I wanna be somewhere so far away
To lie under the night at the end of another good day
I can't tell you how long we'll be gone
But as long as we're together then forever is never too long

- Runaway, 3 doors down


'It seems that even though I have experienced Dragons, Veela's and other creatures there is none so terrifying as the pygmy puff.' Harry James Potter thought as he stared at his small ball of fur.

A soft blue in colour with large eye's and a tongue that flicked out every so often to taste the air around it as it stalked on top of the kitchen counter, black marble reflecting it as Harry cradled a hot cup of black coffee, striking emerald eye's lidded beneath thick black lashes as ebony curls fell around his face- his diminutive frame and Mignon features were attractive in the soft morning light that streamed through the glass and onto the white wash wall dusting them a light gold.

Harry yawned stretching out his limbs tiredly and wondering whether he could skip out on his job that day Harry looked down at the ring that rested on his annoyingly delicate hand one of the three so called Deathly Hallows and his curse, the first person to gather all three together and to conquer death which them made Harry their master a fact he found unbelievably annoying- because the Hallows meant immortality a never ending life he couldn't get rid of his seventeen year old body and face, he sighed and looked at the clock and huffed...he was needed in the watch tower and he really didn't want to get glared at by any of the justice league members especially as he was on the 'medical' team...

Clocking in was irritating Harry decided as he rubbed his thumb over the fur of his Pygmy puff

'Still need to name this bloody thing.' Harry decided as he walked into his small room solely meant for quick check ups or sometimes counselling as Harry was qualified in both, he had hacked into Justice League and placed his age as Twenty, hoping to Merlin, Batman didn't take an interest in him.

"Harry?" A curious voice asked and Harry smiled slightly and turned to see the hottest guy in the league as far as he was concerned

"Flashy baby, didn't happen to bring an-" Harry began

"-Iced Mocha...yeah." Flash finished and Harry laughed as the speedster handed him the cup of frozen wonderfulness

'Damn you Remus, chocolate and coffee- you're evil.' Harry cursed as he purred slightly with more caffeine near him

"You know I will gladly bare your love child don't you?" Harry drawled and Flash laughed, the sound soft in the hair as the taller man clad in red latex threw his head back letting Harry take a quick sneak at the gorgeous runner's body...and if Flash went out slowly a nice look at that arse as well...hmmm

"Don't tempt me." Flash laughed softly but Harry spotted the slight slump in the shoulders and pursed his lips, he had a feeling what had upset his bundle of joy.

"Sit down and tell me what's wrong." Harry said calmly pressing the door to his small pod closed, Flash laughed bitterly.

"Hell you can tell already,it's nothing, I'm being stupid I just forget sometimes you know that I'm nothing compared to-" Flash began before he got hit by a face full of pygmy puff which squeaked indignantly at Harry who smiled serenely at Flash who knew better

"What. Is. Wrong?" Harry growled and Flash ducked his head at the frightening image the smaller pissed off medic made

"Just caught Kara whispering to a group of girls that she thought I was the charity case in the big seven and was only there for comic relief...and I shouldn't care I know, I shouldn't...but I fought so hard to get here, after Barry, I-I just can't help feeling I'm still not living up to him." Flash said the usually perky face downtrodden and Harry snarled angrily and with a wave of his hand he had shut down the cameras and bugs he knew he had in his room

"Now you listen here Wally West and you listen good, you're selfless, caring and you never give up- you have a large heart and sometimes an even larger gob! But that makes you-you. And sure you shouldn't care what they say Flash, but you're not infallible, you can't run away from all that hurt sometimes- no matter how fast you may be. As for Kara's comment She should be aware of what's She's messing with." Harry growled as he pushed Wally down onto a seat, caressing the red heads face for a moment before moving away, shaking slightly in fury

"Harry-" Wally tried to say and the fiery, little brunette spun around and caught him in his emerald gaze

"No, I won't have you doubting yourself!You've been my icon for years Wally not because you're funny, or because your arse looks absolutely fantastic in that tight little costume- but because you're a hero and no matter what it is you step up and you do it and more- how many other Hero's would stop to rescue a kitten or a toy just to see a child smile? That takes a bravery worth more than the opinions of a hyped up blond with a too short skirt, so chin up and show me those beautiful teeth because you are the Flash and Barry Allen would be damn proud of you." Harry ranted angrily glaring down the man in the red latex who blushed slightly

"...wait, you've been checking out my arse?" Flash asked as Harry still slightly shaking in anger picked up his Iced mocha and sipped from it daintily, Harry blanched.

