Lovers of Science

The recently de-Hulked Bruce Banner followed bashfully behind Tony in to Stark tower. He needed a new change of cloths badly and Stark had volunteered. He passed the devastation sheepishly.

"I wouldn't want to ruin any of your expensive clothes." Bruce said as Tony threw him a pair of jeans and a button down shirt.

"If you plan on ruining them you'll ruin them." Tony replied. "Your not going to go out there naked are you?"

"Thanks." Bruce blushed and quickly exited the room to change. The clothes fit nicely. They smelled fresh and clean. Bruce sighed as the soft brush of the material embraced him.

"They look good on you." Tony commented when Bruce appeared again.

"What should I do with my old clothes?" Bruce asked holding the muddy torn shorts.

"I would suggest incineration." Tony smirked. It took Bruce a moment to realize it was a joke. Then he began to chuckle.

"Thanks." He said again.

"Don't worried about it." Tony vowed to make Bruce laugh more often. "Lets not keep the rest of the team waiting." Together they stepped out of the wreckage of Stark Tower.