Jerome Clarke was ecstatic, he was kissing Mara Jaffray again. She didn't hate him, and he pushed her back into the banister, moving one hand up to place on her neck, because the feel of her skin sent tingles shooting through him. Mara pulled away, looking up at him breathlessly. "Jaffray," he whispered, resting his forehead on hers "You're not."
Mara looked up at him disbelievingly, pushing away from him and fixing her hair "Jerome, why do you even like me? You had Amber."
"I love you, not Amber." Jerome persisted "And you're smart, caring, and kind, and you're my soul mate." Jerome's eyes flickered as he tried to see what was going on inside Mara's head. He should have known by now that she was far more complex than he could have ever imagined.
"How?" Mara asked quietly "Jerome- how could you like me? I'm horrible and you're so-"
"Good and kind?" Jerome guessed with a smirk "Doubtful Mara."
Line Break
Jerome Clarke couldn't get enough of her. Now she was his again he wasn't leaving her alone for a minute. He trailed her, followed her everywhere. Monday had gone by very quickly for him. And Mara enjoyed the company. She had a boyfriend…and a friend.
"Jerome?" Mara asked quietly. Jerome sat up, they were in her room, doing homework, well she was. Jerome was resting his cheek on his hand, watching her. Mara had been quiet the past two days, so he was eager to hear her voice. "Do you really think we're soul mates?"
"Definitely." Jerome answered smoothly, quickly, reassured.
Mara frowned, fiddling with her hands "It's just…I don't…well, don't take this in the wrong way- but I don't find you attractive in that way anymore," Jerome's eyes widened and Mara continued hurriedly "I mean I like you, and you're wonderful but now…I see you only as friend. Someone like…you know almost like a best friend. So…"
"Right." Jerome stated blankly. If anything in a relationship, Jerome never thought his looks would be a problem. "So…what do you want me to do? Dye my hair? Different clothes?"
"I think no shirt would be best." Came a voice, Mara and Jerome spun to see a girl in their year standing in the door way "Sorry to eaves drop- looking for Amber Millington? We need to rehearse our cheerleading routine," she smiled kindly. Mara and Jerome relaxed slightly and Mara tucked some hair behind her ear
"She's in the room down the corridor, to the left,"
"Thanks," she grinned, and was gone. Closing the door behind her.
Jerome turned back to Mara "Would no shirt help?" he asked, eyes widening, not thinking of anything else that could help. This was all very unnerving for him. Mara said nothing, so Jerome did. He just pulled off his shirt, fully confident in his body and looked down at Mara when she gasped
"What?" he asked self consciously. Mara pointed to his stomach
"Jerome! You're…lines." And very handsome lines they were too. His muscled torso turned into that perfect 'v' shape that ran down into his trousers. Mara recognised it at the type of thing Amber and Joy use to go on about. And she found it very attractive. Jerome arched an eyebrow at her quizzically
"Good or bad?"
Mara laughed.
Line Break
Mara watched Jerome. He was asleep on her bed, black jeans, and a red shirt with the buttons not done up, so she could see his rippling lean muscles. He looked so incredibly peaceful, so lazily happy it made Mara feel less stressed. One arm tucked under his head, the other, strewn over his stomach. This was Jerome Clarke. This was the Jerome Clarke that he really was.
For he wasn't himself when he was with Mara. And Mara knew that, he was so pristine and he was so proper, and although Jerome was generally a graceful and elegant, but with her…it was forced. He was trying to impress her all the time, and Mara wished he didn't work so hard, because she didn't need him too.
Love. Now that was starting to tick at Mara. He said it all the time to her 'I love you' he kept saying it, he had openly admitted that, and he liked saying, and she loved hearing it, but she hadn't replied it since they got back together. And she was wondering- did she love Jerome Clarke?
Jerome laughed in his sleep, muttering under his breath "That doesn't even happen," the smile remained on his lips and his eye lids flickered. Yes she did. She loved everything about him.
She loved the way that he was so trustworthy and loving and he cared about her. He was open and he was funny, he was smart and he was athletic. Jerome was perfect. In every single way and she can't believe she had reacted the way she did just because he made one mistake, she had placed him on a pedestal, she should have known. Jerome was utterly perfect.
Mara moved towards him but his eyes flickered open. He smiled at her, yawning as he sat up "Sorry Jaffray, what time is it?"
"Just gone four," Mara said softly, she sat beside him "Jerome- I've got something to tell you," Jerome watched her, blue eyes flickering and glittering and Mara waned to slap herself for not appreciating him more. He forgave her, for everything she did he forgave her in a heartbeat. "I love you,"
Jerome swallowed thickly, "Mara…"he managed, and his voice broke "I love you too, I always hav-"
"AMBER!" came a loud voice, the two spun around to see Alfie in the doorway, not facing them "ABORT THE PLAN, THEY'RE TOGETHER!" and with that he scurried away.
Jerome and Mara burst out laughing.
We'll make our agreements about where to meet and I'll leave you in the door way. The cold evening aches as it leaves in its wake all the memories left by the day. And I'm questioning why, as you look to the sky that is cloudless up above our heads, and thoughts come to mind that our short little lives have not made the path that they will tread…they will tread…
That's from the Bastille's song: HAUNT. Give it a listen for me!