"Of course that's the bit he listens to." Harry muttered before winking at Flash who smiled broadly

"Thanks Harry...really and I'll have you know that you're arse is just as fine- if not finer- than my own." Flash purred and Harry snorted and opened the stock cupboard pulling out a small bar of chocolate and handing it to Flash kissing him on the cheek

"Keep smiling Wally- even if it's all you have left." Harry whispered softly and Flash sighed softly at his boyfriend

"Stop getting so close I'm fast but even I won't be able to fuck you before Batman realizes you've ruined his system...see you tonight?" Flash asked and Harry smiled softly

"You go get them hot shot." Harry laughed as Flash stood opening the chocolate gently before leaning down and kissing Harry quickly as the door opened and disappearing-

"In a flash." Harry murmured, giggling slightly as he continued about his day.


Wally sat in the canteen later watching as his boyfriend sat with a small salad barely eating as he went over notes, rectangular framed glasses that he rarely worn perched on the bridge of his nose as he ran his hand through his perpetually messy hair the ring on his finger gleaming in the light

"Anyone interesting?" A gruff voice asked and Wally almost shat himself at the sound of Batman behind him

"No, just amazed that he's still working at lunch...I mean hello food." Wally joked and Batman gave him a raised eyebrow for his efforts

"Dude how do you do that?" Wally asked and Batman blinked

"Do what?" He growled out

"Lift an eyebrow under that mask. I can't see it Bats but I know you're doing it and it's almost like it's there...so how do you do it?" Wally asked and Batman snorted slightly as he sat down next to the speedster, a rare occurrence as the man rarely ate up in the watchtower anyway

"Classified bat secret." Bruce drawled and Wally snorted

"J'onn, practising my observing-ness? 'Cause dude that's low...Bats doesn't joke." Wally drawled and the Martian turned back into his usual green appearance causing Wally to laugh.

"Flash, I am impressed." The Martian man-hunter said calmly and Wally grinned and from the corner of his eye caught Harry smiling fondly...little minx probably knew the whole time

"Classified bat secret...really?" Wally retorted and the Martian man-hunter grinned

"I believe that Batman could one day joke with us." J'onn replied and Wally snorted

"And I believe that magic isn't real but people now days are desperate to prove that notion wrong." Wally said calmly as Harry walked by heading to the bin and the dark haired man stiffened slightly and as he walked past Wally made sure his clipboard whacked the hero's head firmly

"So mean." Wally whined

"So sorry Mister Flash sir, hope it didn't hurt too badly." Harry purred and Wally pouted

"You better have a-" Wally began before a lollipop was thrust into his mouth

"-There we are Mister Flash that should make you feel better." Harry replied and Wally couldn't keep the grin that erupted over his face

"Real cute." Wally drawled and Harry gave him a quick wink and walked off. Wally smirked and wolf whistled after him causing many to look over at Harry which caused him to blush and duck his head, hurrying

"Who was that?" Batman's voice came and Wally snorted

"Really J'onn, twice..." Wally began turning back around to see the Martian man-hunter...and Batman he winced

"Ah Bats...that's Harry my Medic." Wally replied sheepishly rubbing the back of his head

"You seem awfully close." Batman growled and Wally smiled and stood up

"Isthatthetimeihavetogoseeyou laterbye."

And like that the speedster was gone.

