Realizations of the Soul
Disclaimer I do not own the soul eater characters
It was spring in Deathcity and the night air was blissfuly warm so Maka opened the windows as she cooked. With the sweet spring breeze rustling her hair and her favorite music on she was content to stay in that moment. Now Maka wasn't the same girl she had been when she was 13 and trying to make Soul a deathsyth. No now she was a tall shapely girl at 5'8. No guy could ever call tiny tits again. She was still willow slim but you wouldn't wanna call her weak because just as she grown so had her muscles and a maka chop from 19 year old maka could be deadly. She also stopped putting her hair in pigtails. Soul and her still lived in there small apartment but things were starting to change. Maka smiled into the soup she was making, this was her favorit song. She started to twist her hips to the music and dance and sing into her spoon. Maka was unaware but Soul opened the door to their apartment and came in quietly. Soul had also changed a lot to in those last few years. For one thing he was now a deathsyth but that wasn't the only change that Soul had undergone. At 19 he was now a tall 6'1and his muscles were well defined. His spiky white hair was the same along w his ruby eyes. He was walking through the living room when he caught sight of his mister. She was still dancing to the music not knowing he was there. His eyes widened as she twisted her hips and hit a high note. His nose started to bleed and he rushed to his bathroom to take a cold shower before diner. After Blair left he didn't think he would have to worry about maka catching him with a nosebleed again.
Makas POV
She heard the shower start. "oh Soul must have gotten home, good thing to cause the soup is almost done" she started ladling the soup into two bowls and put them on the table. She turned off her music " Soul get out of the shower the foods ready!". She mutters to herself " if he thinks I'm waiting for him and letting my soup get cold then he's wrong". She sits down just as the water turned off. A few seconds later Soul puts his head around the corner. "I will be there in a second calm down". She heard him open his door and there was the sound of drawers and then a thump. "what the hell is he doing in there" soul walked out of his room with his hand on his head and it appeared his shirt was on backwards. She gave him a what the hell look but then went back to eating. Just as soul was taking a bite "when did you come in I didn't hear you"
Souls POV
His head already hurt from hitting it on the dresser but now when maka asked her question it got worse. He froze and in his head he was thinking " oh man what do I say, I can't tell her that I came in while she was dancing and that she was so hot when she twisted her hips like that. Man this is not cool" . His face got a little pink and he swallowed " uh I came in while you were cooking maybe if the music wasn't so loud you could hear me." she gave him a sideways look but he averted his eyes. They ate in silence but maka kept looking at him. Finally he couldn't stand it anymore " why do u keep looking at me?!" she laughed " your shirt is on backwards and I was waiting for you to notice" he looked down and in his mind" shit it is man she's gonna think I'm a fool". He quickly pulled his shirt off and flipped it around.
Maka POV
It was strange how soul blushed a little when she asked him when he cam in. I wonder what he was doing. She couldn't help herself, she kept looking at him in his backward shirt. I wonder how long it will take him to notice. They had almost finished eating but the time he finally asked her why she was looking at him. She told him his shirt was inside out. She was quite amused when he quickly looked down and saw she was right. She didn't expect him to take his shirt off though. Her eyes widened when she saw the soft pale skin stretched over his abstruse only thing marring it was the long scar that's showed his loyalty. She wondered when he had gotten so muscular but she couldn't remember. That feeling in her stomach came back but she forced it down. Even though she didn't want to admit this over the past few months she has started to see soul in a different way. She would feel funny when she was around him and she seemed to want to impress him. So she started wearing slightly more reveling clothing. She talked to tsubaki about it and she had told her that maybe she liked soul. She had rejected the idea but now seeing him with his shirt off she thought that maybe tsubaki is right.
Souls POV
When he looked over at maka her face was a little pink and she looked like she was thinking hard about something. "hey maka what's up you look like there's something on your mind" she got even more red which confused him she started stammering " oh.. Uh just something tusbaki said" she quickly got up and started doing the dishes. She was in such a hurry she forgot to tie her hair up. He had the strange urge to touch it so he went over and pulled it outa the soap. She froze with the contact. Maka had been acting weird for a while now when ever he was around. She had for some reason started looking hotter, wearing tighter cloths and a short skirt like the one she had when we were kids. His heart also had funny reactions to her presence. The sweet smell coming off her skin now seemed to pull a reaction outa him that normally didn't happen. He dropped her hair and walk quickly into the living room. " damn if I can't control myself she's gonna know somethings up and she gonna hit me" he shook his head and yelled "goodnight maka I'm going to bed. " that night all he dreamed of what the smell of makas skin.