
A few years later, Titans Tower

Starfire walked into her purple room and collapsed on her bed. She rolled her neck and closed her eyes. It had been a long year, and today they had just defeated the Brotherhood of Evil. They had won, and Starfire was happy about this, but her body—well, not so much.

The warm and cushy pillows hugged her, as he stress slowly leaked out of her.

She let out a long sigh. She leaned forwards; just enough lift her pillow and get out what had become her safety blanket. It was Yellow and Black strip of cloth, that had some faded blood stains on it. It smelled like mints and pumpkin pie, a scent that Starfire had came to love.

It smelled and looked a lot like her Robin's cape, but very different at the same time. This was the other side's robin. This was the one that had saved her life before, the one she had got know quicker than she had gotten to know her own in the past year. She still remembered those three days.

She remembered all of the people she met, and how panicked and worried her friends over here were when she had came back. But sometimes, she missed the other side—sometimes she really missed Young Justice.

"Maybe, someday, when I am older. I shall start another team with the Justice League. I shall call it Young Justice." She then proceeded to hug the cloth to her chest, curl up into a ball, and fall into slumber land, a land where she dreamed of her other team, her other friends, her other love.

A couple years later, above San Francisco

Nightwing hung onto the ships wing for his life. The wind blew his hair and gums back as he and the ship climbed higher and higher into the air. Nightwing put a small device on the wing and did the only thing he could—jump. The device went off and the ship was engulfed by small explosions and then fire.

Nightwing expanded his limbs so he was not in a 'x' shape. The ship fell past him, and into the icy water below. Nightwing sweat dropped.

He knew he should have worn the wings today. So as he fell, he let out a long yell. Wind rushed up at him, the cold winter air biting at his cheeks. His eyes watered from the pace he was going. It was like he was back in circus, except this time he wasn't going to be caught. He was going to die.

Bruce would be so pissed at him if he was going to survive this.

But suddenly, his decent stopped. He felt something warm wrapped round his ankle. He twisted his body around so he could see his savior, and his already lost breath didn't come back. It was her.

She fiery red curls ran down to the back of her knees; her bright neon emerald eyes stared down at him in curiosity as her purple armor that covered most of her body except for a long line down the middle of her chest which showed off her cleavage. Her bare orange hands looked delicate, but callused with years of training and fighting.

"Hello Earthling. You looked like you could use some assistance. Unless you can fly like some of the others on this planet." Nightwing shook his head and grinned.

"Nah, I could use a hand," she sent me a confused look, so he corrected "help," she made a little cute 'O' with her mouth and nodded. He pointed down at the city. "I need be down there and helping them. So can you put me down—" She let go and Nightiwng launched down with a yell.

"NO, NO! I MEANT ON THE GROUND! "He was caught again, and as Nightwing caught my his breath, she giggled. He shot a playful glare at her as she laughed.

"Oh, I am sorry, but I could not help it!" He shook my head, which was upside down, and chuckled.

"Don't worry; I would have done the same." The pair laughed for what seemed forever. Then Starfire adjusted her grip so she was holding Nightwing's hand, and they carefully went down to the ground. As they went, he said.

"No- I can't fly, Starfire." Starfire's eyes widened and then narrowed in suspicion.

"How did you know—" He put a finger up to his lips.

"Shhhhhh! That's a secret. My name is Nightwing. What are you doing here on Earth Star?" Starfire sent him a questioning look before she replied.

"Before the Justice League went off to repair the damage they did not intentionally create, they alerted several people to give Earth 'the hand' in your fight against evil. And because I am the princess of Tameran, I was one of those people." Nightwing's eyes widened for a second.

"You're a princess? Last time I met you—I mean, I was told you were from Tameran, but not a princess." Starfire nodded a frown on her face. Nightwing could tell she was uncomfortable about talking about her royalty, so instead he asked.

"How do you know English if you are from Tamera?" Starfire off handily replied.

"Oh, I merely made the lip contact with The Batman." If he had coffee in Nightwing's mouth, he would have spit it out. She had kissed Batman!? She noticed his shocked face, and her face became clouded with confusion.

"That is how my people learn new dialects—lip contact. Don't Earth people do the same?" He shook his head, and she looked down at the ground below. She didn't know what a kiss meant yet—he'd have to explain it to her later. Nightwing promised to himself that he would explain everything to her- he wanted to give her Earth.

But he was still freaked out that Starfire, a twenty year old alien super powered princess had kissed Batman, who was his adopted father and is thirty-seven! Yuck.

"SO, how long are you going to stay here?" Starfire looked at him, and he could see the familiar confident and determined look entered her eyes.

"Until we kick the butt so your planet is safe once again." Nightwing grinned at her as they both landed on the ground, where the fight was still raging.

"I think you will get along on Earth just fine." The set into their battyel stances and with green eyes a-glowing, Starfire launched herself into her first fight with her future teammate, her future best friend, and her future…..


There you go! I might write a spin off later, but I'm gonna leave it alone for now. I'd just like to say:

Thank you all of you for coming by and reading and reviewing this—you made this ten more times more fun to write than it already was. I really am happy with how this turned out, and I thank you for help make this more than a little off to the side, this really doesn't matter project and into a real story. Thanks all of you!