Geo stared out the window at the stars as they whizzed by at warp 6. At
was a beautiful sight that he'd never grow tired of, not in all his years
as second in command of the NSX.
The serene image was interrupted by a rustling sound behind him, so he
glanced back to see his commander, digging through his stuff.
"What the heck are you doing?" he gave Eagle a confused look, "Nothing of
yours is in MY stuff!"
"I know you have sweets in here," Eagle poked his head out for a second.
"It's my duty as commander to find it!" Geo just shook his head and
chuckled. Eagle is a meatballhead! Geo looked back out the window, but a
pair of socks hit him in the back of the head. He turned around again, and
Eagle was sitting on the floor, still in Geo's bag, surrounded by Geo's
entire wardrobe.
"Eagle! Will you knock it off?" Geo picked up the guilty, but smiling
commander and pulled his bag away. "Now, help me clean this up."
"I'm the commander! I give the rules!" Eagle cheered. Geo rolled his eyes
and dropped Eagle on the couch.
"You're no help. You made this mess. What on Autozam tempted you to dump
my whole suitcase on the floor?" he tried to get a decent answer out of the
giggling non-adult. Then, he noticed a ring of chocolate around Eagle's
mouth. "EAGLE!!!"
"Thank you!" Eagle looked as cute a a chocolate puss could.
Zazu poked his head in, got a big sweatdrop, and just left. His commander
and second were too strange!
Geo picked Eagle up by the seat of his pants and pointed at the mountain
range of clothes.
"Now you pick this up or I'll." Geo was stopped short by Eagle waving a
pair of HIS shorts in the air. Eagle wriggled loose and headed down the
hall in a fit of giggles!
"EAGLE!!!!! Give those back RIGHT NOW!" Geo ran after him. The funny pair
with the underwear flag head through main engineering, past sickbay, and
onto the bridge, where Geo finally managed to corner the disobedient little
twerp of a commander.
"OK, I win. Now hand them over," Geo held out his hand. Eagle pouted, then
dodged under Geo's arm and down a corrider. A flash of yellow print smiley
faces whizzed past Zazu, and he just shook his head. "Here we go again."