**OKAY! This is my Black Butler version of 'Cinderella'.
WARNING: Cross-dressing, Yaoi, and Lemon (In later chapters). If you don't like it. Click the back button. :3
Disclaimer: I do not own Black Butler or Cinderella.
Enjoy! ^^
Once Upon a Time...
There was a family, A rather happy family at that. The family was known as the Phantomhive Family. The Phantomhive family was known to be the greatest toy maker's ever. The head of the Phatomhive was Vincent Phantomhive, He was married to Rachel Phantomhive. They had one Son, named Ciel.
The word 'Ciel' means Sky in French. Ciel born with what was called an 'Un Holy' eye. It was purple with stars inside of it. A pure mark from the devil himself. His parents didn't care about the mark, they would just put a eye patch over it so others wouldn't see it. The people who knew about Ciel's eye called him 'Unholy', 'impure', and 'Bad Luck'. His parents told him to just ignore those people and to always remember that he will be loved by at least one person, even if they are dead.
On Ciel's sixth birthday his mother became very ill and wasn't able to talk or move much. Vincent and Ciel stayed by her side in hope that she would get better. Only a few weeks went by and she had died. Vincent was in such despair, he knew that he only had Ciel left and that he needed to protect his beloved son.
Years passed and Ciel was now turning nine. His father had asked him to sit down so they could talk. Ciel did as he was told and looked at his father awaiting for his words.
"Son, What would you do if I told you that you would have a mother soon?" Vincent asked as he watched his Son's eyes widen.
"W-what... What do you mean?!" Ciel had shouted.
"Now now, No need to yell!" Vincent said trying to calm Ciel.
"There's a perfect need to yell! I don't want a new mother!" Ciel yelled once again only this time tears forming in his eyes and voice getting a little shaky.
"Its been three years since your mother has died. Don't you think its time w-" Vincent started to say, but has cut off.
"NO! Its not time! You act like you don't even love mom any more!" Ciel continued to yell.
"You know very well I love and miss Rachel, but we can't just sit out lives out waiting for a miracle to happen!" Vincent yelled back, realizing he had been a bit to hard on his son when he noticed tears fall and the sadness in his eyes.
"...fine..." Ciel said before running up to his room, slamming the door shut, and throwing himself on his bed crying.
Vincent sighed and sat down. He looked over to a picture of Rachel and said to himself "How I wish you were here... It would be so much easier..."
Later that night Vincent decided to go up and try to talk to his Son again. When he opened the he found his son fast asleep on his bed with dry tears on his face. It hurt Vincent to see his son like that, but he could do nothing for him. He took his son's eye patch off him, laid it on the night stand, took his shoes and socks off, putting them neatly in the closest, and pulled the covers over his son. He kissed Ciel's forehead and began to exit the room. "I love you, Ciel." He said softly as he shut off the lights only to hear Ciel's soft voice mumble in his sleep "I love you too... father... mother...". Vincent sighed and closed the door.
The next morning Ciel woke up only to hear voices coming from down stairs. He got up, took a shower, and got ready for the day. Right before he opened his bed room door he heard his father say "I'm sure Ciel will get use to the idea of us getting married, we just need to give him some time. He's still rather hooked to his old mother.". Ciel paused. Thinking to him self. He slowly backed away and sat on his bed. A few minutes went by and Ciel finally calmed himself down and opened his bed room door. Ciel walked down only to see a women with red hair... well to be more descriptive she was only wearing red. Every where you look on her she had red. There was some black, white, and her skin tone but other wise red.
"Oh Ciel. Your finally awake!" Vincent said as he stood up. "This is Madame Red."
'Of course her name has 'red' in it!' Ciel thought to him self.
"Its a pleasure to meet you. I've heard great things about you, Ciel." She said as she stood up smiling.
'Uh huh. 'pleasure'. I'll be a pain in your neck soon if you don't get the hell out of here!' Ciel thought, but instead of saying that he just said this "Its a pleasure to meet you to, Madame Red." He had a bit of sarcasm in his voice and his father gave him a look that was telling Ciel to be nice.
"Oh! before I forget, Ciel. I would like you to meet my son's. Grell! William!" Madame Red yelled for them.
Ciel saw two boys walk in. One had long red hair and green eyes. 'He looks like a girl...' Ciel thought to himself. And the other one had short black hair and green eyes.
"Hi.~" The red head said a bit snotty like.
"Hello..." The other said.
"Ciel this is Grell." Madame Red said as she pointed to the red head. "And this on is William." She pointed at the black haired one.
Ciel was annoyed beyond belief, but kept a normal expression on his face.
About and hour passed and they were all talking like they knew everything about each other. Well at least everyone but Ciel. He finally just got up and walked to his room to study.
Two months passed and it was now the day of the wedding. The bride was walking down to meet the groom. Ciel tired his best to stay still and not freak out about his father getting married. It got harder for him as the were saying their vowels.
"I do." Madame Red said without hesitation.
"And do you, Vincent Phantomhive. Take this women to be you wife?" The priest said.
Ciel's eyes widened. Hoping his father would change his mind.
"I do." Vincent said in a calm voice. Ciel's eyes slowly started to overflow with tears as he watched his dad kiss his new wife. Ciel couldn't take it. He shot up from his seat and run out, holding back his tears till he got home.
Vincent watched his son in shock. He didn't expect Ciel to pull a move like that.
The wedding went on without Ciel. He could hear laughing and talking from down stairs. He pulled a pillow over his head trying to get everything out of his mind.
Before Ciel knew it, it had become dark out. He heard a knock at his door. "Come in..." He said softly. He heard the door open and shut and saw his light flicker on. He looked to see who it was. Of course it was his Father and his 'Mother'.
"Ciel...?" He heard his father say softly.
Ciel made no move to respond to his father.
"Ciel." He heard Madame Red call like he was just going to answer to her.
Ciel felt his father's hand stroke the hair from his face away.
"Ciel. Look at me." Vincent said calmly.
"...why..." Ciel asked with a lifeless tone.
"Please?" Vincent asked.
Ciel sighed. He sat up looking at his father.
"Yes...?" Ciel asked not even bothering to look at Madame Red.
"Are you okay?" Vincent asked.
'DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'M OKAY?!' Ciel thought, wanting to yell that so badly.
"I'm fine." Ciel answered.
"Are you sure, dear?" Ciel heard Madame Red say. It filled him with rage after hearing her call him 'dear'.
Ciel looked at her. Hate in his eyes. Hell, Hate was written all over his expression!
"What makes you think you have the right of calling me 'dear'?!" Ciel yelled as he stood up.
"Ciel!" Vincent yelled as he stood up too. "She has every right! She is your mother!"
"NO SHES NOT!" Ciel couldn't hold back his rage right now, but he knew he would regret it later.
Madame Red's eyes widened.
Ciel could fell tears running down his cheeks.
"Just go away and leave me alone!"
"Cie-" His father began to say.
"I SAID JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" Ciel yelled now overflowing with tears once again today.
Vincent knew he would make Ciel feel worse if he sad anything more so he took his wife's hand and began to exit. He stopped and looked back at his son who was now shaking.
"I love you, Ciel..." Vincent said, But Ciel just looked away without saying a word.
Vincent frowned and left the room while closing the door softly.
After two years of having his new mother, Ciel still never changed. He never talked to anyone, not even his father en-less he needed to. He never ate with them or anything. He was always up in his room or outside reading.
One year passed and Ciel was now turning twelve, and just like on his sixth birthday his father had gotten ill. A few weeks went by and he stayed by his fathers said hoping that he would get better, but just like his mother. His father had died.