Tuesday May 17 6:30 pm

"Emily, come down for dinner!" My Mom shouts up the stairs.

"Hold on!", I shout back.

I finish typing a text on my iPhone.

Walking down the stairs I could smell my Mom's awesome Barbeque chicken.

"Emily, you dyed your hair again." Said Mom eying my black and blue streaked hair.

"I like it." said my 7-year-old sister Elizabeth.

"Thanks Liz", I replied. "Pass the cheese potatoes"

"Scalloped potatoes" Mom corrects handing them to me.

"Emmy, can you paint my nails?" Liz asks.


"Don't you have homework?" Mom questions.

"Yeah, I did it" I say half lying. I only did the ones for my morning classes. I was gonna do the rest in study hall.

All of my homework was about the stupid moon. I'm getting tired of hearing about the moon! I don't see what the big deal is, I mean asteroids hit the moon all the time! What makes this one so special. is that it's the biggest one to hit the moon.

Gotta go, Liz is calling me.

Wednesday May 18 10:00 p.m.


Okay, let me explain.

After a long hard day of 9th grade, Mom dragged ma and Liz outside to watch the stupid moon.

5 minutes before the asteroid was supposed to crash into the moon, I was sitting in a beach chair eating Skittles and listening to music on my iPhone while eating Skittles. Mom was next to me playing Angry Birds on her iPhone, and Liz was playing with her American Girl doll.

One of the neighbors screamed out: "Hey I see it!"

Liz jumped and ran to her telescope Mom at her heels. I rolled my eyes and took out my iPhone and played Temple Run.

First there was cheering, then outta nowhere there was screaming.

I look up and see that the moon was moving closer and closer. As the moon lumbered closer, I thought the moon was gonna crash into earth!

"It's time to go inside." Said Mom, while folding up her chair. Liz starts putting her telescope in it's case and I fold up my beach chair.

After our stuff was put away, we turned the TV on. SERVICE IS UNAVALIBE, the screen read when we turned on to CNN. We tried FOX, News Channel 8, ABC, and NBC but none of them worked.

I got out my iPhone, but I didn't have any service.

"Hey, what about those radios we bought, from Wal-Mart?" I asked.

"I think they're in the upstairs closet." Replied Mom.

Sure enough, when I got upstairs they were in the closet. I grabbed the one that was electricty powered.

When I got downstairs, I plugged it in and starting tuning the radio. After two minutes of tuning I got a station.

"We have just recived word that Cape Cod is flooding." Said a male annoucer.

Before I could hear anymore the phone rang. I raced to get it.


"Hi Emily, it's Dad."

"Oh, hi."

"Is everything okay over there?"

"oh yeah, Liz, Mom and I are fine, but we haven't heard anything from Eli."

Eli is my older brother who is in college.

"He got through to us j,he said everthing is fine and school isn't cancelled."

"Oh, cool. How are you and Naomi?"

Naomi is dad's wife, who is seven months pregnant.

"We're fine everything is okay with the baby" Replied Dad.

I hear Naomi's voice in the background.

"Listen, I gotta go give my love to Lizzie. I love you bye." Then the line went dead.

"Well it's getting late school isn't canceled so you two need to get to bed." Said Mom.

So that's what happened. I have a bad feeling about this