Realizations of the Soul 3

Disclaimer - I sadly do not own soul eater

Sorry it has taken so long to update I have been really busy starting school and getting in the grove

Maka POV

Maka sat there in silence while her mind was racing " OMG did he just say that" she couldn't believe that soul actually liked her much less he loved her" she sat there trying to absorb what he just said. His eyes watched her trying to find out if she was gonna hit him for crossing a line. She was still trying to get what he said to click. She looked at soul and the look in his eye said he hoped she loved him to. "soul... Why did you never tell me. I have liked you for a long time" he looked away breaking eye contact" I thought you would never go for me, you hate men." "oh soul you know I chose to trust you why would I not trust you completely even with my heart." he didn't answer but stood up still holding onto my hand so it made me stand up to. He suddenly pulled on her arm, yanking her in so she stumbled and fell against him. He caught her and held her against him. He cupped her chin with his hand and dove in and pressed his lips against hers. She could feel his passion and his love. His sharp teeth nicked her lips causing them to bleed alitle. She gave a sharp intake of breath as he licked up the blood. The kiss was amazing.

Souls POV

Kissing maka was the best thing he had ever done. Her lips were so soft and when his teeth cut her lip, her blood tasted so good. She gave alitte noise that just turned him on. Soon she pulled away though. We were both breathing heavily but the look in her eyes was worth it. He finally had his answer on weather or not she loved him back. He was so overjoyed that he could barely stand. He pulled her into a tight hug " I love you so much maka" he pushed his soul wavelength toward her. She pushed her wavelength to meet and join with his. They were filled with each others love. She stood on her toes and kissed him this time. This one didn't last as long. She looked up at him " I love you to soul but I'm kinda scared." " what you r you scared." he gave her a confused look" because i know that this didn't go very well for my parents so I'm worried that it could happen here" he looked at her for a second " maka never mistake me for your father I would never cheat on you it's just not cool"

Makas POV

After thinking about it she jumped at soul and threw her arms around him and punched him against the wall. She watched as his eyes widened but before he could protest or push her away she pressed her lips to his. She enjoyed that for a moment before tracing her tongue on his lips asking entry. almost immediately his lips parted and let her in. He moaned and put his hands on her waist pulling her closer to him. His hands slipped under her shirt and he played with the skin there. The though"Oh god am I really doing this" ran through her mind. She felt him stiffen against her. The hands that had just been caressing her back now gripped her waist and pushed her back. She tried to stay pressed against him but he pushed her away. She looked up at him with a slight look of hurt on her face. " why? Did I do something wrong" " oh maka no you didn't do anything wrong I just think its to early I don't want you to regret this" her lip,started to quiver an d tears welled up in her eyes but she hardened herself and withdrew from his arms. She walked away and went to her room.

Souls POV

"Damn it soul you dumbass now u have made her upset, what we you thinking pushing her away" he swore under his breath and hit his head on the wall. He wanted her he really did but he knew that she would have regretted it later. He sucked in a breath and went to her door and knocked. He heard her get up and go to the door but she didn't open it. "Maka please open the door" before he could finish dying he was looking at her. He put his arms around her and pulled her into a tight hug and just held her for a while. He rested his chin on her head and whispered " I love you maka"

please comment I need to know what you all think of my writings