curiously as her expression changed from annoyed to blushing.

"W-Who would want that!? B-But you did offer... I might as well take the offer and let you kiss me after.."Saya says in a tsundere way.

'Cute~'I comment in my head as Saeko clings to my arm, "Let's go Fate"She says in a demanding tone, dragging me into the school. Shizuka followed after us, not wanting to be left behind or else she'll get lost.

Saya and Hayate were the last group to enter the school building.

Saeko and I decided to search the Cafeteria to see if anyone was there. The place was all messed up, like outside, there was blood everywhere. Shizuka clings to me as I hold Saeko's hand. The Katana Souchirou gave me was in my other hand, ready to be used as we moved with caution. While we were moving, something fell and made a loud noise in the cafeteria. Shizuka got scared and hugged me from behind, "Eeeekk! I don't wanna be here anymore!"She complains.

"Calm down sensei"Saeko says, pushing the teacher off of me and hugging me on the side. "Nothin is scary here.."

"Busujima, if nothing is scary you should let go of Fate so I can hug her."Shizuka points out, "Unless your scared too?"

"Oh? The great and sexy Saeko Busujima? Being afraid of something so little like this?"I asked in amusement as Saeko grabbed between my legs and squeezed 'friend' roughly.

"I am not scared."She smiled an over friend smile, her hand released my friend but she didn't move it. Instead, Saeko began to palm that area. This causing me to tremble as I feel my manhood start to erect from that. "Ohh~ Someone got hard"Shizuka looked excited as she stared at the hardness between my legs where Saeko was rubbing.

I feel Shizuka's hands snake around my 'friend' too as Saeko stops rubbing and starts to unbutton my pants. "D-Did you two get horny!?" I asked in surprise as Saeko only smiles.
"Squeezing your 'friend' got me horny."She says innocently.

"I'm 99.9% horny all the time~"Shizuka says with a seductive smile, "Only for Fate-chan~~~"

"O-Okay I get it but you do understand we're in the middle of a search party?"I asked them curiously with a blushie face as my dick was pulled out of my underwear. "We're well aware of it"Saeko got on her knees like Shizuka in front of me and began to play around with my 'friend' as I watch them. "Keep watch Fate-chan~"Shizuka tells me as she licks up the shaft of my dick, her tongue going all the way up to the tip.

"N-Nnn..."I let out a small moan as the two go do what they want down there. Not wanting something to pop out and kill us, I keep watch for anything bad.

"Tasty"Saeko comments, "Shall we let you fuck our breasts Fate?"She asked, staring up at me with that sexy smile. My hard member throbs from hearing that, it just got me excited. "Ah, seems like your penis wants a tit fuck from us~"Shizuka says as they bring those monster tits of theirs out.

((No One's POV))

Fate watched, a bit excited, as Saeko and Shizuka place their boobs on her penis. The two began to rub at it with those enormous tits. "Does it feel good Fate-chan?~ Do you like it when our boobies rub your large dick?~~"Shizuka asked with a hungry look in her eyes, wanting the liquids from Fate's thick meat. "Give us your cum Fate"Saeko tells Fate, she began to lick at the tip of that penis slowly as pre-cum was getting out. Shizuka joined in on licking around the head, hers and Saeko's tongues touching at points as they stare up at Fate.

"G-G-Guhh.. S-Shit I-I'm-!?"Fate's back arches as her sperm flew out. Landing into Shizuka and Saeko's mouths, onto their face and some on their boobs. Fate sighs in releif from the release as shuffling was heard in the school's kitchen. The two kneeling on the ground quickly stood up as Fate fumbles to fix her pants.

"It came from the kitchen.."Saeko comments as she licked up the sperm on her face then scoops up the sperm on her breast and ate that as well. Shizuka had finished up her amount of sperm and pouted since Saeko was still chewing hers. "Give me some.."Shizuka forcefully french kisses Saeko in front of Fate.

"S-Stop doing that, I'm gunna get horny at the wrong time!"Fate complains with a blush on her face as she watched them do that. Saeko smiles as Shizuka moved back satisfied, "That's the plan"Saeko tells Fate as Shizuka nodded.