-FlashDays- (Warning: Slight Lemon)

Harry lay on his front in the living room of his small house on the outskirts of Central city, the fire gleamed warmly as he lay on the rug watching his pygmy puff shimmy through the thick rug Harry's face was buried in dressed in loose grey joggers and a white tank top

"You look content." Wally's voice came and Harry smiled warmly and rolled on his back looking over at his older boyfriend who was dressed in a white shirt and black leather jacket with faded grey jeans and flash converses

"I have a gorgeous boyfriend and a good job what else could I want." Harry purred happily and Wally chuckled and in a swift move was on top of Harry, lips trailing kisses up Harry's neck, as glossy crimson hair fell over a roguishly handsome face. Emerald eye's reflecting along with Harry's own in the firelight as Wally's leg parted Harry's thigh

"You are a very naughty doctor...I nearly got a telling off from Batman because of you!" Wally growled out and Harry laughed and leant up kissing Wally gently

"What you mean was you were in the middle of a telling off and you ran away." Harry murmured softly and Wally grinned

"Hush, I'm telling you off." Wally warned with a slap to Harry's thigh, grinning Wally pulled up, pulling Harry with him so he was lying back propped up on his elbows and Harry was straddling his lap and Wally admired his boyfriend who's own warm emerald eye's looked down at him, dark hair a mass of shadows and reflected firelight fell around creamy skin a blush across Harry's face as he noticed Wally's appraisal

"I think I fall in love with you all over again every time I see you." Wally murmured and Harry's blush darkened as his eyes widened and he slapped Wally's arm

"Stop being so cheesy!" He warned but then kissed Wally again and pushed Wally back and lay on top of him burying his face in Wally's neck as his hand slipped under Wally's shirt and rubbed at his chest

"I never have to fall in love with you again Wallace Rudolph West...because nobody could ever love you as much I do every day." Harry whispered and Wally sighed happily watching Harry's pygmy puff hop around

"Have you named that thing yet?" Wally asked

"The Pygmy puff...no, do you want to?" Harry asked and Wally grinned

"Can we call it Batman...it lurks the same way as him." Wally suggested and the ebony haired boy giggled at his older boyfriend.

He had met Wally three years previous at the age of fourteen during a forced trip to America by the Dursley's just before the Dementor incident at the end of his summer Wally had been nineteen and for the couple of weeks that Harry had been in Central city he had met Wally and the two had hit it off, Wally had taught Harry about chemistry and Harry had taken in the information about Moles and Atomic structure better than had been expected, Harry had on the other hand taught Wally a bit of Latin and it had ended in Amour

"We can call it whatever you like...just stop talking." Harry purred and kissed Wally gently and the older man grinned and captured Harry's hips

"Uh huh sure." Wally murmured and tugged down Harry's joggers and boxers kissing up Harry's thigh with gentle nips into the skin.

The warmth flooded their bodies as they themselves grew hotter Harry's eye's were fluttering as he moaned wantonly. The heat between him and Wally and the fire unbearable as their naked skin brushed together, Wally vibrating against him and in him lips kissing soft butterfly kisses that sent shivers through Harry's body as Wally slowly thrust in and out his prostate only lightly being brushed each time as he arched one hand gripping tightly onto the carpet as the other was pinned above his head by one of Wally's hand, the vibrating increased and Harry rolled his hips slightly as he panted. Wally looking down at him also panting before the two let out groans and both let go.

Wally pulled out slowly and lay by Harry pulling him into his arms as Harry purred and curled into Wally's body, Wally's arms around his waist fingers brushing against his arse.

"You've got patrol gorgeous...as much as I'd like to keep you here with me." Harry murmured and Wally hummed gently

"A couple of minutes than I'll go." Wally whispered and Harry smiled and simply basked in the afterglow and Wally breathed in Harry's scent burying his face in dark hair.


This is a trial run...if you hate it let me know, If you love it let me know.

It's actually one of many ideas trying to incorporate Wally into Harry's world and vice versa.

I kind of like this though

Wally is actually older than Harry who was born (as we all know) On the 31st of July 1980. Wally was born four years previously on the sixteenth of January nineteen seventy six...


P.S. This is a Rewrite and I will be rewriting chapter 2 then slotting in chapter 3