
Henry: Annie owns no part of Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter, though she does own her own character Annie, which is a representation of herself (no matter how much she denies this).

Pairing: Henry/Abraham

Warning: Possibly some blood, I don't know yet if I want to add any. Death, violence, sexual abuse (almost).

Word Count: 447

Feel free to tell me of any changes that should be made to improve this story. Also if you have any ideas for future chapters, tell those to me also.

Annie POV

I was walking home from the library. The sun was starting to set earlier and earlier lately so by the time the library closed, it was already completely dark outside.

As I left the library, Mr. Stevenson – the librarian – turned to me and asked, "Annie, do you want me to walk you home? You don't know who is out there on the streets."

I shook my head and said, "no thank you Mr. Stevenson. Attacks on women has been going down recently, and I know the way well enough. I don't think I will have any problems getting home."

Mr. Stevenson smiled, nodded and turned to walk in the opposite direction. I then turned in the direction of my house and started walking.

Not a minute had passed before some man came out of an ally, and roughly pulled me in with him. He pulled me deeper, and as he did so, my fear level went higher, until I just froze.

The man didn't say anything, but as he pushed me against a wall, he grunted in a most inappropriate way. Then he came so close that I was trapped between him and the wall, and he started forcing my lips to his. I was still frozen in fear, and my lack of response seemed to make this man become more forceful.

It was then that two things happened, one: I realized this man wanted to rape me, and two: another man came out of the shadow on the opposite side of the alley.

The arrival of the second man scared me even more, and I was even more paralyzed. Was this second man a friend of the first, did he want me for himself, did he have other plans for me. I thought that I should scream for help, but my mouth wouldn't work.

But the second man's attention wasn't on me; it was on the man attacking me. More specifically, it was on the neck of the man attacking me. Before I could see anything else, the second man bit into my attacker, and my attacker let me go while yelling in pain. The second man then covered my attacker's mouth.

Then I looked into the eyes of the man who saved me, and saw nothing but blackness. Then I ran, I ran from the man who tried to rape me, and I ran from my savior. I didn't stop running until I reached my house, and I locked every door and window I had. Not once did I think to look at the man on the edge of the alley, looking in on what was happening, and not making a move to stop anything.