It had been a week since Edward had met his demise and a week since Bella and Emmett had left the bedroom. With no looming threat in sight they had decide to finalize the mating that they had been putting off. Bella was the first to emerge from the tattered room. As she was heading downstairs, she bumped into Jasper who had the biggest Cheshire cat grin she had ever seen.

"What are you so smiley about?" Bella asked in snippy tone but she was far from unhappy.

Jasper smiled, "How can I not when contentment and happiness is radiating from you."

If Bella could have blushed, her face would have been a dark crimson at her forgetfulness.

As if sensing her thoughts Jasper added, "Plus you two were loud enough that vampires in Canada could hear."

In a reflex Bella had no control over, she smacked Jasper in the shoulder, effectively shoving him back a few feet.

It only served to make him laugh, "Chill Bella, we all went through the sex-capade phase. Well for some it isn't a phase, it's more like a lifestyle." He said with a wicked grin.

Bella wasn't stupid, she got the gist of the conversation; Jasper and Alice were active participants in long bouts of 'alone' time.

Bella shook her head," That was way too much information Jasper."

He merely grinned, "That is what I said the other night when you were talking dirty to Emmett."

With that said Jasper sprinted off, avoiding another smack that was headed right for him.

Just as she was getting ready to take off after the empath, a pair of strong arms wrapped around her middle, "Don't let him get to you, it's just payback for all the times I hassled him about him and Alice being loud."

Although Bella could hear the teasing nature of Jaspers jabs, she couldn't help the little piece of humanity that was causing her to be embarrassed. She also knew that the whole Cullen household had heard the on goings but she had hoped they held enough decency to not say anything about it. But it had seemed since her mate was a loud mouth, she would have to suffer the consequences for his teasing nature, though if there was another week bout in the future for her she might be able to ignore the not so subtle stares.

That thought struck a realization within her, as a human she was shy, and most definitely not someone who put embarrassment aside in favor of doing the very thing that caused her such an emotion. And since she was in that line of thinking, why should she hold on to such a trivial emotion, especially since an eternal life lay ahead of her. She most certainly could not spend the rest of her life living in embarrassment simply because everyone could hear them. So in favor of letting Jasper get to her, she came up with a plan that human Bella would've never considered.

Bella grinned and turned in Emmett's grasp, "How about we play along with this?" Emmett smiled at his mates change in disposition and liked where her thoughts were heading.

He nodded as they headed downstairs to face the rest of the Cullen clan.

It was only when Bella reached the bottom of the stairs did she feel a heavy bout of guilt settle on her as she spotted Carlisle sitting staring out the window. He looked as if he hadn't eaten a thing since the epic battle that ended it all.

Bella pulled from Emmett's side, he left for the kitchen knowing that his mate would want some semblance of being alone. Bella looked back to find her mate heading out of the small room Carlisle had taken up residence in. Slowly she entered the room, giving him enough time to let her know if he wished to be disturbed or not. When he said nothing she took it as a sign of go ahead.

As she sat in the snow white arm chair across from his, he finally turned to face her. In all the time Bella had known the Cullen's she had never seen them less than pristine, but here before her sat a hollow version of the Carlisle she once knew. It seemed he hadn't changed his shirt, as there was dirt staining the baby blue material, while his pants, also dirt stained, were wrinkled beyond belief. His eyes that were usually so alight with life were hollow, giving the effect that he wasn't really there.

She reached for his hand, meeting his eyes, "Carlisle, you can't do this to yourself."

His golden eyes focus on her orange-ish ones, like he was seeing for the first time.

"Bella, he was my son, demented or not he was my son." The slight light that flickered within the golden pools, faded as quickly as it shown.

Bella gripped his hand, giving it a slight shake, "You listen to me Carlisle, the man that was your son was either a lie or he changed. No matter how you look at it he was still not capable of living a decent life without alerting someone to his presence. So think of it this way, he would have either died by your hands or that of the Volturi's. Or the third option is that he would've joined the Volturi. I know that none of those sound appealing but that was the road he was headed down Carlisle, nothing you or anyone for that matter could've changed that."

A glossy film covered his topaz eyes, "I know you are right Bella but it doesn't help the pain. I killed him, and even though I know I was in the right it hurts."

Bella gently patted the hand that was still in her grasp, "I know, and it probably won't stop hurting for a while because it wasn't just the fact that you killed him, you are hurting because a man you considered your family betrayed you. There is a lot of hurt flooding you at once, but soon you will be able to manage it. You are after all still the father to many others and they need you."

Carlisle gave a sad smile, "You know Bella, I truly believe that you were meant to be a part of this family and now I know why."

With that said he rose from his chair, leaning over and gave her a hug.

"Well I better get cleaned up." He said while gesturing to the dirty clothing.

She watched his retreating form and the guilty feeling eased. She listened as his shoes echoed off the steps and though she wasn't sure, she thought she heard a quiet 'thank you' coming from his direction. Bella let a smile grace her face, for once she wasn't breaking something-she was fixing it.


100 years down the road the Cullen clan found themselves back in the small town of Forks. It seemed that no matter how hard they tried, they always ended back where it all started, where they had lost a family member but gained a new one.

Rosalie had returned to the family about 25 years after Edward died, with a new "friend" as she put it but all could see that they were far from friends. She had found her true mate in the form of a wandering vampire named Garret. He was forward at times but suited the blonde very well. The first time they had met, he had made a comment it what was his typical style about Bella being quite the beauty and well let's just say he had an angry mate and an even angrier Emmett on his hands. And to this day, Emmett refuses to leave Bella alone with Garret.

And as Bella had conspired, she had fun with torturing the poor Jasper with not only being as loud as she possibly could and then talking with him about it the next day, she forced herself to be in a constant state of lust, not that it was a hard feat to accomplish but it sure had the empath on edge.

That was how the Jasper/Bella sex feud started, and still until this day they hassle one another like a brother would a sister. And neither wouldn't have it another way.

A/N. Well this is finished, I hope you enjoyed it. Review if you would please and tell me how you liked it or didn't like it, whatever floats your boat. ~Hitenssecretlover