Here's the epilogue as promised! Enjoy, I almost cried writing it. I'll hopefully have the first chapter of the sequel uploaded soon.

Author fact 4: This is actually my first fanfiction that I've really gotten into and actually updated regularly.

~Aki's POV~

"Itachi, roll up the window and go." I said ignoring Sasori's question.

"Aki, please! I know I was short with you earlier, but I don't want you to go. Please stay with us." I shook my head. "I'm sorry. I need to do this. For myself. I'm a mess, you both know this."

"We'll help you!" Shidonii shouted.

"That's what Tsunade is for, Aki..." Sasori looked at me with pleading eyes. I looked away, fearing I'd break under their gaze. "Itachi." I whispered. He took the hint, and rolled up the window before pulling away. I looked in the rear view mirror, seeing them both standing there, and becoming smaller and smaller as a single tear rolled down my cheek.

~Sasori's POV~

I watched, gaping, as the car pulled away. She left, without a proper goodbye, and I had no idea if she was coming back. I crouched down, wrapping my arms around myself, attempting to push back the tears that threatened my eyes. How could she do this to me? After all the talks we had about my past, about how my parents left me through no free will of their own, and now she leaves me too, but willingly? For two years I pretended to hate her, pushing away my true feelings, and now after I finally let them show this is how they're returned? Shidonii crouched down beside me, putting her hand on my shoulder. I look over to her, seeing the tears falling freely down her face. I was such an idiot. Here I was feeling sorry for myself about a girl I'd only been dating for a week, and here was someone who had been close to her for so long. "Sorry." I said, wiping my eyes and standing.

"Don't apologize." she said, her voice barely above a whisper, "It upsets me too. I feel like we could have helped her, but I understand that she left. Here she still has to face Sasuke and Neji on a daily basis. Even just seeing them causes her pain. If this is what she needs to do, then I guess this is what she needs to do." I could tell she was fighting back sobs as she spoke.

"Do you think she'll come back?"

"I don't know. I hope so."

"Then...I guess I wait for her to." With those last words she looked up at me.

"You love her, don't you?" she asked.

"Yeah, yeah I think I do. I think I have for a long time."

~Deidara's POV~

I set the controller down, looking at the clock. Almost eleven, and I haven't heard a sound from upstairs. I should have heard her come in, right? It's been way too long. I walked upstairs to her room and knocked. "Aki?" I called. No answer. I knocked once more, still answered with scilence. I panicked. What if she hurt herself agian? Or worse? Maybe the talk with Itachi went horribly wrong. I tried the doorknob, realizing it was open and walked in. The room was empty. She's probably up on the roof. I climbed out the window and up the stairs, the metal was cool from the night air. Reaching the top I found this space empty as well. Now I was really worried. I quickly climbed back down and dug into my pocket. Pulling out my phone I dialed her number, only to hear her fimiliar ringtone beside me. Looking over onto the dresser I saw her phone there, lighting up with the call. I picked it up and found a necklace with a key underneath. My eyes widened, realizing what it was. Sasori had given this to her. Now I knew something was up. I grabbed both the necklace as well as the phone and ran out the door, jamming the keys into my car and taking off toward Sasori's. I got there in record time and ran to the front door. I was just about to knock when a voice stopped me from behind.

"Deidara." I turned around seeing Sasori and Shidonii standing there.

"Have you seen Aki?" I asked quickly, my panic growing. "She's not at home, and she left these there." I said holding out the items. She wasn't with them either. The looked at each other and I realized how horrible they both looked. Their eyes were red and puffy like they had been crying, and as Sasori eyed the necklace he looked as if he may break out in tears right there. I felt my heart drop. "What happened?" I asked hesitantly.

"She left, Dei. With Itachi." Sasori said.

"What? Why? When is she coming back? She is coming back right? All of her stuff was still in her room." That seemed to give them both a little hope.

"We don't know the answer to either of those questions." Shidonii said quietly. I sank onto the steps, staring at the phone and necklace in my hands, as Shidonii and Sasori sat on either side. Comfortable silence fell between us as we all three wondered when we'd see her again.