"I got the condoms ready~"Shizuka says with determination as the samurai girl leads the way into the kitchen. Fate followed after Shizuka clings to her. Silently the three get in there and look around, nothing was there. But what was that sound they had heard not to long ago?

More sounds were heard. The three looked around with caution again. Shizuka suddenly screams as she hugs Fate, hiding her face on the blonde. "R-Rat!"Shizuka cries as a rat appeared, running around on the ground. Saeko trembled from the sight and hugged Fate too, silently though to make it seem like she wasn't afraid. Fate trembled from the sight of the animal. Shizuka whines, "Nooo, I don't wanna stay in here anymore!"She trembled too as more rats run around. "Faaatee-chaannn!"Shizuka had a teary face on as Saeko was trying her best not to look at the creatures.

"O-Okay, calm down you two. We're leaving"Fate says as she tries to move but Shizuka and Saeko were hugging too tight.

"I-I don't wanna move"Shizuka shook her head, "What if they.. run past us while we were walking!?"Shizuka shook Fate.

"How about I carry you out Shizuka?"Fate suggests, "That way-"She was cut off when Shizuka jumped into her arms. "Let's go Saeko.."Fate sweat drops and tries to walk out this time but saeko was still holding her back. "S-Saeko?"

Saeko just held onto Fate, she was a bit teary too (SURPRISING.)

"D-Don't tell me your afraid of rats too!?"Fate looked at Saeko surprised.
"E-Everyone has a fear of something"Saeko pouted as her fists pound at Fate's back. "J-Just hurry up and follow me"Fate comments as she drags Saeko out while carrying Shizuka.

Meanwhile, Saya and Hayate were looking through classrooms. "So bubblegum, what made you interested in Fate the first time you met her?~~"Hayate asked curiously, wanting to get some info.

Saya looked at her with a , 'What the fuck, seriously?' look. She shrugged it off and answers Hayate's question while looking around, "Her stupidity."

"Ehh? I'm stupid, why don't I get a harem?"Hayate pouts.

"There's a difference between your stupidity and Fate's stupidity."Saya points out. "Fate's hot too and she's nice. So those add points to her charm, even if she's a pervert."

Hayate nodded in agreement, "Her body is so...well built too is it not?"Hayate asks as Saya nods. "Very nice addition, especially that special addition. Her d-"Saya realized what she was about to say, "-determanation to protect us!" She rephrased.

"That is a nice special addition."Hayate agrees as they run into Kohta and Takashi. "Oh! Taka-chan, did you find your Mama and Sister yet?~"

Takashi shook his head, "No we didn't, but we did find a note from my mom. It said that they'll be at home, waiting for me."He says with determination. "Where are the other three?"

"Hopefully they're searching around instead of fucking like wild animals."Hayate comments with a playful smirk as Fate appears, carrying Shizuka and dragging Saeko. "Oh, instead they're playing house"Hayate looked in awe. "I kinda expected Busujima to be the wife but..oh well I guess the roles are okay?"

"Oh shut up."Fate pouts as she puts Shizuka down. "We ran into a little problem in the cafeteria"

"You ran out of condoms?~"Hayate asked curiously

"Not that type of problem!"Fate blushes, "Anyways, it was a rat problem but I think it's okay for now. Did you four find anything?" She asked them curiously as Saeko tries to get back into her calm state.

"Takashi and Kohta found a note"Hayate took the note from Takashi, "His Mommy and Sister might be at their house~ So let's go there Fate-chan~~" Takashi took the note back and shoves it into his pocket. Saeko nodded, "There could be a chance they're there, if so we can take them back to Fate's house for shelter then move onto Miyamoto's family." She comments.

"Ahem... to the Car!"Shizuka says in Sync with Hayate, the two being childish as everyone walks off to the car. "Where's my kiss?"Hayate tugs on Fate's shirt, her lips were puckered up as she stared at Fate with innocent eyes.

"Oh right"Fate nods as she felt the cold glares from Saeko. "O-Okay.."Fate kissed Hayate quickly then turns to get into the car but was paused by Saya.

"You offered m-me a kiss too!"Saya pouts as she stood there with a blushie face. "Give me my kiss then we'll move on.."She demanded.

Fate nods, in awe at Saya's action as she goes and pecks the Saya's lips softly. Saeko then pulled Fate into the car after that. "Come Fate, if they can kiss you I can too.."Saeko smiles as she roughly kisses Fate, her tongue getting into the blonde's mouth. Their tongues wrestling against each other as the others were coming in, Takashi sitting in the front by the pouting Shizuka who started the car. Saya pulls Saeko off of Fate, "Stop doing that Busujima, she needs to breath!"Saya glared, Saeko glared back as Fate panted. Kohta decided to stare out the window, not wanting to watch whatever action was going down, he did listen though.

Saya got onto Fate's lap, reverse piggy back style and stared at her with a red face. "It's not fair how Busujima gets to do this stuff with you.."Saya comments as she straddled Fate's lap, secretly she rubbed herself on Fate's penis as her lips touched the blonde's softly. "Kiss me back?"Saya says innocently, this causing a reaction where Fate did so and kissed Saya back.

Saeko was glaring daggers as Hayate video tapes with her cellphone so she can show the others later. Shizuka had enough, "S-Stop trying to have sex in the back without me!"Shizuka complains. "Shut up you ditzy nurse!"Saya growls as Saeko pulls her off and sat her down, Fate was covering her crotch area with her hand as Saeko sat down by her.
"Let's calm our hormones down for now, what matters now is that we find Komuro's family and get them to the shelter."Saeko tells Saya. Saya pouted but did as told and tried to calm her hormones down.

'Weren't you the one who started it...?' Fate, Kohta and Takashi thought as Hayate pouted, "Awe man... Do something else! Fate-chan, go finger Busujima-senpai and Takagi at the same time!"Hayate cheers.

'Don't encourage it!' The two males thought as Fate sweat drops.

"Yagami, put the phone away before I break your face.."Saya threatens as Hayate quickly put the phone away with a small yelp.

The rest of the ride was silent but you could smell the hormones on a few of them. All of a sudden the car began to stop.

"Eh?.."Fate looked surprised as Shizuka came to a complete hault with a nervous smile on her face, "So uhmm... I forgot to fill the car up with uhh ahahah gas?"Shizuka says nervously as Saya broke into a tantrum.

"God damnit you ditzy nurse! What now!?"Saya growls, she looked as if she was ready to choke someone, Horny Saya + Annoyed Saya could = to death if cards aren't being played right.

"We're gunna have to walk the rest of the way."Saeko sighs as she was the first to step out of the car, Fate followed her sexy ass as the others come out too.

"B-But it's almost night time.."Hayate points out.

"Let's find a place to stay for now, we can check if they're there tomorrow when there's light out."Takashi comments.

"Uhmm... Takashi-chan... the only thing close by here is.."Fate turns her haed to look at a Love hotel.

The women of the group were silent for a few seconds, then they came to the conclusion. "Let's stay in there!" They tell Kohta, Takashi and Fate. Fate had no time to argue because, Saeko and Shizuka began to drag her in as Saya pushes her to enter the building. Hayate followed while looking around, thinking this was sme kind of a field trip as the two male members of the group followed along with a long sigh.

'This is gonna be a lonnnng night' Fate thought, along with Takashi and Kohta who were dragged into a normal room by Hayate.

Me:Stopping here for now~~~

Fate:Hmm...The chapter seems to be at a decent length I believe?

Nanoha:*Growls* Fate-chan is so popular in this story...

Me:What's wrong with that?~

Nanoha: I don't want her popular! She's suppose to fuck me and only me!

Me:Hahaha, there's a lot of fanfics like that lol. Keep calm and love the Fate harem.


Me:Anyways, we found one of Saeko's fears in this chapter~~ *Pets a rat*

Girls (Except Shamal and Suzuka):*SCREAM And runs behid Fate*


Shamal:Most girls are scared of that *Innocent smile*

Me:Oohh! *Puts rat down in cage* Lol, I learned something new everyday~ Anyways, I'll try my best to update the next chapter later~~ BYE-Niiii~~